Two for Alex

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Two for Alex Page 26

by Claire Thompson

  She tensed, her breath sharp and high in her throat. Once again, the warm fingers slid against her labia and rolled her engorging clit until Alex began to thrust back wantonly against them.

  “She’s so easy, Liam. Your sub is a slut, did you know that?”

  Alex stilled at once, her face burning. She hid it against her quilts and tried to close her legs. “Keep them open, slut.” Marianne punctuated her command with a very hard smack on the upper part of Alex’s ass. This hurt much more than lower down and Alex gasped.

  She squealed when the hand landed next on her wet cunt. “Count,” Marianne commanded. She smacked Alex’s sex ten more times, each one harder than the last.

  Somehow Alex managed to count though tears sprang to her eyes and she could barely catch her breath. Finally, at forty, Marianne returned her attentions to Alex’s ass.

  The glowing sting on both ass and cunt, coupled with her throbbing clit, made the next twenty or so swats deeply pleasurable for Alex. She ached for a cock to slip into her. If only someone would fuck her, she could orgasm just from the penetration.

  But Marianne just continued to hit her, each blow harder than the last. There was nothing sensual in the blows that followed. It was a beating, pure and simple.

  Alex couldn’t find her voice to count. She began to whisper the numbers between whimpers. “Seventy-four…seventy…five…” The blows continued to rain over her skin, smashing her down, exploding in her brain like firecrackers.

  Coherent thought fled along with her body’s ability to respond. She was ground into the bed with each numbing blow and then…

  And then, like a diver held under the water too long, she burst from the pain and into the cool, pure white light of erotic pain-induced pleasure. She no longer knew if she was counting or what number they might have reached. She heard the crack of Marianne’s hard hand against her ass but she felt nothing save the swish of silk against cream.

  Her body was completely relaxed, every muscle eased to jelly, her bones dissolving and flowing with her blood into a warm cascade of utter peace. After a while that could have been a minute or an hour, she became aware the spanking had stopped. She could hear murmuring voices, one alto, the other Liam’s deep, sexy baritone.

  Then he was beside her, his hand resting lightly on her back. “Alex. Hey.”

  “Mmmm,” she managed.

  “You okay?”


  She tried but failed to nod her head. He stroked her hair, lifting it off her face. His lips touched her cheek. Alex drifted in and out of a deep, comfortable place. It wasn’t sleep precisely. It was that dreamy, ethereal place Daniel and Liam had taken her to from time to time with an especially intense whipping or spanking. It was that bit of heaven attained only by working through the purgatory of erotic pain.

  “You stay where you are, beautiful girl. Just rest until you’re ready. I need to check on Daniel.”


  She slipped away.


  Matthew stood in front of the two tethered men, running his fingers through the braided tresses of the flogger with an evil smile on his face. “I guess you’re all mine now, hmm, Daniel?”

  Daniel ducked his head submissively. Matthew moved behind him, brushing his back with the flogger in long sweeping strokes. It felt good, waking his nerve endings and sending a rush of pleasure directly to his cock, which began to lengthen.

  Anthony had produced a second flogger. He pulled two silk scarves from the inner pocket of his jacket. “Let’s blindfold them. It will help them focus.”

  Scarves were tied over their eyes for which Daniel was grateful. He wouldn’t be distracted by Phillip in front of him or the other scenes going on around them.

  “Phillip’s safeword is Betty, the name of his dreaded ex.” Matthew laughed. “What’s yours, Daniel?”

  “Lemon, Sir.” Daniel had no intention of using his safeword. He could certainly handle a flogging. Still he was glad Matthew had asked. Anthony was an unknown quantity.

  The flogging began, rapidly intensifying from a sweep of leather to a steady stinging stroke that moved from Daniel’s shoulders to his thighs and up again. He leaned into the thuddy sting, reveling in it, embracing it.

  There was a pause in the flogging and some movement. When the leather struck again, the knotted tips curled sharply around his hip and cut along the bone, the sharp pain catching him by surprise. He gasped and jerked forward before catching himself, bumping against Phillip.

  The whip continued to strike randomly, the braids snapping against his ass, his thighs and even at the more tender flesh along his sides. He was unable to anticipate the strokes. Sweat prickled in his armpits and beaded on his forehead. He struggled to ease his breathing, using breath control to work through the pain.

  All of a sudden, Phillip smashed against him with a sharp cry and then fell away. “I guess muscles aren’t the measure of a real man, eh?” Anthony’s tone was derisive. Phillip gave another cry and again pressed against Daniel.

  This time he felt Phillip’s erection, which matched his own. In the back of his mind, Daniel wondered at his own sexual makeup. It got him hot to be suspended in chains, naked and tethered to another naked man, while being flogged in front of a crowd of onlookers. He thrilled to the stinging stroke of the leather and to the fact he couldn’t get away, even if he’d wanted to.

  Suddenly, a series of wicked, biting blows flurried over his shoulders. He stumbled against Phillip with a cry of his own. Hurriedly, he righted himself, embarrassed at his loss of control.

  The flogging continued, easing into a steady intense rhythm that nearly lulled Daniel into a submissive trance. But he couldn’t quite let go enough to get there.

  He heard Anthony’s softly accented voice. “Anyone can handle a flogging. How about we raise the stakes a bit? A good caning is a quick way to separate the men from the boys.”

  Daniel tensed at these words. He loved the cane when Liam was the one handling it. Being caned by a stranger, even a skilled one, was another matter. And a cane in the hands of someone who was unskilled could be very dangerous, cutting the skin and even drawing blood.

  No one had asked his opinion. Nevertheless he could have protested. He could have opted out. But he wanted to make Liam proud. He kept quiet.

  He heard Matthew speak for his sub. “Phillip loves the cane. He’s a total pain whore. You can beat him bloody and he’ll just say, ‘Please, Sir, can I have another?’ Isn’t that right, baby?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Phillip replied in his silky, feminine tenor.

  “What about you, Daniel? Do you have the balls, or does Phillip win by default?” Matthew’s tone was teasing but he gripped Daniel’s scrotum, squeezing hard as he spoke.

  “I can take a caning, Sir,” Daniel answered, trying not to wince. He kept his voice neutral though Matthew’s remark served its purpose of honing his competitive impulse.

  The blindfold was pulled from Daniel’s eyes. He squinted a moment and focused on Anthony, who was standing in front of him holding two canes. Phillip’s blindfold had also been removed.

  “I want you to see what we’re going to be using on you, slave boys. The handle is cocobolo wood. The cane itself is made from oiled rattan and it leaves a lovely welt. We’ll decide when you’ve had enough. Let’s see…” Pausing, he turned to Matthew. “How should we punish the loser?”

  “We’ll make him suck the winner’s cock. That should be a nice show.” The small crowd gathered around them burst into guffaws and applause. Daniel’s stomach clutched nervously and he wished Liam were there.

  Nevertheless, he couldn’t deny his arousal at being naked and chained in front of all these people, endorphins from the flogging still warming his blood. Later that night he would tell Liam all about it. For now he would close his eyes and center himself. Maybe if he were relaxed enough he could even fly, allowing the cane to take him to that bright, elusive place where pain was redefined. When Daniel flew, he was li
fted out of himself into an altered state like nothing else he’d experienced on this earth.

  He heard the whistle of the rod a fraction of a second before it struck him across both cheeks. The thud of impact was followed by a harsh sting that built to a hot, intense burning. Despite his intention to flow with the pain, the first cut nearly overwhelmed him and he stiffened, gripping the chains above his wrists so hard they nearly cut into his hands.

  “Stop resisting,” Anthony ordered, and Daniel knew he was right. He’d never get through this if he didn’t relax. Do it for Liam, he told himself. For all he knew, Liam had returned to the playroom and was watching him. He didn’t dare twist around to look. Instead he took several deep, cleansing breaths, willing the tension to slide from his body. When Anthony struck him again, he felt the line of fire just as keenly as the last one but he was able to process it differently. The pain shifted into something approaching pleasure, though he wasn’t quite there.

  He endured several more fiery strokes, one just above the other across both cheeks and found himself settling into the rhythm of the beating. Then abruptly the rhythm changed. He wasn’t prepared for the cut of the cane across his shoulder blades. He grunted and jerked hard against his wrist cuffs, instinctively twisting his body away.

  There was no escape. The cane caught him across the center of his back, the tip sinking like snake fangs into his side. It felt as if the rattan were cutting his skin. This caning was much rougher than anything Liam had ever subjected him to.

  He forgot his breathing techniques. He knew he was bunching his muscles but he couldn’t focus long enough to concentrate. The cane was slicing his skin, cutting deep swaths of pure, unfiltered pain along his back, ass and thighs. He began to dance on his toes, desperate to avoid the lash.

  Where was Liam? Would he hear if he called? Blood was roaring in Daniel’s ears. The salt of his sweat stung the abraded skin of his back and sides. Still the biting cane whistled and struck.

  Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. I can’t do this. I can’t do this. I’m sorry, Liam, I can’t…

  He opened his mouth to say the word he’d never had to utter in the fourteen months he’d lived with Liam but Phillip beat him to it. “Betty! Betty!”

  All at once the caning stopped. Daniel sagged against his wrists cuffs, his heart smashing like a trapped animal in the cage of his ribs. He was dimly aware of people talking around him but he couldn’t make out the words above the rushing sound in his head.

  He opened his eyes to see Matthew had released Phillip and pushed him to his knees. “What’s wrong with you?” Matthew demanded of his sub. “You can take more than that.”

  Phillip’s face and chest were wet with sweat. His cock was fully erect and his expression was curiously triumphant, his eyes glittering with lust. He stared pointedly at Daniel’s cock and licked his chops like a hungry wolf. The crowd around them began to egg Phillip on, eager to see the second act of their show.

  Daniel was left cuffed to the chains that hung from the ceiling. Phillip knelt up and took Daniel’s cock into his mouth. Greedily he sucked it while stroking Daniel’s balls. Despite his stinging back, in short order Daniel’s cock engorged and stiffened against Phillip’s eager tongue.

  He closed his eyes, focusing on the pleasure, blocking out the hoots and jeers from the crowd. Liam hadn’t permitted him to come for a while and it wasn’t long before he jerked against Phillip with a groan as he ejaculated. Phillip held him steady and continued to suck him as if his life depended on it, not letting go until he’d milked him dry. There was a smattering of applause and laughter and Daniel opened his eyes, vaguely embarrassed at his public display.

  “Daniel.” Liam was behind him. Daniel twisted toward his voice. He was confused by the dark, angry expression on Liam’s face. “Let him down.” Daniel was quickly released. He stood where he was, not sure what Liam wanted from him. In a quiet, dangerous voice Liam spoke to Matthew. “I wasn’t aware you planned to cane them, Matthew.”

  Matthew smiled uncertainly. “It was Anthony’s idea. These canes are really cool and easy to handle. Both our boys took it well though I think Phillip cried wolf so he could suck Daniel’s gorgeous cock.” He reached down and ruffled his sub’s hair affectionately.

  “Excuse me, Liam,” the Spanish whip maker interjected. “I apologize if I overstepped. I wasn’t aware there were specific limits placed on the scene. If I had known…” Anthony let the sentence hang. Was it Daniel’s imagination or was there the trace of a sneer in his voice?

  Yet he couldn’t deny what Anthony implied was true. There were no specific limits set on the play at the party as long as all participants agreed to a scene.

  Daniel knew he could have protested and refused the cane. He had wanted to impress everyone watching with how well he could take it, especially the arrogant Anthony. Now with his back a crisscross of stinging pain, he wondered if he’d been so smart.

  “Daniel handled himself with the utmost grace. You should be very proud.” Anthony spoke in a smooth, elegantly accented voice that for some reason made Daniel want to punch him despite his words of praise.

  He could tell Liam didn’t like him either. Liam’s tone was polite but cold. “Thank you. Daniel always makes me proud. If you’ll all excuse us I want to tend to Daniel. Matthew.” He nodded toward Phillip, still kneeling between them. “You might wish to do the same for your sub. You can use the bathroom at the end of the hall. You’ll find everything you need in the cabinet above the sink.”

  He put his arm very lightly over Daniel’s shoulders and led him from the playroom, ignoring the several scenes going on around them. Once in the master bedroom he took Daniel gently into his arms. “I’m sorry, baby. I shouldn’t have left you. I wouldn’t have permitted this.”

  “No, no. You did the right thing. Alex needed you.”

  Liam let him go. “Turn around and let me see.” He ran a finger lightly over Daniel’s back. “You’ve got some pretty intense welts. You’re definitely going to have some bruising. Why did you let them cane you? You know what a risk it can be.” Liam’s voice was gentle but Daniel could hear the worry and reproach behind it.

  Daniel felt stupid now that he was away from the scene, his back and ass stinging. Liam brought a tube of antiseptic cream from the bathroom and smoothed it carefully over the welted skin. Daniel winced though Liam’s touch was light.

  “I’m sorry, Liam. I let ego and horniness get in the way of clear thinking. All those guys around watching and Matthew challenging me, asking me if I was as much a man as his sub. And that guy, Anthony. I’m sorry I just don’t like the guy. I wanted to show him I could take whatever he could mete out.”

  “I understand. Don’t apologize. This was my fault. When Matthew asked to bring someone I hadn’t personally met and scened with I should have told him no. Maybe it’s time to rethink these play parties, especially with Alex onboard.”


  “Where is she?”

  “She’s in her bedroom recovering.” Liam smiled. “Marianne spanked her thoroughly. Afterward she wanted me to leave them alone so she could have her way with our girl but one glance at Alex told me she wasn’t ready for a lesbian experience at this point.”

  Daniel shook his head with a laugh and Liam’s smile widened to a grin. “I sent Marianne back to the party. I told Alex to take her time and come out when she was ready.”

  “Can we—?”

  “Go see her? You took the words out of my mouth. Let’s go.”

  Chapter 10

  It was after three in the morning by the time the last of the partiers had been thanked for coming and sent on their way. Liam was pleased overall with the event, though after the caning incident he hadn’t let either Daniel or Alex too far out of his sight.

  “Look at her. Dead to the world.” Daniel stood over Alex and Liam came to join him. She was fast asleep on the living room sofa, her golden hair covering half her face, her silk camisole twisted so her midriff was exposed abo
ve the thong panties.

  Liam had been less than thrilled to find Alex on Anthony’s lap at one point in the evening after the caning. The man’s arm was around her shoulders and her cheeks were flushed. He was whispering something to her that made her laugh.

  Something about the man galled him. Beyond going overboard with the caning scene, he just didn’t like him. There was an arrogance there, a posturing Liam found abhorrent. He’d always believed submission was a gift to be gratefully accepted and cherished. Not a right to be wrested and twisted to one’s desires. Something told him Anthony would disagree.

  Daniel had seen them together too and commented. “Look at that. Now he’s got Alex. They look like…like lovers. What the fuck is that guy doing? I’m getting her away from him.”

  Liam stopped Daniel with a hand on his arm. He didn’t want to embarrass Alex or for that matter Anthony. While he was in their home, he was their guest. Was it fair to treat him differently than the other Doms present?

  “If we didn’t want her coming to the party, we should have decided that beforehand. But now that she’s here, she’s the property of every Dom here, same as you are. If he invited her onto his lap, she couldn’t very well refuse.”

  Liam spoke more gently as he stroked Daniel’s hair. “I’ll admit Anthony’s not my favorite guy and we won’t be inviting him to our house any time soon. But I can’t see he’s doing anything wrong. She seems to be enjoying herself.”

  Daniel grudgingly nodded, though he didn’t conceal the scowl on his face. Liam raised his eyebrows but said nothing. It was hard to know just exactly the right response to Daniel’s uncharacteristic jealousy, since he wasn’t sure himself how he felt.

  Now Daniel bent down and scooped the sleeping girl into his arms. Liam followed him as they walked up the stairs. He moved ahead of Daniel to pull down Alex’s bedding. Alex didn’t wake up when Daniel set her gently onto the mattress and pulled the covers over her.

  Back in their bedroom, Daniel and Liam washed and climbed into bed. Daniel lay carefully on his stomach. Liam lifted up on one elbow to inspect his back. He ran his fingers over the welts. They were no longer raised but had subsided into dark pink lines that would probably turn to purple by the next day and fade completely by the end of the week.


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