A Nurse for Wyatt

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A Nurse for Wyatt Page 9

by Marie Higgins

  Hugh gave her another kiss, but shorter this time. “Can you forgive me for doubting? It was my jealous heart that didn’t want to believe.”

  “Jealous?” Her heartbeat skipped.

  “I’ve never felt this way for any other woman. I was jealous of the man with no memory. I couldn’t believe that a man would forget you because if he were truly in love with you, that memory would always be in his heart, even if he lost his memory.”

  Love grew in her heart for this adorable man. It tore her apart that Wyatt had never elicited those kinds of feelings inside her, but she loved that Hugh made her feel so special. She stroked his cheek as the emotions inside her combined into the assurance that he was the man she loved.

  “Hugh, I do love you. I’ve just been baffled over my mixed feelings for both you and Wyatt. Which is why, last night—”

  Once again, he silenced her confession with his kiss. Yet, she had just confessed her love, so perhaps it was all right to kiss at this moment. Sadly, the kiss would be short again. If only they were someplace private right now.

  “Thank you for loving me,” he mumbled sweetly as he pulled away.

  “And thank you for not giving up.” She smiled. “But, before we are interrupted again, you need to know what I did last night.”

  “You helped Wyatt escape.”

  She gasped, not realizing that he had known all this time. “You knew?”

  “I guessed, which was why I’d gone to your place last night and woke you up.” His pleasant expression disappeared. “Jessica, doing something like that could end your nursing career.”

  Tears burned in her eyes. “I know, but Wyatt’s life – the life of my dear friend – was more important. I knew in my heart he wasn’t a deserter.”

  He cupped the side of her face. “Yes, however, it was wrong.”

  She nodded.

  “However, under the circumstances, it’s a good thing you broke him out. He might be dead by now.”

  She wiped the tears filling her eyes. “I know.”

  “So, I’ll forgive you this time.” He smiled. “Just don’t let it happen again. You’re an excellent nurse, and more people need you as their caregiver.”

  “Thank you, Hugh.” Gratitude for this wonderful man swelled in her heart. Was it any wonder she’d went against her doubts and fell in love?

  Suddenly, the men around the table grew quiet, and a man’s booming voice filled the barn. “If you all wish to live, you’d better start giving me some answers, and mighty quick.”


  Jessica gasped and swung around, looking toward the sound. Standing just inside the stable, holding a pistol in one hand aimed toward the men at the table, and a fiery torch in the other hand, was none other than Wyatt. The mean expression on his face wasn’t anything like she’d seen before. This wasn’t her childhood friend, was it?

  “Do you think his memory has returned?” Hugh whispered close to her ear.

  She shrugged. “Why else would he be here?”

  “I think we’re about to find out.” Hugh lifted his gun and pointed it toward Wyatt.

  “Don’t shoot him.” Her heart cried out for the stranger who she thought she’d known.

  “I won’t unless he tries to burn the barn. If it catches on fire, I’m sure the hospital will be the next to go.”

  Hugh had a point. Even if it meant coming out of her hiding spot, she couldn’t let Wyatt do as he’d threatened.


  Wyatt stared down at the one man who ruined his life. Once he was finished with Deputy Workman, he’d pay dear Nurse Twitchell a surprise visit.

  His memory had returned, and he had sweet Jessica to thank for that. Although he couldn’t wait to tell her and explain to her what really happened after the war and why he hadn’t returned home, he first needed to threaten a so-called man of the law. Wyatt would rather see the man hung from a tree, but it wasn’t his place to do the hanging even if the man deserved every bit of torture.

  Slowly, Deputy Workman stood. Wyatt glared at him and pointed his pistol at the man’s heart. “Keep your hands where I can see them.”

  “What can I help you with, sir?”

  “My name is Wyatt Ryker, and you have my wife. I’ve come to collect what you stole from me.”

  The other three men backed away from the table, giving Wyatt room to do what needed to be done. If he had to kill the deputy, he’d do it, but not before the man told him where he kept his wife.

  “Now Mr. Ryker, I don’t know what you mean. I haven’t seen Sarah for almost six months now.”

  Revenge grew faster inside Wyatt. The man was a liar. “That’s not what I’ve heard. I have been asking around, and everyone had pointed me in your direction.” He motioned toward the Opium on the table. “And since I know you are stealing from the hospital, I think you should tell me what I need to know. I assure you, I’ll forget about your side business if you return my wife to me.”

  “Your informants were wrong.” Workman shook his head. “I might have seduced your wife six months ago, but she means nothing to me now, so why would I bring her with me to Bennington, Vermont?”

  Hatred for this man filled Wyatt, and anger took over his mind and body. Screaming, he rushed toward the deputy and fired his gun. The man clutched his chest and staggered backward before falling to the ground. Blood spread across his shirt and vest quickly.

  The other three men didn’t stop Wyatt, but instead, grabbed as much Opium as they could and dashed out of the stable. Wyatt didn’t care what the others did. He was only here for the deputy, anyway.

  As he stood over the deputy and watched him bleed out, Wyatt realized the man was still alive. The bullet must not have hit him in the heart. Then again, watching the man struggle with the knowledge that he was dying, was good enough revenge.

  Wyatt placed the burning torch in the dirt, extinguishing the flames before he quickly reloaded his pistol. While the man was still alive, he’d torture him in other ways.

  “Why... why...” Deputy Workman’s body trembled as he glanced at his bloody hands.

  “I didn’t like your answer. Now, are you going to tell me where you have taken my wife?”

  The man’s face slowly turned white as he nodded. “She’s at my house – as my wife.”

  The pain of betrayal sliced through Wyatt. Had Sarah been forced to live as the deputy’s wife? Wyatt knew for sure that she wouldn’t have gone willingly. “Wrong answer again.” He pointed his gun at the man’s head.


  A woman’s voice screeched through the stable, echoing all around him. He glanced toward the back. Jessica ran toward him with tears streaming down her cheeks. His gut twisted. What was she doing here? But it didn’t matter. He wouldn’t let her stop him.

  * * * *

  Jessica couldn’t take it anymore. She had to stop Wyatt. She had to remind him about the man he used to be before joining the war. He was kind, and he never acted on his revenge.

  She’d digest the shock of hearing he was married to another woman, later, only because she couldn’t handle that right now.

  Hugh tried to stop her, but she pushed past him and ran toward Wyatt, screaming. When he saw her, his facial features registered with surprise for a moment, but soon he returned his scowl to Deputy Workman.

  “No, Wyatt. Don’t kill him.” She reached his side and grasped his arm, trying to pull his arm away. “You’re not that kind of man.”

  He pushed her away and returned his aim on the deputy. “I am now. The war changed me. This evil man changed me even more.”

  Panicked, she glanced at the injured man lying on the ground. “Look at him. He’s dying.”

  “I’m glad,” Wyatt snapped.

  “Help... me,” the deputy pleaded as he gazed at Jessica.

  Usually, this was when she was the first one to help someone who needed help, but she was more worried about what Wyatt would do. She shook her head. “Tell him what he needs to know, and then I’ll
help you.”

  “I told him... already.” The deputy grimaced. “She’s at my house.”

  Jessica turned to Wyatt, grasping his arm again. “Go get her. I’ll keep him alive long enough for you to see if she is really there.”

  Tears filled his eyes. “She’d better be there,” he told the deputy before turning back to Jessica. “I don’t know where he lives.”

  “I do.” Hugh had been standing in the back of Wyatt, keeping an eye on him and Jessica. Hugh moved toward Wyatt. “Let me show you.”

  Wyatt shook his head, keeping his gun steady. “I don’t trust you or anyone at the hospital.”

  “Wyatt,” Jessica said, touching him again. “You can trust Hugh. I trust him with my life.”

  Wyatt’s gaze narrowed on her. “You do?”

  “Yes. Let Hugh give you directions.”

  Slowly Wyatt lowered the gun and nodded. He followed Hugh out of the stables. Immediately, she fell to her knees beside the deputy and ripped open his vest and shirt. The gunshot wound was close to his heart, and she was sure that the man would die, especially if the bullet was still inside him.

  “Can you save my life?” Deputy Workman gasped.

  She arched an eyebrow. “I wish I didn’t have to, but I’m a nurse, and helping people is what I do.”

  Using his shirt, she ripped off pieces and bunched them together to press against his wound. If she couldn’t stop the bleeding this way, he would be dead for sure. But it wouldn’t be for a lack of trying to keep him alive. She was a petite woman, but she was strong, and as she pressed both hands against the wound, she could tell that the blood flow wasn’t as heavy.

  “Lana...” He took a ragged breath. “It was her idea to sell the Opium.”

  “Why did you want Wyatt dead?”

  “For two reasons.” He gasped and groaned in pain. “I was in love with his wife. And... because he knew what Lana and I were doing.”

  “How did he know?” she asked, but concentrated on stopping the blood.

  “About three weeks ago, he came looking for Sarah, asking questions all over. One man led him here. When Lana realized that he knew, she sent him with other men to an empty field near Rockingham. She paid off a man to fire a cannonball at the men. We thought they all died until the sheriff found Wyatt and brought him to the hospital. Lana tried to kill him slowly, as she kept giving him some kind of cream. It helped that he didn’t remember anything. Then you showed up, and he miraculously started healing.”

  She gritted her teeth. Why was she keeping the deputy alive? She really wanted him dead, just like Wyatt had. But it wasn’t in her to kill – only heal.

  The pounding of a horse’s hooves from outside brought her attention to the front of the stable. Hugh quickly stopped the horse and dismounted. As his long strides carried him toward her, he nodded.

  “Wyatt found her.”

  She let out a relieved sigh. “Thank you for being honest with Wyatt. But unfortunately, I don’t think we can save your life.”

  “But we can try.” Hugh tried turning the deputy to look at his back. Jessica figured he was trying to see if there was an exit wound that the bullet made.

  “No.” The deputy groaned loudly. “Death is near. I can feel it.”

  She relaxed the pressure on his chest and sat back on her legs. “Deputy Workman? I know I’m not a priest, but do you have any last words before you die?”

  Tears spilled from his eyes and ran into his ears. “All I wanted was a happy life.”

  “And selling Opium illegally and kidnapping other men’s wives was the way to make you happy?” Hugh asked. “You should have just been yourself and been grateful for those things you had.”

  The deputy took another shaky breath. “Please make sure that Lana pays for her crimes, too.”

  “Oh, believe me,” Jessica answered with conviction, “I will.”

  The deputy took another breath before he closed his eyes for the last time. Jessica watched him for a few moments, wondering what would drive a man to act in such a way. What a sad, miserable life he must have lived.

  “How are you holding up?” Hugh asked, slipping an arm around her shoulders.

  “Remarkably well, considering everything that has happened.”

  He kissed her head and rubbed her shoulder. “It was quite a shock to hear Wyatt had a wife.”

  “Indeed.” She pushed off her knees and stood. Hugh rose beside her and took her in his arms.

  “I’m sorry you had to hear the news that way.”

  She shrugged. “I was going to hear it one way or another.”

  Using his fingers, he lifted her chin until she met his gaze. “You don’t seem very upset about it.”

  “Strange, but I don’t think I am. I thought I was in love with him, but I was only in love with his memory. When I met you, and you started making me feel things that I’d never felt before, I was very confused. I didn’t know why you made my heart flutter with happiness when it should have been Wyatt doing that. And last night, Wyatt kissed me, but...” She chuckled lightly when Hugh’s eyes widened. “But I was astounded to think that he still couldn’t make me feel like I was walking through the clouds – not as you can.”

  Hugh grinned. “In other words, deep in your heart, you knew you loved me?”

  “Yes, even though I fought it. I thought if I gave into my feelings, that I was betraying Wyatt.” She shrugged. “Which is probably why when I heard that he had a wife, I wasn’t upset.”

  “So, my love,” he swiped his knuckles over her cheek, “do you think I have reason to be jealous of anyone else?”

  “No. I love you, and only you.”

  “Those, my darling Jessica, are the words I’ve been longing to hear since our first kiss.”

  Happiness filled her, and she leaned her head against his chest. “Good. Get used to them, because I’ll be saying them to you for a very long time.”

  Just as their lip met, she heard an animal-like growl come from the back of the stable. Jessica jumped back just in time to see Lana Twitchell running toward them, holding a thick stick. The hatred in her eyes was evil, but Jessica wasn’t afraid.

  “You killed him!” Lana screamed and raised the thick stick, swinging it toward them.

  Hugh pulled Jessica out of the pathway, but he was struck in the head. He stumbled and fell. But he was still conscious, barely. He touched the spot on his head where the stick had met his skull, and a small amount of blood coated his fingers.

  “I’m all right,” he told Jessica.

  Red, hot anger surged through her, and she turned to meet her adversary. She didn’t care that the older woman had a weapon, Jessica could take this woman down within five minutes – or less.

  “We didn’t kill him,” Jessica snapped. “Wyatt did. He remembered everything. And you, dear head nurse, will be going to jail for a very long time.”

  “You have no proof.” Lana snarled.

  “Actually, we do.” Jessica lifted a chin victoriously as she and the other woman circled each other like animals ready to pounce. “We have the confession of a dying man, who, I might add, made us promise that you would pay for your crimes.”

  “You can’t make me pay for my crimes if you’re dead.”

  Lana swung the stick. Jessica ducked, but the piece of wood knocked off her nurse’s hat. She took that opportunity to lunge at the other woman. Jessica plowed her head into the woman’s chubby middle. Lana gasped and lost her footing, falling on her backside. She cradled her middle as she gasped for air.

  Although Jessica should stop while she was ahead, she was just too upset at the woman for the way she had treated the patients at the hospital. Jessica was bitter about the way Lana treated the other nurses, especially her. Indeed, the woman had to pay and pay dearly.

  Fisting her hand, she swung a punch toward Lana’s face. Her fist connected directly with the older woman’s nose. Cracking of bones filled the air, as well as the painful wail coming from the woman.

Jessica stood back, assessing the damage. She couldn’t stop the smile from stretching across her face. It felt good to be able to put the so-called nurse in her place.

  “Um, Jessica?”

  Hugh’s voice reminded her that he was injured. She turned toward him still on the ground. Kneeling beside him, she checked the gash in his head. Thankfully, it was small. “How do you feel?”

  “Well, I thought I was fine, but when I watched you give Nurse Twitchell a taste of her own medicine – so to speak – I wondered if I imagined it.” He chuckled. “I never would have thought you had that kind of strength... and such a powerful punch.”

  She grinned. “I have older brothers.”

  “That makes sense.”

  “I’m proud of you.” He touched her cheek. “The more I get to know you, the more I grow to love you.”

  “I can’t wait to get to know you better, too.”

  He sighed and glanced out the stable door. “Now, all we need is the sheriff to arrive,” he looked back at her, “and then we can consider this a very successful day.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.”


  Hugh hadn’t been able to get rid of his smile for two months. He’d never been happier, and every day with Jessica filled him with so much more joy.

  They sat in the porch swing in front of the boarding house. His arm was around her shoulders as she leaned against him. Her hand rested on his thigh. Being with her like this was so cozy, and he didn’t want to tell her goodnight and kiss her before leaving. That was the worst part of the day.

  She sighed heavily and lifted her head to look at him. “I said goodbye to Wyatt this afternoon.”

  Hugh arched an eyebrow. “He and his wife are finally leaving Bennington?”

  She nodded. “Poor Sarah went through a lot of emotional problems, and she and Wyatt just needed to spend alone time together.”

  “How awful for the woman to be told that in order to keep her husband alive, she had to leave with Workman and live with him as his wife.”


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