Forever Young
Diary, March 1, 2015, Sunday
While I've always believed that everything happens for a reason, I learned today from the highly evolved entity Abraham through the medium Esther Hicks that things happen not because of outside forces. Everything in your life is a manifestation of your thoughts. You may not be thinking of getting a disease but illness results from the same negative vibrations that creates your resistance to all the good you desire. I'm always listening to the teachings of "Abraham" Hicks when I go online and this has become a personal ritual for me for almost a year. The inner tranquility of knowing my true nature as a spiritual and vibrational being in union with the infinite intelligence of the universe is simply beyond words. I'm overflowing with gratitude because I now find it impossible to count the many blessings that keeps shining down on me. One of the many reasons why I'm happy is that I'm still in touch with my inner child.
I still have the child-like sense of wonder. It was pure joy as I watched on YouTube the intros and clips of my favorite Japanese giant robot animes and Saturday morning cartoons. At twilight yesterday I sat watching the bats in I.T. Park as they flew around and filled the air with their sonar music. still have my youthful idealism. But my idea of changing the world is different now. What I desire most is to achieve total spiritual enlightenment so I can help in the evolution of the consciousness of mankind.
Mitch Gaylord is still one of the greatest influences in my life. I have begun the new habit of watching his spectacular Olympic Gold gymnastic triumphs and his film American Anthem. They give me happy memories of my early teenage years and also inspires me today to reach that state of physical excellence. I would rather have a simple life with a perfect body and that empowering sense of well being than corporate prestige with too many strings attached.
Feel God Within
Diary, February 28, 2015, Saturday
Calm your mind and feel the joy and peace of God's Divine presence and absolute Love and infinite wisdom flowing through you. Feel your complete union with God, your Higher Self and the infinite intelligence of the universe. Feel God's presence and infinite power as a brilliant white flowing through you and purifying your mind, body and spirit, and giving you wisdom, guidance, creativity, strength and the absolute certainty that God's infinite power is flowing through you and bringing you all that you desire all the time. Feel God's presence and infinite power flowing through and giving you perfect health and a perfect body. Feel God's presence and infinite power flowing through and giving you success and abundance. Feel God's presence and infinite power flowing through you and surrounding you with a brilliant white light of divine purification, healing and protection all the time.
When Jesus says we all came from the Father, what He really meant is we are of the same divine essence. "When man comes to himself and comprehends that fact that he is son of God, he is a master mind and all the elements will hear his voice and gladly do his will," as He says in 92:11-12 of The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus The Christ. When Fear and Unbelief "are caught and turned aside, the will of man will know no bounds; then man has but to speak and it is done."
I Will Love The One I Love Until I Die
Diary, February 27, 2015, Friday
I will love the one I love until I die. Love is not about possesing a person like an object. Love is about trust. It is about trusting your partner and trusting in the universe to show you the path you must go for your own spiritual growth.
What a happy coincidence (though there really is no such thing) because the same idea has also been expressed by one of my favorite spiritual authors, Gary Zukav. I took some photos of passages from various books including his The Seat of The Soul when I was going to the public library almost everyday about two weeks ago. I copied and pasted the photos on a Word document and printed them today as an experiment. The copies were dark and blurred but still a bit decipherable.
"Trust allows the experience of bliss," he says. "When you trust that the universe in each moment is providing for the needs of your soul, and that the guidance and assistance of your nonphysical guides and Teachers are always available to you, you are free to enjoy your interactions with others and to leave aside the heavier frequencies of manipulation and protectiveness."
What Prosperity Consciousness Really Is
Diary, February 28, 2015, Saturday
I've been thinking of how different I am now and I'm overflowing with thanksgiving and a sense of wonder from how the powers of the universe brought me the illumination of my true nature. One of the most profound lessons I learned is that no matter where you go, you will never find peace of mind unless you realize that you need to look within. The circumstances in your life may be the reflection of the state of your spiritual vibration, but making physical changes alone will not bring you the joy and peace and abundance that are your birthright if you don't change your thoughts. The Eagles song "Love Will Keep Us Alive" was playing from a radio in a sidewalk stall when the vehicle I was riding in earlier stopped for a red light. I was so young and so rich when I first heard that song in 1995. I was then a highly paid campaign worker for a young man with impeccable lineage running for city councilor in Manila. (He won. He deserved to win.)
I realized that I'm even more financially stable today than ever though there have been times in the past when my financial status was less than ideal. I think the crucial difference between then and now is I have come to the realization that the infinite intelligence of the universe is supplying me of everything I need. Some people may use the term "prosperity consciousness." I definite feel more in control of my life and confident that I will live to my highest vision. But it is not about about money. Once you understand that everything you need or will ever need is already given to you, then you will see for yourself that it is never about the money.
Crystal Clear With Brian Tracy
Diary, February 13, 2015, Friday
This is part of my notes when I was doing my story on motivation guru Brian Tracy. What all winners have is clarity of vision. Clarity is knowing exactly what you want. You may not always know how to get it but you know what matters most to you. Clarity means having the ability to focus. Be clear about your priorities. This is the crucial factor for making wise decision. Only true leaders can understand the priceless value of Decisiveness. Clarity is having a vision. Your vision for your ideal life is helps you focus on the results, not activities. You begin to make your vision real by setting down your goals on paper. Always review goals: are you really doing what needs to be done? Excellence yields opportunities, says Tracy, and hard work yields improvements.
What's Odd About Thomas?
January 21, 2015, Wednesday
My priority from now on is to find alignment with the source energy of the universe. I'm a soul. I'm a being of vibration. I won't even think too much about it anymore. If I concentrate on what I want, it brings my vibrations to the fact that I don't have it.
I will just let them come as I release all negative vibrations that are holding them back. This is the lesson I'm taking in today from Abraham after listening in to one of Esther Hicks' seminars as I went online to unwind. I watched the zombie film Lola (about an old woman in a world infested with zombies) and Siopao (about a young man who teaches a little boy how to read) from the Asian short film site I stayed long enough to refresh my spirit with inspirational videos but not too long as to overwhelm my mind with sensory overload.
I've published the original version of my short story "A Thousand Summers" as a series which will appear every Saturday. Today is the third episode. My video streams of my favorite songs from The Beatles, the "Across The Universe" series, will run every Wednesday starting this week with "Here Comes The Sun" as the opening song.
There is power in humility, says Wayne Dyer. This man continues to inspire me to be a full self-actualized human being. His talk on the wisdom of Lao Tze is one of the videos I've watched today on YouTube. The sea stays low a
nd does not call attention to itself. And yet all the seas and the rivers come to it. "The Tao is doing nothing," he says, "but leaves nothing undone."
Being soulful is becoming part of the moment and of who you really are, says Gary Zukav. I looked for his videos because I'm interested in knowing more of the man who inspired me so much with his books.
I was in the gym this morning with Oleanna. The TV is on Crime + Investigation channel with a documentary about a man in Great Falls, Montana named Gene Meredith who claimed to have heard voices that drove him to kill.
"The only difference between him and us," I told her, "is that he can hear them." We are surrounded by non physical entities. What prevents us from fully understanding another dimension of reality is our human tendency to judge everything. We use words like "evil" and "psychotic" as our way of trying to get a define a phenomena that defies our finite minds.
I watched Odd Thomas and I found it a struggle to avoid comparing the movie to the book. I just finished reading it the other day. As a reader I was deeply moved and as a writer I was really impressed with its effortless grace. I've read a lot of Dean Koontz's novels and this is what I liked best. I like Anton Yelchin as Odd. The film is fine on the main elements except for Odd basking in the media spotlight which is totally out of character.
I think the people behind the film are not aware of how deep the story really is. They didn't include Terri, the owner of the restaurant where Odd works as a short order cook; and they reduced Odd's mentor Ozzie to a tasteless cameo. These are two of Odd's emotional and psychological anchors. I had John Goodman and Michelle Pfeiffer in my mental movie version. I would consider it a great privilege to have people like them in my own life. I can relate to the way Odd has created a simple and quiet life for himself. He is surrounded by people who love him even if he is different from every else.
"It's A Small World, My Friend!"
Diary, January 19, 2015, Monday
There is a shower of blessings in the past few days and I'm dancing in the rain. I'm writing this at nearly four in the afternoon at a McDonald's beside the back entrance of I.T. Park in the building which used to be Aegis People Support but now Teleperformance. I just passed the tough but fun online exam in a new company near here. The final interview will be later at five and hopefully after that will be the job offer and contract signing. A wonderful thing happened earlier. I was having lunch here when I saw a close friend from my Northgate days in late 2012 whom I'll call Carlos.
"It's a small world, my friend," I greeted him warmly as we embraced. He has climbed up the corporate ladder and I'm proud of him. I've been keenly observing my reactions and I found to my delight that I never felt even the slightest envy. I'm genuinely happy for him. I feel really good when I see people achieve their dreams.
Chapter II. 2014
Being Charming and Having Fun
Diary, December 29, 2014, Monday
I had a lot of fun yesterday when I went to Carbon Market to buy fruits. I got some jackets near the corner of Manalili where they sell clothes like those ukay-ukay sidewalk stalls I've seen in Baguio. The girl who assisted me was so full of life that it was a joy just to be with her. She was giggling non-stop as she helped me while I tried them on. She squealed joyfully at my jokes:
"I don't want to wear the hood because people might think I'm a snatcher."
"Your mirror is too small I should get a discount."
"This shirt is too big it makes me look like a hanger."
"I like dark colors because I hate doing laundry."
Seeing The Miracles of Nature
Diary, December 5, 2014, Friday
Is the world an illusion? I see the miracles of nature and my heart tells me that her mysteries are beyond what my eyes can ever see.
Yet there is beauty as real as the breeze that embraces me, as the spiritual traveler Siddharta found when he left the world of material competitiveness to once again seek the true self he had lost. I've been reading Herman Hesse's Siddharta again yesterday, trying to recapture those moments of magic that I have felt eternity within.
Inside me is my Authentic Self. All I need is to cut away all that is false to reveal my inmost nature. There is a Higher Reality where I wage my real battles, as the mysterious golf caddie Bagger Vance says, and only by winning there can I find victory here.
On the land of what is now the Atlantic Ocean in the middle of Africa and America he has once stood, thousands of years before my spirit entered this flesh. I'm reading again Steven Pressfield's The Legend of Bagger Vance today, as I once more try to find my touchstone-my own rhythm, my unbreachable sense of identity-my Authentic Swing.
I finished Fit For Life and now studying it for a deeper level of understanding. Instead of getting protein, says the book, we should look for excellent sources of amino acids-which the body converts to protein-and those can only come from fruits and vegetables. I had bananas for dinner last night, an apple during my coffee break at work.
For my breakfast after my shift, I got my usual chopsuey and canton noodles plus meatless spaghetti. Around late morning before going to bed (I sleep during the day because I work at night), I had two hardboiled eggs which reminded me that I've forgotten they're not healthy for the human body at all-like milk, cheese and chemically manufactured and commercially overrated yogurt. I wish I could say I haven't eaten the incompatible hotdog (protein) and rice (starch) during lunch shift last night, but then again, there was no other option and I was really hungry. Perhaps I'm addicted to the taste for meat and rice, or maybe even because I'm being compelled by the same impulses that make people overeat. Either way, I feel tormented by the passions of a weak flesh, in certain ways like the emotional agonies Siddharta and the golf champion Junah went through.
Siddharta and Bagger Vance are teaching the same lesson. The only path to enlightenment is through the most powerful force in the universe and the most beautiful thing in the world-love.
With love comes forgiveness and letting go - and giving myself a chance for a new beginning.
A Shroud of Darkness
Dream Journal, October 7, 2014, Tuesday
I dreamed the other night I was in a strange house under a shroud of darkness. I was alone, seeing glimpses of empty gray walls. I can't even see the floor: everything else was black.
I knew that someone had died there though there was no paranormal activity. I can feel his psychic imprint if not his presence.
I was looking for the woman who owns the house but she was nowhere to be found. I wanted to tell her that her husband's father died in his sleep, lying in bed with his legs crossed like he's sitting in an armchair.
In a flash, I was taking a shower in that gloomy house. Suddenly the ghostly curtain was pulled back. A man was standing there urging me to come. He said that the man I tried to heal was now okay. In the dream, I seem to know him though not in my waking life.
One may see the act of taking a bath as a symbol of purification (or the need for one). Some may interpret it twelve ways to Sunday. If I bump into Sigmund Freud's spirit, he'll probably tell me I'm a sex machine. Dreams, says the clairvoyant George Noory, have their own internal logic.
Diary, June 30, 2014, Monday
Everybody has their own rituals. I'm in bed trying to get some shut-eye for my work tonight. Before I go to sleep, I need a period of mental tranquility. Writing is my way of getting rid of stress. I would just type on my phone whatever comes to mind, just like this vignette, a slice in the pie of my life. Oftentimes, I would need to listen to music as food for my soul. I always put on headphones. I appreciate the sound better. I don't see any point in sharing it with my neighbors, and I most certainly don't want to hear their racket. We're different folks and so we stroke to each his own. I like it that way. It's so refreshing to let the outside world stay out.
"I Still Have That Diamond."
Diary, July 5, 2014, Saturday
When the winds of outrageous fortunes
blows, and when the applause has died down and the crowds have all been gone, I turn to within. When all is said and done, I still have myself. I still have me. I'm writing this, writhing from emotional agony and existential angst. I don't understand how something so beautiful can bring so much pain. Jack Weil comes to mind. A lesson from one of my favorite film characters is helping me get through this.
Jack, played by Robert Redford in Havana, is a gambler, unafraid to take chances. But after a lifetime of solitary perfection, he is taking the unfathomable risk of falling in love. Now he's letting his guard down, laying aside his shield of invulnerability. On his arm, sewed inside his sinews, is a diamond. "Whatever happens," he says as he reveals his deepest secret, "whatever they do to me, I still have that chance. I still have that diamond."
The First Time I Tried Pyrokinesis
Dream Journal, May 11, 2014, Sunday
I had my first dream about a post-Apocalyptic world infested with the walking dead.
In most of my dreams, I exhibit paranormal powers and talk to the dead. I guess zombies are not so unusual.
It turns out I'm a zombie hunter riding KITT, the talking Knight Rider car. I was explaining to a woman that I can only do this alone. I don't want passengers in my car and I don't want anybody pulling me down. I remember being curious as to how I kill the zombies. In the course of my scattered dream scenes, I discovered that I can generate fire from my hands. Cool! I mean, Hot!
There's a scene where I'm driving down a deserted highway. Suddenly, a helicopter descended on me, lights blazing down like in one of those reality cop shows. The chopper, presumably, was not piloted by zombies. I vividly remember being indignant that they are targeting a maverick doing good instead of going after the real enemies. I opened the car roof window and stood, the car on self-driving mode. That was when I first knew about the pyro thing. I reached out. My hands blazed with blinding light.
A Wonderful World Page 2