Dire Secrets

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Dire Secrets Page 10

by Micca Michaels

  Feeling a hand on her shoulder, Brigid is brought out of her inner thoughts by her son Liam, “Ma, are you alright?”

  Jolting a bit, “Huh, oh, Liam, I’m so sorry. I guess I was woolgathering. Would you like some tea or coffee? Is anyone else up yet?”

  “Celeste will be down in a few minutes, and yes, some coffee would be great, but I’ll make the coffee, Ma,” he turns to get a mug, “I’m sure Tris and Conner will be up soon. I don’t expect to see Raven till one of us decides to be brave enough to wake her up. Which should be somewhat soon. We all need to have a talk and then meet with the Alpha.”

  Pouring herself some more tea, “I am guessing your phone call last night in Dublin was to the Alpha?”

  Turning from the coffee maker, Liam sighs, “I had to call him, Ma, I am his First Beta. Keeping anything from him is just wrong, this is too big for us to handle on our own, and you know that...” Liam suddenly stops talking when he hears someone about to enter the kitchen.

  “It’s just me,” Celeste smiles, giving Liam a chaste kiss, “Good morning, and I agree for what it’s worth. I don’t know all that’s happened or what is going on, but it’s never a good idea to try and keep things from the Alpha. Besides, with his gifts it never works anyways.”

  Turning in her chair Brigid lowers her voice, “I think we need to include Conner in this. If what I’ve foreseen is true, and I know it is, he needs to know. No, he has a right to know.”

  “Who has a right to know what?” Jumping at the voice, Liam, Celeste, and Brigid all turn to face Tristan entering the kitchen, followed by Conner. Looking at his ma, da, and Gma, “Who has a right to know what?”

  Sighing in relief, Celeste grabs coffee for Liam and herself, “I would say since the two of us have no idea what has happened or what is happening, Conner and I should be filled in. Especially if there is possibly any danger to Raven, or any of us.”

  Liam looks over to Tristan and Conner, “Is Raven still asleep?”

  Walking over to the cupboard, Conner grabs a coffee cup, “Yeah, she’s still out. Tris and I snuck out of the room. Although I don’t know why, it takes an act of the Gods to wake her up, especially when she’s as tired as she is.”

  Sitting down beside his wife, Liam squeezes Celeste’s hand, “Good, you lads grab some coffee and come sit down. Conner, Tris knows what has happened and has given his oath of silence around anyone other than those in this room. I expect it from you as well. If you can agree to everything we expect your oath.”

  Sitting down beside Brigid, Conner held out his hands palm up, “I, Conner Michael Dwyer, as the Gods as my witnesses, swear to hold this conversation secret, until I am told differently or death takes me. So Mote it Be.”

  Repeating, “So Mote it Be,” Liam, Celeste, Tris, and Brigid seal Conner’s oath.

  Taking a deep breath, Liam looks around the table and then straight at Conner. “First, you cannot react. I know you will want to, trust me, we all understand. However, it is for Raven’s safety that you listen to everything. You are aware that Ailin and Sinead were killed, but you don’t know the true cause. The Blackwood pack attacked them on their weekend retreat in Aspen. While the attack was occuring, an avalanche started. Ailin, Sinead, and six Blackwood pack members were swept away. Ailin and Sinead lived long enough to send Ma a short but to the point message.

  “Brigid, Blackwood Dires’ attacked. Avalanche, too weak.

  Get to Becca, protect, teach, prop-”

  The minute Ma received that message, she was gone. All we knew was something had happened. Tris and I followed on another flight an hour later,” Liam finished his tale.

  Sitting perfectly still Conner rotates his muscular neck, popping it as he rolls it. His hands are clenched so tightly into tight fistst his knuckles are white. His mouth is set in a tight line. With a low growl, “Tell me they will fecking pay for this. Is Raven in danger? I won’t leave her side if she’s in danger...” Standing up to an impressive height of 6’4, Conner walks over to the wall of floor to ceiling glass panels, he looks outside. The sunshine highlights the strawberry blonde in his dirty blonde hair. His wide muscled back and arms are taught with tension and worry.

  Brigid gathers herself and walks over to Conner and places her hand on his tense forearm, “Hold it together, my boy. Let Liam finish, and we’ll answer all of your questions.”

  Looking down at Brigid’s hand and then looking into her crystal blue eyes with his grey eyes, filled with so many emotions, they’re unreadable, “I will protect what’s mine, and I know she’s mine. I don’t need the Fates to tell me what I already know. No one will get to her, I swear it.” Taking Brigid’s hand, Conner walks her back to the table, and they sit down, allowing Liam to continue.

  Taking a drink of coffee, Liam continues, “After Tris, Ma, and I were at the house in Colorado, Raven seemed to change. It seemed to happen in the blink of an eye. It was like she matured by years, and she was already mature for her age. There was, I don’t know, an energy that appeared to engulf her. She even stopped telling us to call her Becca. It’s been Raven, and she doesn’t even blink when you use it. She went through the house and if it wasn’t being shipped here, it was donated. Then she met with her parents' lawyer, who is now her American lawyer for the next three years. He informed her that on the day of Ailin and Sinead’s death, she became an adult because she’s so close to her birthday. He also informed her…” stopping and looking around the table and settling on his mum.

  Nodding her head, “Son, tell him. He needs to know.” Placing her hand supportively on his, she gives him a light squeeze of reassurance.

  Sighing, Liam continued, “He also informed her that all together she has inherited almost sixteen million dollars.”

  At this, Celeste and Conner both set their cups down, rather hard. With mouths open, eyes wide. No one said a word.

  Conner was the first to break the silence, “I don’t even know what to say. I mean, the Blackwood pack caused all this, and they must pay. If they went after Raven’s parents, we have to assume they will come after Raven eventually. She needs more protection than just me. As for the money,” shaking his head at the idea of all that money, “that’s hers, and she can and will do what she wishes with it. I - I just don’t know what else to say right now. Buggering hell, if I am feeling overwhelmed by all this, I can’t even begin to imagine how she is feeling. I am guessing we need to tell her everything.”

  Slapping Conner on the back, “Yep, we do, and if we thought she was overwhelmed before...well, she has all of us. Besides, it’s Raven, she’s strong.”

  Standing up to collect the empty cups, Brigid asks, “Anyone need another cup of coffee or tea? I’ll make them, but someone needs to wake Raven up. Who’s it going to be?”

  When everyone turned to look at Tristan, he frowned, “Why do you all want me to get hurt? Conner, man, come on. We all know she’s going to be your mate. You will have to do this eventually. You should start working on your ducking skills.”

  Holding his gut laughing, “Oh, I know she’s mine, but that doesn’t mean I have to start dealing with her in the morning yet. Go on. You’re not scared of little Raven are you?”

  Grumbling, “Hell yes, I’m no fool,” then a wicked smile forms across his face, “Alright, I’ll wake her up. Just a warning, you may want ear plugs.” His maniacal laughter started as he left the room. At this four pairs of wide eyes watch him leave.

  “You don’t think she’ll kill him, do you?” Celeste says as she walks to the kitchen door.

  Conner is still laughing, “No, she won’t kill him, but he’ll feel whatever she does do, but all that also depends on what he does to wake her up.”

  Walking to the back room that he shared with Conner and Raven, Tristan prepares himself. Thinking to himself, what should I do to wake her up? Turn on the light and run?

  Dump water on her? If I do that, I better run and never stop. Hmm, think, think, think. Come on, I need to make this good. I got it!
r />   Running out the back door, Tristan goes to Gma’s garden shed. Looking around the small shed, he finds what he’s looking for, grabbing it, he turns and runs back to where Raven is sound asleep. Bracing himself, he raises the air horn and sets it off just as he takes off running.

  “TRISTAN!! What the fuck! You can’t run far enough, fast enough, or long enough!” Flying out of bed she takes off running after Tristan. Her blue black hair flying everywhere. Still in her pajamas, she goes flying past the kitchen. Liam, Celeste, Conner, and her Gma laughing and yelling at Tris to speed up. As Tristan rounds the corner to the back door, Raven cuts him off with a hard tackle to the ground, “I can’t believe you did that! That was so mean!” While Raven was rotating between punching and pinching Tris, Conner walked over to pick her up off him.

  “Come on, love, I have your coffee made up for ya, just the way you like it.”

  Humphing, Raven concedes to her future mate, “Conner, if you love me you will at least bruise him for me.”

  Turning to look at Tris, still on the floor laughing, “Well, I do love ya so, sorry Tris, but I have to put a bruise on you man.”

  Jumping up, Tris hides behind his ma, she chuckles and says, ”Hey now, don’t be hiding behind me. Stand up and take your comeuppance like a man.”

  Laughing at the situation, Liam decides to end playtime, “Alright, alright, we’ve had a little fun, but we need to get our day started. Tris and Conner, can you unload the van? Just set everything in the parlor. We can deal with it all later. Gma and Celeste, can you two ladies cook some breakfast? I think we should leave Raven to wake up and settle before we have to prepare to head out. There is also another matter we need to discuss, but it can wait till we’ve all eaten a proper breakfast.”

  Once all the luggage has been brought into the house, Tris heads straight for the kitchen, “Ma, Gma, please tell me breakfast is ready. I am seriously starving.”

  Walking in behind Tris, Conner smiles and lightly smacks Tris on the back of the head, “Tris, you are always starving. Where’s my girl?”

  Brigid smiles and brings serving plates to the table, “Tris, wait till everyone gets here. Conner, your girl is getting dressed. We sent her to take a shower to help wake her up.” Taking a breath, “Liam, Celeste, and I have made a decision that will affect, well, all of us. Once Raven gets down here, we’ll talk about it while we eat. Is everyone alright with that?” With a collective “yes”, everyone waits for Raven.

  Walking into the kitchen Raven smiles at her family and who she hopes will be her mate, Gods willing, “You guys didn’t have to wait for me to eat, but thank you.” Sitting next to Conner, Raven looks around the table, “What’s going on? You all look like you’re up to something. Gma, what’s the…”

  “Relax, A chori, everything is alright or will be. Your Uncle Liam, Auntie Celeste, and I just have some things to tell you about. All this isn’t normally supposed to happen in quite a rushed manner, but we feel it’s necessary. I must have your promises that what is revealed at this table will stay here. There is only one other person that will need to know everything, and we all will be meeting with him later this afternoon. Now, I want you all to eat while we have this chat.”

  Taking his cue from his da, Tris serves himself, and Conner serves Raven and then himself. After everyone has filled their plates and replenishes their coffee or tea, everyone looks to Brigid.

  Speaking up, Liam takes a bit of weight off his mum’s shoulders, “I’ll start, Raven, we told Conner everything. We felt he not only deserved to know but needed to know, because...”

  Cutting in, Brigid takes the lead, “Because, Conner is in fact your mate. I have known for many years. My visions are very clear, and that one has never changed or altered in any way.”

  Looking at each other with only a slight hesitation, Conner wraps his arms around Raven, “I knew you were mine. I have always known. The same as I have always loved you and will always love you.”

  Burying her face in Conner’s neck, Raven inhales deeply, “I am so happy, You had me from the moment your grey eyes locked on me. I have always loved you and will always love you.” Pulling back, Raven looks at her G’ma, “I know we aren’t supposed to find out till my eighteenth birthday, so why are you telling us now? Not that I’m not grateful, because I am.”

  “With everything you’ve gone through and still have to go through, I wanted some happiness for you, but there is more. I need you to be strong Raven, and I need you to listen. There is more than your birthday and Ascension coming up next week. Liam, are you ready?” With a nod, Brigid continues, “Raven, you know you are from a long line of proud and powerful witches. What you don’t know is what is kept from our young until their eighteenth birthday and Ascension. Raven, we, all of us are Dire Wolf shifters. After your Ascension is completed, you will shift for the first time that same evening. Along with shifting you will walk through the pack to feel for your mate. Otherwise known as the mate bond. Your mate is Conner, and he will already be close to you. He will shift the moment your shift is complete and well, nature will take over. Conner has built a home for you and him. He always knew you were his and planned accordingly.”

  Sitting back in her chair, Raven is not sure how she is supposed to feel, what she should say, or even what she should do. Staring at her Uncle Liam, who at this very moment was undressing in her Gma’s kitchen. “Uncle Liam what the fecking hell are you doing?” Turning her head, Raven looks away from him.

  Liam rolls his eyes, “Raven Becca Sullivan, look at me. This is important.”

  Turning to look at her Uncle Liam, who had walked out the back door. Totally shocked he used her full name, he never uses her full name. Now he’s standing outside completely nude. As soon as she locked eyes with her Uncle Liam, he shifted. “Holy fucking shit, you weren’t kidding! I can’t do that. He’s...he’s, oh my Gods, I don’t feel well.”

  Wrapping his arm around Raven, Conner places his mouth close to her ear, “Breathe my love, it’s alright. You haven’t lost your mind. What you saw Liam do was and is real, and yes, you will be able to do that in a few days. We can all shift. Ages for mating might be different between girls and boys, but our Ascensions and age to shift are the same. Have you ever noticed that all newly mated girls are eighteen and the guys are twenty one?”

  Shaking her head no, “Bu-but that would mean,” thinking about her parents and their death, “That would mean my parents were shifters and witches, and an avalanche killed them? No, something isn’t right. Nothing is making sense. What are you all not telling me?” Looking around the kitchen table, Raven knows she is about to lose her shit on the only family she has left.

  Tris stood up and turned Raven to look at him, “You need to listen. I can feel the anger building in you, and now is not the time for it. There will come a time for it, but it’s not now. Are you hearing the words coming out of my mouth? Are they registering in that thick skull of yours?”

  Conner lifted an eyebrow and was about to speak when he saw Liam, Celeste, and Brigid all shake their heads no.

  “Tristan, get out of my face.,” she lightly pushes him away from her, “I want answers and you all have them and you’re...”

  “Enough, Raven, now you need to listen. Do you think you can do that? If you can’t then there is no reason to continue because you won’t really hear a damn thing Ma, Da, or G’ma has to say. Take a really deep breath for all of us but mostly for yourself. We aren’t finished here Raven, and you need, no deserve, to know everything. Think about those around you who have suffered this loss as well. You are not the only one that is angry. Now, sit down on Conner’s lap, relax and let’s get through this as a family. Alright?”

  Getting off her chair, Raven walks over to Conner and climbs into his open arms, “I’ve got you, my love. Breathe and they will continue. You just have to remain calm, for now.”

  Taking a deep, cleansing breath and unclenching her fingers, Raven readies herself, “Alright, I am calm. I am breathin
g. I am sitting on my safe place.” With that, Conner wrapped his arms around Raven, and she leaned back onto his chest, “Please continue with whatever it is I need to know.”

  After shifting back to his human form and redressing, Liam rejoins everyone at the table. “I am sorry to have shocked you that way, but we needed you to know all of what you are. There is more concerning that, but that we can handle later. We needed to tell you early because we all have to meet with our packs Alpha soon. I am First Beta, which means I am second in charge of the pack. Your ma and da where members of a sister pack in the States. Their Alpha granted permission for you to come here. We will explain pack dynamics another time, for now I need to finish with what’s important: your parents’ death and your safety. Your parents didn’t just die in an avalanche. Their magic would have saved them. They were attacked first by a rival pack. It’s because of this we had to get you out of the States and here to Ireland, where we could protect you better.”

  Raven sits up, “Protect me? Why do I need protection? I have never crossed anyone. I don’t understand. You’re not making sense.”

  “Raven,” turning to look at Tris, “We believe whoever went after your parents is going to come after you. We know that there were a total of eight attackers and six of them died alongside your parents in the avalanche. We are confident that the two survivors came back to Ireland to report to their Alpha. They would report that they were able to kill your parents but unable to locate you because you weren’t with them.”

  Turning to look at her G’ma, “But I don’t understand why this Alpha would want my mom and dad dead, or me for that matter, if that’s the case. Alright, let me see if I have this right. On the day of my eighteenth birthday, I will have my Ascension, as well as shift into a huge ass wolf and last but definitely not least mate with Conner. Do I have it all so far?”


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