This Time Around

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This Time Around Page 11

by Walker, Aimee Nicole

  I pressed my lips to his, thinking it would be a typical goodbye kiss with maybe a little extra heat. It started out that way but got a lot hotter and lasted longer than I anticipated. Andy tugged my bottom lip with his teeth then soothed the sensitive flesh with his tongue. I sucked his nimble tongue into my mouth like I wanted to do with his cock again. When our tongues met, they slowly and seductively swirled around each other like an erotic dance. I could kiss him for days.

  I was shaking from head to toe by the time Andy pulled back. “Well,” he said then cleared his throat. “That was a kiss to remember.”

  “Plenty more where that came from,” I assured him.

  “Milo, can I take you on a date this weekend?”

  “That sounds amazing. I work until two on Saturday, but I’m free the rest of the weekend.”

  “Perfect,” Andy responded then gave me one final quick kiss before he headed to the door. “Having a lazy Sunday with you in bed is exactly how I want to finish off my work week.”

  It did sound like heaven.

  Andy left after promising to call me the next day. Alli Cat looked pissy that I let him get away. “He’ll be back,” I tried to assure her.

  A few minutes later, there was a knock on the kitchen door. My heart sped up with excitement because it meant he changed his mind about staying over. When I opened the door, I found my sister standing on the porch instead.

  “Wow, I’ve never seen you look so disappointed to see me,” Mae said.

  “I’m not disappointed to see you, I’m just disappointed that you’re not someone else.”

  “Same damn difference,” Mae said sarcastically. “Was that Andy’s truck I passed coming down the street?” she asked innocently.

  “As if you didn’t see the magnetic sign on his truck,” I replied, rolling my eyes. “Get in here.”

  “Well, how can I resist with a greeting like that.”

  “I’m sorry, Your Highness. Would you like a cup of tea?” I asked using an upper crust British accent.

  “Actually, a spot of tea would be lovely.” Maegan made herself comfortable in the living room on the chaise lounge chair with Alli Cat rubbing the top of her head against Mae’s chin. “So, I heard you had a little bit of excitement tonight.”

  I blinked at her for several seconds. Had Andy’s busybody neighbor started calling all over town after witnessing our kiss in his driveway? At least my shouting during sex didn’t bring the cops to Andy’s front door.

  “Oh my God, Milo. I was talking about the ghost encounter at my house.”

  “Your house, huh? Andy and the others aren’t even done writing up reports yet.”

  “It’s going to happen. Ghost and all.” She took a sip of her tea, extending her pinky out like a smart-ass. “Besides, Becker got a verbal report from all of them.”

  “I bet he got an oral report.”

  “I’m just waiting on Andy. I can tell his delay was for a worthy cause, so I’m not upset.”

  “I’m a ‘worthy cause’ now?” I wasn’t sure I liked being a pet project.

  “Milo, you’ve either smoked a joint, taken a muscle relaxer, or Andy has fucked you blind. I don’t need you to tell me which one, or that you’ve done all three. I’m not here to judge you.”

  “I’ve never smoked a joint, and I don’t have a prescription for muscle relaxers so that only leaves one other thing. I’m not ready to talk about what’s going on between Andy and me.” I loved my sister, and she would be the first person I talked to about Andy, but not right then.

  “I didn’t come here to talk about Andy either.”

  “Then why are you here?”

  “I want you to tell me what you really think of the Bliss House.”

  The truth was, the place creeped me out, but I knew Maegan better than anyone and understood why it appealed to her. And while I believed it was truly haunted, I didn’t feel a malevolent presence earlier that night. It felt more playful than dangerous. It would never be the house I wanted, but it was everything that she wanted. There was only one answer.

  “I think you’ll create a beautiful life there, Maegan.”

  “You’re the man, Andy!” Maegan said after reading my proposal the next morning. She flung her arms around my neck and hugged me tight. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

  “You know, you’re not the first Miracle twin to speak those same words to me.”

  Maegan snorted and released the stranglehold around my neck. “Which ones? You’re the man or thank you?”

  “All of them.” Milo had told me I was the man on more than one occasion and usually followed that up by showing his gratitude. I couldn’t wait to elicit that kind of reaction from him again on our date.

  “After looking at all the reports, it’s obvious that Bliss House needs work and tender loving care, but it’s nothing so significant that it changes my mind.”

  “Be honest, could we have said anything that would’ve changed your mind?” I asked Maegan.

  “No matter how much I loved that house, I would’ve rescinded my offer if it was deemed a money pit. The structure and major systems are in great shape, so I don’t see what there is to lose. Do you?”

  “You know that house is most likely haunted, right?”

  “Of course. It’s part of the intrigue to me.”

  “You’re really okay with that? What if the ghost stands over top of you and watches you sleep.”

  “Oh my God!” Milo exclaimed as he entered Maegan’s office. “I never thought about that.” He grinned from ear to ear. “He’s going to watch you and Elijah getting it on. He’ll knock once if Elijah is doing it right; twice if he needs to work on his technique.”

  Maegan rolled her eyes. “Knock it off, you guys.” She glared at her brother before looking back at me. “I don’t see anything in these reports that will prevent the bank from lending me money to buy this house. I’m going to proceed. I know you have a lot going on, Andy, so I won’t pressure you to give me a date when you can start working on Bliss House.”

  “Right now, your apartment project and Bliss House are my only projects. I recently sold a house I bought to fix and flip. I haven’t purchased another one yet, so I have time,” I told her.

  “Wow, you sure like to stay busy,” Maegan said.

  “It helps me work through my frustrations over a certain someone.” I reached out and snagged that certain someone’s wrist and pulled him toward me just in case it wasn’t clear who I was referring to.

  “Milo, do you mind if I go see my loan officer really quick?”

  “Nope,” he replied. “I can hold down the fort over here because the staff has everything under control at Books and Brew.”

  “Thank you!” This time she threw her arms around her brother’s neck and hugged him. “You guys don’t make a mess in here while I’m gone,” she tossed over her shoulder.

  “Screw that,” Milo said, shutting and locking the door. “We’re totally making a mess in here.”

  I thought he meant he was going to shuffle papers on her already messy desk, but he dropped to his knees and unbuckled my belt.

  “What are you doing?” I asked as blood rushed to my cock.

  “I’m not checking you for ticks, Andy,” Milo replied as he went to work on my button fly. “I dreamed about your cock in my mouth and woke up hornier than hell.”

  “Did you jerk off?”

  “No, I decided to save it so I could seduce you at lunchtime. I don’t see why I have to wait a few more hours, when I can blow you right now.”

  I should’ve kept a cooler head, but it was nearly impossible to think when Milo sucked my glans into his mouth. All thoughts of shutting this down faded, and I pushed deeper inside his mouth. Milo relaxed his jaw and let me fuck his face. In fact, he dug his fingers in my hips and encouraged me to thrust deeper and harder. Once he was happy with my rhythm, he reached between my legs to massage my balls. The thrill of the location and the joy that it was Milo on his knees servicing my
cock had me ready to come.

  “I’m going to come,” I warned, but he didn’t pull back. Instead, he buried my cock deep enough in his throat that his nose touched my trimmed pubic hair at the base of my cock. I came on a silent yell. Milo’s throat massaging my cock was the most erotic thing I’d ever experienced.

  I looked at him in shock when my wet dick slid from his mouth and slapped the front of my jeans. I was so caught up in his cock-sucking skills that I didn’t realize Milo had pulled his dick out and jerked off while blowing me until I saw his jizz splattered on the tile floor.

  “Grab those tissues for me,” Milo instructed. I did as he requested then tucked my cock away while he cleaned up his spunk off the floor and did the same. After he discarded the tissues, I pulled him to me for a long kiss, not caring that his mouth would taste like my cum.

  “It doesn’t matter to me which Miracle project I work on. It’s fine with me if you guys want me to work on the apartments until Maegan’s closing goes through then switch to her house.”

  “The apartments were just Maegan and Mom’s way of getting me closer to you. They figured you couldn’t resist me if I was near you all day, every day. I guess they just figured I would run upstairs for a quickie during a lull in business.”

  “Is that a possibility?” I asked. “If so, I need to add condoms and lube to my toolbox.”

  “I’m really looking forward to our date this weekend, Andy,” Milo said, sounding nervous. Did he think I’d changed my mind after the heat of the moment between us passed? I had a newsflash for him. My passions for Milo had intensified, not dwindled.

  “I’m looking forward to it too.” I smiled down at him, wishing I could stop time and just soak this in. Neither of us had made any kind of serious declaration of feelings, but it felt like we were on solid footing for the first time in fourteen frigging years.

  “There’s that look again,” Milo said softly.

  “What look?” I asked.

  “The one that shows how much you missed me. I got so angry the first time I saw it.”


  “Your first day back in town,” Milo explained. “Some sixth sense told me to look up when you came through the door. You looked hesitant and unsure until our eyes met. Then you looked like you’d found yourself.”

  “I didn’t realize how much I missed you until then. It was a real eye-opening experience, especially when you were so hostile.”

  “I was more angry with my reaction to you than I was about your happiness to see me,” Milo confessed.

  “You did eye-fuck me right there in the coffee shop.”

  “I did no such thing, I—”

  “Um, Milo,” Maegan said through the door. “I’m back.”

  “You weren’t gone very long,” Milo replied, looking around to make sure there was no evidence left on the ground.

  “The bank is only at the end of the block. I just signed some application papers and provided the bank with Andy’s inspection report. I’m sure they’ll hire someone else to complete an independent inspection due to my relationship with Andy.”

  “You’re not sleeping with him. I am,” Milo said. He looked back at me and asked, “Right?”

  “She did ask me over for a threesome the other night,” I confessed to Milo. “I shot her down though.”

  Maegan burst into laughter. “I did not, lying asshole.”

  “My sister isn’t that kind of girl, Randy Andy.”

  We both expected Maegan to agree with Milo, but it was quiet enough to hear a pin drop on the other side of the closed door.

  “Maegan?” Milo asked.

  “You only live once, Milo,” his sister replied sassily.

  That got his attention, and he hurriedly unlocked the door and yanked it open. “OMG! Are you teasing right now?” he demanded to know. “With who? I don’t want to hear any detail about your sisterly parts, but tell me about the dudes.”

  “Standing right here,” I said, sounding disgruntled as fuck.

  “You assume it involved two men, huh?” Maegan said, breezing by him. “Tsk tsk, Milo. I’d expect you to be a little more open-minded than that.”

  Both our mouths dropped open. Milo closely scrutinized his sister to look for any hint that she was lying while I did my best to block my mind from imagining anything at all. I stuck my fingers in my ears and mentally sang lalalalalalalala to keep from hearing anything else or conjuring up images.

  I was saved when my phone rang. I’d never been so happy to see my mom’s name pop up on the screen, although that wouldn’t have been the case if she’d called when Milo was on his knees sucking my cock.

  “I need to take this call,” I told Milo and Maegan, stepping out into the store and closing the door behind me. The last thing I needed was my mom to overhear them talking about threesomes. She’d think I was taking on both Miracle twins at the same time. “Hey, Mom,” I said with forced cheer.

  “Oh, am I interrupting sex?”

  “What? No! It’s nine thirty in the morning.”

  “What’s your point?” she asked, sounding so confused. “I don’t get it. Do you have a medical condition and can’t perform until later in the day or something? Your dad has some extra blue pills that I—”

  “No! Mom, geez. I don’t need Viagra for crying out loud. I can get it up just fine.” Why couldn’t I have a normal mother who wasn’t so concerned about my sexual health? “I’m not having sex because I’m on a job site.” I said it too loud and the few customers in Maegan’s shop looked at me with gaping mouths and bulging eyes.

  “Milo’s a tough taskmaster, huh?” she teased. I knew by her tone of voice that she’d heard about the kiss in the driveway and the length of time we spent alone in my house. She’d probably heard that I drove Milo home and hung out for a while there also. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of Mom’s spies was standing on the other side of the door with her brother. “Listen, I’d like you to bring Milo to dinner tonight.”

  “Well, I can ask if he’s available.”

  “Oh, he is. Faith already texted him this morning to find out what he had going on. He told her nothing that he knew of, which is sad considering that you guys finally patched things up.”

  “Mom, we didn’t patch things up. Well, we sort of did.”

  “Andy, quit half-assing things when it comes to Milo, and go full ass… Wait, that sounds so wrong.”

  I was laughing so hard I didn’t hear what she said after that. “Oh my God, Mom! You kill me.”

  “I’m so happy that you’re amused at my expense, Andrew.”

  “I’m sorry, Mom, but it sounded like you were giving me sex tips. I was waiting for you to tell me to go full throttle or balls deep.”

  “Andrew, let’s not get vulgar.”

  “I’m sorry again, Mom.”

  “You can make it up to me by bringing Milo to dinner,” she said sweetly. “I’m making barbecue ribs, mashed potatoes, and roasted asparagus.”

  “Those are my favorites,” I told her, trying not to drool. “It’s not my birthday.”

  “Andy, I’m your mother. I’m fully aware of the date I gave birth to my firstborn child.” She let out a little impatient huff then continued. “I expect to see Milo Miracle-Mason at my dinner table tonight. Don’t let me down.”

  “Whoa,” I said. Her assumptions stole my breath and made my heart race but in a good way.

  “You heard me,” she said. “You know I don’t take no for an answer. I’ve been patient while you two pussyfooted around. Enough is enough. It’s time to make your move.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Six thirty,” she told me before she hung up. Not a goodbye or have a nice day. She just told me the time we were eating dinner and click.

  “Excuse me,” a lady said softly. “There’s no price tag on this vase, and I’d really like to buy it for my sister’s birthday. Can you tell me how much it costs?”

  “Um, I don’t work here. Hang on a sec.” I knocked brief
ly on Maegan’s office door before I opened it. I didn’t give the brother and sister enough warning though, because Maegan still had Milo in a headlock. “Mae, there’s a lady out here who wants to buy a vase but there’s no price tag on it.”

  “Oh!” Maegan said, releasing Milo fast enough that he stumbled and would’ve fallen over if he didn’t grab the edge of the desk.

  “You’re lucky I held back because you’re a lady,” Milo called out after his sister when she walked away with her customer.

  Maegan flipped her brother off behind her back.

  “What the hell happened in here? One minute she’s teasing you about a threesome, and the next thing I know, she’s kicking your ass.”

  Milo scoffed. “She wasn’t kicking my ass. I was letting her win.”

  “Okay, we’ll go with that. Why was it necessary for you to let her win, Milo?”

  “I got even with her for teasing me about the threesome by recommending that she get an area rug for her office since the tile was hell on knees.”

  My face turned bright red.

  “I tried to play it off like I was joking, but I’m not as good at hiding my emotions as she is.” That was definitely true.

  “Well, at least she’ll have something juicy to report back to my mother,” I offered. “Oh, by the way, you’re coming with me to dinner tonight at my parents’ house.”

  “Excuse me?” he asked huffily. “What happened to asking me?”

  “Look, my mother demanded that I bring you, so I’ll hogtie you and carry you in there if I have to.”

  “No, you won’t,” Milo scoffed. He was right. I had other ways to persuade him to do the things I wanted.

  “She’s making that chocolate silk pie you love so much for dessert.”

  “In that case,” Milo said. “What time are you picking me up?”

  “Mom said we’re eating at six thirty, so—”

  “We need to be there by six then,” Milo said. I smiled because he remembered.

  “Yep. I’ll pick you up at five fifty.”

  “Deal.” Milo stood on his tiptoes and gave me a quick kiss. “See you tonight. I need to get back to work before Maegan kicks my ass again.”


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