Loyal Heir

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Loyal Heir Page 3

by Michelle Heard

  When she’s happy with the photo, she says, “On the bed. Snuggle up and look all in love.”

  Forest falls down on the mattress and begins to snuggle a pillow. “On second thought, the two of you can go shopping, and I’ll nap.”

  I grab the pillow from under him and whack him with it. “Not a chance in hell.”

  I lie down beside him, then Carla frowns at us. “Come on, guys. Work with me here.”

  Forest pushes his arm under me and pulls me to his side. I turn my body into his, then glance at Carla. “Have you taken the photo?”

  “You’re not going to convince anyone at this rate,” she mutters. “Kiss.”

  I push myself up and press my mouth to Forest’s. After a couple of seconds, I mumble, “Did you take the pic?”

  Carla lets out a burst of laughter. “Oh yeah, but you look like two fish who died while lip-locked.”

  Pulling back from Forest, I glance at Carla. “Seriously?”

  Suddenly Forest flips me over, and then his mouth is on mine. His lips begin to move sensually, and I’m so caught off guard, it causes a fluttering in my stomach.

  Again, I’m startled by the sensation. I push him back and climbing off the bed, I say, “Let’s get ready, or we’ll never get through this day.”

  I hear Carla chuckle. “Damn, the kiss one actually came out all hot. I’m sending all the photos to both of you. Post the pics on social media. Remember to change your status to in a relationship with each other.”

  I dig in my overnight bag and yank out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, then Carla chuckles, “Also, you’re buying me those heels I like for services rendered.”

  “The black and red ones?” I ask. When Carla nods, I grin at her. “I’ll get them for you, only because I love you so much.” My phone buzzes, drawing my attention, and opening the screen, I click on Carla’s message. My eyes widen as I stare at the photo she took of Forest and me kissing.

  “Damn,” I hear Forest murmur. “You’re good at this, Carla. They won’t doubt us when they see these.”

  “That’s for sure. You should go into photography,” I add, then I let out a relieved sigh. “We might actually pull this off.”

  Forest comes to high-five me. “Here’s to being single without anyone thinking shit about it.”

  “Aria and Forest sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G,” Carla sings while she leaves the room.

  Chapter 3


  When I’m done unpacking my stuff, I glance around the room I’ll call home for the next four years.

  “So, it’s just the two of us with the bunch of girls this year,” Noah suddenly says.

  Turning to him, I watch as he leans against the doorjamb. Noah had to add an extra year to his studies to get his masters in accounting because he and Kao, my sister’s fiancé, swapped positions at Indie Ink Publishing. We’ve grown up moving in the same circle, and even though he’s five years older than me, he’s never treated me like a kid. He’s closer with Fallon and her group of friends, though.

  “Yeah.” I go to shake his hand. “I haven’t seen you in a while. How was your summer break?”

  “What break?” he chuckles. “I had to intern with Uncle Marcus.”

  I let out a sigh. “Yeah, that’s my future from now on as well. I need to start training under my father to take over at NextGen International.”

  “How’s my future sister-in-law?” I hear Aria ask.

  Noah and I step out into the hallway and see Aria hugging Jade. Hunter, Aria’s older brother, and Jade started dating a year ago.

  Hunter walks over to us, and throwing his arm around my shoulders, he asks, “Are you all settled?”

  “Yeah,” I jab a thumb at my room, “I just finished.”

  Hunter glances inside. It used to be my sister’s old room. Then asks, “Has Fallon moved out already?”

  “Yes. She and Kao are moving into their place next weekend. She’s staying at my folks until then.”

  “Did you bring it?” Aria asks her brother.

  Hunter pulls a charger out of his pocket and hands it to her. “How did you even forget to pack it?”

  “Shush,” Aria hushes him. “I was preoccupied with the new clothes I got.”

  “God,” I mutter. “Yesterday, they shopped until I dropped.”

  The guys laugh at my expense as my cousin Jase, Carla’s older brother, walks into the suite with Mila.

  Everyone’s still greeting each other when Hunter turns back to me. “Since when are you dating my sister?”


  “It’s only pretend,” Aria quickly answers, then she tilts her head and asks, “How do you know?”

  Hunter gives her an exasperated look. “You posted it on social media. Kind of hard to miss. You better call Dad before he sees it and has a heart attack.”

  Double fuck.

  “Oops,” Aria shrugs, pulling an adorable face, which makes her eyes look bigger. “I’ll call to tell him not to worry.”

  Hunter turns his gaze back to me. “Why are the two of you in a fake relationship?”

  Just then, my sister walks into the suite with her best friend, Hana. “Who’s in a fake relationship?”

  “Your brother and my sister,” Hunter answers her.

  “Why?” she frowns at me.

  “People think Forest has erectile dysfunction, and Aria is done being hit on by assholes. It’s a win-win situation for them,” Carla answers.

  Fallon instantly begins to scowl. “Who thinks that?”

  “Nobody important,” I answer. “I just don’t want the rumor spreading at Trinity.”

  Fallon seems happy with my answer, and she comes to peek into her old room. “Damn, instantly a mancave. You didn’t waste any time.”

  Hana, Mila, and Jade get settled in their old rooms, while Aria calls Uncle Mason to explain things to him.

  I walk to the kitchen and opening the fridge, I grin. “Who got all the snacks and drinks?”

  “The staff keeps it stocked, so you don’t have to worry,” Noah answers. He gestures to a menu. “You can also order in whenever you don’t want to go out for meals.”

  “Thanks.” I glance around the suite, taking in the spacious living room and the entertainment system mounted on one wall. Light spills into the suite through the huge bay windows and a sliding door, which leads out to a balcony.

  Excitement fills my chest as I think about the year ahead.

  Aria walks toward me. “I need chocolate cake after the call with my father.” She stops and yells over her shoulder, “Carla, we’re heading to the restaurant. Are you coming?”

  “No.” Carla’s head pops out of her doorway. “I’m going to hang with Jase before he leaves. God only knows when I’ll see him again.”

  “Okay. Enjoy,” Aria says, and then she comes to take hold of my hand. “Are you ready for our first decent acting stint?”


  We leave the suite and take the elevator to the lobby. The instant we step out of the building, Aria says, “Give me a quick kiss.”

  Leaning down, I press a kiss to her mouth, then I ask, “How often are we going to do this?”

  Aria frowns up at me. “Ahh… like all the time?” My eyebrow shoots up, and it has Aria scowling at me. “Damn, don’t I feel special.”

  Knowing I have to do some damage control, I free my hand from hers, and wrapping my arm around her shoulder, I pull her into my side. I press a kiss to the top of her head. “Sorry, I just need to get used to the idea of us actually dating.”

  Aria gives me a sideways hug and grins up at me. “Me too. We’ll get the hang of it.’

  “Don’t you think you’re taking this a little too far?” I hear Julianne behind us. She catches up to us and gives us a knowing smile. “Everyone knows you’ve been best friends since forever. What’s with the act?”

  Aria’s eyes sharpen on Julianne, then she tilts her head and asks, “Out of all the sperm, you’re the one that won?”

p; I let out a burst of laughter as confusion mars Julianne’s too perfect features.

  “The best relationships start out as friendships. Over the summer break, we realized we wanted more,” Aria explains, and then she gives Julianne an annoyed look. “Not that we owe you an explanation.”

  “So, you’re really dating?” Julianne asks, doubt still wavering in her hazel gaze.

  Aria loses her temper, and before I can stop her, she glares at Julianne while stepping right into her personal space. Aria might be small, but she’s a spitfire when you piss her off.

  “I don’t appreciate you spreading a rumor that there’s something wrong with my boyfriend’s cock,” she snaps at Julianne. “One, our lives have nothing to do with you. Two, the orgasm he gave me last night can attest to the fact that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with him. Get a life and stay out of ours before I forget I’m supposed to be a lady, and I slap you into next year.”

  Julianne instantly looks chagrinned. “I’m sorry I didn’t want to start a fight.”

  Yeah, typical of Julianne. The instant someone calls her out on her shit, she becomes all docile.

  Aria gives Julianne one last glare before she grabs my hand and pulls me toward the restaurant.

  “That went well,” I mutter.

  “Ugh, one of these days, I’m going to lose my patience with that girl,” Aria complains, still riled up.

  I stop walking and taking hold of Aria’s chin, I nudge her face up. I grin at her before I lower my head, and this time I press a tender kiss to her lips.

  My stomach dips, and my heart gives a kick against my ribs, but I write it off as my body’s response to kissing a beautiful woman.

  As I pull back, a smile spreads over Aria’s face. “Much better.”

  I let out a chuckle but then grow serious as I say, “Thanks for standing up for me. You didn’t have to, though.”

  “I’ll always have your back,” Aria states before giving me a hug. “No one messes with my Forest and gets away with it.”

  I hug her back before we head into the restaurant. We go to the table that’s always reserved for our group, and taking a seat, I joke, “Let’s get some chocolate into you before you turn into a serial killer.”


  I lick off the cake fork and let out a contented sigh. “If I had to choose one thing to eat for the rest of my life –”

  “It would be chocolate,” Forest mutters. He grins at me, shaking his head. “Where do you put it all?”

  “Who needs intestines? I’m filled with chocolaty goodness,” I tease and then take a sip of my cappuccino.

  “Did you manage to get all the art supplies you’ll need?” Forest asks.

  “Yeah.” A smile spreads over my face. “I can’t wait to start classes.”

  Jordan takes a seat at a nearby table, and I feel a twinge of panic and guilt.

  Forest reaches for my hand and gives it a squeeze, and then he says loud enough for Jordan to hear, “My girlfriend, the artist. As long as you don’t have to paint any nudes. I don’t want you staring at a naked guy.”

  I let out a burst of laughter. “Gross, I’d probably giggle right through the entire class.”

  “Poor model will be traumatized for life then,” Forest laughs.

  Not sure if Jordan is listening in on our conversation, I lean closer to Forest and hope to God I’m pulling off looking all seductive as I say, “If I have to paint a nude, you can always pose for me.”

  Shock ripples over Forest’s face, and it has me widening my eyes, so he’ll know I’m pretending.

  Understanding dawns in his eyes. “Oh… definitely.” He relaxes again. “My abs deserve to be immortalized on canvas.”

  I playfully slap his shoulder. “So damn full of yourself.”

  “Babe…” My eyes instantly dart up to his. When he calls me babe, it does this weird tingly thing to my heart. “Admit, I have the best abs you’ve ever laid eyes on.”

  I don’t even have to lie as I grin at him. “Yeah, absolutely.”

  A waiter comes to clear our table and asks if we’d like anything else. I shake my head and weaving my fingers with Forest’s, I get up. “Let’s go watch a movie.”

  “As long as I get to pick.”

  It’s a pleasant evening out as we make our way back to the suite. Forest immediately heads for his room while calling out, “Don’t you dare touch the remote. I’m just changing into sweatpants.”

  Grinning, I run for the living room, and plopping down on the couch, I grab the remote and turn on the TV. I let out a burst of sneaky laughter as I go to the animation section. When I see Ice Age, I press play on the first movie in the series, then pause. Leaning to my left, I glance down the hallway, and when Forest comes out of his room, I let out another mischievous chuckle.

  Forest must hear it because he says, “I told you not to touch the remote.”

  When he sits down next to me, I grin at him. “Since when do I listen to you?”

  “True.” He lets out a sigh, and then looking at the TV, he groans. “God, not Ice Age again.”

  I bounce on the couch. “Pleeeeeease.”

  He glares at me, and with another sigh, agrees, “Fine.”

  “Yassss!” Lifting my legs to the couch, I curl onto my side and rest my head on Forest’s thigh.

  I press play and set the remote down on the table. Snuggling, I push my hand under Forest’s leg.

  The moment I see Scrat, a broad smile splits over my face. I can watch Ice Age over and over and never grow tired of it.

  After a couple of seconds, Forest lets out a chuckle. “That’s you and cake.”


  Carla comes into the living room and drops down on the other couch. “Ice Age? Again?” She glances at us, then mutters, “Stupid question.”

  A couple of minutes into the movie, Noah comes to lay on the remaining open couch. “Fuck, I love this movie.”

  “Hey, you rhinos, you have really tiny brains. Did you know that?” Carla impersonates Sid while slanting a glare in Noah’s direction. “No, it’s just a fact. No offense.” Noah gives her a bored look. “Well, you probably don’t even know what I’m talking about.” She lies down on the couch and continues, “Ah… yummo… a dandelion. Must be the last one of the season.”

  Carla does it so freaking well it draws laughter from me.

  “I’m not surprised you relate with Sid,” Noah mutters. “He’s dimwitted and talkative.”

  My mouth drops open, and I push myself up into a sitting position.

  Carla sucks in a deep breath and gives Noah a scalding glare before she flips him off. “Talk to the finger, the face is busy.”

  “Hey, I’m just saying,” Noah shrugs. “Takes one to know one.”

  Holy shit.

  My eyes dart between Noah and Carla, and then I look at Forest. “What did we miss?”

  Forest shrugs, then asks, “Is everything okay between the two of you?”

  “Oh, sure,” Carla answers nonchalantly.

  “In that case,” I mutter as I reach for the remote. “I’m rewinding because the two of you ruined my Scrat scene.”

  Collective groans sound up around me, and grinning, I press play again.

  Chapter 4


  We’re all attending the welcome ceremony at Trinity. I’m sitting up on stage next to Fallon, and as she climbs to her feet, I murmur, “Good luck.”

  She goes to stand at the podium, and her gaze sweeps over all the students. “Six hundred and thirty-seven,” a self-assured smile forms on her face. “That’s the number of days until you graduate. Every day of this journey counts. It will be both an academic and social experience.”

  A graceful smile makes my sister look like she owns Trinity, which she practically does. But still, it fills me with pride to see how far she’s come over the past year.

  “Use the next four years to find out how you can make a difference in the world. Trinity Academy has groomed presidents, CE
O’s, and visionaries. You are no different than those who have come before you, and you’re awarded the same opportunities. You will get to rub shoulders with students who in the future might become a partner or competition. Take advantage of this by collaborating with one another and forming lasting bonds. Welcome to Trinity Academy. We are lucky to have each and every one of you.” Fallon gestures to the wide doors at the back of the hall. “Tables have been set up outside. Please join my family for brunch.”

  Fallon turns to me, and she lets out a visible breath. Rising to my feet, I reach for her hand and give it an encouraging squeeze. “You did great.”

  “Let’s eat,” Aria mutters as she stands up from where she was sitting next to me.

  As we file off the stage, Aunt Kingsley cries, “My baby!” She comes to wrap Aria up in a hug with Uncle Mason right behind her. “God, I still remember the day your father sat up there.” Pushing Aria away, Aunt Kingsley gives her a tearful smile. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “Geez, Mom. I still have four years to go,” Aria mumbles, clearly embarrassed by the attention.

  “Hush. I’ll fuss over you all I want,” Aunt Kingsley chastises her.

  Mom comes to wrap her arm around my waist and gives me a hug. “At least, that’s done.”


  Dad pats my shoulder, and then we join Fallon, where she’s talking with Aunt Jamie and Uncle Julian, my dad’s older brother.

  “Fallon, your dad mentioned you’re moving into your first home this weekend?” Uncle Julian comments. “Will you host a house warming?”

  “Oh, definitely,” Fallon answers. “But first, we want to get settled before I plan anything.”

  Kao comes to stand next to her, wrapping his arm around her waist. He smiles politely at everyone, murmuring, “Morning.”

  That’s about as much as we’ll get out of him. Fallon and Kao are a perfect match. She’ll talk your ear off, which compensates for Kao’s quiet nature.

  “Carla,” Uncle Julian calls. “Aren’t you going to greet us? Or have you decided you’re too old to be seen hugging your father?”


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