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Accused Page 9

by Sharon C. Cooper

  “Do you know when he’ll be in?”

  “Unfortunately, as I mentioned before, I don’t know. I can transfer you to Mr. Crosby’s voicemail if you like.”

  “I already left a message. Thanks.”

  Egypt stared at the phone when she realized the man had hung up without saying bye. She could understand his frustration, but how hard was it to say goodbye before hanging up? It wasn’t her fault that Hamilton was unavailable, which was a little odd. She hadn’t talked to him all day, but he’d left a couple of messages, and one was to reschedule two of his morning appointments. He usually kept her abreast of his whereabouts. Now that she thought about it, both he and Kenton were acting out of character. Maybe they were somewhere together.

  “I need to stop being such a worry-wart,” she mumbled and set the phone back into the cradle. The guys could take care of themselves. They didn’t need her worrying about them like some mother hen.

  She went back to the task at hand, knowing that she was close to getting into Hoakley’s computer network despite all of the interruptions. Moments later, excitement scurried through her body and a smile spread across her face.

  Yes. I’m in!

  At least at first glance, she thought she was in. Egypt started scrolling but jumped when a bull-horn sound blared through the computer speakers.

  “What the heck?” She stared at the screen for a second, and then it went black.

  Panic roared through her body.

  “Oh, no. No. No. No.” Her heart raced as she jiggled the mouse around and then pressed on the keyboard keys, trying to bring the screen back up. “Come on. Come on. What the heck is going on?”

  This was a first. Not that she had hacked into many systems, but during Egypt’s senior year of high school and the first couple of years in college, hacking had been her guilty pleasure. Not something she was proud of, but she loved the challenge. And when she got into a system, she never did anything to sabotage anyone’s data. It was mostly a game to see if she could get in. That was enough reward.

  “What have I done.” She kept pressing the keys, her nerves twisting inside of her as the minutes of darkness ticked by. “This is not good.”

  She dropped down onto her knees to double check the computer cables. They were all plugged in. Reclaiming her seat, Egypt continued to press keys and move the mouse hoping for a different outcome. She had no idea what caused the horrid bull-horn blast and was even more baffled by the suddenly black screen.


  Egypt screamed, and leaped from her seat. Her heart lodged in her throat. “Kenton. Oh my God, you scared me.” Her hand rested over her heaving chest as if that could slow her pounding heart.

  “Sorry. I guess you didn’t hear me knock.” He walked in, closed the door and approached the desk, staring at her with narrowed eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  She glanced at the blank screen. “Uh, I…um…I was having a computer problem. Where have you been? I’ve been calling you all morning.”

  She moved from around her desk, her heart rate slowly going back to normal. That is until she got closer to the man she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about. Just the sight of him sent a wave of heat soaring through her body. The attraction was getting more intense by the day, and Egypt had no idea how to rein it in.

  But now was not to time to gawk at the man. She needed to get back to her computer issue. First, she needed to find out why he’d been missing in action.

  “Is everything okay?” What she really wanted to ask was if they were okay. He had texted her in the afternoon the day before, but she hadn’t heard from him since.

  “Yeah, sorry I didn’t get back to you. I got your message. By the time I was able to call, I figured we could talk when I came into the office.”

  He studied her. His dark, penetrating gaze bore into her with such intensity, Egypt frowned. “What?” She touched her face, wondering if she had something on it. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  He moved closer. “You don’t know, do you?”

  Egypt tensed, realizing for the first time since Kenton walked in how solemn he seemed. Which was so not like him. Normally, whenever he stopped by her office, he flirted shamelessly or cracked jokes. Not today. Today he wasn’t smiling. Now that she really took a good look at him, he looked a little haggard. Sure, he was still incredibly handsome in his dark suit and white dress shirt, but his black, white, and gray tie was loose and askew. Not like him.

  “Did something happen? Are you hurt?” Egypt didn’t know why she’d asked the last question since he seemed okay physically. But before she could stop herself, her hands trailed over his broad shoulders, and down his thick arms, before resting on his broad chest as her mind raced. It was as if she had to determine for herself that he was physically all right.

  She gazed up into his troubled eyes, and he covered her hand with his, securing it to his chest.

  “Sweetheart, I’m fine.” His words were spoken softly as he brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it, sending a sweet trimmer through her body.

  They might not be a couple, but he meant more to Egypt than she was willing to admit. “If that’s the case, then what’s wrong? You’re freaking me out a little.”

  “It’s Ross.”

  Egypt’s pulse thumped loudly in her ear. She leaned back, slipping her hand from his. “Ross? Didn’t we agree that we weren’t going to discuss him again?” The moment the question was out of her mouth, she thought about her computer and how it had gone haywire after getting through their firewall. “What does he have to—”

  “He’s dead.”

  Egypt gasped. Bile rose to her throat. “Wh-what?” She shook her head, trying to process what he was saying until it became clear. Fear replaced the shock that had just rocked her body. “Oh. My. God. I thought you said that you wouldn’t do anything—”

  “I didn’t,” he said simply and turned away, running his large hand over the top of his head and let it slide to the back of his neck. When his gaze met hers, she knew there was more, and she wasn’t going to like whatever he had to say. “Ashton and another detective took me down to the station for questioning.”

  “I don’t understand. If you didn’t do anything to Ross, why would they think you had anything to do with his death?”

  “Mainly because I went to see Ross last night.”

  “What? Why?” The quiver in her voice matched the irregular beat of her heart. “Why couldn’t you leave it alone? What happened at the restaurant was settled there. You didn’t have to go to him.”

  “Did you hear what I said?” He moved forward, stopping within a breath from her. “I didn’t kill him. When I left Ross, he was alive.”

  “I heard you.” Egypt swallowed, her mind racing too fast to put coherent thoughts together. On shaky legs, she moved to one of the chairs in front of her desk and dropped down in it. “I—I can’t believe this. We just saw him. What happened?”

  Kenton sat next to her, and his arm stretched across the back of the seat as he told her about his and Ross’s conversation the night before. A panicked anxiousness swept through Egypt and settled into her body. She listened as he recapped how the detectives showed up and escorted him to the police station, accusing him of murder.

  Egypt jumped up suddenly and paced back and forth across the carpeted floor. “This is all my fault. I knew Ross was bad news. If I hadn’t left the restaurant…if I would’ve just gone back in when he followed me out, this wouldn’t have happened. You wouldn’t have gotten involved.”

  Kenton stood, reached out and touched her arm, effectively stopping her from moving. “This is not your fault.”

  “Yeah, it is. It’s because of me you hit him, and things just went downhill from there.”

  Kenton grunted without saying anything and pulled her close. Egypt sighed and rested her head on his chest, loving how good it felt being in his solid arms. Still, his strong embrace did nothing to calm her ragged nerves. But then something else d
awned on her.

  “Oh no.” She pushed against his chest, and her hand went to her mouth. “Now they know I was there. They’re going to want to talk to me.” All these years she had managed to keep a low profile and build a life that she could be proud of. Now, this.

  “Stop. Before you freak out, right now only Ashton knows you were the woman in the restaurant’s video and he didn’t mention your name…yet.”

  Her hands shook, and heart pounded against her rib cage. All these years she’d been able to stay clear of law enforcement, been able to protect herself. One run-in with Ross and it’s like casting a spotlight on her and her life.

  Egypt slid her sweaty palms down the sides of her slim skirt as her mind raced. “What happens now? What did you say to get them to let you go?”

  “Well, actually, I don’t know what Ross was involved in, but he and his company have been under investigation. The FBI is taking over the case.”

  “Oh no,” Egypt whispered. Panic stampeded through her body as hysteria built within her and her vision narrowed. She stumbled, grasping for something to hold onto until Kenton wrapped his arm around her waist.

  “What? What is it?”

  “I—I…I messed up. Kenton…I—I ha—hacked into his company’s network and now they might—”

  “You did what?” he roared, holding onto her shoulders, forcing Egypt to look at him. “Have you lost your mind?”

  Before Egypt could respond, her office door burst open. Hamilton stood a few feet away, with a cell phone plastered to his ear and his brows bunched together, looking as if he could commit murder.

  “Wiz is on the phone. You care to tell us why you were trying to hack into Hoakley’s Manufacturing company?”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Kenton had his hand at the small of Egypt’s back and could feel her shiver against him. To say he was shocked to learn that she tried hacking into Hoakley’s computer network would be an understatement. He had already determined that there were things about her he didn’t know, but this…

  “I—I was trying to get more information for you,” Egypt said to Hamilton.

  She would’ve been more convincing if she hadn’t been wringing her hands and looking terrified. Kenton would do everything he could to protect and stand by her, but Egypt made it hard by keeping secrets.

  “Wiz, hold on a second. Better yet, I’ll call you in a few.” Hamilton moved farther into the room. “Do you have any idea how much trouble you’d be in if Wiz didn’t have a safety feature on our computers?”

  Cameron “Wiz” Miller, part-owner of Supreme Security and computer guru, worked out of the Chicago office. The former Navy SEAL was a master hacker and used his many skills to develop numerous apps and software, some he’d sold to the government.

  Egypt stepped forward. “I know, and I’m sorry. I have the info you requested, and I wanted to see what else I could find on Ross and his company.”

  “And you,” Hamilton said to Kenton, “What have you gotten yourself into?”

  Kenton held up his hands. “Are you accusing me of something?”

  “I heard about you beating up Ross Hoakley. Is it true you got hauled in for questioning regarding his murder?”

  “How do you know—”

  “I’ve spent the last two hours with Mrs. Hoakley. Then on my way here, I get a call from an FBI friend. He mentioned needing to question one of my guys—you.”

  Kenton shook his head. “Okay, I’m confused. There’s a Mrs. Hoakley? And how do you know her?” he asked Hamilton. Had Egypt told him about her encounter with Ross the other night?

  Kenton diverted his attention to Egypt, and the pleading in her dark eyes answered his unspoken question.

  “This is turning into a long story. A story that you two seem to be deeply involved in.” Hamilton divided his attention between Kenton and Egypt. “Both of you, in my office. I want answers.” He walked out without a backward glance.

  Kenton rounded on Egypt. “What the hell was that all about? Why were you researching Hoakley? And hacking? And did you tell Hamilton about the other night?”

  Egypt dropped down in the nearest chair. “No. I didn’t tell him anything. He has no idea that Ross and I have a history.”

  “And the hacking?” Kenton pressed.

  Egypt scowled before explaining the project Hamilton assigned her to and what little she knew about Mrs. Hoakley. Kenton didn’t believe in coincidences. The fact that Ross’s wife had sought out Supreme for protection, had to be intentional.

  “So why hack into the company’s mainframe? You already had enough to determine whether or not to take on Mrs. Hoakley as a client.”

  “Like I told Hamilton, I wanted to get more information for him.”

  “I want the truth, Egypt.”

  She glared at him. “You’re calling me a liar?”

  Technically he might’ve been, but that wasn’t his intention. Yet, he knew she wasn’t being totally honest.

  “If the FBI is going to question me, I want to know as much as possible about you and your ex.”

  Egypt closed her eyes and sighed as she rubbed her forehead. “If the FBI questions you, that means they’re going to want to question me too. I can’t talk to them,” she mumbled the last comment as if talking to herself. “My life was destroyed because of the FBI. I will never trust them.”

  “The FBI destroyed your life?” Kenton asked, his voice a combination of exasperation and disbelief.

  Egypt’s head shot up. The wide-eyed, startled look on her face made it clear she hadn’t meant to say that much.

  “I…nothing. We should probably head to Hamilton’s office.”

  Kenton crouched in front of her. “You have to know by now that you can trust me.”

  “I know. Kenton, I trust you more than anyone, especially right now,” she said, her voice just above a whisper. “One day I’ll tell you everything. I—I just can’t right now.”

  Kenton studied her troubled eyes before nodding. That was good enough for him at the moment. He stood and extended his hand. “Come on. Let’s get this over with.”

  He tugged on Egypt’s hand and pulled her up. Once she was standing, she tried to smooth the wrinkles out of her black skirt.

  Kenton’s gaze followed her moves, admiring the way the garment hugged her luscious curves as if it was painted on. Typically, when he stopped by the office, he looked forward to seeing what she was wearing. Today he’d been so focused on asking about Ross, that he hadn’t taken in her attire. The sexy, bright pink blouse highlighted her dark skin and dipped low enough in the front to show a little cleavage without being inappropriate for work.

  His eyes traveled lower, to the straight black skirt that stopped above her knees, and then lower. He was more of a breast man, but no one could deny she had a gorgeous set of legs. And the thick four-inch, black heels with fuchsia accents enhanced her toned calves.

  “Do you have another date tonight?” he asked before he could stop himself. Granted, she wasn’t officially his, but a wave of possessiveness flowed through his body. The thought of her with someone else made him crazy.

  Egypt’s brows dipped into a frown. “No. I told you I’m done dating. Why do you ask?”

  “’Cause you’re looking hella good.” He grinned at the way she lowered her eyes demurely, a shy smile playing around her kissable lips. Then a thought popped into his mind. “Did you dress like this for me?”

  Her mouth dropped open. “Wow. You really think highly of yourself, don’t you? I dress for me, and for your information, I always look like this.”

  Kenton chuckled and shook his head. “No, you don’t. You always look amazing, but you never wear your blouses that tight or your skirts that short to work. And you’re showing quite a bit of cleavage there,” he said moving closer to whisper in her ear, his hand on her hip. “But I don’t mind, baby. I love that you’re trying to look good for me.”

  Egypt swatted him away. “Whatever, and keep your hands to yourself. Let
’s go and get this meeting over with, and pray I still have a job.”

  Egypt grabbed a folder and flash drive from her desk, and Kenton followed her out of the office. No way was she losing her job, he thought. Hamilton worshiped her. Her skills and ability to take care of the security specialists and the company were second to none. Egypt had come through too many times for one mistake—albeit a huge mistake—to cause her to lose her job. And Kenton already knew that if this stunt got her into any legal trouble, Supreme would have her back.

  At least he hoped.


  Hamilton was on a video conference call when they walked into the office. Egypt heard Wiz and Mason’s voice, and her heart dropped. She had worked so hard to be a model employee, someone the higher ups counted on, and more importantly, trusted. Now her job was at risk.

  It was her fault. Trying to hack into Ross’s company was a dumb move.

  “All right guys, our troublemakers just walked in,” Hamilton cracked, not looking as pissed as he had moments ago. He turned the computer screen around a little, giving Egypt and Kenton a better view of Wiz. Mason was on Hamilton’s speakerphone. “Where should we start?”

  “I’ll start,” Egypt volunteered. She stood in front of Hamilton’s desk and set down the items in her hands. As promised, Kenton was by her side. He hadn’t said anything, but his strength and support of her was palpable. “First, let me apologize for going too far in looking for information on Ross.”

  Egypt explained what she had uncovered about Ross, his marriage, and the company. The trio listened, stopping her occasionally to ask a few questions. Seconds ticked by before anyone said anything, and Egypt tried not fidgeting under Hamilton’s powerful stare. Her pulse raced as she waited for someone to say something. Anything. It might’ve been too premature to think that she wasn’t getting fired.

  “I appreciate the work you did on this project. It sounds like you were as thorough as usual,” Hamilton finally said. “But—”

  “How the hell did we not know that you had hacking abilities?” Wiz asked. A slight grin tilted the corners of Hamilton’s lips, and Mason’s chuckle filtered through the cell phone.


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