Until Brew

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Until Brew Page 14

by CC Monroe

  “Fuck yeah, I did, baby.” Cupping her face, I give her all I can in this kiss.

  “Take me home. Please.” Breaking us apart for some air, I set her down and reach into my jacket pocket, pulling out the rose gold diamond ring I had made for her. Watching every move I make, her eyes glisten while I drop to my knee.

  “Marry me, JJ. Take the last part of all of me.”

  “Oh, Brew. Yes. Yes!” I place it on her ring finger, and her hand trembles as she brings it to her face, admiring the design and diamond.

  “You made this for me, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, my woman is a designer. I couldn’t give her something generic. Do you love it?”

  Her head flies up, her smile wide, nearly ear to ear, and she beams. “Yes, but not as much as I love you.”

  We admire the ring, kiss, and touch some more before I have to ruin the moment. “Hey, baby? The bedroom was destroyed, and I didn’t want to go back home until everything is handled. So, I packed us some bags.”

  Confusion mars her face. “Where are we going?”

  “New York. It’s time, don’t you think?”

  “Are we flying? You don’t have to do this. We can stay at a hotel.”

  “No, we’re driving, and we need to get away. Us, the baby, we need it. Lacey is being handled, and we don’t need to worry about it right now.”

  This causes her to gulp. “Like handled, handled?”

  I chuckle. “No, baby, we don’t kill people, but if she ever comes near you and I have to use self-defense, then it is what it is. But we need a getaway right now.” Opening the door, I gesture for her to get in. Still confused, she climbs in anyway. Rounding the truck, I climb in.

  “This is a long drive… and work? What about your job?”

  “I own the company; I can call the guys in the morning and tell them to handle business while I’m gone. Can you just trust me and let your man take over for a bit?”

  “Oh… Okay. I should call my parents, maybe when morning gets here? Are we stopping at a hotel?”

  “Probably, I’ll drive a couple of hours tonight, get us across state lines, and then check us into a hotel in the next city.”

  “All right. Let me text the girls so they aren’t worried.” As she pulls out her phone, I back out, and she makes work of texting her friends. June FaceTimes her, taking a minute away from Evan to check in, and they add Chrystal to the call, both equally as worried.

  I explain the break in, leaving out the paint part, and they all make sure JJ promises updates. Hanging up the phone, she peers over at me. “We’re engaged.”

  I smile. “We sure are.”

  “And pregnant.”


  “And about to drive to meet my parents for the first time to introduce you as my baby daddy and fiancé, because your crazy ex decided to destroy your house.”

  “Yeah, I know, but do you expect anything less from us? Other than quick, fast, and reckless?”

  JJ giggles. “No, in fact, I think if anything normal would happen, then we would be thrown off balance.”


  We stay quiet, me focusing on the road and JJ on the passing trees outside her window. “I told this to June a little while back, you know, when she was debating what to do about Evan.” She looks down, playing with her engagement ring absentmindedly. I don’t interrupt. “I told her that love was never stupid. It’s beautiful and consuming, and we don’t always have the ability to fight it when it happens.”

  “Were you trying to give her advice, or yourself?”


  “We really couldn’t stop this from happening, and it’s chaotic that it happened the way it did.” Reaching over, I place my hand atop her thigh.

  “You’re right. I can only imagine what my parents will say. Oh hi, Mom and Dad, it’s been a minute, but I went to Tennessee and met a man, fell in love, got pregnant and engaged in a matter of a few months. It’s good to see ya!”

  This has me laughing, because that is exactly how it happened.

  “June thinks it’s perfectly normal. She doesn’t see anything unusual, which makes me wonder exactly how her entire family is,” JJ tells me.

  “The boom?”

  “Oh my God! Yes, and Chrys told me there was something in the water here and that Dom just consumed her the minute she met him. Hell, they were engaged, what, three months after knowing one another?” I laugh.

  “Yeah, and I told him she would have his balls in a vice and that he would never catch me doing something that fucking crazy.”

  “Then, le sigh, along came me.” JJ puts her chin on both her hands, mimicking an innocent look.

  “Yeah, then along came you.” I give her a monkey bite on her thigh, and she falls into a fit of laughter.

  It only takes two hours for her to fall asleep, the sounds of her soft breathing the most comforting sound I have ever heard. It brings a calmness over me, helping me feel less tense and upset about Lacey. Deacon text me and said she was talked to, and she played up the act that it wasn’t her, but I don’t buy it. Lacey isn’t one to just brush things off; she’s the type to never give up until she has what she wants.

  But this time, she won’t win. Not a fucking chance.

  Chapter Sixteen


  If that road trip would have been with anyone else, I would have lost my marbles. I’m not one for driving long distances. I’m too stir-crazy.

  “Well, here we are.” Pulling into the driveway of my parents’ modest three-bedroom home, I look to Brew.

  “You nervous?” I ask.

  “No, not one bit. You?”

  “Nope, remember? I’m their only child. They never get mad at anything I do.” I wink at him, when really, I’m a nervous wreck inside. My parents are an integral part of my life, although I learned to be independent long ago.

  I’ve never been in love before or thought too much about it, but now that I am, I’m suddenly highly aware that it will break my heart if my parents’ reaction is anything but thrilled.

  “You need a minute? We can go check into the hotel first, then come back?” Brew senses my unease.

  “No, let’s get in there. We’re here now, so let’s do this.”

  Nodding, he gets out, and I wait for him, stalling while I still can without giving in to his offer of leaving.

  I called my parents and let them know I was coming, and they said they’re looking forward to it. I didn’t tell them much, because if it could have been said over the phone, then we wouldn’t have made this trip. No matter the response, my parents deserve the respect of knowing. Knocking on the door, I choke down a big gulp.

  Looking up at Brew as he towers over me, I exhale as he takes my hand, kisses the back, and says, “It’s okay. I’m here.”

  The door opens then, and my mother appears, a much shorter version of me with graying hair. You can definitely tell I’m from her side of the gene pool. “Mom, hi!” I tell her, smiling and giving her a quick hug. Pulling back, I see her eyes are locked on my very tall, very muscular biker fiancé, and I can’t help but chuckle. It’s as if she’s looking into the eyes of a celebrity.

  “Mom, this is Brew. Brew, this is my mother.”

  “It’s very nice to meet you, Mrs. Marie.” He extends his hand, and slowly reaching up, she takes it and shakes.

  “Hello, it’s nice to meet you. Come—come on in.” Stepping aside, she lets us in, and we stop in the entryway.

  “Your father is in the kitchen reading his morning paper. Come this way.” Brew can sense it, the nervousness. A family, but definitely not like his super-involved one.

  My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I pull it out, checking the texts.

  Chrystal: Good luck. Don’t let them scare Brew off.

  June: Yikes, I second that, girl. You got this! FaceTime us tonight and let us know how it goes.

  Me: It’s already stage-five awkward, and I sure will. Love you guys.

  June: You too, g

  Chrystal: Ditto, sis!

  “Well, if it isn’t my one and only daughter.” My father’s gruff voice pulls my attention from the phone.

  “Hey, Dad!”

  He stands, opening his arms for me. My father is slightly less awkward. “And who is this man? Is this your fella?”

  I look up and smile at my love. He is not showing any signs of being uncomfortable, and that helps me settle a bit.

  “Yes, I’m her man. It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Marie.”

  “Ah hell, call me Shepard. Mr. Marie makes me sound like some fancy rich dude with a toupee.”

  “All right then. Shepard it is. I’m Brew.”

  “Like beer?”

  This makes us laugh. “Yes, like beer.”

  “Well, I like you already.”

  I watch the exchange, pleasantly surprised at how smooth this is all going between the two. My mother has resumed her place at the stove, cooking breakfast. Assuring Brew is okay to talk with my dad, I leave his side and find my mother’s. “Hey, Mom, how are you?”

  “I’m good. Happy to see you. It’s been far too long, sweetie.” Her kind words and the way she calls me sweetie overwhelms me and fills me with guilt.

  “Mom, I’m sorry,” I blurt out.

  “For what, dear?” Not giving me her eyes, she stays focused on her task of cooking. I place my hand on her shoulder and gain her attention.

  “I’m sorry for not checking in or coming around as much.”

  “Don’t be, you have your own life now. That’s all we care about. That you are living a happy, healthy and safe life. That’s all we could pray for.” Twist the knife of guilt deeper into my chest please.

  “I am. I’m really happy. I didn’t tell you, but I officially moved to Tennessee, I’m still trying to sell my place, but I’m moving to Tennessee.”

  “Oh, honey! That’s wonderful. I bet it’s beautiful there. Is that where you met that fine man over there?” My mother tilts her head to Brew, a blush splaying over her face.

  Yup, I get it. Same thing he did to me.

  “Yes. We did. I went there for a job and we met, and it was kismet.” I can’t take my eyes off my fiancé, the way he stands, tall with his feet slightly apart, his arms folded across his chest as my father and him share small talk.

  But it’s not just that. My hormones, my love, my desire, my friendship, my trust and protection all lie in his hands, and he keeps them all safe and satisfied.

  “Is that ring what I think it is?” my mom asks, pulling me from my gawking.

  Shit. I forgot to hide it until we were ready to tell them.

  “Um, yes. We’re engaged. That’s one of the reasons I wanted to come home.”

  “One? Is there more?” Reading me like a book and between the lines, she turns off the oven.

  “Yes, maybe we should sit down for a minute. Me, you, Brew, and Dad?”

  “Oh wow. Okay, yes, let’s take a seat. Shep, your daughter wants to talk to us.” My mother leads the way to the table, and I immediately go to Brew and cling to him, suddenly nervous to tell my parents. Brew, however, has not one single crack in his façade. He isn’t fazed in the slightest. The cocky, sexy, smug bastard.

  “All right, let’s hear it,” my father starts it off. We all take a seat, and Brew takes the lead, and usually I wouldn’t need someone to speak for me, but right now, I’m heavily counting on him to do this for me.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Marie, I know it’s not traditional, the way we are doing things, and sir,” he refers to my dad, “I would have asked for your daughter’s hand in marriage, but I couldn’t help myself from asking her last night. But we are engaged, and JJ and I are expecting our first child at the beginning of April.” He didn’t even blink or stutter saying any of this.

  With weary eyes, I look up at my silent parents and gauge them.

  “Wow. That’s a lot to take in on your first time home in half a year,” my father breaks the silence.

  “I know it is, but Dad, I’m so in love with this man, and I know you’re probably angry and disappointed, but I’m not. He came when I needed him most.” I defend Brew as if we are two teens fighting for our love. My parents’ approval matters, but with or without it, they can’t stop us from living our lives together. We’re full-grown adults.

  “I’m not. Honey, are you upset?” he asks my mom, and looking to her, I see there are tears in her eyes, a sweet smile on her face.

  “Not at all. This is probably the best news I could have heard. It took us so long to get pregnant with you, and to have a grandchild on the way is such a blessing. Sweetie, I’m so, so happy for you. Come here.” Standing, my mom opens her arms, and I go to her, taking in her warm embrace.

  “Congratulations, and welcome to the family, son,” my father tells Brew, standing and shaking his hand across the table.

  “Thank you, I’m very excited to have your daughter as my wife.”

  I go to him then, wrapping my arms around him and sharing a modest kiss, respecting the fact that my parents are in the same room.

  The rest of the day with my family is spent catching up, laughing, and sharing time together. We make it to our hotel in the city around nine, and I immediately call the girls while Brew showers. Chrystal doesn’t answer when I call her first, sending me a text that she’s at Dom’s parents’ house. But June answers on FaceTime right away.

  “Oh my gosh, I’ve been chomping at the bit to hear from you. Evan is about to kick me out back with the dog.”

  Evan says something in the background, and June laughs.

  “It went so perfectly!”

  June and I shared stories about our families one night over dinner like she was a friend I’ve known for years. To be honest, she has become that type of friend. Instant connection and someone I can trust with everything.

  “That’s good! Evan, stop, I’m trying to have a serious conversation.” June giggles.

  “Hurry it up. I’m hungry,” he growls, and by the tone, I can tell he doesn’t mean for food.

  “Oh my hell, he’s not ashamed at all. I can let you go, and you guys can get to it,” I tell her through a laugh.

  “No, no, he’s had me all to himself all day long. He can wait. Fiend.” We both giggle. “Now go on.”

  “So, they took the news of me moving and all that really well. They loved Brew.” We haven’t told Evan, Dom, June, or Chrys about the baby or our engagement yet, so I keep it simple.

  “Brew’s a charmer. I’m sure they were eating out of the palm of his hand. That’s how Evan is with people; they just listen and fall in love. Except for my father. That took time—still is, but we will get there. So, count your blessings that they took it well.”

  “I am,” I tell her, picking at the random piece of fuzz on the luxury pillow of the swanky hotel Brew picked. I look out the floor-to-ceiling windows at the tall buildings of Times Square. “Listen, I know it’s been rough, and some really hard and scary things have happened to you lately, but I’m always here to talk. I don’t want to push you to talk about anything, but just know you can.”

  There is silence on the line for what feels like minutes, but really, it’s a few seconds.

  “Yeah, I know. Evan has encouraged me to talk about it with him and really anyone I trust, and I promise I will in time. Thank you, JJ. I’m really glad I moved in next door to you.” She gives me a genuine smile.

  “Woman, I will come and throw you over my shoulder and drag you to bed,” Evan interrupts again, and June looks into the camera, rolling her eyes.

  “Sorry, this caveman needs twenty-four-hour attention. I will text you tomorrow. Love ya, girly!”

  I laugh. “Love you too. Night!” Just as I end the call, Brew emerges from the bathroom, steam filling the room. He has only a towel around his waist, and his entire upper half is still covered in droplets of water. I let out an appreciative moan for the man that is now mine.

  “Like what you see, baby?” he asks, and I nod, lifting to my
knees and moving to the end of the bed where he’s standing.

  “I like it a lot. And I really, really want to be bad with you. Like really bad. I need hard.” My hormones and just everyday desire for Brew is ravenous tonight.

  “Is that so? Do I need to spank you and fuck you nice and good, until that sweet pussy can’t take more of this cock?” He drops the towel, exposing his erection that bobs from the movement.

  “Yes, sir. I really need it. Maybe you could tie me up, make me beg? Make it hurt a little.” Since I got pregnant, Brew hasn’t been as dominating in the bedroom. Don’t get me wrong—he still gives me the best sex I’ve ever had, but I miss his dominance, his pleasuring punishments. And seeing him take control today and not fear the reaction my parents could have given us, I yearn for his bad side. The dark side.

  “Take off all your clothes except your panties,” he demands.

  Yes. I got my way.

  “Yes, sir.” I stand and do as he says. Watching me, he strokes his cock, making it even harder, the tip red and his shaft thickly lined in veins.

  “Bend over when you take of your pants; turn around. I want to see that swollen pussy through those slutty little panties,” he growls. Oh God. I do as told, and when they hit the ground, a hard palm comes down on my ass, and I scream out his name. “Oh fuck. Brew!” Standing back up, I turn and remove my shirt, leaving me in a bra.

  “Tell me what you want. Don’t hold back, baby.”

  I love this side of him. Where he takes control yet listens to my needs. Reaching behind me, I unsnap my bra, releasing my breasts. My nipples are hard, and my breasts ache for his touch.

  “I want you to make love to me for hours. But I don’t want it to be gentle. I need your harsher touch… please,” I beg, knowing that there is a chance we can start and he will let up and not be as dominant over me. He walks past me, and I expect a touch but get nothing, and I moan. Getting to the bed, he lies flat on his back. I stand, waiting for his orders.


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