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Waiting For Milo: THE WAITE FAMILY - BOOK ONE Page 2

by Devlin, Angel

  “Have you had too much Lucozade Sport?”

  “You're coming to price up this job and that's the end of it. By the sounds of it the house almost needs rebuilding and the owner is a poor young woman who bought at auction and wasn't expecting the mess.”

  “Dear God, a dimwit who bought at auction without the proper checks? Aren't the bimbos your department, mate?”

  “Get cleaned up. We need to go now.”

  “Fuck that.” I grabbed my towel and dried myself off a bit. Then I rubbed my forehead with it.

  I caught Silas staring at me. “I'm not sure it’s a good idea you go like that.”

  “They can take me as they find me. I'm hot and a workman.”

  “Don't say I didn't warn you. You're going to want to look hot all right but not the sweaty kind.”

  “Let's go.” I slapped my brother on the back. He might be older, but at six feet, he was two inches shorter than I was.

  I grabbed the keys to my work van, and we were on our way.

  Silas began directing me back to where we lived. “Are we going home, bro? Is there a family meeting and you don't want me to know? Is Jules all right?”

  “Jules is out plastering and having the time of her life. Go past our road here and down to the bottom onto Redwood. Yep, drive up here, I'll tell you when to stop.”

  “This road's a twat to park on, mate. Can't you give me the number?”


  “Here. Pull up.”

  “Jesus, man.”

  I manoeuvred past a crappy Ford Focus and parked just ahead of it. Then I jumped out of the car, which despite air conditioning had been like sitting in a microwave on full power. I used the shirt I brought to wipe more sweat and dirt off myself and reached into the back for a can of deodorant, giving myself a hefty dose. A dusty workman, a customer could deal with; it showed we weren't afraid to graft. A sweaty, pongy workman? There wasn’t a customer in their right mind going to give them a job.

  “What number?” I asked again.


  I stared at him, waiting to see if he explained why we were here. At forty-two Redwood Road, AKA Rapunzel's Tower.

  “Come on, mate. The woman’s waiting for us to give her a quote. Apparently, there's a large hole in the ceiling.”

  I walked up the front steps. I used to dream of charging around here, giving Mrs Dawson a mouthful and demanding she let her granddaughter come play with Jules. Course really I just wanted a closer look at that long, golden hair. My father would never let me go round though. Just shut down and said it wasn't my place.

  I knocked loudly on the door. There was movement behind the frosted glass and then the door opened.

  A princess smiled at me, and just like that I realised why Silas had brought me here. Because it was Rapunzel herself. And I could tell you now, as I felt my cock harden and my shoulders stiffen, I was the fucking prince come to claim her as my own. She just didn't know it yet.

  “Violet. This imbecile on your doorstep is Milo. He'll regain the ability to communicate in a moment I'm sure. We've come to look over the place, to see if it’s as bad as you say.” Silas explained.

  I had indeed lost the ability to talk. I was staring. Looking her over. Her hair was now lightened to a paler blonde and in a bob, but she was still stunning. Her grey eyes were intense, and her lips, a soft, kissable pink. Fuck, Milo, it’s rude to stare. Stop it. I stuck my hand in my pocket and pinched my right bollock hard. Tears sprang to my eyes but at least I was back on the planet.

  Violet gave me a strange look.

  “Call me Vi, please. Come in. I hope I'm wrong.”

  But she wasn't. I made notes as we were escorted from room to room. I tried not to record my thoughts of her beautiful arse encased in navy-blue trousers or her medium-sized tits. The lace of her bra showed through her white t-shirt. My testicles were going to need hospital treatment if I had to pinch them again.

  Finally we stood in the kitchen while I reviewed my notes. “There's no quick fix here, Vi.”

  Her grey eyes met mine and she chewed on her bottom lip. “I thought you might say that. Tell me what needs doing.”

  I consulted my notepad. “The floors down here are sound so that's a positive. It looks like the last owners had a rewire done before they gave up on the place. We'll get Cal over later to check it's been done properly. He should be back about seven.”

  “Cal? That’s another brother, right?”

  I was used to explaining our family, so I gave Vi the rundown. “If you number us from one to six, one being the eldest, then we have Silas, who you've already met.” Silas nodded at her. “Twenty-nine. Total womaniser. Did work for the firm as a painter and decorator, still does occasionally, but decided he'd retrain as a fitness instructor. Reckons he's found something he loves, but we all think it’s the access to women in hardly any clothing.”

  Vi giggled. Christ they could bottle that up and inject depressives with it. I began to imagine bunnies and other shit frolicking in the grass. What was happening to me?

  “Number two is Ezra. He's twenty-eight.”

  “I've heard of Ezra.”

  My jaw clenched. I tried to relax it. Was she looking a bit dreamy there? She’d better not fancy any of my brothers.

  “Yeah, Ezra's the black sheep. Likes to keep his hands smooth. We don't hear from him much. He was a weirdo, going to drama school and shit. Gets a TV advert for mushy peas, next thing he's in a soap opera. Speed up a year and he's in Hollywood making movies. He's currently living in New York and has a starring role in a long-running play. No idea if he's got a girl, or a guy.”

  “Well I don't read celebrity magazines, so I can't help you out there with any gossip on your brother. I used to watch Westside and I've seen a couple of his films. I thought he was American. He plays them.”

  “Yeah, he’s not keen on discussing where he comes from. After that, number three is Finn. Finn's a plumber, so judging by the state of this place I reckon you'll be meeting him later too. He's twenty-six. He's single because a woman messed with his head and married someone else. He can't let it go. Avoid the name Sylvie anywhere near him.”

  “Noted. Can't imagine why I'd bring that name up, but as I said noted.”

  Her lips turned up at the side in a smirk. I tried not to imagine that mouth around my dick.

  “Then there's me. I'm number four. Twenty-five and as you know a builder. Damn good one if I say so myself. I make plenty of money and I'm single.”

  Vi blushed.

  Silas interrupted my flow. “Yeah, thanks for your vital statistics. Surprised you haven't given Vi your inside leg measurements.”

  Give me time.

  “If Milo pisses you off at all, just call him Miley. He hates it. We sing Wrecking Ball when he knocks walls down. For some reason he doesn't find it amusing.”

  I chin tilted my brother. “Watch it, Si.”

  “Do continue with the family history, bro. Shall I fetch a cake because I feel like I'm going to be celebrating my birthday soon. Woman wanted a quote, not the history of The Waites.”

  “Oh honestly, I don't mind,” said Vi. “You were always a mystery to me. It’s great getting to know you all after all this time.”

  “See?” I refrained from pulling my tongue out at Silas. Just.

  “So in fifth place we have Cal. Beautiful soul, but don’t talk to him about romance at all. It’s a long story but he ended up jilting his fiancé two years ago.”

  “Oh,” Vi's eyes widened.

  Silas cleared his throat. “That's Cal's story to tell, Miley. Move along.”

  I huffed. “He's twenty-four and an electrician.”

  “And then there’s your sister, right?”

  “Yep. Juliet, who we call Jules. She's twenty-two.”

  “She's the same age as me. We played once in your garden.”

  “Yeah, I know.” Me and my brothers were on a camping trip when she came around. I went ballistic when I got home and found
she'd been there in my own garden.

  “I'm looking forward to meeting her again.”

  “You'll have to pop around to ours for a cuppa some time. Juliet's a plasterer. Dad told her she could work in the office when she was growing up. That's what she thought of that idea. Always been a bit rebellious our Jules.”

  Silas snorted. “Understatement of the year.”

  “I guess it’s difficult being the only girl and the youngest at that.”

  “That's the excuse she brings out for everything.”

  “So are your parents still at home?” She asked.

  I couldn't help it. My face clouded over a little.

  Vi's hand flew to her mouth. “Oh, I'm sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. Forget I asked.”

  “It's okay,” I told her. “Dad's still there. He's the head honcho of us all, at home and work. Our mother walked out fifteen years ago and never contacted us again.”

  Vi placed a hand on my arm. My naked arm.

  “I'm so very sorry.”

  “Not your fault is it? She got another bloke. No idea who. Dad told us she'd been shagging around and when he confronted her, she took off, without a second glance back at us. Hit Jules the worst, she was only seven.”

  Vi nodded. “Gosh, it was around that age that we had our playdate. I met your mum. She seemed lovely.”

  “She was. Until one day she wasn't there.” I shrugged. “Anyway, that's the potted history of our family.”

  “Potted history?” gasped Silas. “I could have dug a massive hole in the garden and buried a body in that time.”

  “Jog on. Don't you have someplace else to be?”

  Silas looked at his watch. “Christ, I've a client in thirty minutes. Lovely to meet you today, Vi. No doubt I'll be seeing you around as you live over the garden.”

  “Sure will.” She shook his hand. “Thanks for looking around the house.”

  “No problem. Oh, hang on, I nearly forgot,” he said, rummaging around in his jogging bottoms.

  I looked at him aghast. Why was he adjusting his junk in front of Vi?

  He brought out a small miniature vodka. “Here. With what we've seen, I figure this needs to go with your Coke.”

  That earned him a shit-eating grin. “Thanks, Silas.”

  Thanks, Silas. I sing-songed in my head in a sarcastic girly voice. It was all you heard from his simpering subjects.

  “So will you be all right to stay with Vi and take her through the list of what needs doing and where to focus first?” The subtext for me to stop staring at her tits was crystal clear.

  “Yeah. I think I can manage.” I headed him off towards the door. The quicker I had Vi to myself the better.

  Door firmly closed behind him, I turned to her. “Right room by room, let’s see if we can agree on what your priorities are.”

  “Okay,” she said. She didn't move her eyes away from my face or make any move towards a different room. Was she staring at me? Or, I thought panicking, was I staring at her? Who was staring? It’d been longer than people should look at each other without speaking now. Help.

  “Erm,” I offered, while I scratched my chin.


  “What for?”

  “Staring. It's just you lot were always this big mystery I built up in my mind and now I've met two of you today. It's just a bit weird to me.”

  I let my arms hang loose by my side. “I totally get it. We all thought it was weird that you weren't allowed out on the street to play or anything. We called you Rapunzel.”

  She snorted, “Silas mentioned that.”

  “All we ever got to see was your long hair, and you were kind of trapped.”

  “In a semi-detached tower.”

  I scratched my chin again. “Bit lame I know, but we were kids.”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “I like it. Far more glamorous than a girl visiting her nan. Better than you calling me Red Riding Hood.”

  “Nah, there was no big bad wolf.”

  “Not here anyway.” She said. I was about to quiz her further when she interrupted. “Shall we?” She indicated towards the kitchen, so I nodded and followed through.

  “Right. So like I said, later I'll get Cal over and he can check the electrics. If they're good to go, then it's not too bad in here.”

  “Not too bad? Have you seen the state of these kitchen cupboards?”

  “That’ll come off with hard work and sugar soap.”

  “Yeah right.”

  “I'm serious. Okay, have you got a pen and paper? You've some shopping to do. First thing on your list needs to be a few bottles of sugar soap and a large bucket for hot soapy water.”

  Vi rooted in her handbag, brought out a pen and notepad and started writing.

  “Okay, so this carpet. For now, to save money I'd hire a carpet cleaner and do the best you can with it.”

  Vi turned up her nose. “But it’s disgusting. It has burns on it.”

  “If you've got money left after the basics, then be my guest, buy some flooring and have a bonfire with this shit. Right now though it’s a floor cover and if you can clean it up, it'll do you. You can clean the stair carpet at the same time. Best to wait until all the works done though before you hire one as we’ll be traipsing in and out.”

  I walked over to the kitchen window and looked out. It was a fucking jungle. What a mess.

  I turned back to her. “Where's your furniture if you don't mind me asking?”

  “I've got a bed and fridge freezer coming shortly and a cooker and washing machine due tomorrow. Everything else I'll organise now I'm here.”

  She watched as I glanced out of the window. “A lawnmower is not a priority.”

  I thought of the gorgeous summer we were having and had an idea.

  “Sure. Totally get you.”

  At the bottom of the staircase I pointed to the living room. “That fire needs checking to make sure the flue is clear. Don't put that fire on until it’s done. Finn will check that; he's registered to do so.”

  “So I can't plug in a heater or put the fire on? Good job we’re having a heatwave.”

  “Better safe than sorry. Don't want to have to come rescue Rapunzel from a blaze.”

  Her cheeks flamed.

  I swallowed.

  “Lead me upstairs then, Vi.” I winked.

  She punched me in the arm, “Stop that.”

  “Stop what?”

  “Winding me up. I don't know you well enough for you to start teasing me.”

  “Not true. You've known me for years. Just not actually met me. Reckon I've years of teasing to fit in.”

  She shook her head and moved upstairs. I stayed behind her at the right distance for me to perve over her fit arse all the way up to the top. She led me to the main bedroom. I’d had dreams about this over the years, with my imaginary grown-up Rapunzel. The real-life Rapunzel had exceeded my imagination. However, our trip to her bedroom had not. The hole I’d imagined filling had not been in the floor.

  “Priority, we get this floor patched up. Check joists and everything.” I looked around the hole again. “How the fuck they managed this, I don't know, but I'll sort it. I'll be round tomorrow to get started.”

  “Don't you have other jobs booked in?”

  “I'll change them. Rapunzel takes priority.”

  “You don't have to do that. I don't need special treatment.” She planted her hands on her hips. She didn't realise but she was kind of sticking her tits out.

  “Fine.” I looked away. “First week in September all right for you then? That's my next vacancy.”

  “S- September?” Vi looked around at her new home.

  “Or… you can accept the Milo special.”

  She sighed, “and what's that?”

  “You stay around and be my Girl Friday. Mash me tea, pass me nails. Shit like that.”

  “And if I do that you'll start tomorrow?”


  “Deal,” she agreed, and she shook my now out
stretched hand.

  She shook my fucking hand.

  The minute her tiny, warm, smooth palm met my coarse, rough one, I swear to God ten thousand volts of electricity shot down my spine.

  I stared at her as her eyes locked on mine. I knew I must be looking at her as if I wanted to nail her right at that very moment, but I noticed her own reaction. She looked afraid. I loosened my grasp of her hand and backed away.

  “The windows will do for the next couple of years but you're probably looking at a new set in maybe three years’ time. That'll be a few thousand so bear that in mind when you're working out your sums.”

  “Christ. I'd better hope I find a new job soon then.”

  “You're not working?”

  “No. New house. New start. I'll figure something out.”

  She moved past me and into the spare room. I followed.

  “We need Finn again here. There's a leak happening somewhere. Could be coming from the roof. I'll take a look at the roof from the road in a minute and see what state it's in. If the roof needs work, we’ll need scaffolding. Don't know what size job we're looking at until Finn's been.” I trod on a floorboard and it broke under my foot. “Don't come in here on your own again. Floorboards are rotted. Joists under ‘em could be too.”

  We moved back onto the landing at the top of the stairs.

  “I wonder why there's only carpet in the kitchen and on the stairs,” Vi stared at the carpet below her feet.

  “My guess would be that the owners took anything of value out of the house before the auction and left the shit behind. Think yourself lucky they've left the plug sockets, and bulbs in the lights. I've seen people strip a house before now. Took the pipes out and sold them for scrap.”

  “Yeah. I suppose it could be worse.” Vi said, though she didn't look convinced.

  We headed to the last room. “So, you still want this suite ripping out and a cheap white one putting in?”

  “Yes please. Lemon bathrooms are not for me and this is beyond disgusting.”

  I stared in the bath which looked like Edward Scissorhands had tried to get out of it. “What the fuck were they doing in here, you reckon?” I asked her.

  “No idea, though unfortunately I know exactly what they were doing in the toilet. My first job when I arrived this morning was cleaning that up.”


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