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Genesis Page 4

by Kipjo Ewers

  “Wait …hold on,” Bill Maher stopped him, “Your mother?”

  “Yes, her and Ms. Dennison’s genetic code flows within me, and is the reason for my evolution,” Deacon Absolute proudly answered. “So, she and Ms. Dennison are our evolutionary mothers.”

  His answer made Sophia shift uncomfortably in her seat as if eyes were on her.

  “We don’t condone the violent acts that Mother Peace chose to take to further the evolution of humankind, but we do understand and believe in her cause. Regular humans such as yourself are flawed on both a mental and physical level. You don’t have to look any further than the state of the world and the antics of the Republican candidate which is being grossly overlooked by his own Party to prove that point.”

  “I’m flawed?” Bill Maher asked leaning back with a sardonic look of shock on his face.

  “Yes, you are,” Deacon Absolute retorted leaning forward. “Because liberals like you, right-wingers, and everyone else who chose to label themselves as anything else other than human beings are the main reason why the world is failing. You continue to remain divided, and choose sides thinking of only your personal self-interests when there should only be one side and one interest, that of humankind.”

  “All this talk of mothers and one side, you sound like a Borg collective,” Bill Maher joked with a smirk.

  “A Borg collective does not have their own thoughts and identity, we still do,” Deacon Absolute said with a smile. “The difference between you and us is our ability to see both sides of the coin, for example, unlike you, we believe in God, Allah, El Shaddai, and we believe in science.”

  “Which is not possible,” Bill Maher answered back getting serious again.

  “By definition, God is a being that is of omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence,” Deacon Absolute fired back. “The first means He is a Being of infinite intelligence, and if I am created of Him, that means I was created with a microscopic fraction of His knowledge which allows me to understand and perceive the world around me, and this was all before my upgrade. The jump start of human evolution seven years ago reveals to us the untapped potential we were created with but failed to master because of our obsession with trivial things that have done nothing more than to stunt our growth. We have already proven that we can create life in a Petri dish and alter its genetic code before it is given shape and takes its first breath. It’s not that hard to believe that we inherited the ability to do these things from the Being that created us, not for me or like-minded people anyway.”

  “Let save that for another long discussion,” Bill Maher said deciding to change subjects. “If you believe that superhumans are superior in every way to regular humans, how do you explain things like the attack on Parliament which claimed a lot of innocent lives, the vandalism, and bigotous actions of some superhuman against regular people? From my and many others viewpoint we don’t see evolution, but the same ideology and tactics implemented by individuals with destructive abilities.”

  “Well as my organization has expressed we don’t condone the actions of these individuals,” Deacon Absolute answered while clearing his throat. “And being evolved does not mean that we are perfect, just better.”

  “Better at causing death and destruction?”

  “Now that’s not fair Bill.”

  “Is it?” Bill Maher said going on the attack. “Because from what I can see, being evolved has allowed certain individuals to do or hurt anyone they want on a massive scale without the fear of repercussions until they are stopped by a stronger person like say Freedom. It appears as if organizations like Vitruvian Absolute are fanning the flames of a new form of hatred.”

  “We’re not fanning any flames of hatred, Bill.”

  “‘We are the future, evolve or die,’ is the Vitruvian Absolute motto. It is what those terrorists were screaming after they were captured. That motto and your organization’s symbol has been spray painted over churches, mosques, synagogue, cemeteries, schools and public statues all over the world.”

  “You forgot to add that they’ve been found on Neo-Nazi, KKK, White Nationalist, Black Panther, and other supremacist organizations.” Deacon Absolute retorted. “And while we state again that we don’t condone the actions of these individuals, nor do we promote violence of any kind, we can understand their actions.”

  “You understand their actions?”

  “For centuries, this has always been a world where the powerful in its many shapes and forms has always ruled over and oppressed the weak. Where the only option given to the weak was to go out and peacefully march or organize a sit-in, which most likely came with you either being arrested, getting maced in the face, your head getting beaten in with a baton, blasted by a water hose, or chewed to bits by a dog. What did you people expect was going to happen when the balance of power has now been significantly shifted? That is why you may hate to admit it, but you actually need an organization like Vitruvian Absolute.”

  “We need Vitruvian Absolute?” Bill Maher asked leaning back with a look of genuine shock.

  “Vitruvian Absolute is the only organization where anyone can join and become a part of,” Deacon Absolute explained leaning forward with confidence. “If you believe that there is only one race and one species and we must do everything in our power to reach our maximum potential, you have a place in Vitruvian Absolute. The birth rates for superhumans are increasing yearly, regular people are taking drugs and treatments to activate their dormant abilities, and our organization has expanded where we will soon surpass the NRA. We estimate within a year or two we’ll be more prominent than Islam itself.

  So, this is happening Mr. Maher, no matter how many jokes you make.

  Vitruvian Absolute is the only organization with the ability to lead and guide this new generation and the world to a better peaceful way of life. So yes, our motto says ‘We are the future, evolve or die,’ because we are the future, and we chose to evolve into the species we were destined to be, into the species God intended us to be instead of dying. We invite you and everyone else to become a part of that future.”

  “Very tempting offer, but the only superpower I need is the ability to get high,” smiled Bill Maher. “Thank you again, Deacon Absolute, please come back anytime, and now to our panel discussion!”

  Having little interest in listening to Bill Maher spar with Rick Santorum and Anne Coulter, Sophia lowered the volume as her countenance became grim and heavy from what she heard.

  ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜

  Her mind wandered back to that horrible day of the attack. She was in Hawaii assisting with bringing a stalled cruise liner to port when Vincent informed her of the assault. She broke the speed barrier several times and went orbital to cut her travel time down as much as possible, but it was not enough.

  The Palace of Westminster was in smoking ruins once again while the Lions of Elizabeth was in a fierce, bloody battle in the middle of Westminster. An enraged Sophia went into action doing what she now did best, busting heads. One by one she made short work of the heavy hitters, dropping them with either one shot blows or draining their energy from them depending on the situation. The rest quickly surrendered realizing that the battle was lost.

  As they rounded up the remaining living terrorists placing them in restraints, Sophia shifted her attention to assist with locating the injured and dead within the Palace of Westminster, when the Lions of Elizabeth’s team leader approached her.

  “Ms. Dennison, thank you for your help,” the photon energy wielder said while extending his hand.

  “Not necessary Major,” she answered returning the handshake. “I’m going in to see …”

  “But I think it’s best that you leave …right now.”

  His stern words took her off guard as they locked eyes with one another.

  “First let me say, I’m not some dumb twat,” Sir Knight Light whispered to her. “I know none of this is your fault, you didn�
��t ask for this, none of us did, and if it wasn’t for you, this could have turned out far worse than it already has. But we both know the world ain’t reasonable, and that little speech you had played for the UN has muddied up your reputation, at least around here.

  Some people are afraid of you; they are unsure what you stand for.”

  Freedom felt what he was talking about as she looked around at some of the injured that could look at her, witnessing the hatred and fear in their eyes. Her eyes returned to Sir Knight Light’s glowing white eyes.

  “Don’t take it personal love; I know your one of the good ones. People just don’t like the taste of the truth, especially when it’s served by someone who doesn’t look like them.”

  “How do you know I’m one of the good ones?” Freedom softly asked.

  “You wouldn’t have given the world seven years to get their houses in order,” he said flatly. “You would have done what Peace was going to do, maybe not as brutal as her, but you would have done it just the same.”

  “I’m not going to let people’s opinion of me because I spoke the truth scare me away.”

  “I’m not saying you do that,” Sir Knight Light pressed. “Despite what anyone might say, this world does need you, probably more than ever. I’m saying till things cool down, don’t linger. Let your actions speak for you then get the hell out of dodge.”

  She pulled the hood to her suit further over her head hiding the saddened smiled on her face, reluctantly agreeing with his reasoning.

  “You’re going to be telling us really soon ‘I told you so.’ Forgive me if I’m on the side praying that you’re wrong. Now get out of here, and don’t worry about this mess, England will always prevail.”

  “I wish that too Major,” Freedom said to him. “Even more than you do. Good luck.”

  Reluctantly she took a step back and rocketed off into the sky. She flew straight home to be alone with her thoughts until her daughter came home.

  Although it was reported that she was the effective aid that stopped the terrorist attack, her critics still found a way to have a field day and hurl their stones.

  ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜

  Out of nowhere, Sophia was shaken out of her trance by the sound of a loud boom and screaming. On reflex, she sprang out of her loveseat and made a beeline up the stairs to her daughter’s room. Flinging open the door she gazed upon Kimberly sitting up in her bed drenched in sweat, trembling with tears in her eyes as she tried to catch her breath.

  Without a word, she strolled over to her sitting down and taking her within her embrace. Sophia kissed her forehead, and soothingly rubbed her back as her child clung to her tank top.

  “I’m sorry …I’m sorry,” Kimberly got out in between sobs.

  “It’s okay baby,” she whispered to her while wiping some of the excess sweat from her forehead.

  “I tried to control it,” she groaned, “I tried to block it out.”

  “I know you did,” she kissed her head again, “don’t worry, I’m here.”


  Six hundred hours military time early morning, Ninawa, Iraq, September 2016.

  One of the two newly rebuilt Tornados cruised in silent cloak mode forty-five thousand feet above sea level as Maxine piloted the craft to its destination. Old school hip hop pumped throughout the cabin as the newly expanded Regulator team each prepared for their mission in their own way.

  Rosann Esposito who went by the call sign Merge sat silently with both her legs and arms folded staring off into space. Before that, she had checked her gear and side arms three times while in transit to their destination. Across from her sat her teammate and current boyfriend Oliver Brandon whose call sign was Blitz. He also sat with his arms and legs folded looking at her with stern concern.

  It was due to the thousand-yard stare that had taken residence in her eyes, and the ice water that now pumped through her veins. The boisterous girl from Staten Island had been savagely murdered, and replaced by a hardened soldier and efficient killer. Her record long sessions within the Hurt Locker allowed her to master her organic elemental abilities to the point that she could access previous transformations with just a concentrated thought.

  The hardened super soldier she had become however was putting a severe strain on her and Oliver’s relationship. The love that was born from a secret crush and Oliver’s “death” and “resurrection,” was being strangled by their opposing views of being members of the Regulator team. Merge believed Oliver was still playing hero when he should be a soldier, especially after his near death, while Blitz felt her assessment of him was inaccurate and that she was taking her warrior role too seriously to the point that it was infecting both hers and their personal life. It also didn’t help that in their latest spat, her twin brother, who accidentally walked into it, weighed in taking Blitz’s side.

  “What?” Merge asked while not looking in Blitz’s direction.

  “I didn’t say anything,” he said with gruff.

  “Then stop giving me that look.” She fluttered her eyes.

  “What look?” Blitz asked with a put-off tone.

  “The one like you think I’m fucking someone else.” She snarled. “This is why I prefer doing separate missions. I don’t need you in my head.”

  A pleasant sarcastic smile fell over his face as he nodded his head.

  “I’m gonna remove myself before I say something I can’t and wouldn’t want to take back.”

  He sprung to his feet walking off. He wasn’t fast enough not to hear Rosann’s last words.

  “Fine, go somewhere.”

  His body began to spark from the anger building within as he continued to walk getting some distance from her. It caught the attention of the two newest members of the team.

  A wide-eyed Teuila Kalani who went by the call sign Cyclone jumped a bit as she watched a sparking Blitz walk passed her. She turned to Agnes Shareef who went by the call sign Sister Sledge adorned in a red, black, and gray version of Cyclone’s light blue and black Impact suit. She sat in a relaxed position with her eyes closed, head down, legs crossed, and arms folded under her chest in what appeared to be sleep.

  “Don’t ask me, I don’t know what that’s all about,” Sister Sledge said with her head still down.

  Cyclone nodded averting her eyes forward and minding her own business.

  The third and final addition to the team, Aashif Salek also known by his call sign Nitro sat wearing an orange and black version of the Regulator Impact combat suit. He quickly moved his feet out of Blitz’s path as he barreled through and plopped down next to Rosann’s twin brother Adrian who went by the call sign Heavy Element playing a game on his Smartphone. He continued to spark as he sat there grinding his teeth to dust.

  “Bitch mode?” Heavy Element nonchalantly asked while focusing on his game.

  “Yep,” Blitz nodded.

  “Please don’t zap my phone, like last time.”

  Sitting quietly alone watching everything underneath his black beanie was the Regulator leader himself, Sergeant Abraham Rogers who went by the call sign, Sarge. Slight head movements revealed he was very much awake and not sleeping with his rifle in his grip as he silently observed each member of his team both new and old.

  “Sergeant Rogers,” called out Maxine over the Tornado’s audio system. “We will be in the strike zone in approximately ten minutes. Hostile forces are unaware of our approach.”

  “Roger that.”

  The Sarge balled his sledgehammer size fist lightly hammering the metal hull of the Tornado to get everyone’s attention. Sister Sledge raised her head looking in his direction along with the rest of her teammates.

  “Heavy Element, begin church,” he ordered.

  The male Esposito nodded shutting off his phone sliding it back into a slim hidden compartment in the leg of his suit. He stood up making sure to make eye contact with each team member.

  “Alright boys
and girls, you have already been debriefed; this is just the short version. Once again, we have been called upon to be the cleaner more efficient alternative to drone strikes. Because this is an ISIS base we will be hitting, we can and will go all out, but we will also be taking prisoners, more specifically key leaders to the ISIS extremist regime which our eye in the sky has reported are down there. So, don’t go crazy, and do not get sloppy, the objective is to hit em hard and keep the cockroaches from scattering.”

  “Does everyone understand the words coming out of Heavy Element’s mouth?” The Sarge roared his question.

  “Yes, sir!” Everyone else roared back.

  Rogers nodded his approval while giving his sidearm a final check. Merge did that same checking her sidearms on each of her hip holsters one last time as well, while her brother plopped back down in his seat next to a still brooding Blitz. Nitro leaned over and gave an inconspicuous wave to get Heavy Element’s attention.


  “Why does the Sarge use guns when he clearly possesses superhuman strength, regeneration, and durability?” Nitro whispered to him.

  “Why don’t you ask him yourself?” Heavy Element smirked. “Yo Sarge, Nitro over here is asking how come you prefer guns to knocking people’s heads off with your bare hands.”

  Rogers calmly locked eyes with Nitro who was slightly flustered and irritated that Heavy Element dimed him out. The Sarge finished checking his sidearm, placing it back in its leg holster before he answered.

  “Don’t like touching people, and I don’t like people touching me …that answer your question?”

  “Yes sir,” Nitro answered with a nervous nod.

  Heavy Element chuckled while Nitro cut him a dirty look with his red glowing retinas.

  Sister Sledge already up out of her seat, strolled past the two of them sauntering over to Rogers sitting in the chair next to him.

  “So …you don’t like people touching you?”

  “Certain people,” he answered.

  “Good to know,” she smiled.


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