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by Tarnas, Richard

  Far more than is usual for a book with a single author, this book has been a collaborative work, especially in the final three years when I was helped by more than thirty trusted colleagues. Their close reading of the manuscript as I completed each stage and their detailed responses to each chapter were essential in shaping and refining the final text. I gratefully acknowledge the following who read the manuscript in its entirety, in many instances more than once, and who provided me with invaluable critical comments, recommendations, and support: Christopher Bache, Anne Baring, Jorge Ferrer, James Fournier, Gerry Goddard, Ray Grasse, Stanislav Grof, Suzi Harvey, Kris Hulsebus, Will Keepin, Sean Kelly, Keiron Le Grice, Norma Lewis, Robert McDermott, Rod O’Neal, Jordi Pigem, Sheri Ritchlin, Jacob Sherman, Jonathan Stedall, David Steindl-Rast, Matthew Stelzner, and Van Wishard. For expert readings of specific chapters I am indebted to Bruno Barnhart, Robert Bellah, Stuart Brown, Lionel Corbett, Owen Gingerich, Christopher Hunt, Deane Juhan, Thomas Kirsch, Joseph Prabhu, and Brian Swimme. The manuscript also benefited in its final stage from the perceptive readings and comments of Callie Cardamon, Roberta De-Doming, Jennifer Freed, Christina Hardy, Chad Harris, June Katzen, Kevin Kohley, Philip Levine, Frank Poletti, Bill Streett, and Barbara Winkler. For her heartfelt support and many shared insights, I am deeply grateful to Terra Wise.

  It was an immeasurable benefit to have so many gifted men and women devote themselves with such generosity and care to bringing the book to birth. In some sense they all made this project their own, transforming my personal task into a collective effort that enriched the book in small ways and large. Yet their contribution went far beyond scholarly and editorial counsel. No author can take on a task like this and sustain it without another kind of support, of the heart and the spirit, and I will always be grateful to those who provided it over such a long period.

  In particular, I owe more than I can say to Stanislav Grof, with whom I have researched, discussed, and taught the material contained in this book for thirty years, beginning with our work together in the 1970s at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California. His friendship and intellectual fellowship have been a continuing, deeply appreciated gift in my life. James Hillman has been a crucial contributor to this book from the beginning, not only as the encouraging and guiding editor and publisher of its early incarnations as Prometheus the Awakener, but also through the influence of his many brilliant lectures and writings. I wish to gratefully acknowledge Charles Harvey, who as president of the British Astrological Association was both the earliest and, for over twenty years until his death in 2000, the most patient and steadfast supporter of my work within the international astrological community. For guidance in the initial stages of my research, I am indebted to Hans Hofmann, Craig Enright, Georgia Kelly, Arne Trettevik, Giles Healey, and Robert Hand. I also want to thank the many remarkable students who participated in the graduate courses and seminars I have taught over the past twelve years at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco and Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara. As was once wisely said, the teacher is the person in the classroom who is learning the most.

  This book would not have found its way into print had it not been for the faith in its value, sustained for many more years than could reasonably be expected, shown by my literary agent, Frederick Hill, and my publisher, Clare Ferraro. I am deeply grateful to both. I am also indebted to Bokara Legendre, Robert Wyatt, and Peter Guzzardi for their important early roles in initiating the publication of this book. I wish to thank Carole DeSanti and Beena Kamlani for their very helpful editorial suggestions and many hours of heroic work on a large and complicated manuscript. My thanks go also to Tara Sanders for her skill and patience in translating my various instructions into elegant diagrams and helping with the cover illustration.

  For financial support that sustained my work at key stages over the years I am deeply grateful to Norma and David Lewis, Robert Tarnas and Barbara Raskin, Joan Reddish, Deborah Wittwer-Kopp, Alexandra Marston, Michael Marcus, George Zimmer, and Arthur Young. I also gratefully acknowledge the generosity and vision of the late Laurance S. Rockefeller, whose decade-long support of my teaching at the California Institute of Integral Studies, and of the Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness graduate program that I cofounded there, played an important role in the formation of this book. In this regard I owe a special debt to Robert McDermott, who as president of that school invited me to join the faculty and create a program while continuing research and writing, and who has been unflaggingly generous in his support and friendship.

  Finally, I wish to express my gratitude to the extraordinary land and sea here in coastal California where I have lived, learned, and received inspiration throughout the years of my journey with this book—a journey that began at Esalen in Big Sur with the luminous night sky of stars and planets that I watched in wonder, night after night, season after season, from the high cliffs overlooking the Pacific.


  Abbey, Edward

  Abraham, Karl

  Adams, Abigail

  Adams, John

  Addams, Jane

  Addey, John

  Adler, Alfred

  The Advancement of Learning (Bacon)


  Prometheus Bound and


  On Aggression (Lorenz)

  Agrippa of Nettesheim

  De Occulta Philosophia and

  AIDS epidemic

  Albee, Edward

  Alberti, Leon Battista

  Albertus Magnus

  Allen, Woody

  Allman Brothers

  Alpert, Richard

  Altman, Robert

  The Ambassadors (James)

  American Revolution

  Amis de la Vérité (feminist organization)



  Anderson, Lindsay

  Animal Liberation (Singer)

  Anima mundi

  Anthony, Susan B.


  Antonioni, Michelangelo

  Apocalyptic scenarios

  Aquinas, Thomas

  Summa Theologica and

  Arabian Nights (Burton)


  archetypal principles

  see also planetary archetypes

  Ardrey, Robert

  The Territorial Imperative and


  Aristotelian geocentric universe


  Armstrong, Louis

  Armstrong, Neil

  Arroyo, Stephen

  Art and Revolution (Bakunin)

  Assayer (Galileo)


  archetypal dynamics in

  determinism and

  the Gauquelins and

  Greek astronomy and

  Jung and

  natal charts

  planetary alignments and correlations in

  psychological states and

  quantum physics and

  religion and

  Astrology (cont.)

  skepticism and resistance to

  Western cosmology and

  Astronomia Nova (Kepler)

  Auden, W. H.


  City of God



  Austen, Jane

  The Autobiography of Frederick Douglass

  Axial Age

  Babe Ruth

  Babeuf, François-Noël

  Bach, Johann Sebastian

  Brandenburg Concertos of

  Bacon, Francis

  The Advancement of Learning and

  Temporis partus masculus and

  Bakunin, Michael

  Balboa, Vasco Nuñez de

  Baldwin, James

  The Band (rock group)

  Barber, Samuel

  Barfield, Owen

  Saving the Appearances and

  Barrow, John

  Barzun, Jacques

  Bateson, Gr

  Bateson, William

  Baudelaire, Charles

  Les fleurs du mal and

  The Beast in the Jungle (James)

  The Beatles

  Beat movement

  Beauvoir, Simone de

  Beckett, Samuel

  Beck, Jeff

  Beck, Julian

  Becquerel, Henri

  Beethoven, Ludwig van

  Eroica and

  Be Here Now (Ram Dass)

  Bellah, Robert

  Bellini, Vincenzo

  Bellow, Saul

  Bergman, Ingmar

  The Seventh Seal and

  Bergson, Henri

  Berlioz, Hector

  Bernard of Clairvaux

  Berry, Chuck

  Berry, Thomas

  The Great Work and

  Bertalanffy, Ludwig von

  General System Theory and

  Bertolucci, Bernardo

  Big Brother and the Holding Company (rock group)

  Birth of a Nation (Griffith)

  Blake, William

  Marriage of Heaven and Hell and

  Blind Faith (rock group)

  Blood Sweat and Tears (rock group)

  Bloomer, Amelia

  Bloom, Harold

  Bloomsbury group

  Bly, Robert

  Bode, Johann Elert

  Bodin, Jean

  Boehme, Jakob

  Boff, Leonardo

  Bogdanovich, Peter

  Bohm, David

  Bohr, Niels

  The Book of the Courtier (Castiglione)

  Borges, Jorge Luis

  Born, Max

  Botticelli, Sandro

  Boyle, Robert

  Brahe, Tycho de

  Branch Davidians

  Brando, Marlon

  Brand, Stewart

  Braque, Georges

  Bresson, Robert

  Breuer, Josef

  Studies in Hysteria and

  Bridgman, P. W.

  Broglie, Louis de

  Brontë sisters

  The Brothers Karamazov (Dostoevsky)

  Brown, John

  Brown, Norman O.

  Bruno, Giordano

  Bryan, William Jennings

  Buber, Martin

  Bucke, Richard

  Buñuel, Luis

  Burroughs, Nannie Helen

  Burroughs, William

  Burton, Richard

  Arabian Nights and

  Bush, George W.

  policies of

  Byron, Lord

  Cabot, John

  Cabral, Pedro

  Caldicott, Helen

  Calvin, John

  Commentary on Genesis and

  Institutes of the Christian Religion and

  Campbell, Joseph

  The Masks of God and

  Camus, Albert

  The Stranger and

  The Canterbury Tales (Chaucer)

  Carmichael, Stokeley

  Carroll, Lewis

  Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and

  Through the Looking Glass

  Cars (rock group)

  Carson, Rachel

  Silent Spring and

  Carter, Charles E. O.


  Cassady, Neal

  Castañeda, Carlos

  The Teachings of Don Juan and

  Castiglione, Baldassare

  The Book of the Courtier and

  Castro, Fidel

  Catt, Carrie Chapman

  Cézanne, Paul

  Chabrol, Claude

  Champollion, Jean-François

  Chaplin, Charlie

  Chaplin-Hitler archetypal comparison and

  Charcot, Jean Martin

  Divine Milieu and

  The Human Phenomenon and

  Charles, Ray

  Chaucer, Geoffrey

  The Canterbury Tales and

  Chaudhuri, Haridas

  Che Guevara

  Cheney, Richard

  Chinese Cultural Revolution

  Chopin, Frederic

  Christian, Charlie

  The Christian Faith (Schleiermacher)

  Churchill, Winston

  Citizen Kane (Welles)

  City of God (Augustine)

  Civilization and Its Discontents (Freud)

  Civil Rights movements

  see also African-Americans; Martin Luther King, Jr.

  Clapton, Eric

  Clarke, Kenny

  Clarkson, Thomas

  Clash (rock group)

  The Clash of Civilizations (Huntington)

  Claudine novels (Colette)

  Clausius, Rudolf

  Cleaver, Eldridge

  Cohen, Leonard

  Cold War

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor


  Claudine novels and

  Collective unconscious

  Coltrane, John

  Columbus, Christopher

  Commentariolus (Copernicus)

  Commentary on Genesis (Calvin)


  The Communist Manifesto (Marx, Engels)

  Condorcet, Marquis de

  Esquisse d’un tableau historique des progrès de l’esprit humain and

  The Conduct of Life (Emerson)

  Confessions (Augustine)

  Conrad, Joseph

  Heart of Darkness and

  Cook, James

  Copernicus, Nicolaus

  Commentariolus and

  Copernican revolution

  De Revolutionibus and

  heliocentric theory of

  post-Copernican cosmos and

  Corbin, Henry

  Correns, Carl

  Cosimo de Medici


  anthropocentric view of

  astrology and

  Copernican revolution and


  Enlightenment and

  in post-Copernican context

  Western view of

  Count Basie

  The Courage to Be (Tillich)

  Cousins, Ewert

  Cream (rock group)

  Creedence Clearwater (rock group)

  Crick, Francis

  Crime and Punishment (Dostoevsky)

  Criminal underworld, as drama genre

  Crimson, King

  Croce, Benedetto

  Crosby Stills and Nash (rock group)

  The Crucible (Miller)


  Curie, Marie

  Daguerre, Louis

  Dalai Lama

  Daly, Mary

  Dante Alighieri

  and Beatrice

  Il Paradiso and

  Inferno and

  La Divina Commedia and

  Danton, Georges Jacques

  Darby, Abraham

  Darwin, Charles

  The Descent of Man and

  Lincoln-Darwin archetypal comparison and

  The Origin of Species and

  Darwin, Erasmus

  Das Kapital (Marx)

  The Da Vinci Code (novel)

  Da Vinci, Leonardo

  Davis, Angela

  Davis, Miles

  The Day After (1983)

  The Day After Tomorrow (2004)

  Daybreak (Nietzsche)

  Day, Dorothy

  Deacon, Terrence

  Dean, James

  Death of a Salesman (Miller)

  The Death of Ivan Illich (Tolstoy)

  Debs, Eugene

  The Decline of the West (Spengler)

  Dee, John

  De Humani Corporis Fabrica (Vesalius)

  De Magnete (Gilbert)

  Democracy in America (Tocqueville)


  De Occulta Philosophia (Agrippa)

  De Profundis (Wilde)

  Depth psychology

  see also Freud; Habermas; Jung

  De Revolutionibus (Copernicus)

  Descartes, René

  birth of

  Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm
  Discourse on Method and

  Geometry and

  Principia Philosophie and

  The Descent of Man (Darwin)

  De Sica, Vittorio

  De Staël, Madame


  in astrology, (see also indeterminacy)

  De Vries, Hugo

  De Waal, Frans

  Diaghilev, Sergei

  Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (Galileo)

  Dialogue Concerning Two New Sciences (Galileo)

  Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (Hume)

  The Dial (journal)

  Diamond, Jared

  Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed

  Dickens, Charles

  Dickinson, Emily

  Diddley, Bo

  Diderot, Denis

  Encyclopédie and

  Digges, Thomas

  DiMaggio, Joe

  Dionysian impulses

  and Nietzsche

  during the Sixties


  Dirac, Paul

  Discorsi (Machiavelli)

  Discourse on Method (Descartes)

  The Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality Among Men (Rousseau)

  Discourse on Women (Mott)


  objective knowledge and

  Divine Milieu (Chardin)

  The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce (Milton)

  Dominican order


  Doomsday scenarios

  The Doors of Perception (Huxley)

  The Doors (rock group)

  Dostoevsky, Fyodor

  The Brothers Karamazov and

  Crime and Punishment and

  The Idiot and

  Douglass, Frederick

  The Autobiography of Frederick Douglass and

  Doyle, Arthur Conan

  Dreiser, Theodore

  Du Bois, W.E.B.

  The Souls of Black Folk and

  Duchamp, Marcel

  Duino Elegies (Rilke)

  Duncan, Isadora

  and Wagner

  Dürer, Albrecht

  On the Duty of Civil Disobedience (Thoreau)

  Dylan, Bob

  Dynamics of Faith (Tillich)

  Dyson, Frank

  Eastman, Max

  Ebertin, Reinhold

  Eddington, Arthur

  Edinger, Edward

  Edison, Thomas

  Edwards, Jonathan

  A Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God

  Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God

  The Ego and the Id (Freud)

  Egyptian Sun-god

  Einstein, Albert

  relativity theory and

  Eldredge, Niles

  Elements of Chemistry (Lavoisier)

  Eliade, Mircea


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