Shadows of the Son

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Shadows of the Son Page 40

by E L Strife

  He can still die, Azure. Jecarne should’ve stopped him. I should’ve. Someone!

  Azure stared at a hand as he moved his fingers much the way Bennett had in recent days but with greater disconnect and less curiosity. “You were unconscious when he left. Whatever he did is the reason we’re alive. They stopped firing on us. The Primveras’ Guild cleaned the rest of the orbit and the surface. We’re safe now.”

  “He is more important than all of us combined,” Krett said, approaching Lavrion’s side.

  Azure grumbled and shifted her body tighter against his.

  Where is Jecarne? Atana asked, looking up at Azure.

  When his gaze met hers, the creases of concern in his face deepened. Never returned. Ship’s gone.

  Lifting a hand to a screen in the wall, Krett pulled up a red diagram in the black surface and tapped a compartment. “We need to collect the debris, or it will never be safe for kiatna to walk the earth again. Too many toxic parts, not to mention the meteorites. It’s a minefield out there. Think we can deposit it in one of the lower bays?”

  “Lots of useful components in the wreckage, I bet,” Azure said. “I think it’s a good plan.”

  Krett turned to leave.

  Atana tried to lift her head. The attempt was shaky and promptly ended. Lavrion was right. She needed rest. What was that ship?

  Grabbing the doorframe, Krett leaned back inside. “If I had a clue, Halcyon knows I’d have said something long before now. Get some sleep.”

  But sleep was the last thing on her mind.

  To not be seen in this corner of the universe again, Rio had said. What she didn’t understand was how a Prospector could need to be anywhere else. The revolution had begun with them, Earth’s crews, and Agutra’s survivors. They needed Bennett. If he was dead, the uprising was already over, and fleeing the solar system was their only hope for survival.

  She had to find him.

  —Redshift Preview—

  HE WAS A LONE EMBER in the ink of night. Bennett felt no sensation from his body. There was no hot or cold, no push or pull, only the faint light of his shield and the dark of space across his eyelids.

  The universe did not come for him.

  His father’s voice remained absent.

  It was just Bennett and the sand in his eyes. The disintegrating ships. Lifeless faces. Spraying missiles, blood, fire, and flesh. He worried about Earth and Agutra, about home, and her.

  I’m not ready.

  Bennett couldn’t understand life when death ruled all.

  His spacesuit had feathered away from his skin long ago. Fragments, some sharp, others soft, tapped at his face. He could still feel their pressure near his eyes. He clung to that touch—a sign of reality. Life.

  He pretended they were fingertips.


  But her image wouldn’t stay. Her sweet Marusa scent flitted off of his memory before he could fully grasp it. Every time he thought he’d caught her, the stress of the last few hours swept her away. Frustration became helplessness and helplessness, grief.

  He was nothing and no one and dying. Alone.

  I did what I could. But he couldn’t tell what was working, what wasn’t, and if the universe had been satisfied with so much death.

  I give up.

  Bennett let go, and his thoughts faded into euphoric light.

  The stars of space twinkled brighter. Bennett squinted and peered out under the shield of his hand, wondering if he’d landed in Halcyon or a cosmic no man’s land.

  In the distance, he discerned a massive web of ships and spires stretching out into space. Docked at every spiny port were Agutras in various stages of development.

  On the central dome and every outlying pier was a name, painted in flawless black lettering. The sight made him queasy.


  In a dizzying rush, he felt himself careen upward as if drawn by a string in his chest. The galaxy from which he’d come was but a red freckle on a blood-stained map. Constellations encased him in a sphere. Thousands of similar marks were spread out through the cosmos.

  Such a sight made their battle feel horrifyingly meaningless. Zephyr Station, as Atana had called it, was on the outskirts of the Suanoan Empire’s assumed stronghold.

  “Why are you showing me this?” Bennett asked, glancing around but finding only more stars, galaxies, and red Empire dots.

  He felt a tug on his chest and looked down. The chrome device was gone. Patting his pec, he found no hole or blue veins to speak of, and the Suanoan suit he’d stolen was whole once more. What the—

  The next pull launched him forward through the map, which parted like fog. Bright light crossed his vision, making him wince and lean away. Hope for Halcyon sprung wondrous thoughts in his mind. Seeing his mother and Jack. No more war. No fighting.

  But as quickly as the light had come, it left.

  The universe was nothing but black, and he was drifting again. He felt like it teased him—a cruel joke at a man’s end.

  Then sunlight wrapped around him, lifting him as if gravity existed in a place where he knew there was none. Its warmth couldn’t ease the aching guilt, not after such atrocity. Not when the future was lost without the knowledge he’d acquired. Just promise me you tell my father what I have seen.

  It had happened so fast: the crash, finding the creatures, and fleeing the detonating ship. Trying to grasp the memories grew harder. Blank spaces invaded thought, and Bennett surrendered, accepting death—praying it would release him.

  Something soft touched his chest, spreading heat through his body. Bennett shifted under its spell.

  A voice, gentle as light rain, whispered in his ear, “Stay with me.”


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  Book 1: Stellar Fusion

  Book 2: Requiem

  Book 3: Shadows of the Son

  Book 4: Red Shift (Coming Soon)

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  NOTABLE SPECIES (Identifying characteristics; skill; personality; extra notes)

  Ari (Humanoid, fair skin with silver eyes and black hair or tan skin with multicolored eyes and brown hair; telepathic; varies; home planet was Arasu)

  Dagganak (Stout, spiral cowlicks on the sides of the head; sensitive hearing; easily offended, short-tempered)

  Euli (Tall, black eyes, brown to black hair; precise; cold)

  Humans (Varies; vastly outnumbered on Earth)

  Kojaqx (Short, green eyes, red hair; precise; fiery)

  Kriit (Red spikes for skin and hair; stealthy and quiet; loyal)

  La’kian (Blue scintillation of body; connect with other dimensions, telepathy, telekinesis, warp time, move between dimensions, conjure fire; compassionate and defiant; Origin Species)

  Linéten (Slender, pallid white skin, bony spines; tech-savvy; manipulative, jealous, self-righteous, often associated with Verros movement to earn place at the Suanoa’s side.)

  Linoan (Sinewy, crimson skin with black spots near joints, black eyes; assassins on Suanoan ships; personality unknown)

  Mirramor (Skin shifts shades, violet and green eyes; healing, concealing/revealing species in themselves and others, telepathy; calm, thoughtful, caring; Elite Species with strong links to the ether dimension, home planet was Lizra)

  Orionate (Winged humanoids; healing, telepathy, telekinesis, flight; honor and duty first; Elite Species, multiple Orders of Orionates with different features and skillsets)

  Picree (Lithe quadruped, long lashes, large ears with multiple holes, skin net overhead; speed and agility; flighty and t

  Primvera (Two to three hundred thin strands titled “flumes” extend from the nervous system of the spine forming a pair of arced wings, ridged forehead; telepathy, telekinesis, tech-savvy, piloting is natural, physical illumination; personality depends on color of Prim; Kilavi energy bursts, Elite Species)

  Prospector (Humanoid, golden armor and skin, winged; telepathic, telekinetic, survive space, warp time, move between dimensions, conjure fire; connected directly to universe’s consciousness, Origin Species)

  Simmaro (Silver-gray fur, ears near back of the head, yellow eyes, long and arced digits; climbing, hard labor; playful but timid)

  Suanoa (Thin, pallid skin, black eyes with red rings near the pupils, black stripes run from forehead to jaw over the eyes; telepathic, tech-savvy; merciless, egocentric, jealous; Origin Species, embed plasma-pulse weapons in palms)

  Xahu’ré (Stalky, gray skin with navy thermo-stripes, blue eyes, dark gray hair; hard labor, tech-savvy; loyal to death, stubborn, cantankerous; eyes glow when emotional due to type of lifespark, home planet was Vioras)

  Yvinna (White hair; telekinetic, create darkness, absorb energy, reflect energy, manipulate minds; watchful but reserved; home planet of Ontressa, two races are Forbiyon and Malchrees, TresKnights are specifically trained for all skillsets in solitude on the fourth moon—Daosmin)

  UP Code of Appropriate Actions

  Any violation, as presented with adequate proof to Command, will subject that shepherd to a complete evaluation to determine if the shepherd in question is capable of continuing with the Universal Protectors. If a violation is confirmed, the shepherd will be sentenced to early retirement and begin out-processing immediately. Technical details are listed under Home Station’s C:Shepherds’ StandardsMandated Codes.

  Rule 1: Never Get Involved.

  Your duty is to respect your job, your responsibilities, and others.

  Any personal relationships (ie: friendship, family, intimate) are strictly forbidden.

  Rule 2: Serum for Stability.

  Without it, our cause is lost.

  Rule 3: Plan, Prepare, Perform Perfectly.

  Error is not tolerated.

  Rule 4: Treat All Earthlings Equally.

  Do not place the value of one individual, no matter their affiliation or worth, over that of the masses.

  Rule 5: Be Proactive.

  Maintain physical health, skills, and knowledge and adapt to the evolving needs of your position.

  Rule 6: Do Not Disclose Identifying Information, Allowing Others to Know You as Different From the Masses.

  Information concerning the UP program shall not be shared to any civilian, under any circumstances.

  Release of information about your personal self/life is to be kept to a minimum,

  Disclosed only as essential to successful performance of missions.

  Rule 7: Honesty Prevents Failure.

  Be upfront and forthright so tasks may be completed with minimal interference.

  Rule 8: Lead by Example.

  Guide less-experienced shepherds with idealized performance and explanation of expectations.

  Rule 9: No Shepherd Left Behind.

  A fallen shepherd will not be left in the field to fall into combatant possession without due cause.

  Rule 10: Respect Command.

  They protect us, like we protect the people.

  We Are Kindred IN Death.

  It is only in life, that we can be different from others.

  Let us use this time to make a positive impact.

  We are all equal, united as one.

  Shepherd’s Oath

  My strength comes from those before me. I honor them now and forever, as I continue their tradition.

  I solemnly swear: to be honest and fair.

  With integrity and a balanced mind, for this vocation I was designed.

  Not akin to any zone, we call Earth our only home.

  We’re the last true armor for the vital spark.

  We disarm evil and preserve peace for every heart.

  The greed of others will not sway our actions but fuel the purpose for our reaction.

  Our decisions remain unbiased and objective. In this state, we shall be effective.

  We will continue to safeguard the innocent until every last drop of our blood is spent.

  Though our bodies may weary, as long as they’re warm,

  We’ll stay calm and controlled, amidst the storm.

  We are a symbol, for those who see, no matter our pain, we will set them free.

  Even on the darkest night, we are their shepherds, their guiding light.

  We fight for each other, till the wicked succumb. We are all equal, united as one.

  We are the Universal Protectors!

  Perimeter Guard Motto

  Yanir sim niveriia vehr, ria’ii nux alatus dak giat’ii.

  (Until my dying breath, we fight together for each other.)

  Pronunciation Key


  Amianna – Ah-mee-ahn-uh

  Azure – Uh-zoor

  Balie – Buh-lee

  Cev Lioh – Sehv-Leo

  Cutashk – Coo-tah-sh-k

  Dequan – Day-quahn

  Evami – Eh-vahm-ee

  Glato – Glah-toe

  Gruégon - Grew-ae-gone

  Hyras – Hi-rahs

  Imara – Ih-mahr-uh

  Jecarne – Jeh-carn

  Jorjan – Jore-juhn

  Josandizer – Yohs-ahn-di-zur

  Klézia – Clay-zee-uh

  Krett – Kreht

  Lavrion – Lahv-ree-ahn

  Mavene – May-veen

  Miskaht – Miss- kaht

  Miush – Me-oosh

  Nakio Atana – Nuh-key-oh Uh-tahn-uh

  Nalli – Nah-lee

  Nephma – Nef-muh

  Omut – Oh-mutt

  Paramor – Pair-uh-more

  Ramura – Ruh-mur-uh

  Remmi – Rem-ee

  Renae – Ren-ay

  Rimsan – Rihm-sahn

  Ronux – Row-nucks

  Saema – Say-muh

  Sergio – Sehr-gee-oh

  Tivar – Tie-vahr


  Dagganak – Da-gahn-ahk

  Euli – E-you-lee

  Kojaqx – Co-jacks

  Kriit – Kreet

  La’kian – Lah key-ahn

  Linoan – Lih-noh-uhn

  Linéten – Lihn-ay-ehn

  Marakou – Mahr-uh-koo

  Mirramor – Meer-uh-more

  Primvera – Pryhm-vair-uh

  Simmaro – Sim-ahr-row

  Suanoa –Sue-ahn-oh-uh

  Warruk – Wahr-uhk

  Xahu’ré – Zuh-who-ray

  Yvinna – Yih-vihn-uh


  Agutra – Uh-goo-truh

  Arasu – Uh-ray-sue

  Ether – Ee-thur

  Nuiive – new-eve

  Lizra – Lye-zur-uh

  Semilath – Sehm-ill-ahth

  Vioras – Vee-or-us

  Zephyr – Zef-fur


  Hatoga – Huh-toh-guh

  Kronos – Crone-ohs

  Kyra – Kye-ruh

  Jesiar – Jess-ee-ahr

  Marusa – Mar-ooh-suh

  Doku – Doe-koo

  Kiatna – Key-aht-nuh

  Rhizoras – Rise-ohr-uhs

  Verros – Vair-ohs

  Zusha – Zoo-shuh



  A – Li

  Again/repeat – Orsa

  All – é

  And – Im

  Are/Be – Vi

  Ass/Derogatory – Ehru

  Attractive (male) – Meturlion

  Baby – Amiimi

  Bad (situation) – Mriikrii

  Bastard – Ehrun

  Bare/exposed/raw – Liatti

  Beams (light) – Viiar

  Beautiful – Lisano

  Bed – Veruliat />
  Bird-like creature – Calila(n)

  Blessings – Pelaeso

  Body/single being – Giatmano

  Boots – Duan

  Bread – Kahnka

  Breath – Vehr

  Broken – Teglik

  Brother – Marrat

  Can – Yui

  Careful – Sisano

  Child/ren – Amras

  Cold – Sua’o

  Come/follow – Ruaha

  Comfort – Veruusia

  Control – Grekrat

  Correct – Tsusa

  Cruel – Sua

  Day/cycle– Vvimora

  Deal/manage – Sakimo

  Death – Niveriia

  Desire/need – Tus

  Different – Ja’aht

  Do/perform – Tahtu

  Door – Gromat

  Dreams – Lianar

  Dry – Hesse

  Each other/our masses – Giat’ii

  Eternity/forever – Iveron

  Family – Veriat

  Father – Miipa

  Fear – Eskrii

  Feeling – Trus

  Female/Her – Miia

  Fight – Nux

  Fill – Cohas

  For/present/gift – Dakan

  Friends – Layha

  Freedom – Avituvey

  Get – Tuess

  Give – Dak

  Go/be over there – Avi

  God/spirit – Diete

  Good – Siisa

  Have/hold – Iitues

  Heart – Tannas

  Here – Shirrahs

  Hey/attention – asii

  Honor – Pelamiit

  Hot – Grat

  How/explain – Suriah

  In – Amah

  Is – il

  It – Ras

  Item/something – It’yan

  Kill/murder – Krat

  Know/aware – Ku

  Leader/ruler – Noa

  Let – Lakat


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