The Magic Of Betrayal

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The Magic Of Betrayal Page 15

by Britt Andrews

  We both busted up laughing, Cam looked to Johnny and just said, "Long story," then went straight to the coffee machine to get himself all fixed up.

  "So many questions..." Johnny trailed off, shaking his head at our antics.

  "So tell me, boss, how did it go last night with our girl?" I was practically bouncing up and down on my seat, unable to keep hold of the pure happiness that was bursting out of me knowing that my... fuck, what am I going to call them? My lovers? Yeah, let's go with that. Knowing that my lovers had sorted everything out and everyone was safe and content.

  "It went great. We went to Come and Spaghet It for dinner, then walked to the park. I told her everything."

  I raised my eyebrows at that and he quickly added, "Not about the assignment, I mean everything about my past."

  I nodded and Johnny looked between the two of us.

  "So I take it she was understanding and you spent the night? You have this... freshly fucked aura about you right now, but it might just be the sex hair you're rocking." I laughed and Cam punched me teasingly in the arm.

  "She's an amazing woman, she was more than understanding. Gods, I could live inside her," Cam groaned, running his hands through his wild hair.

  A shatter had both of our heads whipping to Johnny where he'd abruptly stood, holding his destroyed coffee mug in his hands, blood mixing with the coffee and pooling on the floor.

  "Holy shit, dude! Are you alright? Here, let me help," I offered, reaching for his hands to pull him to the sink, but he moved suddenly and stepped out of my reach, dropping the mug into the trash.

  "It's alright, I'm going to take a shower." He spun on his heel and quickly made his way to the bathroom, likely trying to avoid dripping more blood all over the damn floor.

  "What's up with him? He's been acting weird," Cam commented, tossing me a roll of paper towels as he wiped the counter and I cleaned up the floor.

  "Not sure, but you're right. I was just asking him about it before you came home. I don't think he's sleeping well, but something's definitely up. He probably needs to get laid. I mean, he definitely needed to. Celibacy is hard on the mind when you’re hearing about how great sex is all the time. Whoever his mystery woman is, obviously isn't here, and who knows how long it's been since he's gotten some action." I shook my head. A man had needs.

  "Kai, I almost confessed everything to her last night. The lying is eating me alive. It started out as a mission, but this has turned into so much more and I feel like our future is with her, don't you? Something tells me she is not going to react well to the fact that we kept this from her, especially when she realizes exactly the kind of work we are involved with. We've killed a lot of fucking people, K. She's so sweet and wouldn't harm a fly, what if she doesn't want us anymore when she realizes what monsters we actually are?"

  Cam was panicking, I could tell because he was usually a man of few words, yet, here he was talking almost as much as Sprout.

  "I know, boss. I know. How do you think I feel? Bagheera put his paw down and claimed his mate, we both did… if she hates us for this, I don’t know how we’ll handle it.” I inhaled a shuddering breath, because it was a possibility she would be really pissed. “But we don't have a choice in the matter right now. Do you really want to cross Larson on a mission that is so important to him? He'd fucking kill us if we fucked this up,” I firmly reminded him while running my hand through my hair. “Hopefully, the woman makes an appearance soon and we can be done with it. Speaking of, have you given any thought as to what comes next?" I questioned, holding my breath and waiting for his response.

  "I love the job, Kai. The traveling, the excitement, saving people, killing bad guys. I'm not sure who I am without that, what would I even do with myself without my career?"

  "Well, I was thinking..." I trailed off when he groaned teasingly. "No, no, hear me out, big man. I think this is a good idea."

  When he crossed his arms and looked at me expectantly, I swallowed and then pitched my idea to him.

  "We already have a location. The warehouse in Kingstown. It's massive and the old processing plant that's underground would be perfect for affinity training. What if we can convince Larson that it'd be a great investment for expansion and we could turn it into a training facility? We're the best of the best, we could run it for him," I explained, my stomach twisting as I waited to hear his response to my idea.

  His brow furrowed and I could see the wheels turning in his head as he did his leader bullshit, working out all the logistics in his mind at a rapid fire pace.

  "Actually, I think that's kind of genius. He'd be a fool not to go for it, more and more people are signing up for the training program and there's even been a waitlist the past year. Seems everyone is realizing that it's one of the best bets to get you to the top of your game and setting yourself up for a career. I like this. A lot. We'll need to talk about it with Fischer and Sloane, but I think Fish will be all for it. Sloane is going to push back though, he loves the spy life."

  Nodding, I opened a granola bar and munched on it while we sat in companionable silence and thought about our future.

  "Let's wait to talk to Larson about anything until we have everything figured out, because you know he's going to ask, and I'd rather have some numbers and statistics for him before pitching the idea. It'll make this look more like a planned change versus a spur of the moment thing. He's more likely to take us seriously that way," Cam decided, and I agreed with a thoughtful nod. We needed to plan this accordingly.

  I'd thrown myself headfirst into planning mode. I decided that I'd wait to tell Fischer and Sloane about my idea until I had it completely prepared, knowing that it would be better that way because then I could actually answer their questions without sounding like a fuckin' amateur.

  One thing I figured out quickly, I didn't like financial shit. Talk about boring. By the stars, if I had to look at any more bullshit reports, I was liable to set the whole folder I'd collected on fire. Cam offered to take over that part when he'd found me holding a lighter underneath the pile of papers over the kitchen sink. Not my proudest moment, but for real, fuck math.

  I'd spent several days typing up proposals and ideas, trying to put all of my thoughts together, and the more I researched and thought about this project, the more excited I became for the possibility of a future here. Closing my laptop, I debated what to do next. Damn, I’m bored. I took a deep breath and my nostrils flared. Mate. Jumping off the bed, I sprinted down the hallway, and slid into the living room in my socks. I smiled savagely at Saige, who had just noticed me, her eyes wide as I stalked toward her.

  "What's a pretty cub like you doing up here alone?"

  "Kai... I just came up to say hi. I'm on my lunch break, but I only have ten minutes before I need to get back downstairs..." she backed up and put the island between us. Silly witch, that's not going to stop me.

  We circled around, my eyes flashing with the thrill of the hunt. I wonder if she'd run from me. That thought had my cock turning to steel, thinking of her trying to escape me in the woods, tackling her, and fucking her into the dirt.

  "Kaito... I can't be late. Don't look at me like that, bad kitty!"

  I was positive my eyes were yellow now, all animal.

  "Run," I growled, and her mouth opened when I gracefully pounced onto the top of the island. She didn't hesitate, squealing and turning to run toward the bedroom. Snarling, I dove off the counter and chased her. She was just about to slam my bedroom door shut in my face, but I got my foot in the door at the last moment and she screamed, diving over my bed and pressing herself against the wall.

  "I can hear your heartbeat, Cub," I spoke quietly, my voice rough in my throat.

  "I'm sure you can."

  "I can smell how turned on you are, too." A smirk tugged at my lips and she shook her head, like she could try to lie.

  Crossing her arms, she sassed back, "You're losing your mind, pussy cat."

  Not giving her a single clue as to my intentions, I la
unched myself across the bed and tossed her down onto the mattress, crawling on top of her and pinning her wrists above her head.

  "You're lying, Cub."

  She was wearing one of those sexy as hell vintage pin-up dresses that had her amazing tits practically falling out as she laid, panting beneath me. Single mindedly, I ran a hand up her leg. She was wearing pantyhose, but when I hit her thigh, a purr erupted from my throat when I realized she was actually wearing fucking stockings.

  Flipping her dress up, I groaned as I took in the black lace garter belt, thigh high stockings, and matching black lace thong.

  "Cub," I purred, "look at you. Aren't you a fucking treat for your Alpha?"

  She whimpered and tried to hide her face. "Ah, ah, don't you try and hide from me. Who did you wear this for? You didn't put this on without plans of this exact scenario happening." I palmed her throat, making her look at me as my eyes trailed back down her body. Fucking hell, she looked like sin.

  "Kai," she moaned, squirming under my hold and my predatory instincts flared again, the urge to mark her and claim her were the only thoughts driving me.

  Slipping down, I lifted her dress to her hips, and growled my approval at how delicious she looked.

  "You're a vision in stockings, Cub. I'm almost sad the others aren't here to see you like this, but we can plan something that involves all of them..." I trailed off my thought, and she sucked in a breath, her eyes dilating with lust.

  "You like that, don't you, dirty Cub? The thought of all of us fucking you together? Hmm, we need to start prepping you to be able to take as many of us at a time as possible," her breathing hitched, "because I can't wait to feel you squeezing my cock at the same time as you milk one of theirs."

  Pushing my sweats down, my cock sprang free. I pulled her thong to the side and slid inside of her, her wetness making it easy.

  "Yes, Alpha. Fuck me. I need you."

  "You're gods damn right you need me, Cub, and I'm going to give you all of me. But tell me, how do you want us to fuck you? Tell me what you think about in that head."

  My hips swiveled and she clenched the bedding as her hips lifted and grinded against me.

  "I've never done anything like that before," she sighed and I pumped myself in and out of her, not in a rush to get off just yet.

  "Mmm," I purred, the thought of us being her first made me extremely fucking happy. "Maybe you want to let me fuck your ass with Cam buried deep inside your cunt? Or should we let Fischer be the first to take your ass? Sloane can fuck your mouth while we fill you up so good."

  Her pussy started fluttering against me, the mere thought of what I was describing too much for her to handle. Smiling, I increased my movements.

  "That's right, Cub. We'd take such good care of you, taking you to places you've never seen. Sloane and Fischer would love to have you between them, or maybe I could be in your pussy, Fischer in your ass, and Sloane in his?"

  Fuck that's hot. My balls twitched.

  "Yes, yes, gods, I want that, Alpha!" She cried out and rolled us so that I was on my back and she was straddling me.

  "Show me how much you want it, and maybe I'll tell your other boyfriends just how naughty you are. We'd fuck you so good, Cub." She sank down on my dick and I grunted.

  She rode me hard and I pushed her dress up her thighs so I could see those fucking stockings before my control snapped, and I pulled her down and pressed my mouth against hers, jacking my hips up and slamming in and out of her.

  A strangled cry came from her mouth and she clenched around me so hard, it bordered on painful, but the best fucking kind. Turning her head to the side, I latched onto her shoulder and bit down, her blood pouring into my mouth as she screamed and I exploded inside of her. She rode out her orgasm as I twitched inside of her tight pussy, my tongue lapping at the bite I'd left on her skin.

  "Why does it feel so good when you lick me after you bite me?" she asked in a daze as her walls still lightly pulsing against me.

  "You just love my tongue, Cub," I replied against her neck, flattening my tongue and letting it slide over the wound.

  I moved us so we were laying side by side and she moved her panties back over herself and tugged her dress down.

  "Gods, that was amazing." She smiled at me and my heart felt like it was going to burst from my chest. Satisfaction flared through the bond with Bagheera and we both felt like a couple of smug assholes for making sure our mate was nice and fucked.

  After we cleaned up, we walked back into the living area to find Sloane was reading a book sprawled out on the couch, not even lifting his eyes to acknowledge us. Saige squeezed my hand and when I glanced down at her, her cheeks were pink. She was probably wondering if he'd gotten home while we were getting busy in my room, but it didn't bother me at all.

  "Hi, Sloane," she greeted him when it became obvious he wasn't going to.

  The asshole just grumbled and turned the page and I scowled at him. Fucker was in major denial.

  "I'll let you get back to work, Sprout. Text me when you're done? Dinner tonight at your place?"

  "Sounds good, I'll be done around five." She wrapped her arms around my neck and tugged my lips down to hers, she kissed me passionately and slowly, making my dick wake up again in a real hurry. She pulled back and kissed the side of my mouth, biting her bottom lip as she moved away from me and turned to disappear down the steps. Her goodbye left me standing there with a hard on and an open mouth.

  "You gonna stand there all day with your mouth open like that? I have something I could put in it, if that's the case..." Sloane sniped, turning another page of his book without looking up at me.

  Sighing, I dropped into a chair next to the couch and ran my hand through my hair.

  "Fucking hell, that woman... I have no words." I smiled like a damn nerd, but I was blaming the sex filled state my brain was still stuck in.

  Sloane's phone started buzzing across the coffee table, and I saw the screen before he snatched it and ignored the call. 7th Circle Penitentiary. His fucking dad.

  "Has he been calling often?" I asked gently, it was a sore subject and one that needed to be handled delicately.

  "Every other day or so." He shrugged and continued reading, pretending it didn't fuck him up on the inside any time he had to think of that piece of shit, but I knew better.

  "What do you think he wants?" I asked, not really expecting a response.

  A few moments passed and Sloane laid the book down on his chest, finally looking at me. "Fuck if I know. I haven't spoken to him in probably ten years."

  I nodded, because I remembered the last time he'd spoken to his dad. After we'd graduated our training program, his dad had reached out to him for the first time since he'd been locked up. Sloane didn't recognize the phone number when he answered the phone and that's all the in that fucker needed to get inside his head. Sloane told his dad about how he was in the top ten percent of his training class and all his dad had to say was 'I knew you didn't have what it took to be at the top'.

  The guy was absolutely toxic and anything he'd want to say to Sloane would just be with the intentions of ripping him to shreds. There had been far too many nights when we were kids that Sloane would show up knocking on my bedroom window and I'd pull him inside and clean up his wounds.

  Faint tapping had me turning my head away from the cooking show I'd been watching in my room. Sloane's face flashed in the window and I scrambled over to let him in; he could climb the tree easily enough to get up here, but if he fell, that would have hurt like hell.

  "Hey, what's up, are you alright?" I asked as I gave him a hand so he could step inside my room. His black hood was up over his head but I saw his shoulders shake and my gut twisted because I knew what his face would look like when he took his hood down.

  "Sloane, hey, it's okay. You're safe here, let me see, man." I reached out and put my hand on his shoulder and he hissed in pain. I pulled my hand back so quickly, you would've thought I'd burned it.

ing his hand, I pulled him into my bathroom, putting the toilet seat down and directing him to sit. Pushing back the hood, I schooled my features and kept my face blank. My poor friend. His bottom lip was busted, as was his left eyebrow, and dried blood streaked down his face. His eyes were focused on the floor and I knew he was embarrassed, but he shouldn't have been. His dad was an asshole, and he was a big dude. We were still just kids, our affinities not even awoken yet. Well, besides Cam, but he was the oldest of us. Lucky bastard.

  Pulling out the first aid kit, I started patching him up. I'd done this so many times now, it was just second nature, but there was something different this time. There was something swirling inside of me that felt like a scratching against whatever it was inside of my head that made me, me. Dismissing that, because that sounded absolutely insane, I cracked an instant ice pack and handed it to him to put on his face.

  "How bad is the rest, Sloane?" I asked softly, the need to protect my best friend was almost suffocating. I’d always looked out for my friends, but this felt different, stronger, hungrier.

  "Why can't I just fight back, K? I freeze like a little bitch every fucking time and the beatings are getting worse. He will kill me one day." His voice trailed off and his ice blue eyes glistened as he looked at me with fresh tears in his eyes and anger flared through my veins. I’d never wanted to kill anyone as much as I’d wanted to kill Sloane’s father.

  "It's not your fault. He's your dad, he's not supposed to do this. I'm so sorry, Sloane. When we get our powers, we can fight back. You won't be defenseless anymore," I promised as he unzipped his hoodie and dropped it onto the floor.

  "By the stars, Sloane." My eyes pricked with tears because I couldn't process the state my best friend was in. There were cuts, but mostly just huge patches of bruising. Purples, blacks, greens, yellows. Not all of these were new, he was getting beaten daily.

  "It really hurts here," he pointed to a spot on his side where his ribs were. They were probably broken.


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