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Genesis Page 38

by Kipjo Ewers

  I have a problem with you, Dennison, because my country needs me …needs us more than ever, and our unofficial affiliation with you is jeopardizing that, yet I still continue to go to bat for you behind the scenes unbeknownst to my own team because I want to believe in you. But it’s getting kind of hard when your kid is threatening politicians’ kids at school, and because of you, she answers to no one.”

  “She answers to me.”

  “That is not good enough, Freedom!” Rogers howled.

  Freedom folded her arms and prepared to ask her next question with a warning tone.

  “So, what do you want to do Rogers, you want me to hand her over to you; let her spend some time Purgatory?”

  “I want to know what happens in seven years! I want to know why I should continue to stick my neck out for you at the risk of myself and my team! That is what I want to know!”

  She blew some air out of her nostrils glancing at the ground for a moment before unfolding her arms.

  Freedom turned making sure her eyes made contact with each member of the Regulator team before she spoke.

  “Anyone here ever wonder why Peace went on National television and basically told the entire world her plans the night before she executed them, anyone?”

  Aside from Lady Tech who knew the answer, but chose not to speak, everyone else looked at her and then each other unsure if they should answer.

  “She had the perfect plan and us by the balls,” Freedom continued. “Had she not told us what she had planned she could have wiped out probably three quarters maybe all of the world leaders before we finally came up with a plan to stop her. So why go in front of the entire world and expose her deck like that? Anyone still buys it was because she was both arrogant in believing she could have gotten away with it, that she was just an unstable sociopath?”

  Freedom continued to look around searching each of their faces, daring one of them to come out and say that was the answer. Her eyes finally came back to Rogers.

  “We all know that wasn’t it. Months later I finally realized Peace going on television like that was her back up plan. She knew as long as I was alive and out there, I would find a way back to Earth. Peace knew there was a chance that even if she carried out her plan, I would find a way back to stop her, and she’d be branded as nothing more than sadistic murder. But by going on television, and revealing the truth about the EVO Virus, and spinning the evolution of the EVO species from her perspective, she gave birth to genetic hate and supremacy groups like Vitruvian Absolute. She spawned the booster epidemic, which is worse than our regular drug epidemic and could possibly claim the life of one special little boy unless I find a cure to save his life!

  Her back up plan in case she lost the battle was to dangle the most potent fear and dream of every man, woman, and child on this planet!

  She made them all feel what it is like to be powerless … and then told them without telling them that they have an opportunity not to be.

  She risked possibly losing the battle to win the war, and she succeeded!”

  Her eyes stayed on the Sarge as he dropped his head knowing everything she said so far was the truth.

  “You know what my plan is in seven years, Rogers? Damage control! Taking matters into my own hands and saving as many innocent lives as possible in case we cannot stop or contain what is coming. You think getting boxed in by a bunch of boosted organized thugs is as bad as your day can get, you are sadly mistaken, Sergeant. In seven years there will be a whole new generation of pure born EVOs reaching maturity with powers and abilities that will continue to grow as they age.

  The title of ‘the most powerful in the world’ will be up for grabs with a massive body count trailing behind it if we don’t act now.”

  She turned to the rest of the Regulators.

  “My message was cryptic because if I told the full truth in front of the United Nations, people would freak out, and make foolish decisions.

  Decisions like internment camps and monitored pregnancies, which I don’t think I have to say where actions like that would lead to next.

  The world is slowly becoming intoxicated with the pursuit of power, and they are doing it with reckless abandonment for themselves and the people around them because it is worth it not to feel scared or powerless anymore.

  And I cannot stop that …I can’t …so what I am trying to do is get us and everyone else who did not ask for this, through it to the other side …if there is another side.”

  She turned back to Rogers.

  “You’re right, I don’t wear the Regulator symbol on my shoulder and I never will. But we’re still in the same trenches together, we want the same things. The difference is your symbol swears your allegiance to your country, mine swears my devotion to those around the world without a voice, who are powerless. So, I don’t give a damn if my actions make those who are in power ‘a bit nervous.’

  If you think it is in the best interest of your team to disassociate yourself from me, I fully understand.

  But the next time you feel the need to question my motives Sergeant Rogers, have the guts to come and hash it out with me like the adult I know you are instead of acting like a child.”

  The Sarge shifted his stance as he lowered his beanie unable to find a comeback to Freedom’s remark. In the middle of the debate, Blitz glanced up noticing a nervous spaced out expression on Lady Tech’s face.

  “Lady Tech …what’s the matter?”

  “Something is not right here …why do I have a feeling like we’re in the middle of a Bad Boys movie?”

  “One or two?” Blitz uneasily asked.

  “Number one,” she swallowed. “Maxine is the Ranch secure?”

  “Yes Miss,” Maxine answered turning to her, “The Ranch is secure, there has been no perimeter breach.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I am one hundred percent certain.”

  Without another word, Lady Tech turned on her holographic HUD projection to show an image of the Ranch for her to see in real time, which caught the attention of everyone’s present.

  Nitro hopped on Buster’s hind leg to get a better look.

  “Everything looks secure.”

  “Then why do I still feel like we’ve been violated,” Lady Tech said answering him while grinding her teeth. “Maxine, show me the evidence vault right now.”

  The image switched to the inside of the highly secured evidence vault revealing the multiple crates that housed the red boosted serum.

  “Everything’s fine, there’s no breach,” the Nitro answered lending secondary eyes.

  “Then why does the digital timestamp still read forty-five minutes before my departure. Maxine show me the real-time image.”

  “This is the real-time image,” Maxine answered.

  “No …it is not.”

  ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜

  Twenty minutes later, Freedom and the Regulators arrived at the Ranch descending to the lower levels of the base. Lady Tech was the first off, the platform sprinting straight for the evidence vault. As she neared it the massive circular quadruple plated dark metal door with the most advanced security encryption opened up.

  Her heart stopped as she covered her mouth with her quivering hands.

  “It’s gone …it’s all gone.”

  Rogers and company bringing up the rear all stopped behind her wearing the same stunned, dumbfounded face she had on at that moment.

  “How …how is this possible?” Heavy Element choked out running his hands through his hair.

  “Miss, I do not understand, is there an issue?” Maxine inquired.

  “Maxine …what do you see in the vault right now?” Lady Tech asked turning to her.

  “I see the twelve secured crates of genetic contraband Sergeant Rogers’s team acquired in Ninawa, Iraq.”

  “Maxine initiate an entire system reboot of yourself and the facility. Right now.” Lady Tech ordered.

>   “As you command.”

  Right in front of everyone, Maxine went out on her feet shutting down along with the base going dark while the emergency lights came on. Less than a minute later, she booted back up with the rest of the facility.

  “Maxine, what do you see now?”

  “The twelve secured crates of genetic contraband are no longer here,” answered a rebooted Maxine. “I believe I must be malfunctioning.”

  “No,” Lady Tech shook her head. “You’ve been hacked.”

  “How is that even possible?” Cyclone asked. “Doesn’t she have like a billion defenses preventing something like that?’

  “This wasn’t a normal hack,” Lady Tech answered walking up to her firstborn. “I don’t even think whoever did this used a computer or any other electronic device.”

  “You’re saying this is a superhuman ability?” Rogers asked stepping closer.

  “Yes, a form of Technokinesis or Technopathy. Maxine, the formula for the red booster is it still on the encrypted drives?”

  “No, it is not,” Maxine answered looking at her. “It and all research records have been erased.”

  “In and out like a ghost, similar to the nuclear power plant in India,” Lady Tech exhaled while turning to Freedom.

  “Don’t tell me you think these two are now connected?” a frustrated Rogers asked while glancing at both of them.

  “At this point, I don’t know, what I do know is that we’re back to square one.”

  “So that’s it, everything is gone,” Sister Sledge sighed. “We have nothing.”

  “No, we have something,” Lady Tech huffed. “We have me.”

  She turned again to Freedom tapping her head.

  “You’re not the only one with a super eidetic memory.”

  “Something doesn’t make sense,” Merge jumped in with a question. “Whoever did this had to be surveying the base, they had you, the data, and the boosters in one spot. So why didn’t they …?”

  “Because they also know who she’s connected to,” Freedom answered before Merge finished her grizzly question. “If anything happened to her, they’d not only incur your wrath, they knew I would hunt them to the ends of the Earth.”

  “Not to mention, they have accomplished their mission.” Lady Tech interjected flailing her arms in defeat. “We have no proof that the boosters were ever here. It doesn’t matter if I can recreate the serum. And there is no way we ever intended to reveal that such a serum existed knowing the ramifications behind it. Whoever pulled this off wanted to secure their anonymity, and they did just that.”

  “So, what is our next course of action?” Nitro asked.

  “I’m going to go help save a little kid’s life,” Lady Tech blurted out.

  Her answer caught everyone off guard as she turned to Freedom.

  “We’re going to come out the winners on something today.”


  The Grand Canyon National Park, midday Colorado time, present time.

  A mentally broken Graves fully clothed slowly walked the hallway of the project EVOlution facility making his way back to the lab after one of his latest trips to Washington DC to carry out Horus’s plans from the shadows.

  Graves re-entering the lab had his eardrums violated by the sound of Alice In Chains’ “Man in the Box.” The former Secretary of Defense shuddered at the sight of Horus with his back turned to him with a fully dressed Dr. Alexander by his side. The Ancient slowly bobbed his head to the sound of the thunderous heavy metal song while observing the progress occurring within the restructuring pods. Graves steadied himself clutching his fist to reduce the trembling his body was going through as he continued to walk toward the Ancient. As he came within a respectful distance, Graves painfully descended to one knee bowing his head.

  “My lord,” Graves said with a passive tone.

  “Remain standing boy,” Horus gestured while his eyes fluttered in disgust. “By the time your frail decrepit form rises after paying me homage, another millennium would have passed. I see you have completed that tasks I have given you.”

  “Yes, my lord, the Regulators will no longer become a problem for you.”

  “Hold your tongue boy, they were never a ‘problem for me,’” Horus growled. “Tis, their association with the female demi-god that vexes me. Her capabilities are still quite formidable. Had not for her, I would have personally wiped them from mortal coil for interfering with my plans months ago. Getting into a confrontation with her would be nonproductive to my plans. Once my blueprint has begun construction, this Freedom will be swiftly dealt with. Come closer and see the fruits of my labor.”

  With a thought, Horus lowered the volume to the music while Graves advanced nearer as commanded. His eyes expanded in amazement removing some of the fear that was within him. Inside each pod was a fully developed human in their teenage years. Each quietly slept as they floated within a thick bluish-green liquid with a synthetic umbilical cord attached to each of them.

  “It will take an estimated twenty-six days from today for them to reach the maturity level I will need them to become. Two boys and three girls, one of the females will become the host body for my Sekhmet. What do you think of them, boy?”

  “I think they are amazing, my lord,” Graves swallowed.

  “When they are ready, their strength and power will be secondary to my own. No one on this planet or in the universe will be able to challenge them. It will be needed to protect the Earth from what is to come.”

  Horus’s last sentence befuddled Graves forcing him to fight his fear to ask the question at the tip of his tongue.

  “Protect the Earth …from what’s come, my lord?”

  A devious grin grew on Horus’s face which forced Graves to stand on weakened knees.

  “You thought I was creating an army to take over the world. Nay boy, I told thee before, my reign will come with a whisper, not a roar. I shall not be taking this world by force, when the time is right, the children of Earth shall bow to me and hand over rule of their own free will.”

  Horus’s answer filled Grave’s mind with a million and one questions he wanted to now ask. Fortunately for him, the Ancient loved the sound of his own voice.

  “After the first twenty to thirty years of howling, screaming, and weeping within my accursed prison created by Amun-Ra, I retreated into my mind to another plane of existence,” Horus began his tale. “This allowed my body to go into a state of dormancy reducing the life energy being sucked from my body from Annunaki forged devices. While on that plane, I spent time planning my vengeance as I waited for my release. My power nearly depleted, I had almost given up hope if not for a descendant of Amun-Ra who happened to be a simpleton grave robber. Oh, how low that bloodline has fallen.”

  Horus let out a chuckle before continuing his story.

  “But as I emerged from my prison, and realized that the world was far different than I had expected it to be, it was clear that the plans I had forged for centuries would be ineffective. I had to learn about my new environment before I could assume rule over it. So, for the first two months of my freedom, I took the time to acclimate myself to this new Earth and its history from my past to present time.

  And what I learned turned out to be both shocking and chilling, even to me.

  Enough so to realize that for me to assume my rightful rule of Earth, I could not take it by force.

  Of all the things, our still primitive species has managed to perfect, a sense of morality of what is right and wrong is at the forefront of its evolution. Through the centuries this species has created two distinct categories to define its character.

  That of the hero, a person who stands in the face of danger, and combats adversity through impressive feats of ingenuity, bravery or strength, often sacrificing their own personal concerns for a greater good.

  And that of the villain, who characteristics are the opposite of everything the hero stands for.

  These facets among others have not only built th
e rocky foundation in which humankind stands upon; it has also been the fatal flaw of many mortal rulers throughout this planet’s history, who chose to go against it.

  From Rameses the Second to Caesar, to Vlad the Impaler, to Stalin and Hitler, to the Kim Jong family, to Vladimir Putin and your latest President of the United States whose election I ensured, all of them by their actions have branded themselves villains in the eyes of the majority of the world.

  And once the majority sees you as the villain, it is best for you to not to exist at all.

  Because no matter the horrors you introduce, no matter the sea of bodies you fertilized the land with, there will be those who will find the courage to stand against you and oppose you at every given turn.

  The villain is despised and hated, erased from memory, and is only remembered for the infamy that he or she has wrought onto the world, and those brave enough to stand against them.

  This code is saturated into your way of life from your literature to the clothes you wear, to your very upbringing despite many of you choosing not to follow this code, and it is at its strongest when you are all faced with common adversity.

  Majority of you look up and aspire to emulate the hero, whether they are real or fictional. You will subscribe to their moral code injecting it into your very cells, and given the right motivation will follow them into the afterlife.

  What surprised me more, was that this was the culprit behind it all.”

  Graves grew owl sized eyes as Horus held up a Holy Bible he did not realize he was holding in his hand behind his back.

  “This God, Jehovah, or Allah …is a diabolically ingenious Being.”

  The look on Graves’s face was disturbed bewilderment never hearing God described in such a manner before.

  “Here is a supposed Being that creates mankind in His supposed image, and gives His creation free will to both love and worship Him, or to not. So how does He ensure that His creation or at least majority of them are the loving and faithful servants He intended them to be?” Horus asked as he held up the Bible moving closer to an unnerved Graves, “He simply takes one of His original creations, and turns it into a villainous patsy.”


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