La Asesina Bonita: The Complete Series

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La Asesina Bonita: The Complete Series Page 8

by Michelle Brown

  Looking up to see Rosie silently asking for information, I relayed what my brother had just told me, “Well, Rosie, it seems we will be going to Russia.” Offering my hand to my little Rose, I pulled her along after me. I needed to occupy her mind or she was going to worry all day for a woman she didn’t even like very much.

  “Where in the world are you taking me,” she questioned.

  “You haven’t eaten breakfast and one should always eat when they are planning deaths,” I answered back with a grin. Walking to the counter next stove, I lifted her and sat her on the edge. “What would you like to eat,” I asked as I made my way to the refrigerator. Grabbing a pan from the hook above the center bar, I glanced back at her waiting for her response.

  “You are going to cook for me,” she chuckled.

  Nodding, I just waited. “Umm... just some scrambled eggs and toast, I guess,” she said.

  “I do know how to cook amor. I have been able to since I turned eighteen or so. My mother would have had a stroke otherwise,” I said placing the eggs next to the stove and turning on the burner. I could see this in my life, Rosie and I in the kitchen while I made her breakfast every morning. Finishing the eggs and toast, I sat the plate down next to her.

  “Open,” I commanded lifting the fork to her mouth.

  “I can feed myself you know,” she said glaring at me.

  “Oh, I know what you can do with that mouth Rosie. I have no doubt you can feed yourself, but I am feeding you today. But for now, just thank you and open your mouth,” I said with the fork eggs still raised to her mouth.

  “Fine, thank you,” she said wrapping her lips around the metal utensil.

  “You’re welcome, Rosie. Now, I need you to be careful when we get to Russia. Hold on,” I said raising my hand to stop her wrath.

  “I know you can handle it yourself, but if you are hurt in any way then I will make them suffer before I kill them. So don’t get hurt, alright,” I rushed out while she sat quietly.

  “Awe Tony, that may be the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me,” she said sweetly while fluttering her eyelashes like an innocent girl. Laughing, I just shook my head. Ay Dios, this woman would be the death of me.

  Finishing her eggs, she looked at me and asked, “May I go now, Master?”

  Before I could stay anything to her, she was hopping off the counter. Watching her leave the kitchen she flipped me off on her way out. I could hear her laughing all the way to her office. She would learn that I was serious about anyone harming her suffering. Checking the time, I made my way upstairs to pack my bags with everything I would need for Russia.

  Chapter Four


  Glancing down at the floorplan Roman had just dropped by my office, I took note of the entrances. Four ways into the actual mansion we suspected they would take Amalia to. That wasn’t great odds but it wasn’t bad either. Nico had asked two of his contacts to join in on this mission and I was bringing one of my men. Tony was going with me so I knew that helped our odds. Letting out the breath I was holding in, I dropped into my chair. I cannot believe they took her from my house, I fumed. I just hoped she was more than a pretty face. I knew my uncle made her take a few classes, but still, these men thought she was me and wouldn’t have a reason to keep her alive if they found out.

  “Listen, Rosie. If you ever manage to be kidnapped then you must stay alive and try everything to get yourself out,” my father said.

  “But Papa...” I tried to speak.

  “No, Rosie, if you get taken you can only count on yourself. We do not cave to threats. No matter what they do to you, you are your only hope. Entiendes,” he broke in.

  “Si Papa. I can only depend on myself,” I said refusing to cry. This is business not the time to whine like a little girl, I am fifteen years old. It was time to act like the mafia woman I am.

  I remembered that day. That was the day that one of our men was tortured by some cartel. When we found out my father sent one man after him, but he only went to collect the man’s body. My father was a good man, but he believed once you joined the mafia you understood that it was life and death. Our men knew what they signed up for, but I wasn’t my father. I couldn’t turn my back on Amalia. I needed to look at these plans once more to commit it to memory. I still had to gather my ammunition and pack. We were leaving in less than eighteen hours and we all had to rest. I walked to my gun safe, I would need Belinda and my Kimber this time. Pulling out my gun cleaning kit to be sure they were in perfect working order. I laid Belinda on my desk as I took apart the Kimber. Working meticulously at cleaning my Kimber Solo, I jumped when Roman knocked on my door.

  “Entra,” I called out while wiping down the gun frame.

  “Senora, the council is not fond of your plans to enter Russia. They want you to stand down until it is determined that Ms. Valentine is in fact there,” Roman informed me.

  Scoffing, I just continued to clean moving on to Belinda. “I’ll prove it when I bring back their heads. How does that sound,” I smarted back.

  “Si, senora,” he muttered as he backed out of my office.

  Fucking council. Always interfering in business, first the bullshit marriage and now this. Picking up the remote on my desk I blasted my music system to Roots. Singing along I finished cleaning Belinda and loading my ammunition into magazines and my carry case. Now I needed to brief the men on my plan into and out of the mansion. Sending a message to all of the men, I asked them to meet in my office in thirty minutes.

  Nico was the first to arrive only fifteen minutes later. Raising my eyebrow at his rush I offered him a drink. “Gracias, Jafa,” he replied. Taking a seat Nico pulled the floorplan closer to him while studying the layout. Pointing to the entrance I had thought to use he pushed it to me while tossing back his drink, “Este. This is where we are going in, correct?”

  Nodding, I pointed on the page to a room that we had guessed would be the holding room for Amalia. “Have we found out why they wanted you,” he questioned.

  Letting out a breath I didn’t know I was holding I replied, “I can only assume it’s so that I don’t marry Anthony and stay in power. If I’m out of the way then the council will give everything to Ivan, Vassili Ruslan’s son.”

  Standing to pour another drink for himself, Nico looked at me. “Are these the same people responsible for Florinda’s death,” he seethed.

  “As far as anyone can tell, yes,” I answered. A knock on the door ended the conversation. “It’s open,” I called out.

  Filing inside all of the men going with us joined me around my desk. I noticed that Tony was shooting Nico a glare. He didn’t think something was going on there, did he? I didn’t have time to coddle his insecurities right now. He would just have to get over that. Passing the floorplan around I went on to explain where everyone would be and how the mission would happen. “Now I don’t care if they are alive, but if possible I want at least one survivor. I have questions and they have answers. Entiendes,” I asked while looking around the room for confirmation. Everyone nodded in agreement.

  “We leave at seven in the morning. Be ready to leave and pack lightly. I don’t want to be there any longer than we must,” I commanded as we ended the meeting. “Nico and Anthony stay a moment,” I called out before they could leave. Indicating for them to sit, I sat on the edge of my desk.

  “Nico, I want you to bring Amalia back with you. Be sure that she is safe from everything. In case someone retaliates, take her to this safehouse. It’s in Australia and owned by a Maria Sanchez,” I said to him with a wink. “I haven’t been there in some time so be sure to grab a few groceries. There is a bank card in the desk, the pin is my mother’s birthday,” I told him handing him my house key.

  I had bought that home for us when we were together. Now it was used for emergencies only since I used Elis’s last name as my own when I thought we would live happily ever after.

  “Si, senora,” he said clutching the key.

  As the door closed
behind him, I turned to Tony. “Jealous,” I smirked at the glare he was shooting towards the door.

  “A man does not get jealous when he has the one he wants,” he responded.

  “Oh, you have me? Is that what you think,” I questioned as I made my way over to him.

  “Si, Rosie. Otherwise, why would you be willing to marry someone like me, even after all I have told you this morning,” he replied running his hands up my thighs that were now straddling his legs.

  Tapping my finger on my chin, I smiled at him. “Hmm you could be right,” I mocked as I lowered my lips to his. Pulling away just before our lips touched, I patted his chest, “But you sir have a lot left to explain I think.”

  Chuckling, he pulled me down to his lips. Taking the chance as I gasped at the contact, he kissed my lips. Moaning, I turned away offering my neck to his mouth.

  “My sweet little rose, I can feel how wet you are for me,” he murmured as he dipped his hand into my pants to cup my pussy. Letting out a whimper, I nodded as I writhed against his palm. He was applying just the right amount of pressure to my clit.

  “I don’t get jealous of other men, Rosie. I own this. I just worry about their obvious recklessness with their life,” he whispered in my ear.

  I could feel my orgasm on the surface and then it was gone. Pulling his hand out of my panties, he brought his fingers that were just inside me to his mouth.

  Licking my come from his fingers, he smirked, “Delicious. Now, you have some packing to do and I believe my things should be here any moment.”

  Pushing me to my feet, he stood and made his way to the door. “Tonight, amor. We will finish this tonight,” he said over his shoulder as he walked out of my office.

  Mouth open in shock, I just stood there. I can not believe he just did that. Tonight, my ass, I fumed.

  Chapter Five


  Smiling to myself I walked down the hallway to the front entrance. My brother Martin had delivered my things to the front gate. “Martin! It's good to see you,” I called to him.

  Lifting his hand he waved to me while he finished his cigarette. That was one habit he and I didn’t share. Rolling my eyes, I took inventory of all the weapons he had brought. Perfect, he remembered to bring both of my .9mm Glocks. I had a friend on the police force that had procured these for me a few years ago.

  “That’s everything right? I mean brother you have a lot of shit so if it's not then sorry. You seemed like you needed it yesterday, so what's up,” he asked putting out his cigarette.

  Sighing, I responded, “Rosalina’s cousin was taken last night. So I'm going with her to get Amalia back.”

  Letting out a whistle, he shook his head. “And this Rosalina, she's the woman that dad wants you to marry? What does she plan to do, huh? Slap him into giving her back? Better yet what does she look like,” he said wiggling his eyebrows at me.

  Growling under my breath, I wondered if he would miss those eyebrows if I cut them off. “She isn’t for you to look at cabrón,” I snapped.

  Clutching his stomach, he fought to speak. “Ay Dios, your face right now Anthony! I’m sure I would bleed if I even tried, but that was too easy. This woman must be something for you to act this way,” he finally managed to say.

  Rolling my eyes, I grabbed two of the bags he had brought to me. “Bring that one with you asshole,” I called over my shoulder as I began walking back to the house. Closing the door behind him, I heard Martin let out a low whistle.

  “So where is this Rosalina? Out by the pool, or is she a shop all day kind of girl,” he questioned.

  Chuckling, I shook my head. “She is so much more than you think. Rosalina... she runs this business and she can hold her own just fine,” I mused.

  Feeling someone watching me, I turned around to see Rosie leaning against the wall. “Hola,” she said in Martin’s direction.

  “Buenos Dias, Bella. Soy, Martiń,” he said while practically salivating.

  Laughing at him, she just shook her head and said, “Tony, please tell your brother to stop.”

  “Oh crap! That’s your Rosalina? Damn, brother no wonder you haven’t been home in a while,” Martin said in awe.

  “Come on. You can put the bag in our room,” I waved him on as I walked up the stairs.

  After placing the bags down in the room I was sharing with Rosie, we made our way downstairs to the kitchen for lunch. Rosie was sitting in her usual place at the bar for lunch. Smiling to myself, I noticed she had her leg across my seat next to her to keep Martin from sitting beside her. That’s my girl, I cheered. She had a young male practically salivating for her and she was only looking at me. Chuckling at how I left her in the office, I sat down.

  “What did Nico make for lunch,” I looked over at her plate.

  Chicken. Chicken again. Groaning, I began to eat, what I wouldn’t do for a steak sometimes. We ate in silence. That only caused me to miss the long conversations Rosie and I had over breakfast and lunch every day.

  “Martin, would you like to join us for dinner,” Rosie asked.

  “Umm, sure. But don’t you two want alone time,” Martin asked winking at her. I swear I am going to break his leg before he leaves, I thought.

  Holding her hand over her heart she responded sweetly, “Oh no, not at all. Right, Tony? We didn’t have any plans did we?” Smirking at me she winked.

  Ah, this was payback for earlier. Leaning close to her, I whispered, “I’m going to spank you later for this.” Standing quickly, Rosie excused herself and left to pack.

  Clapping me on the back, Martin laughed, “She is something. I will be gone tonight after dinner. Patron is expecting me back tomorrow. He said something about not interfering in outside business, but you’re my brother so here I am.”

  Nodding, I just said, “If you need to leave earlier then go ahead. I would hate to be the cause of his wrath.” Standing, Martin asked where he could relax at since he had awoken so early to bring my things. Waving for him to follow, I lead him to the room I used when I first got here.

  Chapter Six


  We decided that there be an early dinner with Martin so that he could be on his way. I dressed in a simple cotton dress that reached my knees in the front but was longer in the back. I was going for comfort tonight with the wedged sandals I paired with it. The front was long enough to hide the knife I had strapped to the top of my garter. I was taking the guys to my favorite restaurant that served Italian food. I was a huge pasta person since I could get that in any country. Walking out of the bathroom, while I put in my hoop earrings I noticed that Tony was putting on a set of cufflinks by the dresser. Leaning against the wall I took in the sight of him. This was the man I was planning to marry in a short time, not that he actually proposed.

  “Ready to go,” I asked coming up behind him and fixing his collar.

  “Si amor, let us go,” he said as he placed a hand on my lower back.

  “Your brother is cute,” I said fighting back a smile.

  “Sure he is, Rosie. He won’t be around long enough for you to get to know him though, or at least until after we are married,” he retorted. Pinning me against the wall he looked into my eyes.

  “Just so we are clear, you are mine. I am yours. Right,” he asked waiting for my acknowledgment.

  Leaning into him, I whispered in his ear, “I’m yours and you are mine.” I bit at his neck softly and then pushed him away as I left him standing there. I could hear him groaning out my name.

  “And what is so funny, Rosalina,” Martin asked as I made my way to the front entrance where he was already waiting.

  “Nothing at all,” I replied as Tony entered behind me. Walking to the driver side of the car, I opened the door to sit.

  “Wait, you are driving us,” Martin asked confused.

  “Just go with it, brother. She does what she wants,” Tony responded winking at me over the top of the car. Throwing up his hands, Martin got in the backseat of my black Ford Must
ang GT. Starting the car, I pulled out of the gates and drove us to the restaurant.

  “Amor, you order for me this time. I haven’t eaten Italian food in a long while,” Tony said, as he took a sip from his water glass. Smiling when the server came back, I began to order for the both of us.

  “So, Rosalina, I have heard nothing but wonderful things about you from my brother. He says you are spectacular with a gun. It’s not every day that you find a woman that is,” Martin said.

  “Well, I have been able to use a gun most of my life. It was something important to my father,” I replied curtly, I hated talking about my father’s ways.

  Martin and I talked over dinner while Tony just sat back and listened. We would need to talk about his other persona later, but right now I was just enjoying being normal. “So, Martin are we taking you to the airport or are you heading back with us,” I asked as we made our way outside.

  “As much as I love being here, I need to head back now before my father throws a fit,” he said, lighting a cigarette.

  Nodding, I sat down in the driver seat as Tony and he continued to speak while he finished his cigarette.

  Chapter Seven


  Driving home, I thought about the mess I was in. Someone wanted my family gone, and had already killed to do it. I really hoped that Amalia had enough sense to let them think that she is me. I did my research when I was growing up the Russian mafia didn’t deal in weapons or even drugs. They were hardcore in the sex slave trafficking ring, they practically owned it last I heard. Taking my hand, Tony laced our fingers together.

  “What are you thinking about, Rosie? You aren’t getting nervous are you,” he questioned.

  Sighing, I looked over at him, “No, well not really. I mean these guys aren’t wimps. The Kruse brothers are seriously good at their job.”


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