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Blue Page 30

by Ford, Brynn

  Law jumped at the disobedience, snatching the dangling ends of the blindfold that hung down her back, fisting the fabric and yanking her head back forcefully until her face was angled up toward the ceiling.

  “I know I told you to be silent, Blue,” he barked and she swallowed hard.

  The thing that surprised me most about that moment was my reaction. I hadn’t lunged across her to grab him by the throat. I hadn’t told him to fuck off and dragged Desi from the room to safety. I hadn’t tackled him and beat the shit out of him for touching her that way, for touching her at all, really. I hadn’t even overruled him verbally.

  I let it happen because for some reason it felt okay. I think it was because I could practically taste Desi’s arousal permeating throughout the room. I could see it in the way her fingers curled over her thighs at the harsh treatment, her nails digging in as her palms arced ever so slightly. It was obvious how much she wanted this, whether she would say it with words or not, we could all feel it.

  It became so ridiculously obvious to me in that moment, that my instincts were at full attention for Desi’s desire. Whatever she wanted, my soul demanded I give her.

  I tore off the piece of tape and slapped it over her mouth, being intentionally a little rough because it was clear she enjoyed it. I bent down, taking her chin in my hands while Law held her head back. I brushed my lips against the tape where hers were hidden.

  “Follow the rules, Blue.”

  Her breath was warm against my face as she exhaled through her nose. Her body sank ever so slightly as we both held her head in our grip. I glanced up at Law and gave him a quick nod and we both released her simultaneously, in odd and completely unexpected synchronicity.

  I could hear her breathing unsteadily. Her fingers gripped her thighs nervously. Her body trembled with poorly controlled desperation. She was so unbelievably sexy like this, I could hardly contain myself.

  I took a couple of steps back, letting Law take over. Desi asked me to learn from him, so I would do my best not to jump her and fuck her right now before I could actually learn a thing or two.

  “Stand up,” he ordered and she slowly got to her feet.

  He grabbed her hand and led her slowly to the black table, bringing her to the narrow side of the cushioned, black leather rectangle that created the tabletop. His hand met the small of her back and pushed her body against the table, forcing her pelvis to cut in at the rounded edge.

  “Down,” he ordered.

  She bent at the middle, folding onto the table. Her feet were still on the floor, balancing on her silver high heels.

  She gave us a delicious view of her ass as Law kicked at the inside of her feet, encouraging her to spread her legs wide. Dropping to his haunches, he wrapped a black cuff around each of her ankles, secured tightly to the table legs and holding her feet wide apart.

  I huffed, wringing my hands together as I suddenly pictured them doing this alone, without me.

  “You’ve done this with her before.”

  The level of trust she had built with him to let him restrain her that way without fear knocked my pride down a few notches.

  He glanced at me as he stood up and moved to the opposite side of the table, “A few times.”

  He grabbed her wrists and pulled hard, forcing the top half of her body to press flat against the surface. She turned her face to the side so she could breath.

  “Do you want me to stop, Vaughn? I can imagine this isn’t easy to watch.”

  I answered honestly, “I don’t really know what I want right now.”

  “Mixed feelings?”

  “Sure, let’s call it that.”

  Law pulled two more cuffs that matched the ones around her ankles and fastened them to each of her outstretched wrists. They were tied to lengths of black rope attached to the table legs, opposite the side where her ass wiggled ever so subtly, begging me to grab it.

  Law pulled on the rope firmly, tugging her arms forward so much it had to hurt. I took a step toward her on impulse, wanting to save her and relieve her from the pain, though she hadn’t made a sound in protest.

  Law sensed my sudden apprehension, “You can check in with her, Vaughn, if you’re concerned. But you have to trust that she will tell you when it’s too much. Either with a safeword or her body language.”

  “She hasn’t always been so forthcoming with me.”

  Desi’s hands clenched into fists at my words. She knew it was true.

  “She hasn’t been,” Law worked at twisting and looping the ropes so they were secured tightly, “But she will be now. She’s giving you her obedience, her submission, so it’s up to you to build that trust with her and to train her that you won’t tolerate anything less than full, truthful disclosure from here on out.”

  I hated the way he talked about training her, “She’s not a dog.”

  Law froze abruptly and he looked over at me sternly, “No, she’s not. And I’m no fucking dog trainer. If you think that’s what this kind of play is about then you clearly don’t understand.”

  Guess I touched a nerve.

  I allowed myself a moment to enjoy that I’d just managed to inadvertently put him off his game.

  I stretched the tense muscles in my neck, “Maybe I don’t. Not in the way you view it.”

  Desi shifted uncomfortably against the table.

  “Then maybe you need to fucking learn, Vaughn.”

  Damn, he’s pissed.

  “Why the fuck do you think I’m here?” I asked.

  “You’re here because your marriage is broken and you’re desperate. I believe that you want to do right by Desi and make her happy, but you need to fuck off with the assumptions and judgments about this lifestyle if you want to understand her and what she wants, what she needs.”

  “Don’t play that card with me. You’ve been judging me since before we met. And let’s not start on making assumptions. My marriage isn’t broken and I’m not desperate. I know exactly what she and I want as partners and we’re working on fixing it. But we are not broken.”

  Law huffed out a breath but didn’t respond to me. Instead he asked Desi to check in and she held up one finger.


  I moved around to her side as Law carefully peeled back the tape from her mouth.

  “Is it too tight?” he guessed.

  “No,” Desi replied once she could move her lips.

  She breathed quietly for a few seconds and we waited for her to continue. It was hard to read her when I couldn’t see her eyes.

  “We can stop,” she said, “It hurts me if this thing we’re doing hurts you. Either of you. I’m the one who did this to us and I’m not worth fighting over. I deserve to be punished, I know that. I don’t deserve to feel the way I do right now. I know it’s wrong. I’m sorry.”

  I didn’t even know where to start to respond. I put my hand on the side of her head, combing my fingers into her hair that had started to fall from the simple updo.

  Law asked, “What way do you feel right now that you don’t deserve?”

  “I…” she stammered, “Nothing, never mind. Green, Sir. Put the tape back on, V.”

  “Oh, fuck no, babe,” I tightened my grip on her head, “Spit it out. What are you feeling that you think you don’t deserve?”

  She pursed her lips in outright refusal.

  “Blue,” Law snapped.

  Still, silence.

  Law gripped her arms just above the wrist cuffs and pulled her a little harder, drawing a clipped groan from her throat, “Answer your husband, Blue.”

  “I don’t…” she started slowly, “I don’t deserve to feel this good, with both of you here, together. I don’t deserve to have your patience and forgiveness, Vaughn, especially when I’m here feeling so…”

  She trailed off, but I was anxious for her words.


  She sighed, resigning to the fact that we weren’t going to just let her drop this, “Turned on. I’m fucking…I’m soaking wet fo
r you right now.”

  It bothered me that she hadn’t specified a name. I knew Law picked up on that, too, as we shared a look of understanding. I should want to read into it. I should want to demand to know for which of us she was soaking wet. I should want to untie her and take her home, lay claim to her, and keep her as far away as possible from this other man and this place. But for some reason, I didn’t want any of that. All I really wanted was to hurt her and tease her until she was begging for me to make her come.

  Just like my dirty fucking fantasy.

  Everything about this is fucked up and I don’t think I even care.

  “Okay,” I started, “We all make mistakes, babe, but at some point, you’ve got to forgive yourself and realize that you deserve every good feeling that is humanly possible. And I swear to God, I will spend the rest of my life doing everything and anything you need to feel as much good as you can. Because that’s what you deserve.”

  I felt compelled to drag Law into this reassurance, sensing that she needed that, “Do you agree, Law?”

  He looked at me with surprise, but answered easily, “Yes.”

  “You don’t deserve to be punished, baby,” I went on, “But I will gladly lay my hands on you however you ask me to. Pleasure, pain, whatever you want, babe, whatever you need. And don’t you ever again be ashamed of what you feel. I’m not black and white. You’re not black and white. Nothing about what we’re doing right now is black and white. It’s all just one giant gray area were playing in. If you need it, you have my permission to feel whatever the hell you feel without shame. So if you’re horny as hell right now, then go on and soak those panties through, babe, and I promise I will lick you fucking clean before the night is through.”

  I hadn’t realized as I was talking just how hard I’d begun to push the side of her face down into the table. I moved my hand away in a sharp movement and when I did, she gasped, a small smile pulling at the corner of her lips.

  “So. You good now?”

  She smiled, nodding her head against the table, “Green, V.”

  I pressed the tape back over her mouth with a little pat, “Good. Now shut your pretty mouth and take what we give you.”

  I turned to Law, “I wanna get back to doing terrible things to my wife. We good? I think we’re both just a little on edge right now.”

  He nodded, “Forget about it. We’re good.”

  I sighed, “Let’s do this. Show me how to give her the pain she likes.”

  He smiled, then shook his head, “You’re really not gonna like that I know this. But I find that Blue appreciates it quite a bit if I start with a good spanking.”

  Desi shifted her weight and her hands curled and uncurled, in and out of tight fists. I stepped away as Law moved toward her backside. The muscles in her thighs tightened as she tensed up. I glanced at her hands but she didn’t signal a safeword.

  “Blue, I’ve told you before," Law said, "Don’t tense up, relax your muscles. It feels better that way. Relax.”

  She slowly released the tension in her body as he placed his hand on her hip, sidling up beside her rear end. I remained in place as he slid his hand across her cheek, too slowly, and circled lightly.

  “Not a sound, Blue,” he reminded before his hand came back sharply and landed with a slap against her.

  She tensed against the hit, her body curling around the table edge, but she didn’t say a word, didn’t make a sound. He did it again, hitting her harder this time, and still she obeyed in silence.

  “What does her body language tell you, Vaughn?”

  I circled her, coming around to the long edge of the table. Her chest was heaving with the shallow breaths she was taking through her nose. She looked tense but relaxed all at once, like her mind was in a different place all together.

  “She seems focused, but maybe a little far away.”

  “On her way to subspace,” Law said, “There’s a kind of high she gets from letting go of control and enduring the pain,” he spanked her again and she clenched then relaxed, “When she gets to that place, that subspace, it’s crucial that you pay very close attention to what her body is telling you. She can get so lost in the rush that she may ask for more when her body can’t take it. She might be too far away in her mind for self-preservation. As her top, her dominant, it’s your responsibility to know when it’s safe to keep going and when you need to stop.”

  I nodded in consideration, “Makes sense.”

  He stepped back, “Your turn.”

  I took Law’s place to deliver a spanking to my wife.

  Good God, my wife does have a glorious ass.

  He gave me a few tips on how to give sharp pain, deep pain, bruising, stinging, and aching pain. He showed me how to use a paddle and a flogger effectively. He gave me an anatomy lesson on where I could hit and how hard without causing true and significant injury.

  That woman of mine took it all like a champ. She didn’t just take it, didn’t just endure it, but she thrived on it. Instead of becoming more and more strained through her muscles, with each hit to her ass she grew more and more calm and still.

  Without any such direction or guidance from Law, I pulled down her panties, letting them drop to her calves before the elastic caught them in place by her outstretched legs. She squirmed nervously. Her fingers twitched as if she was going to show me a safeword in her continued, obedient silence. But she didn’t. I waited patiently for an indication, giving her ample time to decide if she needed to stop. She took deep breaths and seemed to relax again into subspace.

  “Why do you think she hesitated? She looked like she was going to show you a safeword,” Law asked me as if he already knew the answer, like a mentor quizzing his mentee. Which, I suppose, is exactly what we’d become.

  I thought for a second as I took her right cheek in my hand and squeezed, claiming her as mine, “She’s nervous about being exposed in front of you. She’s still worried about my jealousy. But she wants it. That’s why she hesitated.”

  “Not intuition. You’re making assumptions now. Body language. She hesitated because she’s human and you just exposed parts of her in a public location that instinctively she feels she needs to cover. She fought a natural instinct after convincing herself she was safe. That’s why she hesitated. In any case, perhaps she would benefit from a little reward for talking herself out of that instinct to hide. She needs to learn that when you are with her, exposure and vulnerability are pleasurable.”

  “And you’re suggesting?” I asked, though I knew exactly what he was suggesting.

  Law crossed his arms over his chest, “You know what I’m suggesting. I’ll leave if you want me to.”

  Desi whimpered, making a sound when she wasn’t supposed to. It was a sound to indicate she didn’t want him to leave, a sound to indicate she wanted a reward as he was suggesting, a sound to indicate she felt unsteady and unsure.

  My first impulse was to kick him the hell out so I can handle the rest of this evening with my wife in pseudo-privacy, though there was no door preventing anyone from watching us. But then my competitive side took over in a really fucked up way.

  I wanted to show off that she was my girl at the end of the day. No matter what, only I could make her come completely unhinged in ecstasy. That competitive drive called me to make him stay so he could see just how much better I was at sparking her desire. But I ultimately decided to leave it to Desi.

  “Take off her blindfold and the tape from her mouth,” I ordered Law.

  He hesitated, watching me discerningly, eyes narrowed, “Okay,” he finally conceded and went to her, doing as I asked.

  She pressed and stretched her lips as the duct tape was ripped off like a band-aid and she blinked her eyes against the light as he removed the fabric from her eyes. I moved to stand beside her, my cock level with her line of sight, and she blinked, turning her eyes to look up at me.

  “You can speak from now on, Holly Blue. Tell me. Do you want him to stay while I reward you?”

/>   “Is it really my choice, V?” she inquired after a few seconds of labored breathing.

  “It’s really your choice, Blue.”

  “What does that mean for us if I say yes, V?”

  I put my hand on the side of her neck and stroked slowly down her back, “It doesn’t mean anything, baby. You and I are walking out of here together, husband and wife forever, no matter what your answer is. Your answer changes nothing.”

  She looked into my eyes with intense love and appreciation for giving her the choice. The powerful look might have cleaved my soul in two from her passionate gratitude had she not interrupted the intensity with her soothing, delicate voice.

  She smiled, relief and thankfulness in her tone, “Then yes, I want him to stay, V.”

  Chapter 28


  I don’t deserve Vaughn Cooper.

  I would never take his patience and absolute unconditional love for granted ever again.

  Both men stood silent and motionless when I said I wanted Law to stay. My aura had been pulsing sex and lust and total obedience until that moment. Theirs had been control and patience and care. But as soon as I said I wanted Law to stay, the energy in the room changed. It became hungry and desperate and urgent for all of us. It was rawness and need and the pleasure that comes in doing something that is oh, so wrong.

  “Untie her hands,” Vaughn’s voice cut through the thick silence.

  Law’s hands were at my wrists, working to unbuckle the cuffs. When they came off, I circled my wrists to give them some relief from the strain. My skin was pink and hot from the tension of the tight ropes that had held my arms down in the cuffs so securely.

  Without any warning or indication, my head was abruptly jerked backward, forced to angle upward toward the ceiling as Vaughn made his presence known behind me. His fist gripped my hair, knotted in the delicate updo that was slowly becoming undone in a wild tangle. My back arched as he lifted me backward off the table into a standing position. His erection was firmly planted against my exposed ass.


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