Home > Other > Waiting For Milo: THE WAITE FAMILY - BOOK ONE > Page 11
Waiting For Milo: THE WAITE FAMILY - BOOK ONE Page 11

by Devlin, Angel

  He wasn’t joking.

  I woke to a tickling sensation between my thighs and found Milo’s fingers playing me like an instrument yet again. Sleepily, I moved my own arm until my hand found his stomach. I splayed my fingers against his warm flesh and swept a hand over his abs, his pecs, and down his happy trail. “Mmm,” I said approvingly. He took my hand and moved it lower.

  “Feel what you do to me.” And I could. His rock-hard length was against my hand and I wrapped my fingers around him. Milo groaned and it was such a satisfying sound that it spurred me on. I stroked him, teased his balls with my fingernails, pumped him slightly, until Milo’s restraint was no more.

  “Fuck.” He swore. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. Or ‘not fuck’ actually. Bollocks.”

  “What’s the matter?” I asked him.

  He rested his head against mine. “Do you have a condom?” He asked.

  “Oh, no I don’t. Shit.”

  He dropped back to the side of me, his head against the pillow. “Indeed. This is going to have to continue later, Princess.”

  “I’m having a girls night remember?”

  “Aaarrrgh. My balls are going to explode. Tomorrow night it is then. After our date that is. I am definitely taking you out first.”

  I looked at Milo’s profile. His eyes were closed. He did actually look in pain. We weren’t fully out of options yet. I began to wiggle further down the covers.

  “Where are you…? Oh.”

  I held him at his base and took him into my mouth. It had been a long time since I’d been intimate with someone and to be honest I’d never enjoyed giving Jay blow jobs. He was always directing me with what he wanted me to do. But Milo just relaxed and let me do what I wanted, so I experimented a little, letting my tongue lick the underside of his cock and then swirl around the edge. Then I changed to moving my mouth up and down on his girth, feeling as he gently rocked himself against me. I cupped his balls while I bobbed my head up and down, growing ever more confident. Quickening my movements sucking him, I let my head bob faster and faster and heard Milo groan as his hand came to the back of my head, just as I had with him. But he didn’t take over. Didn’t start guiding me on his cock. He just let me do my thing while his hand fisted in my hair and he began shouting, “Oh fuck, babe. Oh fuck, yeah. Oh God, so warm.” I felt his balls pull back and then his release flooded my mouth, a warm and salty combo that was neither pleasant nor unpleasant, but I swallowed it down, pride filling me that I seemed to have done a decent blow job.

  I moved back up the bed looking at Milo’s happy, sated face and I smiled with pure joy. I’d made that look happen.

  “That was amazing.” He told me. “But I’m so fucking desperate to be inside you. I have no idea how I’m supposed to wait until tomorrow.”

  “Then go shopping now.” I told him. “We might get another chance later.”

  But we didn’t. No sooner were we up and about then neighbours and the Waite family descended on the house and garden and with the exception of a few stolen kisses and gropes, before we knew it, the evening was almost upon us and everyone was packing up; Juliet and Becca hovering ready for our girls night.


  I’d driven to a pharmacy faster than you could say the word ‘condom’, yet by the time I’d got back the breakfast meeting had finished and my brothers and sister had descended on the house. Violet and Becca had gone off in search of more soft furnishings and I was back to becoming increasingly frustrated, to the point where I was getting on everyone’s last nerve. I knew I’d picked at my brothers one time too many when Silas rugby tackled me and the other bastards helped him carry me out into the garden. Juliet stood there with the new hosepipe in her hand.

  “We’ve decided that you’re obviously on heat and that you need cooling down.” She declared and then she let freezing cold water hit my body, taking away my breath, while my brothers collapsed laughing at the side of me.

  “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” I squealed as Jules continued to soak me.

  “You going to behave now? Wind your neck in?” Silas asked.

  “Yes, turn it off.” I squealed.

  Juliet stopped the flow of water. “Have I been that bad?” I asked.

  “No, you’ve been worse.” Cal shouted.

  I sat down on the turf as water dripped off me. Thank God it was a heatwave!

  They all gathered and sat down next to me. “Look, we know you have it bad for this woman, but Milo, a lot of us have our own romantic issues. We come to work to escape our personal lives. We don’t want to be all up in yours.” Cal added.

  “Actually, I did wonder if you could be involved in mine. Just for a little longer, like tonight, and then I promise I’ll behave myself.”

  I told them about Jay and every one of them got on board with my plan.

  “I’ll distract her with the best girls night she’s ever experienced.” Juliet declared.

  Finn sighed. “That sounds so much better in my head than the reality of you, two other girls, and bottles of nail polish.”

  “Filthy pervert.” Juliet threw a small clod of mud at him.

  “You’re in then?” I checked with them all.

  “We’re in.” It was bro and sister fist bumps all around.

  We had to wait for it to go dark and for people to be mainly in bed. No mean feat for a Saturday night. But as it reached the midnight hour, we all piled in the van and I drove us to the address I’d found Jay Edwards lived at. There had been only two possibilities in the phone book, and I’d recognised his voice as soon as he’d answered my anonymous call.

  Personally, I’d wanted to punch his face in, but my brothers reminded me that they had the skills to do much better than that.

  The first thing was that Cal cut his electrical supply off, plunging Jay’s into darkness. Picking the lock on the back door, we entered the house, my brothers moving through while I stood at the foot of the stairs. Jay stood at the top. I could just make him out via the light coming through his window on his landing. “Take anything you want. There aren’t really any valuables, but the TV and stereo. Take them. Just don’t hurt me.”

  I took the stairs two at a time and rushed him, holding him against the wall with an arm across his chest. “You phoned the coppers?” I asked, because if he had we needed to be out of there in a flash. “N- no.”

  “Good.” Well, well. He’d not recognised me, or my voice.

  “Now listen here, Jay.” I enunciated his name clearly and felt him freeze in my grasp. “I’m here about your ex-wife.”

  “Oh fuck.”

  Now he realised.

  “That’s right. Oh fuck. Now, me and my bros are here tonight to cause you a bit of an inconvenience, but we’re going to leave your face and body alone this time because we know how much you love yourself.” I squeezed his arm hard. “However, you get in touch with Vi again, even so much as a text message and I’ll come shove that phone up your arse so hard, that your eyeballs will buzz when you get a text notification. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Y- yes. I’ll leave her alone. I don’t w- want her anyway.”

  “Not relevant because you can’t fucking have what’s mine. You had your chance. Had the most beautiful woman who loved you and you treated her like shit. Well now it’s your fucking turn to suffer a bit. Let tonight be a warning. Oh and because I know how much you love screwing, I’ve left you a treat downstairs.” I told him and then I let him go and walked back down the stairs.

  The others had worked fast. When he eventually got his lights repaired, Jay would find blue paint painted on his walls—obviously not a quality job, it was a rush after all. It would say, ‘last warning, fucker’, and then we’d dropped thousands of tiny screws, the smallest you could find, all over the living room. It would take him forever to be rid of them.

  That would do for now. He’d better hope we never heard from him again.

  As we came back the lights were still on at Violet’s house both upstairs and downstairs, so it lo
oked like the girls night was still in full flow. I was hoping they’d leave soon and then I could sneak back over. I sent a text to Juliet to let her know we were done and back.

  Milo:All sorted.

  I wasn’t expecting her to actually call me in return.


  “Are you drunk?” I asked, even though her voice had already given me the answer.

  “It’d be a fucking shit girls night if I was sober. Anyway, listen up. Becca had to go early with her being a mum, but me and Vi are well trollied so I’m staying over.”

  I had to bite on my own hand to stop myself from telling her she wasn’t. Not because I was being a Neanderthal but because I wanted to stay over and share Violet’s bed again. But as hard as it was (and boy was it fucking HARD), this was why Violet had bought her house. To live her life, have girly nights, get a dog, and thrive. There was plenty of time for me to make sure I was part of the plan.

  “Okay, well you two have a blast, and I’ll see you both and your hangovers over breakfast tomorrow if you manage to get up on time.”

  “Night, bro. Love you, Miley Moo.”

  I heard a screech in the background, “Miley Moo. Classic.” Vi’s voice got louder. “Miley Moo, goodnight to you.”

  There was more hysterical laughter and then the line went dead.

  Jesus. I hope my name hadn’t been coming up in conversation, although it was doubtful either of them would remember anything tomorrow anyway if they were this wasted. I’d just rather my sister wasn’t privy to any conversation about what had happened between me and Violet this morning.


  It was pathetic. After all the time I’d spent focusing on getting my own place and being independent, Milo left me to a girly night and I missed him. What the hell was happening to me? I smiled at Becca and Juliet who both had excited expressions on their faces.

  “Go through to the living room and I’ll bring the alcohol and nibbles.” I informed them. Juliet wandered through but Becca was taking it all in. “It’s looking really nice, Violet. I love the kitchen flooring.”

  “Not bad for free, is it?” I shared.

  “Free?” Becca squealed. “How?”

  Juliet came wandering back in. “What are you squealing at? Is Chris Hemsworth naked in the back garden?”

  “Nope, nothing so exciting. Just that Vi got this awesome flooring for free. How?”

  “Yeah.” Juliet’s brow furrowed. “How?”

  “Leftovers from one of your other jobs. I have to say I’ve been very lucky with how much stuff other people over-order or waste. It’s saved me a fortune.”

  “Right.” Juliet didn’t sound so excited.

  “What’s up?”

  She changed to an excited tone. “I mean right. Now can we open the alcohol and not spend the evening talking about lino?” She winked.

  They helped me carry the food, drink, and glasses into the room and then sprawled on the sofa while I sat myself on the matching chair. I watched as Becca seemed to unfurl, her limbs stretching out. “Jesus, this feels good. There’s no one wanting me. No two-year-old at my heels, or husband asking if there are any clean socks.” She leaned over and grabbed the wine bottle and filled her glass to the brim. “I intend to savour this.”

  “The wine or the evening?” Juliet laughed.


  “I know how you feel.” Juliet added. “My house is always noisy and it’s rare to get a moment’s peace and quiet, or an hour without the opinion of my dad or brothers. So cheers to a place of no nagging.” She held up her glass, and we grabbed ours and chinked.

  “No nagging.” We all declared.

  The first hour we spent getting to know each other a little better and talking about my renovations. Then the alcohol started loosening lips and the fact we all seemed to get along made the conversation flow into the natural gossiping of a group of women together.

  “So what’s going on with you and my brother? I want an update.” Juliet asked. “And don’t deny things, because I’m not stupid. I promise to keep the gossip to myself.”

  “Nothing to tell.” I said, but I felt my face heat up.

  “You lying cow; you’re blushing.”

  “It’s the wine and the heat.” I protested.

  She arched a brow.

  “Yep, lying cow.” Becca stated. “You do know you just stare at each other all day long, right?”

  “No, we don’t.”

  “Yes, yes, you do.” Juliet joined in.

  “Stop ganging up on me you two.” I complained, emptying my glass and refilling it.

  “Have you shagged him yet?” Becca asked.

  “No!” I protested, and then I blushed even more.

  “Look at her face. Something’s happened. What base have you gone to?” Becca was relentless.

  “I’m not having this conversation. His sister is right there.”

  “She’s given him a blow job.” Juliet announced. “You can tell by the amount of squirming she’s doing.”

  “Change the subject.” I squealed and begged.

  “Confirm by a nod of your head that oral level has been achieved and I’ll change the subject.” Becca said.

  I nodded my head.

  She clapped. “Good on you. I haven’t had sex in the last three months. I’m fucking gagging for it.” She added.

  My mouth dropped open and Juliet’s wasn’t far behind.

  “It’s been a hell of a long time for me, but three months? Your husband is right in bed at the side of you. What’s that about?”

  “I’m just too tired, or he’s in a mood. Two-year-olds are hard work, and as much as I might think about it at times, once I actually get into bed at night and I can just relax and get some sleep before it all starts again… well, I choose sleep. Then when I feel guilty and reach out to Rob, he’s been saying he’s not in the mood. I don’t know what’s going on with him at the moment. Most of the time he’s the life and soul of the party but sometimes lately he’s not seemed himself.”

  “It’s probably the fact you have that two-year-old. Can’t you have an evening to yourselves?”

  “We have no family nearby so no, not unless I got a babysitter and I just don’t trust anyone I don’t know to look after my kid.”

  “When you get to know me better, I’ll do it.” I announced. “Then you can have a night of rampant sex.”

  “I’ll hold you to that, especially if I’ll have been having to listen to you and Milo at it.”

  “Eww.” Juliet’s nose turned up.

  “What about you, Juliet? Any romance on the horizon?”

  “Quinn’s interested in her, but she’s pretending not to notice.”

  “Are you kidding? Quinn is a God. I live for glimpses of him.”

  We laugh at Becca.

  “I’m the queen of the one-night-stand.” Juliet said. “It suits me. I’ve said before. Trying to date with an overprotective dad and five brothers can be a little too much. So I go out, get laid, and never see them again.”

  “But what about companionship?” I asked.

  “I live in a house full of people. I don’t want crowding by someone else. I like my space. I’m saving up to move out and then maybe, I might start dating. Although no strings sex is very satisfying in more ways than one.”

  “So no Quinn?” I pushed.

  “No Quinn. He lives right across the garden for fuck’s sake. Can’t shag him and then walk away. He’d be right there.”

  “Are you sure you can’t do it just the once and report all the details back to me so I can fantasise?” Becca sighed.

  We all fell about laughing.

  Becca left at around ten thirty. She’d had a couple of glasses of wine and seemed happy and merry. When we’d closed the door on her, Juliet opened another bottle of wine. “Let’s get pissed.”

  “Wahooo. Let’s.” I lifted up my glass for a re-fill.

  “You’d better make sure I get back to my own house okay tonight and I d
on’t accidentally walk into someone else’s.”

  “Ooh, accidentally walk into Quinn’s.”

  She huffed. “Stop trying to set me up with Quinn.”

  “But he could plant his seeds in your garden.”


  “Put his hosepipe in your bucket.” I fell about laughing. God, I loved wine.

  “What are you implying about the size of his cock, and more to the point, my vagina?”

  That’s it, another bout of giggling took hold of us.

  “You can stay here tonight. I have spare pyjamas and I’ll put fresh bedding on seeing as your brother stayed over last night.”

  “Appreciated.” She mock-shuddered.

  “Hey, he was great last night. My ex-husband came around uninvited. Milo got rid of him. It all got to me and he listened and helped me a lot. He’s a good guy your brother. I like him.” I confessed.

  “Really? I never would have guessed.” Juliet eye-rolled.

  “I wonder what he’s up to tonight?” I sighed.

  “He’s out with my brothers.”


  “Yeah, they had a job to take care of.”

  “They’re working? On a Sh- shaturday night? Shaturday. Bahahahaha. What a crap day that would be. Get it. Shat.”

  Juliet snorted.

  We were watching How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days when Juliet’s phone buzzed with a text notification. She took it from her pocket and took a minute to read it.

  “Wassit?” I slurred.

  “Miley saying he’s home. I’m gonna ring him.” She dialled his number. “Miley.” She sang. After listening she replied to him.

  “It’d be a fucking shit girls night if I was sober. Anyway, listen up. Becca had to go early with her being a mum, but me and Vi are well trollied so I’m staying over.”

  I wondered what he was saying to her. I wanted to talk to him, but to be honest at this stage I wasn’t entirely sure I was capable of speech.

  “Night, bro. Love you, Miley Moo.”


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