The Magic Of Betrayal

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The Magic Of Betrayal Page 29

by Britt Andrews

  I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized it had a built in bra, because there was no way I was going to let the girls go unrestrained anywhere that I might have to dance. Weapons of mass destruction needed to be contained.

  Bram had given me my own dresser, and I needed some panties, so I laid the dress down and went to grab a pair. I shook my head when I saw a pair sitting on top of the dresser with a note that said 'wear me'. The pair he'd chosen were sexy as hell, and red. The front was lace and the sides had three straps that wrapped around to the back which dipped into a thin piece of lace that would be lost between my cheeks. Blushing, I pulled them on and peered at myself in the mirror. Holy moon balls. I’m so taking these back home with me. My ass looks amazing.

  I then worked on getting into the dress. It was lighter than I expected despite all of the beading and material. Hopefully, that means I won’t sweat to death and end up looking like a roasted chicken. Looking in the mirror, I hardly recognized the woman staring back at me. My horns were still on display and I found I kind of liked them, but my wings and tail were hidden, though the back of my dress dipped low, nearly to my tailbone, so if I wanted my wings out, they could be. Easily.

  Smiling at myself, I just wished that my guys could see me dressed up like this. I wondered what their reactions would be and my heart ached at the thought. Just get through tonight and then I will work it out when I can get back home.

  "By the moon, Goldie girl. You're stunning," Bram breathed and my eyes met his in the mirror as he approached. His hair was styled, the long red strands combed to the side, giving him a classy look that somewhat didn't fit with what I knew of him, and he was wearing a tux. My mouth dried up as I turned and blatantly checked him out. Damn.

  He smirked because he knew exactly what I was doing and he knew he looked like a ginger god.

  "Do you need help zipping that dress up, princess?" he asked, his voice a low rumble.

  I didn't. I could've used my magic to zip it, but I turned and gave my back to him. There wasn't much to zip since the back was so low, but when he sucked in a sharp breath I knew he'd seen the panties he'd picked out, his eyes flicking to mine in the mirror.

  "I knew those would be perfect," he whispered, his breath spread over the side of my throat and goosebumps erupted over my skin. Once the zipper was up, he trailed his fingers up my spine, our eyes locked together.

  Leaning closer, his lips pressed against my neck and I sighed. We hadn't kissed since that one time in the pool, but I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it. A lot.

  One of his hands pressed against my stomach, moving up over my chest and wrapping around my throat. He looked massive behind me, like he could protect me from any enemy, and I found that I really liked that.

  Turning my face toward his, he didn't hesitate to press his lips to mine. He swallowed a soft moan that escaped me and kissed me so thoroughly, I knew I'd need to reapply my lipstick over my now swollen lips. I liked the idea of walking in there and everyone knowing that he'd already put his mark on me.

  "It's time to go, princess." He smiled against my mouth.

  I nodded and reluctantly looked to the mirror once more to check my make-up. The red of my lipstick was smeared and a good portion of it was on Bram's mouth. Chuckling, I walked to the bathroom and cleaned up my face and reapplied. Bram followed me into the bathroom, waiting patiently for me to hand him a make-up removing wipe.

  "Part of me wants to leave this on so every fucker in attendance knows that I'm the one you've been kissing," he admitted and I shook my head.

  "I don't think your father would appreciate it, and I don't want to piss him off tonight. Let's go before we're late."

  Bram wiped his face quickly and tugged me back out to the sitting area, urging me to sit down on the chair. "Be right back," he told me and disappeared for about five seconds before popping up again, kneeling at my feet.

  "Shoes, princess," he smirked, reaching under the skirt for my foot.

  "Those are beautiful, Bram."

  And they were. Nude heels that had the same beading and stitching as the bodice of my gown. Thankfully, they weren't too high so I wouldn't make a fool of myself.

  "Not as beautiful as you.” He took my hand and pulled me against his body, pressing a kiss to my forehead that triggered a soft sigh from my lips. “Okay, I'm going to jump us there," he warned and I nodded.

  We hadn't practiced jumping on my own yet. To be honest, it still freaked me out and I was scared I'd end up somewhere I shouldn't. Bram's hands gripped mine and a blink later, we were standing in the massive throne room that I'd been in a few times before. A string quartet was playing somewhere and the scent of delicious food swirled through the air. There were people everywhere, laughing, drinking, talking. Everyone was dressed to the nines, some had their wings and tails out proudly, and others looked human. I looked around the room in awe, there were so many different horns, too. Some curled, some had two sets, all different colors.

  "You okay, princess?" Bram asked and I smiled up at him.

  "Yeah, just taking it all in."

  "Let's get you a drink, I'm sure people are going to be talking your ear off as soon as they realize you're here," he warned, wrapping an arm around my lower back and ushering me through the crowd.

  He wasn't wrong, as soon as the people realized Bram was here, with me on his arm, most discussions cut off and whispers went up in the air. That's the thing about whispering, if it's just a couple of people doing it, it's not noticeable. When it's hundreds of people, well, it kind of loses its purpose of being discreet.

  Trumpets sounded and everyone turned to look at the front of the room where the king appeared, moving toward his throne. Clapping and cheering started just as I felt someone move to stand on my other side. Looking over, Khol was staring at the throne, also dressed in a tux. I wasn't sure how old my father was, but he didn't look a day over forty five. His black hair was streaked with silver that made him look more distinguished in a way, and fine lines wrinkled at the corners of his eyes that I imagined were more prominent if he smiled, or scowled.

  He was tall, too. Probably six-three. Looking around the room, it appeared that nearly all male demons were tall as hell. Even the women.

  "Great people of Besmet, thank you for joining me today for this momentous occasion!" the king boomed and the crowd cheered. "Some of you may have heard rumors that we have a new demon with us tonight, a hybrid." The crowd quieted, hanging onto his words. "It is true, my people. Khol the Merciless has returned home and with him, he brings his daughter!"

  It was dead silent for about five seconds and then everyone went crazy. The noise was deafening and I felt a little overwhelmed. What was it about me that was so important? I was one person, was it just the fact that now they knew it was possible to have babies with witches?

  “Let us eat and drink, afterward there will be music and dancing. I will introduce you all to the lovely Saige after dinner!”

  My face was burning. They wanted me to go up there and get introduced to the hundreds of demons in this room? I was going to need several drinks before that happened.

  All at once, people started making their way to a large dining hall that was just off the throne room. There were tables that must’ve been thirty feet long. Serving staff immediately started to bring out plates of salad.

  “Come on, Goldie. We have to sit with my father at his table,” he sounded apologetic.

  “It’s fine, I kind of figured that would be the case,” I smiled at him and hooked my arm through his.

  “May I also escort you?” Khol asked, offering his arm as well. I smiled and Khol took my arm, wrapping it around his. Together, the three of us moved to the dining hall.

  Khol surprised me. Going from the villain to the father figure in the blink of an eye, I’d hardly had time to process what I wanted from our new found relationship. He’d been so nervous when he walked into Bram’s home, I could tell by the shine on his forehead that he was sweating a
little. Khol did not seem like the kind of man to get nervous, and that softened me toward him immediately. The nervousness he’d shown before was nowhere in sight now, though. He moved us through the crowd with purpose and from the nods he received from others, to the wide berth we were given, I knew he was respected here. Revered, probably. He’d done the impossible, after all.

  After years of being rejected by my mother, I was a little taken aback at how quickly I’d warmed up to him. Daddy issues? Probably. But if Khol wanted to genuinely get to know me, I’d take everything he was offering because deep down, I really wanted to know who he was.

  I felt so many eyes on me as we walked through the crowd and my body was starting to heat up from the unwanted attention.

  "You're doing great, wild one. You look beautiful tonight, that's the main reason they're looking." Khol patted the top of my hand in a reassuring gesture that made my heart squeeze.

  "Thank you. You look... well, almost exactly the same as the other times I've seen you," I chuckled and Bram laughed out loud.

  "He's kind of obsessed with suits and looking put together all the time. Once, I invited him to the gym and he showed up in dress slacks and a crisp white button down shirt with suspenders. Suspenders, Goldie!" Bram laughed and so did I at the image, because I could totally see it.

  "Laugh all you want, children. I still beat your ass, Bram. Didn't get a drop of blood or a wrinkle on my shirt either," Khol reminded him, puffing his chest out.

  "Yeah, yeah, old man. You need someone to loosen you up a bit."

  Khol stiffened slightly at that comment, but recovered quickly. "Having my daughter around will be sufficient. Anyone beyond her is unnecessary."

  Well, that is just plain sad, but I couldn’t deny the warmth that spread in my chest at his declaration. He really wanted to be a part of my life. Before we could say another word, we'd reached the table and it looked like we were getting lucky tonight by sitting right at the head of the table next to King Thane. He was dressed in a tux as well, a crown on his head that was a gold band with words scripted on it. I wonder if I yank it off, will he Gollum out on me? Bram resembled his father only slightly. Thane's hair was black and his eyes were nearly matching. It was the shape of his face that was the same, the arch of the eyebrows, the shape of the eyes. Where as Bram always had this look about him that was a mixture of fun and crazy, Thane just looked... off.

  As a woman, I'd lived through a lot. My asshole alarm was going off full blast as I eyed this man. The way he stared too long, like he was trying to make me uncomfortable, the way he didn't initiate any conversation, waiting for one of us to do so first, I knew this man was not a good one. I held his gaze, though. Fuck being intimidated by men who thought they were powerful and could just treat everyone else around them like shit. I recalled all of the little comments Bram had made about his father, and it bothered me that his father didn't treat him better. It bothered me a whole lot.

  "Father, may I introduce Miss Saige Wildes, my date this evening," Bram bragged as he added that last part onto my introduction.

  King Thane's eyes never left mine and in the awkward moments after Bram had spoken, they narrowed slightly before Bram leaned down and whispered, "You are supposed to greet him now, Goldie."


  "Your Majesty, thank you for having me tonight. Dinner smells delicious and the castle is decorated beautifully."

  Thane held out his hand, but not in a way that I would be able to shake. It was palm up, like I was supposed to put my own in his. Weirdo.

  "Go on, princess. I'm right here." Bram nudged me and I placed my hand in Thane's.

  "I'm very glad you're here tonight, Saige. We've been waiting a long time for you. Come, you'll sit beside me tonight, you are, after all, the guest of honor." His hand squeezed mine a bit too tightly and I winced, but he directed me to the chair to the right of his at the head of the table. Khol was right behind me, pulling it out and waiting for me to sit before he pushed it back in.

  "Thank you,"I told him, but my throat was dry as sandpaper. I needed water.

  Thane dropped my hand and sat in his own chair, Khol dropped into the seat beside me and Bram sat across from me. That kind of surprised me, I'd assumed he would've been the one beside me, but what did I know about how royalty sat at dinner parties? Nothing, I knew absolutely nothing, which was why I snagged my glass of water and chugged half of it before realizing the other twenty people seated at our table were all staring at me with open mouths.


  I put my glass back down and shifted in my seat.

  Thane started laughing and the tension at the table broke, some of the others joining in nervously. Are they scared of him?

  "I'm sorry, I don't know your customs here. That was likely the first of many faux pas I'll make tonight, Your Majesty," I admitted, holding his eyes.

  "Sweet girl, I couldn't expect you to know our traditions when you've only been in the realm for three days. Enjoy yourself tonight, that's what we're all here for anyway."

  Glancing across the table, Bram was burning a hole in the side of his father's head with those striking amber eyes. Luckily, the rest of the food began coming out and that gave me something else to focus on.

  "They will serve four courses. A salad, a small appetizer, an entrée, and dessert," Khol whispered and I nodded, grateful that someone was giving me a heads up on what to expect here, even if it was only about the food.

  "The king will take the first bite and then everyone else may begin," he added, his voice playful, like he was teasing me. I turned to the left to look at him and caught his fading smirk just in time.

  The food was amazing. It was probably the best food I'd ever eaten, actually. The main dish was homemade pasta with a delicious spicy garlic sauce and shrimp. Fuck, I'm stuffed.

  Chatter was loud in the large room, but our end of the table remained mostly quiet. That surprised me a little, I was expecting a bit of an interrogation from King Thane about who I was, but that never came.

  "Everything okay, Goldie girl?" Bram asked me from across the table, the candlelight flickered on his face giving his beautiful features a more sinister appearance.

  "Yes, the food is fantastic here. You've been holding out on me," I joked.

  "You trying to tell me you don't like my cooking, princess?"

  "Just telling you this is better," I bantered back at him and he chuckled. He was a great cook though, and he knew it.

  "You're cooking for her, son?" Thane questioned, sounding disgusted at the thought.

  Bram turned slightly in his seat. "I am."

  "He's been very hospitable, I'm thankful," I added, unsure why his father sounded like that.

  Thane's eyes darkened and he narrowed them on his son just as several servers placed our dessert down in front of us, seeming to distract him from his temper.

  Khol tapped on my arm and I gave him my attention, letting those two demons sort their shit.

  "Dancing will be next. You'll be expected to start the festivities by dancing with Bram," he explained and I nearly choked.

  "What?" I hissed. While I loved to dance, I did not love the idea of being the center of attention in a room full of demons.

  Khol sighed. "He didn't tell you?"

  Glaring at Bram now, I waited for him to take notice as I answered Khol, "No, he didn't tell me I'd have to dance this evening."

  "You would've just freaked about it, kind of like now," he flicked his eyes to Khol, like it was his fault for worrying me. I would have found out about it in a few minutes, anyway.

  Ignoring him, I took a bite of the cheesecake in front of me and a moan left my mouth. Chocolate and caramel deliciousness. Reaching for my wine, I realized once again that nobody was speaking at our end of the table, so I looked around to see what the hell was going on now. Bram was staring at me like he wanted to drag me back to his bed, and when I braved a look at Thane, I was more than a little sickened to see the same look on his face. My stomach droppe
d and I pushed the dessert away from myself, what a travesty. It was no secret that I was a vocal eater, or whatever you call it. A moaner. I just enjoyed my food, gods dammit. Men.

  "Right, let us begin the fun part of the evening," the king announced to us, standing up and clapping his hands three times. The chatter ceased, all attention on Thane.

  "I hope dinner was enjoyed, our chefs really outdid themselves tonight. Our guest of honor was impressed!"

  Clapping and cheering erupted and my cheeks flamed. I really did not like this attention.

  "We'll take a fifteen minute break between dinner and the opening dances, you're all excused."

  Bram stood, walking around his father to my seat, pulling it back and taking my hand as I stood.

  "Be ready in ten minutes, Bram," Thane ordered, turning his back and walking away. I took a deep breath, feeling like I was able to breathe for the first time since I'd sat down beside that man.

  Khol took up my other side once again and the two of them guided me back toward the throne room where the center of the room had been cleared while we ate, leaving ample space for dancing.

  "So, what kind of dancing are we doing?" I asked, nervousness fluttering in my chest.

  "It's a waltz. Just follow my lead, princess. You'll do great," Bram assured me, but my nerves only slightly dissipated.

  "The dance is not a hard one, you have nothing to worry about," Khol whispered in his calming tone. It was bizarre because I didn't know this man, but for some reason, I trusted him not to bullshit me. If there was ever going to be some hard truths, he'd be the one to give them to me straight, even if it hurt me or painted him in a bad light. His confession about what he'd ordered Sloane to do... while that had hurt, a lot, the fact that he'd told me when he didn't need to yet... well, it went a long way toward how I viewed him.


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