The Law of Attraction

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The Law of Attraction Page 11

by N. M. Silber

  “That means we still have two more hours before my parents get home.”

  “What are you, seventeen?”

  “I can go again after I recover. Believe me, it won’t be a problem. Gabrielle, I have never experienced anything in my entire life that has felt that good.”

  “Me neither. Braden, that was incredible. It’s never ever been like that before.”

  We cuddled up with each other, nuzzled and petted, and gave each other sweet little kisses everywhere. Then our cuddling turned to fondling and soon Braden was very skillfully employing his oral skills again as I informed him loudly over and over that his tongue was the Eighth Wonder of the World. I finished that way that time but like the Energizer Bunny Braden just kept going, burying his face gleefully between my breasts and licking, biting and sucking at will.

  Faster than you could say, “Harvard takes Yale” we were going at it full throttle again. This time around we didn’t confine ourselves to bed. We explored the floor, an armchair and ultimately his desk. After all, it had worked well in the interview room. It worked even better with me lying back and him leaning over me which placed him at an incredibly intense angle and created wonderful friction right where I needed it. We definitely had a winner, folks. I was becoming very fond of desks in general, and I’ll tell you, that desk was one quality piece of craftsmanship. The wall it was slamming into, however, may have sustained some damage.

  My voice was a bit hoarse from all the screaming I had done earlier, but the desk sex was just so inspiring that I managed to loudly express myself vocally one last time. If I’m not mistaken, I believe that I begged Braden not to stop, told him that I loved how big he was and I had never felt so full, let him know I had never been with anyone who had ever fucked me so well, and then made it abundantly clear that I was coming. Now, I may not have all of that exactly right. I was, after all, a bit distracted. Of course, there was someone else who could verify the accuracy of my recollection if necessary. (As I found out later.)

  We were collapsed in an exhausted heap, panting back in bed and close to passing out when we heard Claire and Tyler arrive and call out that they were home. Braden kissed me and smiled.

  “Need to “rest” for real now,” he said sounding like he was half asleep already.

  “Night,” I replied and although I'm not sure, obviously, I think I was unconscious before I got to the last “t.”


  I woke up the next morning with a feeling of contentment I hadn't experienced in… Well, okay, ever. Contentment has never really been my middle name. My middle name was actually Sara but it should have been angst.

  I moved to stretch and my arm smacked into something warm and hard. I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful blonde guy staring down at me. A second later it sunk into my sleep-addled brain, the beautiful blonde guy was mine. It wasn't a dream. Thank God.

  “How long have you been awake?” I asked.

  “Not long.”

  “And what are you doing?”

  “Watching you sleep, and thinking.”

  “Thinking about what?'

  “How I've never wanted to just watch a woman sleep before.”

  “Well, I am very good at it. I've been doing it my whole life.” He smiled and tickled my ribs, which of course made me squeal and rub against all of his warmness and hardness. And trust me, there was plenty of hardness. Hmm. We would need to make sure we didn’t waste that either.

  “In the past I would just be at home alone thinking 'wow, I got laid really well last night’,” he continued. “But with you, I'm thinking, 'She's so beautiful. I want to wake up with her every morning. And wow, I got laid really well last night’.”

  “I like sleeping with you too. You’re very warm and cuddly.” I snuggled up closer to him. “And I’ve got to tell you again, that was the best sex I’ve ever had in my life. Let’s have lots and lots of sex. In fact, let’s have as much sex as possible.”

  “That works for me. I’m going to need to be hittin’ that on a regular basis. I’m not kidding you, Gabrielle, that was the best sex I’ve ever had too, and frankly, I’ve had a whole lot of sex.” He smiled. “I can't believe that I found someone who I’m so compatible with.”

  “We are pretty compatible aren’t we? And not just in bed either.”

  “No! On the floor and in the chair and especially on the desk.” I sat up and gave him a slightly indignant look and he started laughing. He loved teasing me so much. He started tracing a finger along my abdomen and my nerve endings lit up like a cell phone grid of Manhattan. Then he was cupping my breast and making those delicious little circles around my nipple with his thumb again.

  “You may have to carry me downstairs,” I panted as he started nibbling at my neck.

  “That's okay. It will give Drew great joy to be able to make rude comments,” he said, climbing over me and leaning down to kiss me slowly and thoroughly. I ran my hands along his back. His body felt so good that I wanted to keep touching him forever. Except that probably wouldn't go over too well in court. He sat back, grabbed my ankles and rested them on his shoulders, leaning over and sliding into me deeply. “Oh yeah, baby! I remember this place,” he sighed and groaned. “I'm not hurting you am I?” he asked, breathing heavily.

  “No, it's wonderful,” I gasped. “I must have a big vagina or something.”

  “Not big.” He laughed. “Just accommodating. You’re really tight. Ah, fuck! Really tight. I love it when you do that.”

  “Lots of walking – good muscle tone.”

  He adjusted his angle and unbelievably it felt even deeper. “Tell me if it's too much like this.”

  “Not too much. Fits fine,” I bit out. “You like au natural?” I moaned.

  “You must be kidding. The other way is great. But compared to this… like taking a shower in socks.” His breath was coming in short rasps and a sheen of sweat had formed on his skin.

  “I like that I’m the first.” I lifted my hips up to meet him as he slid in and out of me, and grabbed on to his beautiful tight ass.

  “Me too. And it’s very primal. Like claiming your mate. Marking your territory. Male thing you know?” He had that wonderfully dazed look on his face.

  “Mm, I like being claimed. Oh yeah, that’s so deep. It feels so good.”

  “Can’t talk much more. No blood left in brain.”

  From that point on I just enjoyed watching him watching our bodies join as he thrust into me slowly and deeply, pulling back so far that he almost pulled out and then pushing back in until I had taken every inch of him. He seemed fascinated, almost hypnotized by it and I loved seeing him experience so much pleasure. It still blew my mind that it was my body bringing it to him. Then finally he reached down between us and started stroking my clit, and all the blood left my brain too.

  I felt a deep intense orgasm building and I just relaxed and let it happen. An incredibly powerful sensation washed over me and my inner muscles clamped down in the most deliciously gut-wrenching way. Braden started to move faster and faster, pounding into me in such a good way, and within a couple of minutes I felt him go still and then shudder, his breathing audible and ragged.

  “Oh, Gabrielle!” He groaned. “I come so hard with you.”

  We rested in each other's arms for a while, cuddling and canoodling lazily, and then he suggested we go grab a shower. While in the shower he grabbed me again. While I was able to walk downstairs under my own power, we didn't make it there for another hour. Believe me, there’s nothing like starting out your day with a highly motivated, very physically fit guy in his mid-twenties.

  * * *

  We got downstairs just before noon and while we had clearly missed breakfast, at least we had a good shot at lunch. Thank God. I was famished. Braden really knew how to work up an appetite. One thing that seemed different this morning, in addition to a very good ache between my legs, was that he seemed to want to be in physical contact with me at all times.

  He was continuousl
y touching, holding, stroking and caressing me. We sat for a while with his parents in the parlor while they relayed the plot of the legal thriller they had seen the night before and quizzed us on how realistic it was. All the while Braden held me close to him and played with my hair. Then we wandered into the family room where Beth and Drew were hanging out and listening to music.

  “Hey big guy,” Drew said, and something in his voice made Braden’s gaze fly to him. I really should have picked up on that, in retrospect.

  Beth told us funny stories about their evening out while Braden held my hand, rubbed my leg, massaged my shoulders and so on. Personally, I loved it. He could touch me as much as he wanted. Finally, Drew said something, though, of course.

  “What is it you believe will happen if you actually stop touching Gabrielle for a minute, Braden?” He was watching Braden’s fingers as they stroked the inside of my knee and he almost looked a little flushed.

  “I like touching her. Mind your own business.”

  “Oh I know that you like touching her, Braden.” He and Braden shared a look that seemed to convey some kind of silent communication. Inner-Gabrielle decided that willful ignorance was sometimes the best choice. “From the way you’re looking at her, I assume that you'll be ready for a “nap” soon,” he said. Drew loved those little finger air quotes. Beth was looking both amused and highly embarrassed as she got up and told us she was going to check on lunch.

  “I'll need some food first. “Napping” requires energy,” Braden said quietly, making little finger air quotes of his own.

  “You’re definitely a big eater. In fact you’re a wonder. Some of us managed to get out of bed long enough to eat breakfast,” Drew went on undeterred.

  “And some of us were “otherwise occupied.”

  “You must be hungry too, Gabrielle. Even if you were completely full last night I’m sure you’ve worked up an appetite by now,” Drew said, smiling in a flirty way and giving me a look that suddenly almost erased the four year age difference between him and Braden. Wow, they could have been twins. Hey wait, I knew that look… Inner-Gabrielle decided that denial was also a very convenient tool. The look that Braden was giving his brother seemed to hover between panicked and homicidal.

  “Why don’t we have a little chat later, Drew?” Braden asked with a smile.

  “Love to,” Drew answered, looking not unlike the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland. Just then Claire appeared at the door.

  “Lunch is ready, everyone.” She smiled. “Let's go in.”

  We got up and Braden continued to hold my hand as we walked to the dining room. When we sat down his hand found a comfortable resting place on my thigh. There was more chat about the movie and the club that Beth and Drew had visited, but he and I were distracted by other things, like smiling stupidly at each other. Eventually it was Drew again who broke into our happy little reverie.

  Yo! Braden, dude! Mom's talking to you! Stop falling in love for a minute and pay attention.”

  “Yes?” Braden asked a little tersely.

  “I was just letting you know that you'll need to be ready and downstairs by five. And I wanted to let Gabrielle know that we have a hair stylist and a make-up person coming if she'd like to borrow them.”

  “Thanks,” I said with a smile. Claire was so nice.

  “Fine. Hey Dad?” Braden said to Tyler. “I was wondering if maybe I could talk to you about something later.” Tyler immediately appeared attentive.

  “Why can’t you talk to him now?” Drew asked.

  “I have some questions I want to ask him.”

  “Don’t you think you should have asked him about that last night?” Drew smiled.

  “Drew!” Tyler looked at his younger son menacingly. “That would be fine, Braden. Why don't we take a walk after lunch?”

  “Gabrielle!” Claire said, smiling brightly. “We should talk more and I would love to show you some baby pictures of Braden.” Drew looked at his mother curiously and then turned to his sister.

  “Uh oh, you don't think he got her…” he began quietly to Beth.

  “They've only been dating for a week. Didn’t Dad have that talk with you?” Beth cut him off, whispering through clenched teeth with a smile.

  When lunch ended Braden reluctantly took his hand off of me and followed his father out of the room. Claire led me back to the parlor as Beth and Drew headed off in their own directions.

  “Bye, Gabrielle,” Drew called out with a smile. He was being very exceptionally friendly this morning. Inner-Gabrielle decided that sometimes it was best not to contemplate things too deeply. I made myself comfortable while she settled in and fixed me with a warm happy maternal gaze.

  “So Gabrielle, Braden is obviously quite smitten with you. We've never seen him act like this before.”

  “Oh.” I smiled. “Well, I'm quite smitten with him too,” I said, a little surprised.

  “Let me get those photos. Braden was such a cute little boy.” She got up and walked over to a bookshelf, taking down a thick leather-bound album. For the next forty-five minutes I looked at pictures of the most adorable tow-headed, precocious child I had ever seen in my life, taking his first steps, winning little league awards, earning first place in a spelling bee, starring as Ebenezer Scrooge in the church Christmas play, riding his big boy bike, splitting the atom and conquering small nations.

  I felt like a chocolate bar sitting in the sun, all sweet and gooey. I was a goner. I was going to have to marry this guy someday because there was no way I was letting him go. Unless, you know, he really wanted to. Go, that is. I wasn't going to get all Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction and start playing the soundtrack to Madame Butterfly a thousand times and boiling people's bunnies, but I digress…

  He and his dad came back in and both of them looked relaxed and happy. I wondered what it was that they had talked about. Braden offered me a tour of the place and I accepted. After seeing adorable little boy Braden I was eager to be touching my big boy Braden again. He seemed to share in that sentiment as he was at my side like a heat-seeking missile.

  It was a beautiful, warm, clear day and outside I could see that a huge tent had been set up on the rear lawn. We exited through the French doors at the rear of the house and descended a flight of stairs that led down to a swimming pool and a Jacuzzi. A small pool house stood off to the side not very far from the tent. We walked down and checked out the progress that workers were making with setting up for the fundraiser. Everything looked lovely. Who knew you could do this with a tent? I wished that I could have brought these people with me when I was a Girl Scout forced to participate in Survivor: Camp Louisa in the Catskills.

  I saw that a stage had been set up. They would be having an auction that evening and a band would be playing later. I thought that it might turn out to be a fun evening. We strolled back out and across the grounds and then circled around to the front of the house again. Braden gave me a tour of that too. It was really a beautiful home. In addition to the parlor, family room and dining room I had seen, there was a huge kitchen and a cozy library on the first floor. The basement held a work-out room and a game room that had a full private bar and opened out onto a patio by the pool. As I had guessed there were six bedrooms upstairs. The whole place was beautifully decorated with classic pieces and obvious good taste but it still managed to create a warm atmosphere that felt like a family home.

  “It's getting late,” he pointed out. “How long will it take you to get ready?”

  “Probably no more than an hour. I wanted to get your opinion about whether I should wear my jewelry though. You said that this was formal but I don't want to look like I’m trying too hard.”

  “What kind of jewelry did you bring?” He was giving me a curious look.

  “My good stuff,” I replied and he looked amused.

  “I’m sure it’s fine but I’ll give you my opinion if you want it.”

  We went upstairs to his room. Now, in the daylight, when not distracted by other things,
I saw that his walls were covered with framed photos of the Harvard rowing team, along with plenty of awards and even a set of oars. Braden really liked boats. I would have to remember that. I went over to my bag and removed the box to a lovely necklace that my mom and dad had given me.

  “This was my graduation gift from my parents when I finished law school.” I held it up to show him. I glanced up and saw that he looked a little surprised.

  “Are those diamonds?”

  “Aren’t they pretty?” I loved seeing the stones sparkle in the light.

  “They’re beautiful. You just tossed them in your overnight bag and brought them along?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Just asking.” He gave me a look I couldn’t interpret. “Do your parents worry about you a lot?” he asked out of the blue.

  “Yeah, as a matter of fact they do,” I admitted. “Why?”

  “Just wondering. Why don’t we take a trip to New York soon?”

  “Maybe my parents should come to Philly. I told you that I have some rather eccentric relatives? Like my bubbe for instance. That's my grandmother. She's kind of…blunt.”

  “She'll get along well with Drew.”

  “My cousin Rachel, is a bit bitter about her divorce. She’s thirty-two and sleeps with guys in their early twenties.”

  “She’ll get along really well with Drew.”

  “And there's my uncle Ira, the King of Dry Cleaning. And my Aunt Ruth. She’s something like Fran Drescher, but with a more nasal voice and heavier New York accent.”

  “Everybody has embarrassing relatives. You should meet my cousin Derek, the Larry Flint of the Main Line. Actually, on second thought, you shouldn’t meet my cousin Derek. Ever.”

  “Braden, you’re going to meet these people and never want to even consider having children with me. I need to wait until you’re madly in love with me before I inflict my family upon you.”

  “Gabrielle, don't worry so much.” He laughed. “I don’t care if you have eccentric relatives. I’m dating, and potentially breeding with you, not them.”


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