What Happens in Vegas - A Reverse Harem Romance

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What Happens in Vegas - A Reverse Harem Romance Page 18

by Krista Wolf

  When Corey slowed I leapt right in, taking over exactly where he left off. I practically inhaled her, instantly remembering the scent of her arousal. Her honeyed taste came back immediately as I drilled my tongue inside, working her deeply, licking upward in broad, flat strokes until I was teasing her swollen, glistening clit.

  In time we progressed to more. Corey, feeding her his cock. Brushing her hair back so we could both see, while I continued to go down on her. Lauren clawed at my head, gripping me by the hair to pull me upward. I knew what she wanted. I needed it too…

  I cried out loud the moment I plunged inside, finally quenching myself in her molten furrow. Our girlfriend spread wide for me, her face frozen in a permanent smile as I began pistoning in and out of her, fulfilling three months of promises and teasing and oh-so-hot virtual sex.

  Nothing felt like this. It was every bit as good as I remembered, and I’d put the memory of her on the highest possible pedestal since the day we’d dropped her off at the airport. We’d watched forlornly as she finally flew home, all three of us knowing that a piece of us was leaving along with her.

  And now I was here. Buried all the way deep inside her again. Looking down into her gorgeous face, framed by that soft, golden hair made dark and damp from the rain. Just being between her legs again was amazing. The feel of them gliding around either side of me, squeezing me, pulling me further in…

  It was like coming home.

  Back in Vegas, Corey and I had been busy with the club. We worked alternating shifts, for maximum coverage. Between spending every waking hour and sinking every last dime we had on the place, we barely had time to sleep, much less see or talk to each other.

  But when we did? We usually talked about Lauren.

  He felt the same way I did; that no matter what happened, we wanted her back. That we wanted to give the relationship — or whatever it was we were calling it — the fairest possible shot, and therefore, everything else as far as other women was off the table.

  Not that we had time for that anyway, but we’d decided to keep loyal, to keep true. To keep our noses down and work gruelingly hard at getting back to her, or getting her back to us, so that we could see if lightning struck twice and the feelings were all still there.

  I shouldn’t have worried. The moment she flung herself into our arms just now, every last bit of apprehension melted away.

  And to add to all the magic, it turned out Mason felt the same way. He was buried back in Hollywood, busy with his new agent. Busy booking new work, new jobs, and not just commercials either. Right now he was working on two internet network series, and taking a third and final audition for a chunky role in what he called a ‘major motion picture’.

  He claimed he’d been working so hard he hadn’t been looking for anyone, which was very different for him considering the sheer amount of co-stars he’d already dated. But we talked about Lauren. A lot about Lauren…

  And the three of us vowed that no matter how busy we were, we’d find the time to be with her. That once she could visit us again, we’d drop everything to re-create our time together, out in the desert.

  All these things spun through my mind as we took her together, in the sanctity of her own apartment, beneath her own frilly sheets. We plundered her deeply. Pinned her between our bodies, making her come over and over again until she was delirious with happiness. Neither of us allowing ourselves to be satisfied until she was a quivering, whimpering mess.

  In the end we spent ourselves inside her, watching her eyes go wide as she took every ounce of our combined seed. Then, having made her ours again, we curled up on either side of her. We took turns kissing her… touching her… nuzzling her body with dreamlike slowness until, somehow, the three of us passed out together in her tiny bed.



  I woke up from the most wonderful dream. I was in a warm, happy nest — surrounded on all sides by security, attention, and love. Kept safe from the world; from anything and everyone who would try to harm me, or bring me down.

  The reality of my awakening was similar; I was enveloped in warm, naked flesh. Hard muscle. Soft skin. I kissed both my lovers without waking them, each on their tender lips, then crawled from the bed and popped into the kitchen. It was my turn to make them breakfast. My turn to entertain them. They’d come all the way across the country for me, interrupting their very busy lives, just to make sure I was okay.

  And I absolutely loved them for it.

  I still couldn’t believe they’d come. Still couldn’t believe they were here, right now, snoring away in my very bed. The very thought made my heart flutter. It put that sinking, lovesick feeling right back in the pit of my stomach — the one I’d felt on the day I’d left.

  They’d come without asking. They’d come without even calling ahead. It was by far the sweetest, most romantic thing anyone had ever done for me. I didn’t deserve it. I didn’t—

  “Hey baby.”

  Brody’s smile lit up my little kitchen as he walked in and grabbed a chair. Corey was behind him, framed by the doorway. His big, beautiful arms were extended as he endured the mother of all yawns.

  “Coffee yet?”

  I slid him the pot, freshly-brewed. My hands still shook with excitement as I grabbed the sugar-bowl, and the milk from the fridge.

  “Your bed isn’t big enough,” Corey complained, rubbing an apparently sore neck. “Not even for two of us, much less three.”

  “Yeah, well you didn’t exactly give me notice,” I giggled. I cracked another two eggs into a bowl and winked at him. “Besides, I slept great.”

  “I’ll bet you did.”

  Brody chuckled as he took his first sip of java. I didn’t have the best coffee in the world, but it wasn’t the worst either.

  “Listen,” I said, after dumping my egg-mixture into a pan. “I have to say something…”

  I walked over and straddled Corey first, sliding my arms over his shoulders. Leaning down, I grazed his nose with mine and planted a soft wet kiss right on his lips.

  “What you did last night…” I murmured. “Coming here, just to make me feel better…”

  I kissed him again, and again after that. Already I could feel my excitement rising. I left his lap just as his hands were about to find my ass.

  “It means everything to me,” I said, trying not to get choked up. I slid over to Brody. He put his thighs together and pulled me down on them. “It was the sweetest thing in the whole fucking world.”

  A moment later I was kissing him too, his strong, masculine tongue delving in and out of my mouth. They were so different… but so very much the same. And they both cared for me. Were both looking out for me, to the point where they were willing to drop everything and come.

  “I know you have a million things going on,” I said. “More work, more hiring. All the events at your club. You’ve got three live bands performing this week alone, and you still came here. You still—”

  “Shit, you’re keeping track,” Corey smiled. “You’re more on top of things than we are.”

  “Well I am still your social media bitch,” I laughed. “Sort of.”

  “I thought we hired someone?” Corey asked Brody.

  “You did,” I replied. “But whoever it is, he or she sucks. And they never changed the passwords, so I’ve been co-running your Twitter, your Instagram, your—”

  A pop and a sizzle had me leaping to my feet, scrambling for the egg pan. Brody’s hands were slow to let go. They lingered on my hips as I pulled away.

  “I’m serious though,” I said, working the spatula as I plated. “No one’s ever done anything like this for me before. Not even Rob, not in ten years of marriage.”

  “Well Rob’s an idiot,” Brody pointed out.

  “True, but—”

  “And besides,” Corey added. “We weren’t about to wait much longer. We’d been looking into taking a weekend, coming up here anyway. Breaking our little promise to wait until you had a week’s v
acation, because two or three days would be nothing but a tease.”

  Brody nodded as I passed out the plates. “He’s right, we were ready to burst. As we’ve both been, waiting absolutely sucks.”

  As I sat down between them, a lump formed in my throat. There was a question in the back of my mind, one that had been lingering there for weeks and months. I’d been hesitant to ask it. At times I wondered if I even could ask it, or if it were really none of my business.

  “So you waited, huh?” I joked, elbowing Corey. “Yeah yeah, sure sure.”

  They both dropped their forks. They hit their plates simultaneously, clattering in stereo.

  “Of course we waited,” said Brody. His tone was serious, almost even offended.

  The lump in my throat grew three times its size. My heart was pounding away in my chest.

  “As in… waited waited?”

  They were both staring back at me incredulously. Like they couldn’t believe what I was saying.

  “I’m sorry,” I said quickly. “I—I didn’t mean to pry. You don’t even have to answer that, obviously. I figured it was a don’t ask, don’t tell sort of thing. And of course it always made me feel better not thinking about—”

  My sentence was interrupted as Brody removed something from his pocket. He clapped his hand down hard on the kitchen table, then slid something toward me beneath his big palm.

  When he took his arm away I could see what it was: the little grey phone.

  “We’ve been wanting to give you this for a while,” he said calmly. “Ever since you left.”

  It wasn’t just a phone. It was the phone. The flyer phone.

  The very reason we were all together.

  “It’s off, obviously,” said Corey, nonchalantly. “Actually it’s been turned off since the day after we met you.”

  My eyes glassed up with tears. Suddenly I was choking back a thousand emotions, all of them incredible. Wonderful. Overwhelming…

  “We came here to support you,” said Brody, “but also to let you in on a little secret.” His expression, which was uncharacteristically serious, broke into a slow smile. “We don’t want anyone else, Lauren. Not from the flyers, not from the strip.”

  “Not from the club either,” said Corey. “Although there are plenty of women there, too.”

  I could barely believe what I was hearing. The little flip-phone sat in front of me, its screen dark. A symbol of something. Something big.

  “We want you, Lauren,” said Brody. “Me, Corey, Mason. All three of us.”

  He brushed the phone aside with one hand as he swept me into his arms. He squeezed me tightly, driving away every last one of my fears, as Corey closed in on the other side.

  “We only want to be with you.”



  I spent the next two days parading my boyfriends around Manhattan. Showing them the sights, the sounds, the very best parts of New York City.

  And of course, parading them around my bedroom as well.

  We talked about everything, from the excitement of their new thrilling venture to the bitter end of my career at the firm. I told them all about Lilith. About how she’d eroded away at my every day responsibilities, before gleefully changing the locks on my office door and giving me the boot.

  All this took place while my phone never stopped ringing, or at least beeping with new alerts every minute or two. It was nearly impossible, evading my friends again. Fending off text-messages and phone calls and pleas on social media, all of them having found out by now that I’d been fired. The first day wasn’t so bad — everyone took my silence as a sign I just needed my space. By the second however, it was getting to the point where I knew someone would show up at my door.

  I just never expected that person to be Rob.

  I walked out of the bedroom, in nothing but a long terrycloth bathrobe. Rob’s bathrobe to be more precise, which probably made the whole thing a heck of a lot more awkward.

  “There’s a guy at the door,” Corey said. “Says he’s here to pick up his stereo.”

  My eyes darted over to Rob’s outdated stereo equipment. He hadn’t listened to it in years. Maybe for more than half our marriage, and certainly not since the first year or so we’d moved into the apartment.

  “Should I give it to him?”

  I stood there dumbfounded for a minute, wondering what the hell Rob wanted with the stereo in the first place. And then I smelled it: the cologne he always thought I liked. The shirt he was wearing was one that I’d bought him for his birthday, that I always told him he looked handsome in. And then I knew.

  This was just his latest attempt at hooking up with me.

  “Yeah,” I laughed, loud enough for Rob to hear. “Go ahead. Give it to him.”

  Brody was still at the door, holding it half open, keeping my ex out in the hallway. I could see him now, just standing there looking awkward. His gaze shifting between my two strapping young boyfriends, who were only half-dressed themselves, and then back to me, standing there with my hair still wet from the shower. Totally naked, except for his bathrobe.

  “Is that all you came for?” I asked, arms folded.

  My ex-husband stood speechless for a good five seconds before nodding slowly. “I—I guess so, yeah.”

  Corey handed me a freshly-poured glass of wine. I thanked him as he kissed me on the cheek.

  “Good,” I said, my eyes still locked on Rob. “Be sure to let me know if there’s anything else that’s still yours.”

  We were staring at each other as Brody thrust a large metallic box into my ex-husband’s chest. Rob looked down at his stereo, as if seeing it for the first time in his life. Wires dangled everywhere, from where Brody had pretty much just pulled it out of the wall.

  “Might want to come back later for the speakers,” my gorgeous blond boyfriend said. Then, more confidentially: “much later.”

  Rob stood with his mouth open for a few awkward seconds, before finally nodding and turning around. Still clutching his outdated electronics, he trudged back down the hallway in ignominious defeat.

  “That was your ex, wasn’t it?” asked Brody, closing the door.

  “Yes. Yes it was.”

  “No offense,” chuckled Corey, “but it looks like your taste in men has greatly improved.”

  “It has,” I agreed wryly. “By leaps and bounds.”

  An arm slid its way around my waist. Rather than hook my hip and yank me against him, Corey pulled the belt of my bathrobe through every one of its loops. He raised an eyebrow as it fell open, exposing me.

  “Well congratulations on upgrading,” he said. “That guy was batting way out of his league anyway, if you ask me.”

  Brody stepped into me, sliding his hands over my bare body. His palms moved upward along my sides, and then forward, to settle over my shower-warm breasts.

  “Besides,” he said, thumbing my nipples slowly. “You’re our girl now.”

  I sighed as he lowered his mouth over one of my breasts. He sucked gently, while still playing with the other.

  “Am I really?” I asked, needing to hear it. “I’m your girl?”

  “Hell yeah you are,” Corey whispered, coming up behind me. He slid the robe from my shoulders, letting it drop to the floor. By the time he started kissing my neck I was already gushing.

  “And with you not having a job right now,” he murmured softly. “And a bit of free time…”

  His hands glided down, cupping my ass. I could feel his fingers moving further, probing my wetness. Sliding their way inside me, from behind.

  “We were thinking you should come back to Vegas with us,” he continued, his lips brushing my ear. “Maybe see the club. Stay at our place…”

  My legs went weak. My mind was spinning. Between Brody’s face buried between my breasts, and Corey fingering me from behind, my whole body was turning to jelly.

  “And of course Mason would drive out too,” Corey whispered sexily. “So the three of us could take r
eally good care of you… together.”



  There were a few things I had to do before I could escape back to Vegas. One of them was to line up work for when I got back. I accomplished this easily enough, setting up meetings for the week afterward, which was better for most of my prospective clients anyway.

  My next task was a little harder, and it took some extra time. I needed a place. An office, even a very small one, from which to launch my new venture. Judging from the size of my bank account, and the commercial rent averages around Manhattan, ‘small’ would be a godsend. More likely I’d end up with something tiny, or maybe even sharing a space with someone else.

  Either way, it took me an extra two days to get the ball rolling on that. Heather’s sister was a real-estate agent, and within minutes she was of course promising me the world. I would’ve settled for a little stretch of space to call my own: four walls and an internet connection. But setting her in motion before I left gave me peace of mind that I’d have several options to check out when I returned.

  One week…

  That was all I was granting myself. It was all I really could grant myself, if I wanted to be serious about beginning a fresh new company. Still, I could do a lot of damage in one week. And so could the guys…

  My last task was the easiest of all: I had to reconnect with my friends. This was made simpler because they were already overeager to meet up, have lunch, and hear all about my poor situation. Noelle had pre-briefed them, of course. But getting them all in one spot — so I only had to tell the story once — was like killing five birds with one stone.


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