The Col Sec Chronicles Box Set

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by Jan Domagala

  The Col Sec Chronicles

  Books 1-4





  Also by Jan Domagala

  Col Sec Thrillers



  The Blackstar Gambit

  War Dogs



  Captain Savage Series

  Savage by Nature

  Books by Jack Dillon (pseudonym)

  SI6 Thriller Series

  The Death List


  An Eye For An Eye

  The Atlas Thriller Series

  The Satan Strain

  WIRE Tap

  Pray For Death

  A Thriller Series


  Jan Domagala

  Copyright notice: All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Copyright © 2019 by Jan Domagala

  Rukia Publishing

  Margaret Daly

  Jan Domagala (1955-ongoing);

  I was born in Staffordshire to a working class family where at school I discovered the joys of reading. I was a big fan of sci fi books but I would read almost anything I could get my hands on. My mother took me to join the local library as soon as I could read and from that day on, if it had words on it, I'd read it.

  In the early 70's there wasn't much choice for employment where I lived so I ended up in an apprenticeship in screen printing for the ceramic industry. In the early years of my apprenticeship I had the pleasure of a trip on the schooner Captain Scott, a training ship as part of the crew. We sailed around Scotland and even up as far as Stornoway in the Outer Hebrides.

  I'm still in the same trade after a forty year career but my passion is and has always been writing. After several abortive attempts I started the Col Sec series which is an action adventure series set in the twenty fifth century.

  After a brief four year stint living close to the beautiful Derbyshire Peak District I've returned to where I grew up.

  The Col Sec Chronicles

  (Books 1-4) Kindle Edition

  Jan Domagala (Author)

  An Action Adventure Thriller Series set in the twenty-fifth century.

  Ronin (Book 1)

  He stood on the Observation Lounge looking out at the vista of stars, waiting to die.

  In the mid-25th century the galaxy is split between 2 superpowers, the Colonial Confederation and the Elysium Alliance who are locked in a never ending cold war.

  Can a single soldier, the sole survivor of a secret program deemed too dangerous to continue turn the scales of power? This lone soldier must first decide whether to remain a pawn of his government or become a soldier with no master, a Ronin.

  Omega (Book 2)

  On a mission to capture a terrorist cell Matt Hawk, who we first saw in Ronin, and a group of Recon Delta marines led by Colonel De Boer, find more than they bargained for. This led to their first contact with an insidious group that had infiltrated all walks of life including even the protector of the Colonial Confederation itself, Col Sec.

  On their return to Earth they realise the situation is far more dangerous than they could ever imagine.

  Narrowly evading death at the hands of their enemy Matt finds himself in a race to learn the truth.

  Revelations unfold as Matt and those at Col Sec fight for survival until the truth is finally revealed and he faces the head of OMEGA.

  Can Matt win this deadly battle against an enemy who can be anyone, even your best friend?

  This second book in the thrilling Col Sec series picks up the pace from Ronin and hurtles the reader at breakneck pace towards a shocking climax.

  Discovery (Book 3)

  Kurt Stryder, the hero of Ronin still struggling to make sense of the new changes in his life decides on a cruise on the Colonial Queen but even this leads him into further trouble.

  A rich passenger persuades the Captain to take a diversion to the Tartaran Battlefield. Once the scene of one of the greatest battles between the Colonial Confederation and the Elysium Alliance, now a wasteland of derelict, abandoned husks of once great starships orbiting the planet below. It is now home to a colony of outcasts and dregs from every society known simply as, The Outlaws.

  Kurt is thrown into a deadly race to save as many passengers as possible when the Outlaws attack and knowing he won’t save them all he calls for help.

  The Wildfire Team, a new elite unit set up by Col Sec to handle the worst case scenario is dispatched to help Kurt but when they arrive all is not as it seemed.

  A secret is discovered on the planet below, one that both the Confederation and Alliance alike had thought buried forever, a secret that could ignite another war between the two Superpowers should it be revealed.

  Kurt and the Wildfire Team must fight side by side against insurmountable odds to save valuable lives. While in orbit above the planet, the two Superpowers flex their military might in a game of bluff and counter bluff.

  Kurt finally learns where his path truly lies, and one final revelation will shock them all to the core which points to an old enemy waiting to strike again.

  Retribution (Book 4)

  An explosion on the planet Toldax, uncovers two startling discoveries.

  Shortly after, Kurt is attacked on his homeworld of Celeron by a group of strangely similar looking men. He easily survives but the incident raises more questions than answers.

  Are the discoveries on Toldax and his attack linked? Is this the beginning of a scheme by an old enemy that will lead Kurt back to Celeron where he must face the truth behind one of the discoveries?

  In his struggle to face that truth Kurt takes another step toward his enemy’s endgame, and an attack on the teeth of Col Sec and the heart of the Confederation.

  To reach this endgame Kurt and the Wildfire Team must overcome their past or face the devastating retribution of their enemy.


  Book 1 – RONIN

  Book 2 – OMEGA

  Book 3 – DISCOVERY




  A Col Sec Thriller

  Book One


  Jan Domagala

  Copyright 2010 by Jan Domagala.

  The moral right of the author has been asserted

  Fourth Edition 2017


  Hi there, I’d just like to say a few words of thanks to you, the reader, for picking up this book and also a few words about what you are about to read.

  As an author I write to entertain, nothing more, nothing less. A good story well told, can transport readers out of their normal nine-to-five lives and into something truly wonderful. That hopefully, is what you have before you.

  That having been said, there’s nothing left to add except – sit back, relax and enjoy.


  I would also like to thank all the people who have inspired me to write: Jack Higgins, Matthew Reilly, Robert Ludlum, James Rollins and many more too numerous to list. Thanks guys, hope I don’t let you down.

  No book is ever a success because of one person; it is a collaboration of talents. Here is the list of those who helped me make this book what it is now.

  This book wouldn’t be what it is now if not for the amazing talents of Vivian Head at for the editing and polishing. The cover artwork is down to the talents of Jessica Tahbonemah at Magic Quill Graphics, I couldn’t have done it without you, thanks to you all.

  Finally, for Matt who helped with ideas for this book. Sadly you’re no longer with us but you are never far from our thoughts.

  Miss you, dude; hope this turned out like you wanted.


  By the late twenty-first century, development in technology made it possible for starships to travel faster than the speed of light. With hyperdrive engines, starships could jump into hyperspace and exit light years from their point of entry.

  The government of Earth, or EarthGov, established a colonisation programme and suitable planets were sought out and inhabited. This was the first time Man had set foot on a planet outside of his own solar system.

  Some planets needed to be terraformed to make them habitable for humans to settle. This took decades, but as advancements in technology were made, the time it took to terraform a new world was reduced. Unfortunately, unrest at how the colonists were picked began to grow and a terrorist group called the Elysium Alliance tried to disrupt the programme. This Alliance gave hope to those who thought they would never have a second chance at life. Backed by many powerful and influential corporations who lost out on lucrative government contracts, the Alliance started building their own fleet and training personnel. Within a few short years they had manufactured enough starships fitted with hyperdrive engines to start out themselves and become a legitimate alternative to EarthGov.

  This, of course, created competition for the planets chosen for colonisation and the Alliance made bold moves to reach certain planets first.

  Conflict followed and inevitably – war. Many lives were lost over the next few decades until a cease-fire was reached. A decision had finally been made and reason prevailed. The Elysium Alliance had colonised almost as many planets as the Colonial Confederation, as EarthGov was now known, and an uneasy peace reigned. During the cold war, the two sides kept watch on each other. Now, it’s the mid-twenty-fifth century and the known galaxy still maintains an uneasy peace.


  He stood on the Observation Lounge looking out at the vista of stars, waiting to die.

  Out of the four volunteers for the special experimental programme, only he and Kurt Stryder were left alive. The other two, Summerfield and Watson, had died in circumstances too horrible to contemplate. Was this his fate too, to die like them?

  He knew there were risks involved in the programme; a fact of any experimental programme, but seeing those risks, observing the consequences up close and personal made him doubt the validity of both the programme and his eagerness to enlist in it. It was too late to pull out now though, for the final round of tests had already been completed. At least he had got that far, more than could be said for Summerfield or Watson.

  Turning away from the large panoramic viewport he decided to return to his quarters. It was after midnight station time, which was synchronous with Earth Central Time. At this time of night only the night shift were working keeping this station, Research Station Five, operational. He walked towards his quarters, nothing more than a cubicle with a bed really, and he entered. He quickly disrobed placing his uniform in the wardrobe, the only other piece of furniture present in the Spartan quarters before climbing into the bed.

  He was more tired than he had first thought and sleep came to him quickly. However, after only a few hours sleep, he was woken abruptly by a searing pain that ripped through his abdomen like a wildfire. Still wrapped in the duvet that restricted his movements, he tumbled out of bed. Though he tried to stand, a wave of nausea engulfed him like a raging tide washing over the shore. He stumbled and steadied himself against the wardrobe to prevent him falling on the floor, then activated the locking pad on the door. As it opened on a cushion of compressed air he threw himself out into the corridor beyond.

  A series of hacking coughs wracked his body and when his sight returned he saw the wall he had leaned against for support was splattered with blood.

  This was not good. This was how the other two started before they died.

  Fear gripped him and he screamed for help before another coughing fit took control.

  Falling to the floor, his stomach heaved, the pain escalating to an excruciating level. As he lay on the floor he turned his head to see a pair of boots running towards him. He had never felt such pain and he was so weak he could hardly lift his head.

  Someone cradled his head and he looked up into a pair of worried eyes.

  He coughed once more spraying the shirt of the security guard holding him with blood before succumbing to the darkness that had been creeping into his peripheral vision.


  Still on his knees and cradling Captain Bell’s head Private Robert Whitehead accessed a comm. channel via his Neural Interface.

  When the call was connected he said, “Sir, Captain Bell has just died.”


  Kurt Stryder was taking a shower when his Neural Interface tingled telling him a comm. channel had been accessed and a call was coming through to him.

  “Go ahead,” he said. The NI automatically connected him to various networks wherever he was on a starship, station or planet, whether by comm networks or the main computer on board. Effectively doing away with the need for external devices, the NI gave remote access to the same sources. Most Col Sec personnel were fitted with these NIs along with certain private citizens who could afford the cost of surgery, and the device.

  “Something’s happened to Bell,” General Sinclair said, his voice coming through as clear as if he stood next to him in the room.

  “What, same as the others?” Stryder asked almost knowing the answer, which would make his own worst fear come true.

  “I’m afraid so, just like Summerfield and Watson.”

  “How long have I got?” Stryder asked, for he was part of the same project and now the only remaining test subject left alive.

  “There’s no guarantee that what happened to them will also happen to you. They assure me they’re doing everything in their power to get to the bottom of this,” Sinclair said.

  “Excuse me, sir, if I don’t feel reassured. What I don’t understand is, if we all had the procedure at the same time, why have the others died at different intervals?”

  “That’s something they’re looking into, I can assure you. I want you to come to the main lab right away. There are some tests they want you to perform and I want you under close surveillance at all times until we get to the bottom of this.”

  “Right, I’ll just finish my shower and be right there, sir.”

  “There’ll be an escort waiting at your door when you’re ready, Sinclair out.”

  Stryder continued with his shower now that the telltale tingle had left him as the connection was severed.

  All he could think of was when would he die? He’d seen the reports of the first two deaths and they were horrible. He’d seen his fair share of death during combat and had caused enough of his own to warrant his participation in this project. This was supposed to help bring about the end of the needless bloodshed, or, at the very least, help reduce it. He had thought that if the results of this project helped to save one life in the field, then whatever they had to endure would be worth it.

  Now he wasn’t so sure. It didn’t seem right to sacrifice three lives, possibly more, to save only one life. The balance was off and he had no idea how to redress it.

  Finishing his shower, he dr
ied off and quickly got dressed in his uniform of white shirt and dark blue trousers. The Col Sec emblem was on the patch pocket on his shirt directly over his heart, and the three pips of his rank of captain were on the epaulets. He glanced in the mirror to ensure he was presentable, but what he saw disturbed him. His blond hair was cut to regulation length, not too short but trimmed neatly around ears that lay flat against the side of his head. High cheekbones gave evidence of his Nordic ancestry, as did his cobalt blue eyes. His normal, warm smile was missing now, replaced with a worried frown. Trying not to think about what could lie ahead, he went to the door.

  As the door opened he saw his escort, two Marines from Recon Delta. Delta was his old unit, the elite of Col Sec, which meant the General was taking this development seriously. The Marines promptly fell in behind him as he left his room.

  Arriving at the main lab, he was met by General Sinclair and Doctor Baxter, the two main men heading this project. General Sinclair was in overall command of Col Sec, along with Recon Delta and Intelligence Division. Doctor Baxter was in charge of the lab.

  “There you are, Captain,” Sinclair said as Stryder entered the lab flanked by his escort. Sinclair was in his fifties but still ramrod stiff from his years in Col Sec. His brown hair was receding from a high forehead leaving a widow’s peak. Below that his deep brown eyes were unfathomable, as was his normal, stoic expression. Thin lips rarely, if ever, spread into a smile. It was said in some circles that if Sinclair had ever indulged in playing poker, with his normal deadpan expression he could have been wealthy beyond his dreams.


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