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Integration Page 1

by A. C. Ellas

  Do you want sex before or after dinner?

  The Dark Star has had Rovania aboard for nearly a year. Astrogator Cai and Captain Steele are delighted by their new friends and continue to support their integration into modern society. At the same time, War Leader Yeraki is working his way through the academy, with every intention of serving on a starship in order to prove that Rovania can be successful while serving alongside humans as equals. Will Yeraki’s dream become a reality?

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  Copyright © 2018 A.C. Ellas

  ISBN: 978-1-4874-2235-6

  Cover art by Angela Waters

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  Astrogator, Book 10


  A.C. Ellas

  Chapter One

  Cai leaned back in his chair as the glorious sound filled the air. The melody was a lively one, bell-like notes danced along the scales in rapid succession. A voice joined in, a tenor, well-supported and lovely. The words teased him, the language was something he thought he should know, but the meanings of the words escaped him. Another voice joined in, a baritone, singing in harmony below the tenor and completing the chords created between voices and instruments. The perfection of it made him smile. He didn’t need to know the meaning of the words, the music spoke in a language all its own, and it was the music that mattered here. He relaxed, letting his mind wander and drift with the melodies.

  “It’s nice,” Nick said, and Cai opened his eyes, wondering when his husband had come in, how long he’d been standing there beside him. He’d been alone when he’d started the playback.

  “I like it,” Cai agreed. He sat up, stretched, and smiled at his husband. Nick was dressed, which was unusual in their chambers, then Cai remembered that Evie was coming over for dinner. Nick was heavily pregnant now and due any day. There was no hiding it at this point, not that they were trying to hide it. Early on, they’d passed it off as a simple beer belly, but the Rovania had made that impossible—their keen senses of smell had diagnosed the pregnancy, and now, the entire crew knew. Cai was strangely pleased that everyone knew Nick was carrying their son. Nick wasn’t precisely pleased, but it had ceased to bother him.

  “I’ve never heard music like this before. What is it?”

  “A Greek bouzouki band called Poseidon’s Sons. Veloki gave me the recording. His father composed the music.” Cai grinned at Nick’s expression. Veloki’s father was the infamous Yeraki, the War Leader of the Rovani himself. “When they said he was a musician, they weren’t joking. He’s the baritone and also playing one of the bouzoukis.”

  Nick sat down beside Cai with a soft grunt of effort. “I’m looking forward to this being over,” he muttered.

  “As soon as Doctor Chiff says it’s okay, my dear.” Cai smiled and ran a hand over Nick’s bulging belly. The doctor was scanning Nick daily now to determine if the baby was ready for birth. His hand paused as he felt the baby kicking, as always, a delightful sensation. Nick rested a hand atop his, and they relaxed together, listening to the music.

  The door chimed. Cai glanced at it, mentally touching the sensor since that was easier than trying to push past the shielding that protected his mind from the crew. “It’s Evie,” he announced as he told the door to open.

  Evie walked in, spotted them immediately, and came over. “Nice music. Bouzouki band? I didn’t know you were a fan of old Greek music.”

  “I’ve never heard it before,” Cai admitted, “but I really do like it and not just because of who wrote it. I wonder if he taught any of our Rovania to play?”

  Nick’s sister was nearly as quick as Nick was. She raised her eyebrows. “Ahhh, so this is some of Yeraki’s music? Doctor Demos once told me that Yeraki had been known as a composer, but he never sent me any music files.”

  Cai stood up and offered Nick a hand. “Dinner’s ready.”

  * * * *

  Nick positioned himself on the exam chair. He was eager to have the baby out, to get the ordeal over with. He had no idea how women could stand the discomforts of late pregnancy. He was always exhausted, his back ached, and his feet had an alarming tendency to swell, particularly in the afternoon. Oh, and he had to pee on an hourly basis, at least, because the baby inside him seemed to delight in tap-dancing on his bladder.

  “Good morning, Captain.” Doctor Chiff had somehow entered the small, private exam room without alerting Nick. The doctor had a famously light step as well as touch. He came right up beside Nick and offered a sympathetic smile. “I imagine you’re ready to have him out already.”

  “Only if he’s ready,” Nick replied. He opened the robe he was wearing in lieu of his usual uniform top.

  Doctor Chiff immediately palpated Nick’s bulging belly, checking the baby’s position. The handheld scanner came out next, and the doctor rolled this around Nick’s belly, too. He glanced at the screen above Nick’s head as he removed the tool and nodded in satisfaction. “It’s time.”

  Nick swallowed against a suddenly dry throat. “How do we proceed?”

  “A C-section is safest for both you and the baby. Men just aren’t designed to push babies out, but if you don’t want surgery, we can try natural birth first.”

  “I’d like to try it,” Nick said more because he knew that’s what Cai would want.

  “Very well.” Doctor Chiff handed Nick a folded bundle. “Put this on. The opening goes to the front. Once you’ve changed, we’ll proceed.” He walked out of the room, giving Nick the privacy to change.

  “I’m coming down,” Cai told him through the implant. He could have spoken from the speakers built into the bulkheads, but he almost always used the implant when he was communicating with Nick privately.

  Nick eased his ungainly bulk off the chair and stripped down before turning his attention to the bundle the doctor had given him. It was a thin gown of a design he hadn’t seen before. Once he had it on, he discovered it closed in the front across his chest but was cut to leave his abdomen exposed. A lower flap of fabric came across to cover his groin, and the overall length was just barely sufficient for decency.

  The door opened, and Cai stepped in. He raked his gaze over Nick and smiled. “I like the gown.”

  Nick snorted in amusement. “It’s not the standard patient gown.”

  “No,” Cai agreed. He drifted over to Nick and rested one hand on Nick’s bare belly. His other hand came to rest on Nick’s ass. “Are you excited?”

  “Nervous. I opted to try natural first.” Nick met Cai’s brilliantly blue gaze and held it.

  Cai’s expression warmed as he smiled. “I’m proud of you, my dear.”

  Yet again, the door opened. It wasn’t Doctor Chiff this time but one of his assistants. “Good morning, Captain, Astrogator. Captain, I need to put an IV in you,” she announced. “Please, lay back on the chair.”

  Nick managed to get back on the chair without assistance. Cai took a step back to give the woman space, but he was watching the woman closely. Nick found Cai’s scrutiny to be both comforting and amusing. The woman knew her business though. The IV went in easily on the first try. She placed a clear dressing over it and left a bag of fluid hanging. Nick watched the little drip chamber for a few moments then shifted his attention back to Cai as the Gator moved back to his side.

  Cai’s long fingers traced a lazy circle around Nick’s umbilical opening. “With any luck, this will be quick and painless.”

  Nick set his hand atop Cai’s. He was happy his husband was here with him, not that he’d expected it would be otherwise. His only fear was that Cai would ask him to do this all again some time, and he was very ambivalent about it. Pregnancy had not been pleasant for him, and the closer he came to delivery, the more he was dreading it.

  The medic walked back in, holding another, smaller bag of fluid. “Captain, this medicine is designed to start contractions. Please, let us know when they start.”

  She hung the bag alongside the other and attached it to the main line via a secondary length of tubing. It also started to drip, drip, drip. She walked back out, and Nick sighed softly. “I guess that means we’re committed to this course of action.”

  “Surgery remains an option. I think they’d have to give you this drug even if you opted for surgery just to help your belly contract to the right size again.” Cai continued to trace circles around Nick’s opening. “You look so hot like this; I can barely restrain myself.”

  Nick reached down and tugged the lower flap open, exposing himself to Cai’s hot, interested gaze. He still wore his ball cuff, the mark of Cai’s ownership. “There’s no need for you to restrain yourself. I’m yours for the taking.”

  Cai smiled, bent over, and gently kissed him. At the same time, his hand brushed Nick’s pinned balls, and the ball cuff vanished. Cai covered him again. “I love you, Nick. This isn’t the time or place for sex though, no matter how appealing I find you.”

  “Why’d you take my cuff?” Nick was more upset about that than he was about Cai’s gentle refusal. He wasn’t in the mood at all, he’d only offered to make Cai happy.

  “Because that is between you and I. Nobody else needs to know about it.” Cai’s lips pursed, and he glanced to the door. “And, honestly, I’ve been reconsidering this whole little sex-slave game we play. It’s demeaning to you and doesn’t do anything for me that I couldn’t live without.” He looked back to Nick. “You’re so much more than a sex toy. You deserve better.”

  “It makes me happy to offer myself to you that way.” Nick wondered at the change. Cai had always seemed happy with their arrangement.

  “We can discuss it later.” Cai brushed his fingers across Nick’s forehead. “Now, be honest. Did you opt for natural because that’s what you want or because you think it’s what I want.”

  “For you,” Nick said simply. There was no point in lying, not to a level-five telepath.

  “As I thought.” Cai stood and strode to the door. He told whoever was on the other side of the bulkhead, “Prep him for the C-section, please.”

  * * * *

  Cai watched as Nick was prepped for surgery. It was a routine procedure, and the doctor was competent. He watched because it was his husband who would be undergoing it. The medical staff understood this. They made no comment on Cai’s presence, they simply worked around him. One medic stopped before him and held out a folded bundle. “You’ll need to put this on in order to stay. We’re about to move this to the operating room.”

  Cai accepted the bundle and opened it. It was a single-piece garment designed to go on over clothing. He slipped it on while Nick was helped over to a gurney.

  A new medic walked over and introduced himself. “I’m David. I’ll be providing your anesthesia. You’ll be awake for the whole thing—unless you don’t want to be.”

  “I don’t want to be knocked out.”

  “I thought not. So, I’ll give you a spinal block that will numb you from the bottom of the rib cage down. I’ll also give you medications through your IV to keep you relaxed.”

  “That sounds fine.” Nick glanced at Cai and grinned.

  Cai could sense the anxiety behind the forced amusement. He psionically reassured his partner, unable to do more at that moment because the medics were clustered about the gurney and it was rolling.

  Cai followed them out of the small, private room through the main medical bay and into a larger room that was very... clean. His gaze rapidly flicked across the walls as his psi touched and evaluated the instrument clusters and systems designed to destroy harmful bacteria. He’d never really paid attention to this room, though he had been peripherally aware of it as part of himself.

  The medics had Nick sitting up while David gave Nick the spinal block to keep him comfortable during the procedure. Once Nick was laying down again, Cai stepped over to his side and claimed a hand. Nobody objected. Nick smiled up at him, the love in his eyes and thoughts brought an answering smile to Cai’s lips.

  David sat down at the head of the bed on the side opposite of Cai. He alternated his attention between Nick and his instruments displaying Nick’s vitals. Meanwhile, another medic set up a blue screen that blocked their view of the area where the doctor would be working.

  Doctor Chiff appeared. “Are you both ready?”

  “Yes, Doctor,” Cai replied. He sent another wave of reassurance to Nick, unnecessarily since David was already giving Nick those medications to relax him. Cai reached out and enmeshed his senses with the many sensors present in the room. Nick might not be able to watch—Cai approved of that caution, even strong people could react badly to watching themselves being cut open—but he’d watch and record everything that happened.

  The procedure was a routine one. Doctor Chiff made a small cut in Nick’s skin, and once the abdominal cavity was open, another cut was made in Nick’s cloned womb. The baby was pulled out quickly and easily and handed over to a team of people waiting for it. The baby was wailing by the time Doctor Chiff was closing the wounds. Cai watched both teams dispassionately, his emotions buffered by his linkage to his ship-self.

  His shell of icy calmness shattered when the medic placed the bundled baby in his arms. He blinked down at the small life that he and Nick had made. He brought the baby to Nick and laid the bundle against his mate. “He’s as beautiful as you are.”

  “What are you going to name him?” asked Doctor Chiff as the blocking screen was removed.

  “Hector,” Nick replied sleepily. They’d spent hours discussing names for their son. In the end, they’d named him for the Trojan hero they’d both admired in the Iliad.

  Cai reclaimed Hector and followed them all back out of the operating room and into a recovery area. Doctor Chiff fussed about for a few minutes then said, “Nick’s doing well. He should be able to return to his quarters tonight and resume his duties in a day or two.”

  “Thank you, Doctor.” Cai returned to his fascinated study of Hector. The baby was absolute perfection, and he was utterly besotted.

  Motion at the door didn’t register immediately, he’d ceased to pay attention to even the simple visual sensor feeds.

  “Congratulations, Captain, Astrogator,” said Xiereko’s melodic voice. The young Rovani male was the only one of his race assigned to medical. He was not only a qualified medic for humans, but he was also the only medic aboard who could deal with Rovani injuries and illnesses. Cai had often wondered what had caused a male Rovani, normally an aggressive creature, to choose the gentle path of the healer.

  Cai offered the baby to him, curious as to what the Rovani would do.

  Xiereko padded over and accepted Hector
. “Doctor Chiff has me assess all the newborns.” He unwrapped the baby and studied him for a moment.

  Cai could sense the Rovani’s psionic talent briefly enfolding Hector. He sucked in a deep breath. “You’re a healer?”

  “Yes.” Xiereko smiled a little. “Your son is beautiful. I can’t detect any defects, any health issues. He is perfect.” He rewrapped Hector and offered him back.

  Cai accepted the baby. “Thank you. Did you know of your talent before becoming a medic?”

  Xiereko blinked in surprise but answered readily. “I was badly injured as a gatakia during combat training. It was thought that I’d die. Yeraki called in a psionic healer from America. She came, she healed me, then she told us that I was a healer, too. The Breedmasters decided that my talent should be trained. I like being able to help people. Doctor Chiff is teaching me, too. I want to be a doctor like him.”

  “I think you’ll make a great doctor,” Cai replied.

  “Thank you. It’s so wonderful to be free, to have these choices. Even though Angel was teaching me to heal, I knew that when I was sold, I’d still end up in the arenas. I could almost love the Q’Kathi for deciding to invade.” The young Rovani grinned at them. “I’ll leave you to rest. If you need anything, call for me.” He slipped back out of the room.

  Cai glanced down at Nick and raised his eyebrows.

  “That’s why, isn’t it.”

  Cai knew what he was asking about. “Yes. Hearing their stories... what they went through was horrible. It’s not a game to them; it was cold reality. Did you notice the first thing he commented on was the lack of defect?”

  “I did. They’ve told me about the annual review.” Nick grimaced. “I get it.” He held out his arms for the baby, so Cai handed him over. “I love you, Cai.”

  “I love you, too, Nick. Always.”


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