La Asesina Bonita: The Complete Series

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La Asesina Bonita: The Complete Series Page 13

by Michelle Brown

  I can hear the screams around as the women react to the blood covering the older man’s chest and the steady flow of crimson down this man’s leg. Holding my hands up, I can feel all eyes on me.

  “Listen, no one else has to die. Cancel the orders for the Pretty Killer, and the other for Rosalina Velasquez. They are one in the same. Don’t and... well, you will find out how much I love blood,” my wife says twirling her bloodied knife in the air.

  “This is not how we do things,” one man screeches.

  I haven’t moved a muscle. That doesn’t stop the terror that washes over him as Rosie walks over to him. I am hard for her, something about the fire in her eyes and the power she has makes me weak. I won’t hold her back even if she wants to kill them all. I will be by her side the entire time leaving us covered in blood if that’s what it takes.

  “Do you have a problem, sir? I could end your pathetic life right now, would it be how you do things then? How about if I were to make her suffer,” she goes on, pointing to the woman on his left, the one I’m positive is his mistress.

  I can’t hear what he says exactly but I know that he agreed with her. Backing away, Rosie looks over to me and nods. We are finished here.

  I am just about to walk out behind Rosie when I turn around, “So we are clear, if anyone comes after her, I will personally kill them. If she doesn’t get to them first.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  We have made it out of the theater and back to the airstrip. The pilots are ready and waiting to finally take us back home. I can’t wait to feel my sheets and to not look over my shoulder for the next threat. Boarding the plane for the last time, I throw myself into the seat exhausted. Throwing back the tequila that Tony has handed me, I feel like I can finally breathe.

  I don’t even realize I have fallen asleep until I wake up in the bedroom. Yawning, I roll over to find Tony is still sleeping. Slipping from the bed, I go in search of my phone to check the time. I have a missed call from Roman. Quickly returning his call, I notice we will be home in less than an hour.

  “Roman, how are you?”

  “Bien, Jefa. I was merely calling to update you on the transaction at the warehouse. It seems we have someone over there skimming the profit,” he informs me.

  “Send me the address and his name. I’m almost home so I will deal with it when we land,” I say rubbing at my temple.

  Ending the call, I rise from the chair making my way back into the room. Tony jerks awake when I call his name. I am still dressed so I decide to forgo changing instead I splash cold water on my face to make me feel more alive. When I am done, I walk out to meet Tony and update him on the situation at home. This is now his business too, so he should have a say.

  “We do whatever it is you want, amor,” he says grinning at me.

  Departing the plane, I see that Martin is waiting for us. He apparently has a deathwish considering he is leaning against my car, my car that he drove here. Grinning like the Cheshire cat, he tosses my keys to me. Cheeky bastard. Plugging the directions in my GPS, I drive to the warehouse.

  “Stay in the car Martin. We will be back in... give us fifteen minutes,” Tony commands.

  I can hear the clapping of my heels on the concrete floor. I am being ogled by men as they come to see what the commotion is. I should have changed from my dress I suppose, but I had nothing else to wear. Seeing a man stomping towards us, I stop walking.

  “Listen niñita, you shouldn’t be in here,” he begins.

  Circling him, I stop and ask, “Who here is named, Felipe?”

  Before the man in front of me answers, I see a bulky man pushing his way to the front of the gathering crows. He must be Felipe, I think.

  “Right here, and waiting to show you a thing or two,” the man boasts grabbing his dick.

  Idiot. Smiling, I crook my finger, motioning him to come to where I am standing. He must think he has one some kind of prize since he still smiling. Tony is standing near the door with his hands in his pockets just watching everything.

  “So you’re Felipe,” I question.

  “Yes ma’am,” he says his eyes full of mirth.

  Tapping my finger on my chin, I question in a low voice, “Are you the one stealing from me?”

  Wide-eyed he moves to back away, I don’t have time for this when I just want to be home. Taking the gun from the man who seems to be in charge, I shoot aiming for his knee. One of the men looks from the man clutching his leg back to me, but no one has made a move.

  “Felipe here thought it would be wise to steal from the Velasquez family,” I call out to all the men, still holding the gun at him. “As the head of the family, I don’t take well to thieves. This is your warning, steal from me and I will fucking kill you. Entiendes?”

  I can see all of them nodding. Everyone looks to the bloody leg of Felipe, thinking he will live. That’s not the case though, not for him at least. Aiming at his chest I fire.

  “Have someone clean this up,” I say to the man next to me handing his gun back to him.

  Finally, time to go home. Walking out with Tony following, we climb into my car and drive away.



  Three months later, I am watching Rosie a bit more closely these days. She decided that in our world there was no time to waste, my little rose stopped her birth control just a month ago. I don’t think Rosie has noticed it yet, but I have a feeling she is already pregnant.

  “Open,” I command holding up the forked spaghetti to her mouth.

  “When are you going to stop? We have been over this before, I can feed myself. Besides, if you are feeding me then who will feed the baby,” she rushes out.

  I can’t help the grin that spreads across my face at the mention of our growing baby.

  Rolling her eyes, she huffs, “Of course you already knew.”

  Nodding, I hold up the garlic bread taking a bite. She has never been able to hide things from me. Now that the council has moved on to other things and left us alone since the theater, we can move on.


  One year later, I love our date nights together. We haven’t had many since Elena Maria came into the world two months ago. Of course, she is the most spoiled little girl with a father like Tony. Sighing, we detour from the restaurant where our reservations were made. We have a shipment of new weapons coming in and the supplier is refusing to leave until he meets one of us. Since we haven’t worked with him in the past, Tony has changed the location in case it turns out to be a setup.

  Groaning, I throw my hands up, “It’s not like Amy watches her often. One night, we couldn’t even have this one night. Can we just kill him?”

  Chuckling, Tony shakes his head and continues driving.

  “Fine, but don’t think this means we won’t be going to the restaurant anyway,” I huff.

  “Amor, we can’t kill him tonight. The restaurant will still be there in an hour and you know Amy loves Elena. She will watch her anytime you ask. The guys though, they might not be too happy if we take her away from them any more than we already do,” he says lacing our fingers together.


  La Asesina Bonita Novella

  Chapter One


  Surreptitious: kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of

  I know that being bisexual is the norm for most of the world now; it hasn't ever been in mine though. I keep my secrets, and others keep theirs. The only person who knew is dead. No, it wasn't at my hand. Ricardo Velasquez was my best friend and my boss, he only knew because someone else found out. That was an odd conversation, but it wasn't that big of a deal to him. Some little shit saw me leaving the club with a man and thought he would take my place by ratting me out to Ricardo. He didn't live long enough to tell anyone else.

  The light snoring coming from my bedroom brings me crashing back to reality. Amy is laying in my king size bed while I'm sprawled out on my couch. I need sex. I
haven't had anyone in my home for a long time. The only reason I do now is because Rosalina and Anthony are married. The house may be huge, but nothing is big enough for me to want to be in the same house as Rosalina while they christen every inch of that house. I was there when she was born, I even changed her diapers. No matter how grown she is, I still see her as the little girl I watched run around with her cousin Amalia.

  Planting my feet on the hardwood floor, I scrub my hands down my face. I need to get out of this house. Plucking my phone off the glass coffee table, I scroll until I find the number I need.

  "Ven a mi casa ahora."

  Tapping the small end icon, I throw it down before I remember a woman is sleeping. Shit. I still, listening for any sound that she woke up. Pulling on my black slacks, I creep into my room for a change of clothes and see her sleeping. Grabbing a black shirt and dark jeans, I back out of the room shutting the door behind me. Done. Not like I have many colors to choose from, being the second in command to the Mexican mafia means I need to blend in and the dark colors hide blood easier than white.

  Walking into the bathroom, I turn the shower as hot as I can stand it while I wait for Mateo to arrive. I hear the lock turning, and his voice calls out, "Soy Yo." Stepping into the shower, I lather my body with the body wash as he peers into the bathroom. I know he can see my cock, but he is waiting for an invitation. Mateo and I aren't together. We do occasionally fuck though neither of us stays the night with each other. Palming my dick, I meet his eyes. I enjoy being watched. Licking his lips, Mateo focuses on my hand. Up, down, up, down. Grunting, I continue stroking myself as he practically salivates at the sight. One last stroke is all it takes for my balls to tighten, come spurts all over the glass door as the water washes it off and down the drain.

  Stepping out of the shower, I grab the gray towel from the rack. I might be a man, but I still take care of myself. Running the cloth over my body, I then use it to dry my hair. I'm not young by any means, my black hair now has gray peppered throughout, but I can still snap a neck with my bare hands. Dropping the towel, I pull on my jeans and the black button down.

  "I need you to stay here and make sure that woman is safe." I point to the door that leads to my bedroom, his face taking on a look I haven't seen. Putting on my watch, I watch Mateo closely. He knows that if I think he has more than casual feelings, it will be the end of our relationship. I can tell he isn't happy with the order, but he works under me in more than one way. I'm his boss.

  Glaring, he clears his throat, "You want me to watch over the woman you have in your bed? The same bed that I have only been in for quick fucks and then been thrown out on my ass."

  Slamming my hand down louder than I intended, I meet his stare. "As your boss, I'm telling you to shut your mouth and do what you are told. Not that it's your concern where I stick my dick, but she is a job, not a fuck. I needed someone I trusted to watch over her. I'm going out for a bit, now do your job."

  Pocketing my phone, I grab my keys with one last look around. Getting into my truck, I drive the twenty minutes to the only club within driving distance that caters to my lifestyle. It isn't like those wild '"gay bars" you hear about. This club is classy, membership isn't cheap, but it pays for secrecy. Parking, I silence my phone as they don't typically allow members to have them. I've been a member for over ten years, so they know who I am and they let it slide. Making my way inside, I head straight for the bar. I don't dance, but I have on occasion.

  "Corona, por favor."

  I know that raspy voice. Turning my head, I look over at him. Martin De Los Santos. He's Anthony's younger brother, younger as in half my age. He was supposed to leave Mexico last week, and yet he here is making me hard all over again with just his smirk. The bartender places a glass of whiskey in front of me without saying a word. She knows what I like in and out of my bed.

  Tipping the glass to my lips I mummer, "Thank you, Silvia."

  I can feel his eyes tracking me as he moves closer. I can always tell when he is near. It's like he infected me with one phone call and a meeting. He's been on my mind for weeks now, and it seems he has no plans to vacate.

  "Roman, what are you doing in a place like this?" Martin muses.

  He already knows the answer, cocky motherfucker just wants to hear the words. Lifting my glass, I shrug, "Having a drink with Silvia. You?"

  A throaty laugh escapes, "Sure you are. I'm here to dance. Would you care to dance with me, Roman?"

  Shaking my head, I toss back the remainder of whiskey and motion for another. I need to leave. I came here to release some tension, maybe find a fuck boy. Someone other than Martin.

  "Suit yourself."

  The music changes to a song talking about how she did something bad. All that runs through my mind is how I want to do bad things to his mouth, his ass, and how it's a bad fucking idea. Feeling his eyes stare into the back of my head, I turn around and watch as some fucker grinds close enough to Martin it looks as if they are fucking right there on the dance floor.

  Meeting Martin's eyes I adjust myself through my jeans. I need to leave before I toss out the last shreds of control I have. I can't say if I would just stop with having him go with me or if I would strangle the cabron trying to fuck him. Turning to Silvia, I decide it's better if I pay for my drinks and walk out. Mateo is still at my house, I can get some release even if it's not who I want.

  Chapter Two


  Walking into my house, I see Mateo sleeping on the couch, and the urge to make him leave is strong. He never stays the night. It's one of my rules that has kept my life hidden from the ones who are still uncomfortable with my choices or worse, kill me for them. Scrubbing my hand down my face, I bypass him and move to check on the woman, Amy.

  Her family should be by to get her any day now. The sooner, the better; I don't like people in my home. It's three am, but I won't sleep with other people in my house. I don't trust easily. Sighing, I decide to workout instead. Changing into my gym shorts, I stop when I hear knocking on my front door. No one should be here this early in the morning. I tuck my gun into the waistband and pull open the door to see Martin. He looks surprised when his eyes flicker over to Mateo on the couch and back to me.

  "I see you found someone else, I'll leave," Martin tells me, already backing away from my doorstep.

  I could have told him that he thought wrong, but I let him leave. Martin's father is someone powerful, and I don't need that kind of attention on me. I don't doubt the Council would have issues with my choice of partners, they are old school in thinking. I've made a life keeping my secrets. No need to spill them all now.

  Walking into my home gym, I push play on my music dock and proceed to run my daily five miles. The need for Martin isn't gone though. I run another five miles in hopes that maybe if I keep going, I can chase the feeling away.

  Shutting off the music, I walk out and run into Mateo. "Shower?" I ask, quirking my eyebrow.

  Nodding, he follows me inside. I turn on the water and watch as he strips out of his clothes. I shouldn't do this. It won't matter to me, but he seems too invested. I stand under the stream of hot water and lather my body, while he watches transfixed.

  "Knees," I command.

  Dropping to his knees in front of me, he takes my cock in his hand. I don't mind when someone sucks my dick. I don't allow for them to be in charge, I have a need to control everything. Stroking me, he leans forward and takes me into his mouth. Grunting, I thrust my hips forward hitting the back of his throat. Gagging, he moves back enough to breathe and goes back for more. Mateo knows I love the sound of him gagging so I know he does it just to encourage me to be rougher.

  Gripping the back of his head, I don't look down at him. I want to pretend it's someone else. I drive in over and over not giving him time to catch a breath. It doesn't take long before I come into his mouth. Mateo is glaring at me over my need to be brutal with him. One final look at him and I rinse away what evidence is left on me of my release.

  I'm an asshole. I don't claim to be otherwise. Mateo knows this already so it should be no surprise that I don't wait around for him. Grabbing my towel, I dry my body and wrap the towel around my waist as I walk into my bedroom. Amy is sitting on the edge of the bed looking at me. If she weren't so fragile then maybe she would be my type. As it is, I don't have time to worry about someone else's emotional stability. She needs to leave, and it needs to be soon.

  I think nothing of her being in the room as I drop my towel to dress for the day. Amy lets out a small gasp when she sees the scars on my back. Stilling, I pause waiting for her to ask about them, when she doesn't, I continue. It's not something many know about, but I have never told anyone more than who gave them to me. I know they are ugly to look at. I didn't have a choice in the matter. It serves as a daily reminder of how people in my lifestyle see being gay. My own father whipped me until I was "fixed." I was still just as bisexual as I always was. I just didn't let anyone know. It was how I learned to keep secrets. When you have to lie to everyone including yourself every day just to survive, you get good at it.

  "Would you like breakfast?" I question turning to face her, pulling on my suit jacket over my gun holster.

  Amy doesn't speak; instead choosing not to look at me as she nods. The front door slams, echoing loudly. Amy flinches, and I mentally curse Mateo for his tantrum. Motioning for her to follow, I walk into my kitchen and prepare her an omelet and one for myself. I don't drink coffee. Instead, I pour two glasses of orange juice.

  I pull my phone from my pocket, tapping out a message for one of the men Rosalina employs to take Amy to her parent's home today. I need things to get back to normal that means no one other than me in my home for longer than a few hours.


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