La Asesina Bonita: The Complete Series

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La Asesina Bonita: The Complete Series Page 10

by Michelle Brown

  “Are you sure everything is fine Tony,” I question as he turns the phone off again.

  Grabbing my hand, he looks at me a bit longer than necessary and responds, “Si, amor. We have some things to discuss, but now is not the time.”

  We are in the air again when he gets up to pour us both drinks. Taking my glass from him, I joke, “You aren’t going to kill me with poison in my drink, are you?”

  He doesn’t even flinch when he says, “I wouldn’t do it that way. I’m more personal with those I love.”

  I don’t understand his cryptic words, but I take a sip of the drink. At least I know he wouldn’t kill me with poison. I unclasp my seatbelt an make my way to the bedroom that is at the back of the plane. I can hear Tony following behind me. Leaving the door open for him, I sit on the edge of the bed waiting. I look up into his eyes and I can see he is struggling with something. I move up the bed to the pillows and lay back. Crooking my finger at him, I motion for him to come to me. Tony starts to undress as he makes his way to me.

  He doesn’t want to talk though, and now that I have had him I can’t get enough. Placing my finger on his lips, I push my pants down my legs. Tony pulls my panties down since he is already naked and eager. Taking him by surprise, I flip us over so that I am straddling his hips. I yank my top and sports bra over my head. Tony uses that moment to kiss a trail up the alley of my breasts to my neck. Biting down on my collarbone hard enough to leave a mark, but not break my skin, he soothes the sting with his tongue. I push him back and slowly slide down the length of his cock until I am seated on his hips. Placing my palms on Tony’s chest, I push myself up and let myself slam back down on him.

  Groaning out, “Rosie if you don’t ride my dick then I’m going to fuck your ass.”

  I let out a moan and start to ride him hard. I feel like I’m close so he must be too. I quickly get up and pin his hands down with as much strength as I can. He glares at me.

  “What the fuck Rosie,” he spits out.

  “What the hell is going on Tony? You are hiding things and that isn’t how our relationship will go. So when you tell me, I will give you the release we both want,” I say with as much force as I can.

  “Fine, amor. Since you want to know so badly, I’ll tell you The council has a hit out on you. Well they don’t know it’s you but they want the Pretty Killer dead and they asked me to do it,” he says clenching his jaw.

  “What?! You’re going to kill me? And how the fuck do you know I’m her,” I ask scrambling away from him.

  “I’m not going to kill you, Rosie. You asked what was wrong and now you know. They want the Reaper to handle the problem. I can’t be The Reaper when it comes to you. I couldn’t harm you at all and I will murder anyone they send after you,” he says sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “So you aren’t going to kill me? How did you know?” I ask in a shaky whisper.

  “The little things added up for me. It doesn’t really matter because they will send someone else after you. It’s not the first time I have been sent to kill someone I love,” he responds as he beckons me to him.

  Curling into his side, we lay back on the bed. I still want him even if he may be the literal death of me.

  Chapter Eleven


  “Que Estas esperando? I told you who your contract is for now go do your job,” my father demanded, throwing the file I had just put on his desk in my face.

  “Patron, I can’t do this job. I know her,” I plead, picking up the orders that were going to make me sick.

  I looked back down at the photo of the mark. The person I was meant to murder if her father didn’t comply with the demands of my father was none other than my girlfriend. I was planning to ask her to marry me when we graduated high school in a few months. Now though I was expected to possibly kill her in less than a week.

  “I don’t care that you are fucking her. You were given an order and either you do it or I will send someone else and I will be sure they fuck her until she bleeds. Entiendes?” My father asked leaning back in his chair like a goddamn God.

  “Si, Patron,” I said turning on my heel and stomping out of his office.

  Pulling out my phone, I sent a quick text to Veronica to meet me at our spot. I had to warn her to disappear. I got in my car and left for the creek we had snuck away to for years as we grew up. It had been a couple of hours, but Roni never showed. I called her phone repeatedly, but she wasn’t answering. Deciding that she must have put her phone on silent when she was at school and probably hadn’t changed it, I left to go to her house.

  Since she lived in the room above her parent’s garage, I didn’t even stop at their house. I knocked and waited. I could hear something inside so I pulled out my key and walked in. On the floor of her living room, was Veronica. She was just laying there like she had passed out but her skirt was pulled up around her hips and her shirt was torn down the middle. I was going to be sick. I faintly saw her chest rise like she was struggling to breathe. That’s when I saw the blood on the other side of her body. It was seeping into her carpet turning the dark blue to a shade of purple. I could feel the cold liquid through my jeans. Feeling her side, I couldn’t tell where she was bleeding from. I gently turned her body towards me and saw where she was bleeding from. The fucker had stabbed her in the back between her seventh and eighth ribs directly into her lung. Her skin was already cooling when I heard a gurgling sound coming from her.

  I looked up and saw her eyes open. She was trying to say something to me. Going closer to her so I could hear, I began to cry. This was the woman I had loved for years. She was now dying in my arms.

  “Please ba-baby... st-st-stop the pa-pain,” she finally managed to get out.

  I couldn’t, I wouldn’t kill her. The tears in her eyes broke my resolve, I couldn’t let her suffer if I could end it. Taking a deep breath, I put my hand over hers as I picked up the knife, he had left beside her. I closed her eyes with my left hand as I used the knife to slice across her neck. I could feel the vomit coming. Scrambling to my feet, I ran to her bathroom and crashed into the toilet as I emptied my stomach with tears streaming down my face.

  Jerking awake from the nightmare I hadn’t had since meeting Rosie, I got up and glanced at the time. We would be in Moscow soon. Pulling my clothes on, I woke Rosie and vowed to myself that I wouldn’t ever kill someone I loved again.

  Following Rosie out of the room, we made our way over to the seats we had occupied earlier.

  Chapter Twelve


  I didn’t know what to say at Tony’s confession. I trust him for some reason, I mean sure he is supposed to kill me but he hasn’t and he came clean about it. Sitting in the seat beside him, I contemplate our choices. We could say to hell with the council’s orders and deal with the backlash or well I have no other options coming to mind that didn’t end with one of us in a puddle of blood at the other’s hand.

  The co-pilot came out to tell us we would be in Moscow soon. I needed to get my head back on the reason we were here. I felt Tony grab my hand, the one I had been constantly drumming on the armrest. Tony gave my hand a tight squeeze as we descended onto the airstrip. Nico stood up to give us a final run-through of the arrangements he had made.

  “We will have a car waiting for us to take us to the hotel senorita. We are staying at a hotel under one of my aliases around twenty minutes from Tver,” Nico explained.

  Our pilots would be staying at a small hotel near the airstrip so they would be ready to leave in a matter of minutes. Grabbing our bags, we finally made our way off the plane. Everyone packed into the SUV rental that Nico had set up. Nico was driving us since he was the only one who knew where we would be staying at for the rest of the day. I needed a shower and food. I opened my bag and pulled out my phone to find the closest drive-thru, even Russia had to have some kind of fast food. Rolling his eyes, Nico made a detour to the restaurant I had found. I was still eating fries when we walked into the room Nico had book
ed. We had adjoining rooms since there were so many of us.

  I dropped my bags and headed straight to the shower. Finishing quickly so that one of the men can shower if they want, I wrap a towel around my body and walk out to grab my change of clothes from my bag.

  “What the fuck are you doing? You can’t be out here naked Rosie. I don’t want to kill these men before we even get to Ruslan’s home,” Tony shouts pushing me back into the small bathroom.

  “Well, first of all, take your hands off me. Second, it’s not like they haven’t ever seen a woman before. Besides, I have a towel wrapped around me,” I snap back.

  “I’ll be right back, Rosie,” he said as he backed out of the bathroom.

  Huffing, I leaned against the counter and waited for him to come back. Tony cracked the door wide enough to hand my clothes to me and snatch his arm out before I could slam the door on it. Dressing quickly, I stomped out of the bathroom into the small room where all of the men were crowded over the floorplan of Ruslan’s home. Well, maybe he had a point, but I hated that he was acting more like the father I never really knew. I tied my hair back in a long braid as I made my way over to them. I was standing between Tony and Nico’s friend when I felt Tony move to pull me closer to him. Glaring at him until he put his arm by his side, I turned back to the floorplan. I didn’t have time for his territorial pissing right now.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Finally, it’s just before ten pm and we are packing up to head out. Nico has been given instructions to get Amalia out when we find her. Other than Tony, he is the only one I trust with her. In his backpack, Nico has the medical supplies for most anything that we would need. I have another medical kit in my backpack too since only three of us know how to insert an IV and Tony would be with me.

  I still couldn’t figure out how the Kruse brothers had even gotten in without any kind of alarms going off. I hope Roman would be able to tell me the answer when I call him after this mission. Taking a deep breath, I slid into the SUV next to Sergi. Being the smallest I was stuck with the middle seat. We all turned our phones on vibrate, nothing would be worse than someone’s phone ringing while you are trying to sneak up on someone. Nico parked the car down the road from Ruslan’s home so we wouldn’t be seen. Unloading from the car, we all began to break apart into our teams of two except for Nico’s guy. He would be positioned as a sniper, on the roof of the house across the street to provide us with the cover going in. I walked up to the main gate alone. I was going to gain access to the grounds using my curves.

  Leaning against the doorframe, I twirled a loose strand of hair trying my best to seem innocent. Speaking in the broken Russian that Nico had taught me on the ride over here. “Hi guys, umm moya mashina stopped down the road. Can one of you pomogi mne?”

  Nodding his head eagerly, the man closest to me said, “Konechno.”

  I took that to mean yes, as I back out of the door frame and began to walk away from the guard station. Stopping to ‘tie my shoe’, I bent over and slid the knife out of my ankle holster. I could feel him standing close to me, too close for my comfort. I straighten and turned while holding the knife in the direction of his throat. Grabbing the back of his neck, I plunged the knife into his carotid artery. Wide-eyed he grabbed his throat as I pulled the knife back out. I pushed him away as he gurgled from the blood rushing into his throat from the wound.

  “Fucking beautiful, amor,” Tony said as the men came from behind the bushes they had been waiting behind.

  Handing me a cloth to clean my face free of the blood, I told them the layout of the guard station. There was only one guard left now, and he was mine. Walking back up to the door, I stumbled into the small room so that I was blocking the only phone. The guard reached out for my arm to steady me. Before he could utter a word, I reached up to grab his head and slammed it into the wall as hard as I could. He was disoriented enough that he fell to his knees. I wrapped my legs around his throat until he passed out from the pressure. Humming to myself, I unplugged the phone and used the handcuffs on his belt to cuff him to the table leg. The table was bolted to the wall so I knew unless he was turning into the Hulk, he wasn’t going to break free. Pocketing the phone cord, I practically skipped out of the small room to where the men were waiting.

  Grinning like a madwoman at the men, I shrugged at their questioning glances. Still humming to myself, I took my position as Tony and I broke off to the right towards the side entrance we would be using. Nico and Sergi would be going through the front entrance so that they could distract some of the men inside. One thing we couldn’t plan for was the guard count since we didn’t have any kind of inside information. We could hear the commotion going on as Nico and Sergi broke into the house. The guards were shouting out orders in Russian.

  “Introduzca después de mí,” Tony commanded, motioning for me to follow him in.

  We crept in the back entrance. The Russian men were falling one by one as Nico tagged them with the IR illuminator in his hand. His contact was using night vision goggles to see the targets. Well, that’s handy, I thought to myself. I looked over to Tony and motioned over to the hallway that we suspected Amalia to be down. Separating to cover more doors at once, Tony began with the doors on the left while I began opening them on the right.

  Chapter Fourteen


  There was nothing in the first three doors I went in. The fourth looked like an office so I quickly closed the door behind me. I wanted to take a closer look in case there was anything that could lead me to their plans. I was looking around in drawers when I heard the door click open. Tony must think I’m taking too long, I mused. It wasn’t tony that walked in though. I’d recognize him anywhere.

  The man walking in the door was Elis. He met my eyes as he reached behind him to turn the lock. What was he doing here? Sitting in the desk chair speechless, I just continued to look at him as he made his way over to me. He stopped on the other side of the desk, picked up the paperweight and sat down like he owned the place.

  “Lo que no hola, Rosalina,” he asked smuggly.

  Shaking myself from the trance, I glared at him, “¿Qué haces aquí Elis?”

  Chuckling at my question, he answered back, “What am I doing here? You were always naive to what was right in front of you, I live here.”

  I was so lost in thought over all that has happened, the entry without raising an alarm, the insider having a relationship with Alex, it all made sense to me now. I never noticed that Elis had moved. He was right next to me turning the chair to face him.

  “Now the question is Rosalina will you leave here alive,” he sneered as he wrapped his hand around my braid.

  Clenching my jaw, I tucked my head down as far as I could and snapped up until I felt the thud of his jaw against my skull. Elis let go of my hair and backhanded me across the face. Tucking my feet to my chest, I kicked out with as much force as I could. I was feeling to closed off with him standing beside me. Needing to get my bearings, I moved to the other side of the desk. Only one of us would be making it out of this room alive.

  “Puta de mierda,” he yelled, still clutching his jaw.

  A smug smile on my face, I mustered as much bravado as I could, “You always did hit like a girl.”

  I could still feel the sting though. In all the years I had known him, Elis never did go easy on me in sparring matches. Chuckling to himself, he brought out a knife from the desk drawer in front of him. Weapons it was then, I reached around to my lower back and unsheathed my own. I rolled my neck from side to side in anticipation of this fight. I just couldn’t believe that Elis was part of things. Slowly walking around the desk towards me, he had a smug smile. When he knew me in the past, I hadn’t been able to defend myself as well.

  “Did you ever question what happened to me after you cried to your dear old Papa,” Elis asks, not waiting for a reply as he uses that moment to charge at me.

  Crashing into the bookcase behind me, I am pinned by his ha
nd at my throat. I haven’t acknowledged the pain that his betrayal has caused. We haven’t been close at all since I was seventeen and madly in love with him, but I have always cared for him. He was my only other lover until I met Tony. At seventeen, I thought we would grow old together and have a normal life... well as normal as we could in this lifestyle. Of course, that was before I found him fucking Amalia in our apartment. Channeling all of my anger and hurt, I pull my fist back and punch his face the best I can. Breaking his hold on my throat, I gasp for breath.

  “No, actually I quit worrying about you the moment I saw your dick inside someone else,” I seethe.

  Elis kicks out and lands his foot directly in line with my stomach. Shit! That hurts. Gathering as much force as I can I ram into him taking us both down to the ground. Elis’s knife clatters to the ground near the desk. I take that moment to straddle his body, I bring the knife I’m clutching tightly to his chest. I can hear someone banging on the door. I suppose Tony has come to check on me.

  “So you are responsible for my parents’ death? Hmm? Is that what you are telling me,” I question, all while applying pressure to the knife aimed at his heart.

  “Rosalina... Rosie... ba-baby,” he stutters out, looking from the knife back to me.

  “You don’t get to call me Rosie or baby,” I say through clenched teeth.

  “Rosalina, por favor no me mate. Te Amo. That’s why I did all this,” he pleads.

  Leaning down next to his ear, I whisper, “I don’t love you.”


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