Unplanned Love

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Unplanned Love Page 4

by Sharon C. Cooper

  But her steps faltered.

  Liam’s long legs were carrying him across the lawn toward her, and Charlee’s attention went to the light blue towels. A small one was tossed over one shoulder, while he carried a bigger one in his right hand.

  From her peripheral vision, she noticed the moment Jerry ushered Stormy and the dog into the house, but Charlee’s gaze stayed on Liam. The intense look in his eyes scorched every inch of her body. She recognized desire in a man’s eyes when she saw it, especially if those eyes belonged to Liam Jenkins. It was a look she’d seen more times than she could count when they were a couple.

  She was so vulnerable where he was concerned, but an unexpected thrill raced through her body. It had been forever since she’d been in his arms. Was it too much to hope that he planned to wrap the towel around her and hold her tight?

  That’s something he would’ve done at one time. A time when she didn’t doubt his feelings for her. A time when he constantly professed his love for her. A time when she couldn’t imagine her life with anyone else.

  She shivered, then sneezed.

  Oh no.

  She sneezed two more times in succession.

  Before realizing it, Liam was standing in front of her, holding the towel open and shaking his head.

  “Come on so you can dry off.”

  Without hesitation, she stepped forward, anxious to get warm. Instead of facing him, Charlee turned and he slowly wrapped the thick cotton material around her trembling body. Carried away by the exhilaration of being near him again, she wasn’t sure if he had pulled her closer or if she had bumped into him. All she knew was that a blast of heat shot up her spine as his arms encircled her.

  Charlee searched her memory, trying to recall the last time they’d been this close. Trying to think of the last time a moment with him felt so intimate. Then she remembered.

  She held back the whimper that inched up her throat as memories rushed to the surface. Hot. Steamy. Sex in the shower memories.

  She missed what they once had. That thought was made even more prevalent while he held the towel tightly around her like he used to do after they showered. She treasured the moment and how good it felt to be in his arms again.

  Liam lowered his head. His lips touched her skin, sending a tingle shooting through her body as he nuzzled the area behind her ear.

  “Same ol’ Charlee. Leap first and suffer the consequences later. You’re going to have to get out of these wet clothes.”

  If only those words had a different meaning.

  Her eyes drifted closed as he maintained his hold. The air was charged with a familiar feeling as he held her, and a sensual ache between her thighs blossomed.

  The moment felt like a dream. Like one of her fantasies come to life, especially when he placed a feathery kiss against her neck.

  Nope. This was definitely real.

  His warm lips lingered, caressing as he nipped at her neck.

  Charlee tried not to squirm, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t stop the moan that pierced the air.

  Liam froze.

  Considering how rigid his body suddenly went, it was as if he hadn’t realized what he was doing.

  She held her breath.

  Didn’t dare move.

  Maybe if she remained perfectly still, he’d go back to what he was doing to her body.

  No such luck.

  As his arms loosened from around her, she wanted to beg him not to let go. Not to move away from her. But he slowly lowered his arms, and she fisted the towel in front of her.

  She slowly turned and faced him.

  Each time she was in his presence, he reminded her, without words, how much she missed him. His kisses, his hugs, heck, she even missed his world-famous lasagna. Basically, she longed for the man she should’ve been married to.

  Sighing, Charlee lowered her gaze as a wave of guilt bombarded her. What would it take to get him to forgive her for throwing away their relationship? Was there a chance that Rayne was right? That Liam still loved her? Could he?

  She lifted her eyes to his again. He still didn’t say anything. He was the epitome of the strong, silent type. He wasn’t a man who wasted words. He said whatever he meant, and when he didn’t have anything to say, he kept quiet, no matter how much she would’ve preferred he talked.

  Say something. Anything. Charlee silently begged.

  A flare of heat sparked in his dark eyes and goosebumps trudged over her flesh, but when his gazed lowered to her lips no words were needed.

  She knew what he was thinking.

  She knew what he was remembering.

  Them. Together.

  Kiss me. The words blared inside of her head, hoping that he could somehow read her mind. Surely, he knew that she wouldn’t push him away if he took such liberties. They were once so good together, like two metals perfectly molded into one.

  Until they weren’t.

  A tickle started in her nose and she quickly turned her head and sneezed, then sneezed again, effectively breaking the spell.

  As if suddenly remembering the other towel, Liam quickly snatched it from his shoulder and gently placed it over her head before stepping away from her again.

  “Do you still keep a set of gym clothes in your car?” His voice was deeper than usual, encircling Charlee like a sensual embrace.

  “Yes,” she croaked out, then cleared her throat but sneezed again. “Yeah, I should probably go get them.”

  “Give me your keys. I’ll grab them while you get out of those clothes.”

  Charlee nodded, too shocked to speak. She was super aware of him as he followed her into the house. Maybe this was a good sign. No. This was definitely a good sign.

  Twenty minutes later, she had showered and changed in the guest bathroom before entering the kitchen. Everyone else had started eating.

  “Help yourself. I’m sure you’re hungry,” Rayne said. She, Jerry and Stormy were sitting at the table, and Jerry Jr. was asleep in the baby swing nearby. Liam occupied one of the stools at the breakfast bar, his gaze steady on her.

  Interestingly enough, his attention didn’t unnerve her like it often did lately. Something had changed between them. She wasn’t sure what, and didn’t necessarily want to put a name to it. But being the opportunist that she was, Charlee had every intention of taking advantage of that development.

  “Do you want anything else while I’m up? Another beer maybe?” she asked him quietly, wanting to do something, anything for him.

  He shook his head. “I’m good.”

  After fixing her plate, she sat next to him and dug in.

  God, this is good, Charlee thought, savoring every bite. She moaned with pleasure before she caught herself, hoping that no one heard her. Stealing a glance at Liam, it was safe to say she wasn’t that lucky. His juicy lips twitched.

  “I see you still enjoy your meals.”

  Charlee grimaced. “Uh, yeah. I guess some things haven’t changed.”

  He nodded and a genuine smile spread across his mouth. A refreshing smile like a glass of lemonade on the hottest day of the year.

  “I figured as much since you played in the water with your work clothes still on.” He released a grunt, and before she knew it, his grin matched hers. “I always liked that about you.”

  At that moment, Charlee could’ve been knocked over with a feather. “Like what about me?” she asked, trying not to get too excited. Not only was he holding a conversation with her, but he was admitting to liking something about her.

  “You. Living in the moment.”

  This wasn’t the first time that he’d said that to her. He also used to tell her that she was everything he wasn’t. That they were a prime example of opposites attract.

  “Thanks for earlier…the towels,” she explained, then sneezed into her arm.

  Crap. She hoped she wasn’t getting sick.

  “You should probably take some vitamin C when you get home to ward off a cold.”

  Charlee no
dded, trying not to get hopeful that he actually cared. Though she had apologized to him years ago for what she’d done to them, she felt an overwhelming need to apologize again. It was way past time they called a truce.

  “Liam…” she started, her voice only loud enough for him to hear as she tried to figure out what to say. “I’m sor—”

  “I’d better get going.” He stood abruptly and glanced over his shoulder at those at the table. “I hate to eat and run, but I’m on deadline. Rayne, thanks for dinner. As usual, the meal was excellent.”

  “You’re more than welcome,” Rayne said when he carried his plate into the kitchen. “Oh, and just leave the dishes in the sink. I’ll take care of them.”

  Feeling as if she’d just been punched in the gut, Charlee stared down at her plate as defeat crept through her body. Who was she kidding? There was no going back when it came to Liam. The sooner she embraced that fact, the better off she’d be.

  Jerry stood, and he and Liam exchanged a man hug. “Thanks for your help with the swing. That should be the last addition for a while.”

  “Thanks, Uncle Liam,” Stormy chimed from the table, her words sounding as if she was talking with her mouth full.

  “No problem, princess. And Charlee…”

  She glanced up, surprised to hear her name fall from his lips.

  “Good seeing you again.” With that, he and Jerry headed toward the front of the house.

  “Well, that’s progress,” Rayne said as she strolled into the kitchen with empty plates. “At least he wasn’t glaring at you this time.”

  “Yeah, there is that.”

  Charlee stuffed a fork full of green beans into her mouth. The emptiness she suddenly felt at Liam’s departure made it clear that she wasn’t over him. It didn’t matter, though. Despite what Jerry said about her asking Liam to marry her, and Rayne claiming that he still loved her, there was no going back. Which was too bad. Charlee would give anything to get back with him, but she wasn’t delusional. He would never give her a second chance.

  Chapter Six

  Liam trudged alongside Amber up the front walk that led to her small bungalow, dread weighing him down like a heavy quilt around his shoulders. Since picking her up an hour ago to take her to breakfast, he’d been trying to figure out how to get the inevitable conversation started.

  “Oh, my goodness. I made a total pig of myself.” She patted her flat stomach. “Deciding to have breakfast together was a good idea. It’s been awhile.”

  “Yeah, it has.” Liam slowed as they got closer to the house. He never wanted to do anything to hurt her, but he knew in a few minutes, that’s exactly what would happen.

  “You haven’t said much since we left the restaurant. What’s on your mind?” she asked over her bare shoulder and unlocked the front door.

  Amber had that girl-next-door cuteness about her and was normally a more conservative dresser. But the red halter top she had on now was a little more risqué than her usual choice of clothing. He had noticed over the last couple of weeks that her wardrobe was slowly changing from business casual, to seductress chic. Not sure what brought on this side of her, but not even this new side of her could change what he was feeling these days.

  He had to break up with her because Charlee still had a hold on his heart. At the moment, it sucked to be him, but he couldn’t keep seeing Amber. It wouldn’t be fair. There was no way he could be involved with one woman when his mind was always on another.

  She’s the one you want, and there’s nothing you can say to make me think otherwise.

  Jerry’s words rattled around in Liam’s head, taunting him as if his own thoughts of Charlee weren’t already driving him crazy. It had been almost two weeks since the towel incident. Yet, a day hadn’t gone by that he didn’t remember how good she felt in his arms. How intense the pull was between them when he held her close. Or how he knew the moment he had stepped out of line. Having his arms wrapped around her lush body and inhaling her sweet scent had…

  He had to stop this. He had to quit fantasizing about a woman who was no longer his. A woman who was his past. Which was where he intended to leave her.


  His gaze shot up only to collide with Amber’s narrowed eyes.

  “What’s going on?” She set her purse on the table in the foyer before walking further into the house. “Are you feeling okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” Liam said a little too quickly then cursed himself for what he knew he had to do. He closed and turned the lock on the front door, and followed her into the living room. “But we need to talk.”

  His words stopped her. She turned slowly toward him, her back ramrod straight as if knowing something bad was coming.

  Liam dropped his gaze and shoved his hands into the front pockets of his pants. He searched his mind for the right words to tell her that they couldn’t continue seeing each other.

  “Why don’t we sit down,” he finally said, gesturing toward the striped sofa.

  She shook her head. “Whatever you’re about the say, just say it.”

  “I can’t see you anymore,” he blurted.

  Silence fell between them as she studied him, several emotions flashing across her face. Shock. Confusion. Hurt.

  “Why?” she asked, taking a few steps toward him before stopping. “What…what happened?”

  She was one of the nicest women he’d ever dated, but he had known for weeks, maybe even a month, that he didn’t want forever with her. For the last six months, since they started dating, they got along great. They had a lot in common, laughed at the same jokes and connected on some levels. Liam had hoped that as they got to know each other better, his feelings for her would grow stronger. They hadn’t.

  Amber checked off many qualities of must haves on the life-mate list he had constructed in his mind, but there was still something missing. She didn’t steal his breath away. She didn’t make him lose sleep with thoughts of when they’d see each other again. And she didn’t make him want to drop everything to be by her side.

  That had only happened with one woman once in his life.

  No matter how hard he searched or how hard he wished he could feel that…that…that I-can’t-live-without-you, intensity again with someone new, it hadn’t happened.

  Not the way it did with Char…

  Liam stopped the rest of that thought before it could fully form.

  He stood in front of Amber and reached for her hand. “I’m sorry.”

  When a few tears leaked from her eyes, he pulled her into his arms. Placing a kiss against her temple, he held her, neither of them speaking for a few minutes.

  “I can’t believe you’re breaking up with me.”

  “The last thing I want to do is hurt you but…”

  She shoved gently against his chest and he dropped his arms to his sides.

  “Then why? Why are you doing this? We’re great together, Liam. I’ve done everything to become the person I thought you wanted me to be.”

  “Wait. What are you talking about? What type of person did you think I wanted you to be? I’ve never asked you to change, Amber. I like you. I like you just the way you are.”

  “Yet, you’re breaking up with me.”

  “That’s not because of you.” He placed his hand on his chest and patted. “This is all on me.”

  She tsked and threw up her arms. “Oh, great. The it’s not you, it’s me speech. Don’t give me that crap.”


  “I’m so sick of this…this mess that guys like you dish out.” She roamed around the living room aimlessly, her hands on her hips. “Each time I meet a nice guy, I’m all in, and he seems to really be into me, too. Only it usually turns out to be one-sided. God knows I hate dating. Just once I want…” She stopped and released a long, ragged sigh.

  Liam didn’t know what she was going to say, but when she didn’t continue, he said, “I never meant to hurt you, Amber, but I don’t know what else to tell you. This really is about m
e. I like you but…but I can’t give you what I know you’re looking for.”

  “And what would that be, Liam?” she bit out, more tears filling her eyes. “What do you think I’m looking for?”

  He knew this conversation wouldn’t be easy, but it wasn’t going like he’d hoped it would. It would’ve been better if she’d just cursed him out, called him a few choice names, and slammed the door in his face. At least then he wouldn’t feel like the lowest form of human life and have to see her cry.

  “What? What do you think I want?” she bit out more forceful this time.

  “Love,” he said simply. “I know you’re ready to fall in love, get married and start a family.”

  After a slight hesitation, she said, “And I thought we wanted the same thing. I thought we were on the same page, moving in the same direction toward the same goal.” Now her words were pleading, only making him feel worse.

  She was right. They’d had numerous conversations about the future, what they were looking for. They did want the same thing. He wasn’t a fan of dating and had never like to date just to be dating. Rarely did he go into a relationship unless he thought it could lead to marriage.

  “A few weeks ago, I told you that I loved you,” Amber said, snatching a tissue from a nearby Kleenex box and dabbing at her eyes. “At least now I know why you didn’t return the sentiment. Why didn’t you just break up with me then? Why prolong…” She stopped moving and her back stiffened as she looked at him, really looked at him. “It’s somebody else, isn’t it? Have you been cheating on me?”

  Liam’s hands shot up and hurried to stop that line of questioning, shaking his head vigorously. “No. I wouldn’t do that.” A stab of guilt pierced him in the chest at how he’d held Charlee in his arms, wanting to do more than inhale her amazing scent and kiss her sweet neck. “But—”

  “But you’ve thought about it.”

  The words were spoken so quietly, Liam barely heard them.

  Amber folded her arms across her chest. “Why don’t you tell me what’s really going on.”


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