Kitten Thang

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Kitten Thang Page 6

by Jessika Klide

  "Then why the 'you’re crazy' look."

  "You aren’t in shape now?" He asks as he opens the door and I pass through.

  "Not in shape for a Vegas dancer that performs six, sometimes seven, nights a week. You have to be in extreme shape to dance that much."

  "So you are still planning on dancing six, sometimes seven, nights a week when we return?" He says as he steps out onto the landing. "I thought you were an exercise freak."

  "The kind of exercise I did in the apartment isn’t the same thing as cardio dancing." He turns to me, head down. He looks like a little boy. I walk over and dip my head to peer up into his face. "Are you pouting?" I ask in disbelief.

  "Maybe." He pooches his lips out.

  I put my arms around his neck and pull him down to my lips. I tell him as I lay mine there. "Three months is a long time to be away from the spotlight. I might not even have a career to return to."

  He puts his arms around me, cups my ass and picks me up. I wrap my legs around him. "Yes you will. You and I both know that isn’t going to be an issue. You are wicked good. But 4 or 5 nights sounds more reasonable to me. I want to have you all to myself sometime."

  "Hmm. When you put it that way."

  "Want to unwrap the door before we go?"

  "Fuck yeah!" I giggle and let go. He stands back as I rip the paper off! "Oh My Fucking Golden God! WOW! It’s absofuckinglutely beautiful!" The stained glass is a golden haired dancer hugging a stripper pole on a pair of ballet slippers. The perimeter trim is little blue hearts.

  I touch the slippers. He comes up behind me and slips his arms around me. "I knew you studied ballet."


  "Your body movements when you dance give you away. Remember my grandmother was a ballerina."

  I twirl around to look at him. His eyes are soft and kind.

  "You are the sweetest, most thoughtful man, I have ever met, Sugar Bare."

  He smiles then starts to button up my coat. "We need to go."

  "Speaking of bears ... and stained glass doors. What’s up there on the top floor?"

  "So Curious Thang went up there?"

  "Of course."

  "My photography studio."

  "Oh! Is that where the Bastard lives? I can’t wait to meet him." I giggle. "If he is half the fucking machine you are.... Ummhmm! Is he kinky? Cause I do kinky really good." He doesn’t laugh, so I lean up to kiss his lips making him stop buttoning my coat. "Let’s see it now."

  "No. Not now."

  I hook my fingers in his belt loops and lean back. "Come on. Show me. I promise not to ask too many questions." I drop my weight and tug.

  He takes a step forward, but braces against me. "No. I need more time."

  "Angelo will wait."

  "Not we need more time. I need more time." I try to tug him again, but I can’t budge him. "I’m not ready to show you yet."

  I give up the tug of war, knowing I’m strong, but not that strong, and poke him in his ticklish ribs instead. "Why not?" He flinches as I look at the stairs leading back up and think about making a mad dash for the door. I dart that way, but his quick hand grabs a hand full of my hair, stopping me dead. I giggle. "Come on! Time to 'fess up!" I walk away from him arching my back. "I’m not afraid of your dark deity side either."

  He says with a straight face, holding me firm. "Listen Siri, I’m being completely selfish here. I want more time with you. I’m not willing to risk what we have yet."

  I roll around and stand to face him. He keeps my hair in his hand. I give him my 'I can take care of myself' face with my hands on my hips and he chuckles. "Straight line then. Why?"

  "I’ve never shown anyone all of that side of me. I’m afraid that when you see all of him, you’ll be so shocked that you will just turn around and walk right out of my life."

  "And you would let me?" I smirk at him. "I thought you were never letting me go?"

  "I’m not ... in here." He touches his chest. "But I won’t stop you if you decide to walk away." He steps up to me and towers over me, then he scoops me up easily.

  I put my arms around his neck. "But I don’t think you understand who I truly am. You think I’m an innocent girl who happens to be a sex pot dancer." Angelo honks the horn. I see his face thinking of what I’ve said, but distracted by Angelo. I put my hand on the side of his face and make him look into my eyes. "I’m neither. I’m more complicated than that."

  His phone rings. "I know who you are. You’re a Diva."

  "I’m more than that." I frown at him as he takes his phone out.

  "I’ve got to answer this. There’s a big deal going down. Hang on just a minute."

  "Aurei...." He hoists me on his shoulder. "Umphf." Damn it! My head hangs over his back.

  "Ciao, Antonio." He starts down the stairs again, but stops to listen. He continues when he talks, but pauses when he listens. What could be so bad about his alter ego that he would think I would walk out on him? Fucking nothing! I slide my hands down into his pants to feel his perfect fucking muscle. The rolling and flexing! Ah! Sweet Zeus, I loved watching him fuck me in the mirror. I’m not letting him go. I just found him. He puts his phone in his pocket. "Your hands are cold."

  "I know I’m warming them up. Thanks." I dig my fingers in his ass. He chuckles. "Aurei..." I feel his hands on my waist. He lifts and I flex as he pushes me up over his head. I stare down into his eyes. My hair draping us like a curtain. "We both have complicated secrets." He lowers me down to his lips and I peck them. "Don’t forget who I am in Vegas. I’m the COO of Fucking Fantasies. I’ve given orgasms to literally hundreds of people and I have done some extreme fantasies too. I doubt if you will even shock me and I’m pretty positive nothing you could do would be so bad I would want to give up what I’ve just found with you. I’m pretty sure, you’re stuck with me." He sets me down and hugs me. His hand touches mine and it opens to him. That golden hand. I slide my fingers between his.

  Chapter Eleven

  "Did you peek in here?" He asks changing the subject as he steps back. He spins me around and hugs me against his body.

  "Yes." I look at the door. "You obviously own the whole building. Is the apartment yours?"

  "Yes. I started renovating it and intended to finish working on it while I was here, but some blonde bombshell showed up in my life and changed my plans." I giggle and he walks over to the door. "This is the apartment where my grandmother lived when she was a dancer."


  "Would you like to see inside real quick?" He doesn’t wait for my answer. He pulls open the door and I glide through. I roam from room to room, not waiting on him, hitting the lights. He has framed up 8 large rooms with 6 smaller rooms, a huge living area off a huge kitchen with its own dining area. "There is still a lot of work to be done." His voice echoes through the empty rooms. "I need to finish the kitchen layout and the flooring. I haven’t decided yet if I’ll cover all the original walls or leave them bare where I can." When I return to him, he holds his arm up and I tuck myself under it. "Well? What do you think?"

  I lean on him. "I love it! It’s fantabulous!"

  He kisses my hair. "This is going to be ground zero home."

  I lay my hand on his chest. "This was supposed to be a Sunday confession, wasn’t it?"

  "Yes. It was gonna be." He takes my chin, tips my face up to receive his kisses as he places little butterfly pecks in the shape of a heart while I ask him and he answers.

  "Have you decided to live in Italy then? Full time?"

  "Had decided, but not full time. Until you, I intended to live here some, and in Alabama some."

  "And now?"

  "Now Vegas too."

  "Ah! That’s music to my ears!"

  He smiles his gorgeous smile, squats down and opens his arms to me. "Jump on. We have a driver waiting on us who has a family waiting on him." I jump into his arms and wrap myself around him. Gawd! You are so awesome! He carries me through the door and turns to lock it. "Want to finish the design of it with me

  "Hell to the fucking yeah! What kind of crazy ass question is that?"

  He laughs out loud as he starts down the stairs. "Have you ever designed an apartment before?"

  "Yes! I designed my own condo. I can’t wait to show it to you! You’re going to love it!" I plant a wet kiss on his cheek. "My second love is Architecture and then the Arts. I couldn’t decide what I was going to major in in college. If Architecture hadn’t required a six year grind, I would have chosen that route. I’m going to lay in bed every night and dream up wild shit for you."

  He chuckles. "Of course. I wouldn’t expect anything less from my Wild Thang." He pulls the door open and when we are in the foyer, he sets me down. He gestures to the door to the street. I giggle knowing he didn’t trust me not to run back up the stairs to the Golden Bear studio. When we exit onto the street sidewalk, Angelo is rounding the corner. Aurei waves to him before he honks the horn again.

  When he stops, Aurei opens the door for me and I slide in. Immediately Angelo asks me. "Did you like it?" His grin matches his size, big and generous.

  "I absofuckinglutely love it!" I tell him as Aurei gets in and closes the door, shutting out the sounds of the other honking horns and street noises.

  He laughs. "Crucial!" He turns around happy and I realize he helped Aurei get it ready for me.

  Aurei puts his arm around me. I snuggle up, happy. "Thank you for my sweet surprise. It really is very thoughtful of you."

  "You’re welcome, Wild Thang. It will be my pleasure to watch you workout there."

  "What? You can’t watch me. I work out alone."

  "What do you mean you work out alone? What do you mean I can’t watch?" Aurei’s voice sounds angry. "You will not come down here alone! Just put that out of your pretty little head."

  Angelo stops the car in the middle of traffic and horns honk behind us. He reaches into his pocket and puts on a pair of earbuds, then puts the car in drive and pulls away again. I can hear music leaking from them as he blasts it.

  "What’s the big deal?"

  "The big deal is the issue still unresolved in Alabama."


  "Yes. Ruth. You are not to go anywhere without me, or Angelo or Antonio. Do you understand?"

  "Chill-ax. I do." I kiss his cheek. "I’m used to always having a body guard or a protection detail hanging around. I only meant I always workout alone. Once I have my routines memorized, I don’t mind if you come watch, but I can’t focus when I have an audience. I’m an entertainer and if you are there watching I will feel the need to entertain. It’s a distraction I can’t afford. I’m a professional dancer. It has to be perfect and dancing is hard work." I snuggle against him and he puts his arm around me again. "So what is the custom outfit you are having made for me?"

  "It’s a surprise."

  "For what?"

  "I’m not telling. It’s a surprise too."

  "When is the surprise?"

  "That’s a surprise too."

  I swat his chest. "For the love of Zeus, Aurei. You are full of secrets or surprises. What can you tell me?"

  He chuckles and takes my hand. His fingers begin to play with them and I start to tingle. "Tomorrow we will sightsee together, then Thursday you can start working out. When we return from Grandpa’s birthday celebration, we can discuss what day we are returning to Vegas. Deal?"


  "I’ll have Angelo bring you here and he can wait while you dancercise. I’ll drive myself to work."

  When Angelo pulls up to the portico, a doorman steps to the car and opens the door for us. As I swing my legs out, he offers his hand to me. I smile up at the doorman as I take it. I hear Angelo ask Aurei. "Bossman, will you need me tomorrow?" The doorman smiles as he pulls me from the car. Italian men certainly know how to make a woman feel special. He jesters to the door for me to enter the Hotel, but I shake my head. "I’ll wait." He returns to his station, but I feel his eyes on me. I hear Aurei telling Angelo that we will sightsee tomorrow on our own, but after that he will need to take me back and forth to the studio. When Aurei closes the door, he smiles at me. "Is this appropriate attire better?"

  "Much. Thank you. I’m very toasty in my new coat." As we walk past the doorman, his eyes follow me. When we enter the lobby, I ask Aurei. "Do Italian men cheat on their wives often?"

  "They don’t cheat like Americans do. They typically have mistresses."


  "Sure. Antonio, for instance, has what Americans consider an open marriage. Why?"

  I wink. "I was just wondering how true the rumors of Italian men are. You know the whole Casanova reputation. They aren't afraid to let a woman know they desire her, but it’s all done with superior skill. Not like creepers or stalkers. It’s tasteful."

  "It’s ok for them to stare at you, but don’t encourage them past that, Siri. I’d hate to have to kick their ass."

  I giggle. "I’d hate that too."

  Standing at the elevator with several families with kids, I start to hum "All of me." When the elevator arrives we ride up, I continue to hum the song as I remove my shoes. When we exit, I hand them to Aurei and strike a classic ballet pose. Then singing the chorus, I perform Pique Turns down the hall to our room, then I Pirouette and collapse into a fit of giggles onto his back as he enters the key code. "I haven’t done that in such a long time." I jump on him and ride him piggy back style into the room.

  "Why don’t we order room service for dinner tonight? I’m tired and we can take a nice hot bath together and not worry about coming back down to eat in the restaurant."

  "I like the way you think, Wise Thang."

  I yawn really big. I put my hand to my mouth and cover it. "See! I’m out of shape! I need to dance!"

  Chapter Twelve

  The next day, I rise before Aurei. I’m so excited about seeing the sights. I shower and dress in one of the new outfits he bought for me yesterday. It’s a soft black leather mini-skirt with a mint green, mid-length sleeve, crew neck, sweater crop top and wedge heeled, silver grey suede pumps. I’m ready to go before he rolls over. I set his phone alarm for 15 minutes, sync mine, then put his by the bed to wake him. I ease out of the door and head upstairs to the restaurant. I walk right in and seat myself at our table. The hostess, Ana, comes over and greets me. "Ciao, Miss Wright.

  "Ciao, Ana. How are you this morning?"

  "Good." She smiles and surveys the room.

  "Is there anyone here that I should be aware of?" I smile and wink at her.

  Her smile broadens. "No. All shall be quiet."

  "That’s good. Grazie, Ana."

  She nods and bows slightly, then leaves to greet some new guests arriving. Our waiter comes over and asks. "Will you be ordering your usual, Miss Wright?"

  "Yes, please." I smile at him and read his name tag.

  He smiles, nods and leaves. He returns with a pot of cappuccino and pours me a cup. "I’ve put your order in. Shall I wait for Maximus before I serve you?"

  "Yes, Federico. Grazie. He will be down shortly." I’m adding the cream and sugar when my iPhone begins to plays Tom Jones’ classic, "She’s a Lady." I laugh as I pull it out of my pocket. Aurei’s been playing with my phone. "That rascal!" I turn my alarm off and text him. *I’m sitting at our table. I’ve ordered your eggs and my sausage. Hurry up and shower. I’m ready to walk until I drop exploring the sights with you!* I hit send and I hear the swoosh sound as it leaves and flies through the atmosphere to him. Almost instantly, my iPhone dings.

  There is a selfie pic of a perfect set of six pack abs below a perfect set of pecs and above a perfect hard cock pushing up the bed sheet. I can just see the edge of a scruff of beard on a chin and the tip of a tongue in the corner of a perfect mouth. *I was hoping you would eat my sausage this morning.*

  My pussy lurches and tightens. He is so fine! *I’ll be right there.* I hit send and start to stand, scooting my chair back, but it stops and I plop back down in it. I smell him as he leans down to me and hums in my ear, th
en says. "Good morning, Beautiful Thang."

  I melt right there as I stare up into those gorgeous, emerald green eyes, with the sunlight sitting on his hair and the gold highlights reflecting like glitter. He is dressed in a dark green J Crew shirt, that is unbuttoned to allow his big chest extra breathing room, and white jeans. "Fuck! You look good enough to eat right here, right now." I exclaim a little too loud.

  He smiles lazily, puts his hand gently under my chin and holds my face still. "Shhh, Kitten Thang." He whispers as he leans down and plants a sweet kiss on my forehead. His eyes watch his hand as it traces the edges of my jaw to my ear. Goosebumps start at that spot and travel with his hand as I feel his electric current running into me. He gently tugs a strand of hair as he moves his hand down my arm on the table. He lays his hand over mine, back to back, thumb to thumb. His fingers fall between mine as he bends over to me and lightly places his heart shaped lips on mine. I smell the sweet smell of toothpaste as he whisper pecks my lips. His kisses melt me. Umm. His eyes grab and hold mine as he glides backwards and gracefully flows into his chair, rolling his hand over mine keeping us connected as he sits. He leans onto the table and studies our hands. I look at them too. His real man hand engulfs mine. He closes his fingers and cinches them tight. I pull against him instinctually, but his grip is firm. He rolls them over, turning our palms up and his fingers hook mine. He pulls me to him while he leans back in his chair. Like a seesaw, my body leans forward following him. He pulls until my breasts lay on the table like ripe grapefruits. His eyes fondle them as they push the threads of the sweater tight. I study his relaxed face as he enjoys the show. He is a fine feast! My tits tingle and when I see his tongue touch the corner of his mouth, the nipples harden remembering how exquisite he makes them feel when he plays with them. I watch hypnotized by his tongue as it moves up and down in the corner, then slides to the other side, wetting his lips. I hear his deep voice caressing my ears as his heart shaped lips form his words. "Come closer." I feel the pain as he bends my fingers back, but I ignore it, because his tongue touches that corner again, then vanishes and emerges back out on the other corner. As his tongue plays with my mind, sliding across his lips, back and forth rapidly three or four times, then slow, stopping to stroke the corners, the image of his Golden Rod pushing up the bed sheet emerges. Each time his tongue touches the corners, it looms larger until it is the size of a summer sausage and I shift in my seat. He tells me again. "Come closer." His tongue vanishes as his smile breaks out on his face and he pulls my aching fingers to him.


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