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Genesis Page 46

by Kipjo Ewers

  The Eye of Ra decided to take a more direct approach taking to the air and using his body and armor as a human bullet plowing through warship after warship bringing down more destruction on top of the Volorion Legion below.

  “Is there a reason why we’re not just teleporting back to our ship and going on our merry way?” Lawrence irritatingly asked while hovering in mid-air.

  “Have you learned nothing since being an Eye all these years cousin?” Anubis chastised him. “Dimensional portals are for traveling, not fleeing! We walked here to the capital; we shall walk back to our ship. If the Volorion Legion wishes to attempt to impede our journey that is their misfortune.”

  “There’s a chance they’ll destroy it before we get there at this rate,” Lawrence informed them.

  “The High Prime in his arrogance would not give up the chance to either keep and study or auction off a ship belonging to the Eye of Set,” Anubis gruffed. “And if he does, I shall be taking reparations by laying waste to his entire Legion.”

  Anubis backed up his threat by unleashing a sword slicing wave of Awakening energy that sliced a Dominator in two causing it to erupt into flames as parts of it either hit nearby vehicles or came crashing down on top of troops on the ground.

  “Lawrence, we must return to Earth immediately,” Sol’s voice emitted into his helm.

  “What is it, Sol?” He nervously asked, “Something wrong with my father?”

  “No, I just received word that the Thracian Regime has quarantined the planet.” It reported.

  A cold chill ran through his body as he forgot he was in the middle of a battle with a planet’s entire army.

  “Say what?”

  In the middle of the unnerving revelation, a squadron of Bird of Preys descended on the Eye of Ra. Lawrence barely deflected and evaded a barrage of plasma fire attacks as he used hypersonic speeds to outrun them and ascend higher into Volori’s atmosphere to hear what Sol had to say.

  “Why, for what reason?”

  “I cannot confirm,” Sol answered him. “What I can confirm is that there is a warrant for the arrest of the human known as Sophia Dennison.”

  “Freedom, what would the Dominion Council want with her?” Lawrence asked with concern.

  “I am barred from confirming the reason behind the warrant. I have confirmed that Prince Merc’s warship has quarantined the planet.”

  “What in the name of the Awakening are you doing up there Danjuma?” Anubis’s voice roared into his helm.

  The Eye of Ra cursed as he divebombed back into the capital tearing through the Bird of Preys that attempted to catch up with him. Halfway down he pulled out of the dive and savagely landed crushing a Volorion War Chariot on impact.

  “Anubis! Bastet! We need to wrap this up now and leave!”

  “Why?” Anubis asked while cutting down several Volorion soldiers in heavily armored war suits.

  “I need to get to Earth! Merc has my homeworld quarantined by order of the Council! I must know why!”

  They both saw the seriousness of his visage in their helms’ display and agreed without uttering another word to cut their visit to Volori short.

  “Sol open a …”

  “I was attempting to,” Lawrence’s familiar answered before he could give the command. “Something very powerful has been activated interfering with the dimensional connection. It appears the Volorions have employed an energy shield around the entire planet.”

  “We are detecting the same field,” chimed in Anubis’s familiars.

  In the middle of their discussion, the sky went black as they turned to see the Volorion War Legion’s numbers replenished with quadruple the numbers that initially attacked them. Their audio systems picked up the sickly cackling of the High Prince Nofarrzo from his War Chariot.

  “Unable to leave via your precious portals Annunaki? That is due to our planetary barrier shield which is powered by both our sun and the core of Valori itself! Lesson learned from the end of the Razcargian Conflict! There is no place for you to flee, no aide will be coming to you, and you have no chance of defeating our War Legion!

  One more thing, I was told to inform you, that an old friend of your fathers’ sends his regards.”

  The trio of cousins glanced at one another perplexed by his last statement.

  “You are trapped, and your fate is sealed! Surrender, and you may still be granted a quick death!”

  “You misspeak again High Prince Nofarrzo,” Anubis calmly answered back.

  The smug look on the High Prince’s face dropped as the ground of Valori shook while the Menos on Anubis’s armor went from gold to a gleaming blue color while the Ember parts of his armor containing Awakening energy blazed the brightness of a blue star. The eyes of his Jackola animated helm glowed as well as it emitted a low rumbling growl. The Menos on Bastet’s armor turned to an emerald green color, while the primordial energies within the Ember crystals in her armor sent a blinding green light that reflected off her armor. Her feline-themed helm also came alive unleashing a high-pitched hissing sound. Finally, the faceplate to Lawrence’s helm came up as his Menos turned from silver to gold while covering his face forming a secondary helm of an eagle type creature from Anu that screeched coming alive. The reddish-gold Ember crystals on his armor mimicked his cousins’ armors as all three completed their Celestial mode transformations.

  “It is you, who are trapped here …with us,” Anubis coldly corrected him.



  Kipjo K. Ewers was born July 1, 1975. At an early age, he had an active imagination. By the time he started kindergarten, he would make up fictitious stories. One of his favorites was about a character named “Old Man Norris,” who hated everyone in the world except for him.

  When he attended Our Lady of Victory Elementary School in Mount Vernon, NY, he continued writing and reading stories to his classmates. His teacher, Mrs. Green, told him the children would laugh but she would remind them that that is how some of the great stories that they read actually came about.

  After elementary school, he went on to Salesian High School in New Rochelle, NY then on to Iona College, also in New Rochelle.

  He would go on to work for several major firms and companies within the New York area, but his passion was to become a journalist and writer. Therefore, it is not surprising he decided to write his first novel.

  Kipjo began creating a new superhuman universe delivering original storylines and taking action-adventure to the next level. With his third novel, he continues to expand the EVO Universe lore.

  Thank you for reading and for your support.




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