Next to Forever: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Three

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Next to Forever: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Three Page 22

by Long, A. L.

  Rade was on his cell when Dylan walked through the door. Taking a seat on the couch, she waited for his call to end.

  “Peter will get everything over to you and let you know his plans. I told him to let me know when he finds her so the appropriate action can be taken,” Rade commented.

  Dylan assumed it was Richard that Rade had been talking with. “What’s going on, Rade?”

  “The key you gave me belonged to Chloe’s safe deposit box. Peter found evidence that Chloe had a part in what happened at The Castle the night you were assaulted, and also what happened to me,” Rade said as he rounded his desk to be closer to Dylan. “I asked Peter to get the information to Richard to make sure it gets into the right hands. She’s going to be spending the rest of her life in prison for what she did.”

  Dylan was in shock. She wasn’t sure what Peter had found in the box, but she needed to know. She wasn’t ready to relive that horrible night, but she couldn’t face the nightmare if what happened to her ever got out either. “Rade, what did she have in her box regarding the night at The Castle?” Dylan asked, feeling uneasy.

  “It’s not good. Everything that happened was saved on a flash drive,” Rade said as he sat next to Dylan.

  “I need to see it, Rade. I need to see for myself what’s on that flash drive, I need to know. If any part of that night is on there, Rade, it would kill my dad if he ever found out what happened. I can’t let that happen,” Dylan pleaded.

  “Richard is on his way over so we can look at it. Together,” Rade said, comforting Dylan as he pulled her close to him. When Rade met with Peter after the trip to London, he couldn’t bring himself to watch it.

  The last thing that Rade wanted was to put Dylan through that terrible nightmare. If he had to he would find another way to pin it on Chloe without the evidence, but first he needed to see what was on the drive for himself.

  Knowing what they did cost Rade everything he had to calm Dylan. This was the last thing he wanted for her. Taking her by the hand, he led her back to the bedroom and stripped her of her robe. Making sure the temperature in the shower was just right, he pulled her body close and lifted her to him so that her legs were wrapped around his waist. He needed to let her know that no matter what happened, he would always be there for her. Entering the hot stream of water, Rade gently placed butterfly kisses along her neck while holding her close to him. Leaning her body against the cool tile, he slid his hand down her slick body until he found her clit. With circular movements, he placed his thumb on the swollen nub while using his index finger to glide between her folds. It amazed him how she was always ready for him. Her folds were slick with wetness. Adding another finger, he glided it inside her tight slit, entering her warmth. “Just feel, Sweetness. Think of nothing else but this,” Rade whispered.

  Capturing her mouth with his, Rade slipped his tongue between her parted lips, feeling the emotion consuming her. Sucking and licking, intertwining, gravitating together, their kiss deepened with voracity, taking them to a place they both needed to be. Just the two of them, no one else, no other sound other than their hearts beating, colliding together as one. Desire and need took over as Dylan exploded with fury. Placing her on her feet, Rade twisted her body, placing her hands above her head as her breasts pressed against the smooth marble. Spreading her legs with his own, he gripped his shaft and slowly filled her with his velvet hardness. Dylan’s walls tightened around him, launching his body into the cosmos and beyond. Pushing deeper with hard thrusts, Rade plowed further and further into her core. Dylan’s walls clamped down on his throbbing cock, causing Rade to lose his control and relentlessly spew inside her.

  “That was just what we needed, Sweetness,” Rade said, sated. Pulling from her, Rade grabbed the soapy bath sponge, watching the creamy liquid drip from her spent body. Lightly, Rade rubbed the sensitive skin between Dylan’s legs, and gently began washing away the product of their desire.

  Their timing couldn’t have been better because just as they put on their last stitch of clothing, a knock came at the door. Rade went ahead and answered the door while Dylan finished drying her hair. Opening the door, Richard appeared carrying a manila envelope which Rade knew contained the items from Chloe’s deposit box.

  “Come in, Richard. Dylan is drying her hair and should be done soon. In the meantime, tell me how much of what happened to Dylan is on the flash drive?” Rade asked, concerned.

  “It’s all there. What was done to her was unspeakable. I’m not sure if it’s wise for her to relive that night again,” Richard cautioned. “Death for Mr. Moreno was too charitable for him. He should have had his balls ripped off first.”

  “I agree. Somehow we have to find another way to tie Chloe to that night,” Rade shot, taking the envelope from Richard as they headed for Rade’s study.

  Rade prayed that he would be able to review what was on the flash drive before Dylan came looking for him. If it was as bad as Richard claimed, he couldn’t watch it together with Dylan. Settling in the leather chair behind his desk, Rade turned on his computer and pushed the flash drive into the USB port. Seconds later, the files began to appear. One thing he had to say, Chloe was organized; she labeled each file according to the incident. Clicking on the file that read The Castle, Rade watched as the video of that night appeared. Watching what happened was making him sick. Rade slammed the cover of his laptop and went to his liquor cabinet and poured himself a double shot of Glenfiddich. He needed to hold it together. His heart broke as he watched the woman he loved assaulted in such a vile manner. Dylan had explained to him what had happened to her, but seeing it for himself just about caused him to lose it. His body was totally numb

  Downing the remainder of his drink, a knock came on his study door. Before he could say anything, Dylan appeared. Based on the expression she had on her face, Rade knew she saw the guilt spread across his. It was no use hiding it.

  “What’s going on, Rade?” Dylan asked, almost afraid of what he would say.

  “The night at The Castle… the whole thing was taped. From the moment you walked into that room to when you passed out. I’m so sorry, Dylan. I had no idea how bad it really was. I think it’s best that you don’t watch it. We’ll find another way to get Chloe for what happened to you,” Rade choked, disgusted that he could have let something like this happen.

  “I need to see it, Rade. If I’m ever going to get past this, I need to see it,” Dylan begged.

  “I can’t let you, Dylan. It could break you forever,” Rade urged.

  “This is not your decision to make, Rade. I need to do this,” Dylan argued.

  Against his better judgment, Rade pushed from his desk and took Dylan in his arms. “Are you sure you want to do this, Sweetness?” Rade asked, afraid of what this could do to her.

  As soon as Dylan was settled, he opened the file and the video began playing. Rade watched as Dylan sat silent. Her face went from radiant to pale within minutes. When he saw the tears fall from her face, he knew she had seen enough. Before he could shut the file, Dylan was out of the chair and down the steps. Without hesitation, Rade followed her. When he got to the bedroom, he saw that she was in the bathroom crouched on her knees in front of the toilet. He knew he should have demanded that she not see the footage of that night. She may have been mad at him, but at least she would eventually forgive him instead of going through what Rade knew for certain would happen.

  Walking next to her, Rade gently pulled her hair from her face as she continued to spill her guts. When he knew she couldn’t expel anymore, he took her in his arms and set her on the vanity to help clean her up. Thoroughly satisfied she was clean, he carried her to their bed, where he gently placed her. Holding her as tightly as he could, he whispered, “I’m so sorry, Sweetness. The last thing I wanted was for you to see that,”

  “I will do whatever I have to… to make sure she never sees the light of day,” Dylan blurted with vengeance in her voice.

  “I will do everything I can to protect you, Swee
tness. I will find another way to get her,” Rade assured her.

  Rade stayed with Dylan until she fell asleep. Heading back to his study to look at the rest of the information on the flash drive, he searched for something, anything, that would show Chloe’s part in Dylan’s assault.

  After spending hours reviewing the evidence, Rade was about to give up on finding anything on Chloe when it came to him. When they had been looking for Dylan’s assailant, they were looking for a man. It never occurred to them to look for Chloe. Picking up his cell, he dialed Dane’s number.

  “Dane, hey, old friend. I have a favor to ask of you. Remember looking at the security footage for Dylan’s abuser?” Rade asked.

  “I remember. What is this about, Rade?” Dane asked, confused.

  “There was someone else involved. Chloe Dupree,” Rade advised.

  “Chloe Dupree? Are you shitting me?” Dane answered, surprised. He had known Chloe for a long time. He couldn’t believe that she would have done anything so horrible.

  “Yeah. Can I meet with you to go through all the footage from that night? I have a feeling that we will find something interesting on it,” Rade advised. “If we could follow the footage from the time she entered to when she left, I think it will prove she was a part of the plan to get Dylan in the dungeon.”

  “Whatever you need, my friend,” Dane said.

  Once the arrangement was made with Dane to go over the security footage, Rade went to check on Dylan. When he got to the room, he wasn’t surprised to see that she was still resting. Watching the video was like reliving the event all over again. He hated seeing her like this. Dylan had put this incident behind her, but reviewing the video brought the horrible memories of that night back. Rade wasn’t sure if Dylan would be able to get through this again. Even though she was a strong woman, and she would never let anything or anyone break her again, he knew this was something that would haunt her.

  Rade left Dylan to rest while he went to his study to catch up on some work. He needed something to occupy his mind. Rade advised Richard to get the information to his friend at the NYPD, minus the file of the night at The Castle. Once he had the evidence he needed against Chloe, he would let Richard know, but for now he couldn’t risk the information going public.

  As Rade was going through his emails a buzz came from his cell. It was Peter. Hopefully he had some news for him regarding Chloe.

  “Hey, Peter. I hope you have something positive to report, considering the day I’ve had,” Rade suggested.

  “I’m afraid I don’t. Ms. Dupree is MIA. We know she had a flight booked back to the States, but we have no information other than that. We checked her flight schedule and she should have been on the plane that landed about an hour ago at JFK. Her luggage arrived, but she didn’t,” Peter said. “Personally, I think she got wind that we got the information against her and she disappeared.”

  “Get with Richard. See if he can find out if she boarded the plane from London. They should have airport surveillance cameras. This should give us an idea where to look for her,” Rade ordered. “If she’s hiding out, sooner or later we will find her, especially in her condition.”

  “On it. I’ll let you know what we come up with,” Peter said before ending the call.

  Darkness fell when Rade finally emerged from his study. He was drained from what the day brought. The bit of news that Peter shared was no more comforting than a kick in the gut. It seemed no matter what Rade did, something always happened, and not in a good way. Walking to the kitchen, Rade pulled a bottle of wine from the wine cooler and popped the cork. Taking the bottle and a glass, he settled on the floor behind the couch. Propping against the back of the couch, Rade gazed out the floor-to-ceiling windows. “How could a city with so much to offer be filled with so many fucked up people?” Rade thought to himself as he poured the wine into his glass.

  Lost in thought, Rade didn’t hear Dylan come up beside him. Lowering her body next to his, she asked, “Tell me everything will be okay, Rade.”

  Staring out the window, Rade didn’t know how reassuring he could be, especially knowing that he questioned that himself. “I can promise you that I will do everything I can to make sure it will be,” Rade responded honestly, pulling Dylan onto his lap.

  Looking into Dylan’s eyes, Rade could see the uncertainty behind them. “Dylan, everything will work out,” Rade said sternly, hoping it would ease her mind.

  Cupping her face, Rade placed his lips on hers. Kissing her, he let her know that no matter what, he loved her with his very soul. Before he knew it, Dylan pulled him closer, asserting the need she had for him. Breaking for a moment, Dylan lifted Rade’s shirt up over his head, exposing the rippled muscles beneath. Smoothing her hands down his chest, she took in every hard line of his body. With soft movements, she began at his neck and worked down, placing sweet tender kisses on his smooth skin. Taking his taut nipple in her mouth, she lightly sucked the hard pebble while gently biting the hard peak. Unable to contain his own desire for her, Rade removed her shirt, throwing it onto the floor. He didn’t care that the wine bottle and wine glass were now spilled over the white marble. Reaching behind her back, he unclasped her bra and threw it to the floor where her discarded shirt lay. With the Manhattan lights shining through the windows, Rade could see the perfect curves of her body. Pushing from the floor, Rade took her in his arms and carefully laid her on the floor. Kissing her, the heat of her desire radiated through his body. How could any woman be more perfect than her? Stroking her cheek, he looked into her eyes. “I love you so much, Sweetness,” Rade confessed.

  Taking her lips, his passion ignited as he swept his tongue between her lips while gently nipping at her bottom lip. When her lips parted, he moved inside her warmth and consumed her fully. Mingling his tongue with hers, they moved rhythmically like a well-orchestrated symphony. Concentrating on her, he removed her pants and tossed them next to the collection of clothing already discarded. She deserved to be worshiped and he was the only man who would ever do just that. She was his. Trailing tender kisses down her soft body, Rade accepted the soft whimpers as his cue to continue to delight her every way possible. With soft kisses, Rade tenderly took Dylan’s nipple in his mouth and gently pulled on the taut peak with his teeth. Dylan’s back arched off the floor, pushing her breasts closer towards him, allowing him to cherish her in complete bliss.

  Every inch of Dylan’s body was electrified. Only Rade’s touch could make her body react this way, like a magnet drawing out every sensation she didn’t even know her body could feel. The minute Rade’s mouth found her clit, her heart raced as he freed the torment that had been building inside. Dylan’s tears began to fall as her emotions finally gave way.

  Rade was right there, absorbing the pain she kept buried for so long. With undeniable love, he kissed her trembling lips, filling his own heart with her pain. “I will forever love you, Sweetness,” Rade whispered softly.

  “Then show me, Rade,” Dylan murmured.

  With utter tenderness, Rade spread Dylan’s legs and gently entered her. His movements were slow. This was about showing his love and commitment to her. He needed this as much, if not more, than her. Rocking with unhurried movements, Rade needed to feel every inch of her. Increasing his movements, Dylan’s body began to move against him. Rade could feel moisture build as her walls tightened without mercy around his throbbing cock. He knew his release was close, so when Dylan screamed his name with her explosion, Rade followed with violent force. “Fuck,” Rade wailed as his seed spilled inside her.


  Rade wasn’t sure how much more bad news he could take. Not only had Chloe escaped sometime after the flight back to New York, the airport surveillance footage only picked up her boarding the plane. This only meant one thing: somehow Chloe got off the plane without being noticed. The only way she could have done that was through the door leading to the gate apron. Someone had to have been at the entry door to let her in. Since there were no cameras in that area
, there was no way to know who it could have been. Rade only knew one thing, Chloe was somewhere and he needed to find her.

  After hearing this information, Rade thought it best to not tell Dylan. The last thing she needed was to know that Chloe was nowhere to be found. Rade knew it would push her over the edge. Ending his call with Peter, Rade headed to the kitchen to make Dylan something special for breakfast. This was the time of day he enjoyed the most. Not only did he enjoy cooking, he also enjoyed spoiling Dylan. It was something he looked forward to and took advantage of every chance he got.

  Pulling several ingredients from the refrigerator, Rade began preparing her meal. Turning on the Bose stereo system that his iPod was connected to, he began chopping to the beat of Maroon 5. Lost in the song, Rade forgot about his dilemma as the song took him to a different place. He was so in tune to the music that he didn’t hear Dylan’s screams in the background. When the song ended, it was then that he heard her pleas for help. Shutting off the burner, he rushed to the bedroom. Opening the door, Dylan wasn’t in the bed, instead he found her on the floor with her knees pulled to her chest. She looked like a child huddled in the corner. Her eyes were red and her facial expression was hollow as she stared into space.

  Rade was pretty sure seeing the video caused her to react the way she did. She was having a nightmare. Careful not to startle her, he walked up to her slowly and settled on the floor next to her. He didn’t say anything as he watched Dylan rock back and forth. Trying to get her to focus on him, Rade gently placed his hand on her flushed cheek. “Dylan, look at me.”


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