Echoes of Ashener

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Echoes of Ashener Page 19

by David Partelow

  Rynsik nodded once curtly. “Well that is good because I was getting tired of hearing your bravado,” he countered with impatience. “First, it matters not what you may or may not think of me to say the least. Secondly, you and your friend are in the escort of Axiter, and you will do what is expected of you so that you survive. Serra tried it her way, and it didn’t work. And you did a superior job last time at seeing her safe, I might add.” As Vonack’s ferocity raised a few more notches, Rynsik continued. “Thirdly, unlike what you are doing, I myself, with my questionable experience, will not let emotion interfere with my better judgment. If you do not like what I have to say or what I am going to order you to do, I suggest you take your horse back to the stable because you will not be allowed to go on this course.” Rynsik looked at the entourage. “That goes for everyone here. On the road, we aren’t going to have the luxury of playing around with words. If you have a problem or question my abilities, I suggest that you remain in Axiter. Any objections?”

  Vonack looked around at those in attendance. No one had anything to say on the matter. Serra looked at him sternly, shaking her head ever so slightly. Finally, she stepped forward. “Rynsik is right, Vonack. No matter what objection either of us may have, he has the authority on this venture.”

  Vonack again looked at Rynsik. The color was finally dissipating from his face. “Fine. But you watch yourself out there. If you screw up at all, if you so much as think of screwing up, I’ll be there to remedy the situation.”

  The Ro’Nihn turned his head from Vonack. “Then prepare to be waiting for a long, long time.” Rynsik went back to his cycle. Vonack too walked away, fuming back to his horse in wait. Rynsik paused for a moment and surveyed the group. “Is everyone ready? Good. We will take advantage of the daylight and get as much distance in as we can. I’d like to see us in the town of Wayvred two days from now.” Rynsik took another look around before putting his fingers to his mouth and whistling sharply. “Bryndan!”

  With that a young, though quite large bumbling ferret came hopping to the fold at a good speed. He grunted as he ran within the group and hopped onto the back of Rynsik’s cycle. Rynsik covered him up as Serra and Esmie exchanged a smile.

  “Just can’t leave without him, eh?” asked Esmie happily.

  Rynsik glanced at her. “More like wherever I go, there he is, whether I want him to or not. At least this way I know where he is at, the little bugger.”

  “Right,” said Esmie, stretching out the word with long, playful abandonment. She then looked between Serra and Voltaire. “Well I am quite sure this will be an adventure. If not, I am at least sure we’ll have lots of drama to keep us from getting bored.”

  “And most of that supplied by you, I have no doubt,” added Voltaire.

  “That’s usually the case,” commented Fahn.

  “Oh, shoosh, you two,” said Esmie. She smiled at Serra. “You ready, my dear?”

  Serra looked at the people who would accompany her on her travels. They were a young, assorted bunch, and she was grateful for all their help. However, inside she could not help but feel guilty. If anyone of them gets hurt or killed, it will be my fault; they are coming to help me on a journey to find gods know what. But I hope that it is perhaps faith that brought us here. Either way, I’ll find the whereabouts of Norryn, of that I can promise. “As ready as I am going to be Esmie.” Quickly she too jumped up on her horse next to Jozlyn.

  “Well then, I’d say we are all good to go.” Esmie gave Rynsik thumbs up. “What do you say, Rynsik, shall we get this little adventure started or what?”

  With everyone ready, Rynsik motioned forward before gunning his cycle. Within moments, he was followed by five more hovercycles. In their wake were three horses keeping up the pace. In the distance, Wyndall of the Jacoi watched ten young souls venture forth toward an unknown fate, certain that it was likely some of them would never be seen again. He prayed for his son. He prayed for Serra. He prayed for the others and for the luck that would see them all back and safe again.


  Serra rubbed absently at the drowsiness that crept stubbornly within her eyes. It was the second day of travel and Rynsik had set a steady, hard pace for the group and was reluctant to slow it. Hours seemed to drag on toward the town of Wayvred, or at least it had seemed so to Serra. While the Ro'Nihn seemed to have no problem with the pace, those not hailing from the town of Axiter found it somewhat trying, Vonack being the head on that list.

  Serra was relieved to finally be at ease. The group had set up camp for an hour’s worth of rest. When all were settled, it was Voltaire who had created a quick, yet delicious meal, even it had been through Esmie’s good natured ribbing. After eating, Serra watched as each of her companions went about in their own ways to unwind. Deciding it was good idea, Serra reached within her pack and brought out her paper and writing utensil, set on handling some business that she had already put off for far too long. Clearing her mind, Serra began to write.

  Dear mother and father,

  I know that I have put this off for far too long. On the road, you spend a lot time thinking about what you want to say and when you get the chance to write it, it doesn’t always come out the way you want. I can’t tell you how many pieces of paper have met their demise at the hands of my frustration. I do think about you both all the time if that counts for anything. I hope you are well, and I want you to know that I am proud of the both of you.

  I guess I will go ahead and get this out of the way, for I am sure you have already heard. The network of spies whom you have updating you on my well-being still astounds me. For the record, I am safe and sound. I acted foolishly and without regard for my own safety, and it nearly cost me my life. Before that happened though I was saved by Rynsik of the Jacoi, son of Wyndall. Once again, I know I will be hearing of this, so for the record, I consider myself forewarned.

  In my defense, I can honestly say I did what I felt in my heart was right. Due to a series of events, I have come to the belief that Norryn is still alive. I know that sounds crazy, but I do not believe that my faith is unfounded. When I have more time and paper, I will try to explain. But I feel, I truly feel with all of my being that Norryn lives and I mean to find him. I don’t think I have to explain to either of you why.

  In an attempt to make a long story shorter, my escapade and rescue landed me right in Axiter. I must tell you both that it was everything I thought it would be and more. I saw Wyndall again, and he listened to my story. It is because of him that I continue this mad journey. Though now you will be relieved to know that I am not alone. I don’t know exactly where I am going, or even why I am going there, but in my heart and in my soul, I just know that it is right.

  Serra paused a moment from her writings to look around at those that now joined her on her quest. Kylynne and Willem were arguing once again while Weiss brooded in relative silence. Esmie was gabbing away with Fahn as Voltaire listened half-heartedly while taking glances at Jozlyn every now and then. Vonack was lying on the ground with his eyes closed, but Serra knew that he was well awake. Rynsik was nowhere to be seen, as he had wandered off earlier with Bryndan in his wake. Sighing deeply, Serra continued her letter.

  There are ten of us total. I feel safe with this group, and at the same time I am afraid for all their lives. Some of them are my friends old and new, but there are a few that I know not at all. And yet they have chosen to put their lives in jeopardy for what I believe is right. I don’t feel that I deserve that, but just the same, I am afforded the protection, and I will have enough sense to be grateful.

  I don’t think you could have asked for a more diverse group of men and women. Some of my friends you know. Esmie and Jozlyn have decided to go with me. And there is Vonack. Actually, always there is Vonack. I know he thinks this a foolhardy quest, but such are the stubborn ways of Vonack Falshore, as I am quite sure you both remember from years past.

  However, there are those I am sure you do not know. There is Fahn of the McLynne, and she is
quickly becoming my friend. I am quite sure you both would like her very much. While she is quiet, she is indeed warm and one of the more caring people you will come across, even amidst her shyness. I hope to one day introduce you both to her.

  We also have a brother and sister with us. They are Kylynne and Willem of the Blackwell clan. Both are young and idealistic and hold true to the ways of the Ro'Nihn. In them are a love and a hate that only siblings could share. While their bantering can be quite agitating, oftentimes it is a genuine amusement for the rest of us while we wander on to our goal. Never have I seen a brother and sister bicker so much and yet stay so close to one another in the end.

  I wonder if you have heard tales of Voltaire of the Achylles? He is a hulking mass of a man, quite possibly the biggest warrior I have ever seen in all Vallance. His eyes are as red as his armor, and he holds on his head the scariest mask I have ever seen. But what makes this story interesting is that Voltaire is probably the gentlest sophisticate I have ever come across. He is a pacifist in a warrior’s body, and sometimes I have no idea how he has survived this long as a Ro'Nihn. But just the same, I find myself becoming quite fond of the “big lug” as Esmie is guilty of calling him on many occasions. Though I must say it is with great joy that I now hold the ability to give Jozlyn a difficult time, as I think we have found one who is smitten for her.

  There is also Weiss of the Fellane. Save for perhaps Wyndall’s son, I know the least about him. He speaks hardly at all and never have I seen him smile. It is depressing to see someone so young carry so much sadness. Why he has joined us on this quest, I cannot say. Even Esmie is reluctant to speak of Weiss despite her rank as the resident gossip queen. Perhaps more will come to light in the miles that we still must travel.

  And finally, there is Rynsik of the Jacoi, quite possibly the most difficult individual I have ever come across in my entire life. This is saying much because I have been accustomed to both Vonack and Norryn. Rynsik is himself quiet and contained, and from him I can gather little if anything at all. I would not expect him to be the son of Wyndall, for he is almost the exact opposite of Axiter’s leader. But I must show some reservation, for it was Rynsik who saved my life. Unfortunately, that is almost all that I can add to the list of his qualities.

  Even now as I write about him, I can feel the redness creeping within my cheeks. I have never felt more frustrated than when I am around him. Somehow, he leads well and has the respect of his fellow warriors while remaining cold and distant. I don’t know what his problem with me is, but I hope to be at the bottom of it sometime soon.

  I don’t know how I have allowed him to get under my skin as he has, but he is there and is not leaving. I spent many hours trying to figure out why it is that I dislike him so. I was only able to come up with a single thought about the matter. With all of his skill and strengths, Rynsik of the Jacoi chooses to do nothing with it. Sadness dominates eyes that I know have seen much, but I don’t believe it is fair or right to take it out on those around you, no matter what the situation entails. But again, this is just me. Don’t worry, I will continue to be fair and patient with him, even if it kills me. And always I will hope for the best. (After all, I would not be writing this letter if not for him, and I know that must mean there is more to him than meets the eye.)

  Well I see that this letter has grown long in its wind and short on its empty space, so I must say goodbye for now. I want you both to know again that I miss you, and that I love you. Being this far from you is painful, no matter how noble the cause may be. I will be thinking of and praying for the both of you. Take care of yourselves. It is my hope that when our paths cross again, I will once again be reunited with Norryn Ashener. Stay safe out there and know that now and always, I carry you in my thoughts and heart.



  Reviewing the contents of her letter one last time, Serra carefully folded it before placing it in her pack. She would see that it was mailed off in Wayvred. If what Rynsik said was true, they were not very far off at all. And besides, she knew her parents deserved to know that she was alright. She also knew that if they didn’t know, she would not hear the end of it when they finally reunited.

  Standing once again, Serra stretched her bones fully. Hours of riding had taken their toll. And while it was not overly hot out, the sun was still consistently bearing down on all of them. Placing both hands on her lower spine, Serra stretched again, noticing the soreness of her back side. She began to envy the Ro'Nihn of Axiter their hovering rides, but dispelled the envy quickly enough, knowing full well she could not operate one of those machines to save her life.

  “Oh goodness, my dear, are you tired already? Um, I hate to tell you this, but we have a long way to go, you know? I don’t know about you, but I don’t think your toosh is going to make it, hon.”

  “I appreciate the optimism, Esmie, thanks.”

  Esmie gave a smile and a wink over her cup of still warm soup. “Tis a pleasure as always, young one. That is what I am here for after all.”

  “And I thought you were just around for belly aching and headaches. How silly of me,” said Voltaire. He cast a side-long glance as he rose up from a lazy reclining position on his cycle. In one hand was his own soup, and the other was a bit of bread.

  Serra smiled as Esmie turned her head at her large friend. “I’m sorry, Voltaire, were you talking? All I heard was ‘blah, blah.’ Put that bread in your mouth where it belongs. You are much more interesting when you are not sulking.”

  “Oh, I can think of something better to do with it,” said Voltaire as he threw the remainder of his bread, bouncing it off the stomach of Esmie.

  Esmie let her fists rest on her hips. “Voltaire Agregory Achylles, now what would your mother say about your actions if she were here?”

  Voltaire shrugged. “It’s hard to say. ‘About time,’ perhaps?”

  Esmie tossed her cup of soup briskly aside, lunging forward at Voltaire. “Oh, that’s it, young man!” She collided into Voltaire, sending them both hurtling over the other side of the hovercycle. The two rolled once, twice before Esmie ended up on top of her large friend. Grabbing his nose with one hand she then began tickling Voltaire's side, just shy of his chest plating. He began to laugh uncontrollably, and the sound was ridiculous with his pinched nose. “You are going to learn a lesson if it means the death of one of us!”

  “Pish-posh!” bellowed Voltaire through his closed nasal passageways.

  “To the death then!” said Esmie as she pinched and tickled harder. It seemed that everyone was getting a good laugh out of the moment as they loomed closer to the action. Serra noticed that even Weiss was smiling for a change. Voltaire began thrashing his legs. Finally, he got his footing and with his great strength knocked Esmie off him before taking to his feet and running around the camp.

  “Voltaire, you big devil of a lug, I am not finished with you yet!” Esmie gave chase. The two of them ran all around and through the camp. Eventually, their chase led them in front of Fahn. It only took a second for one of Voltaire’s rather large feet to trample the ground in front of Fahn, crushing the piece of paper that she had been writing on.

  “Hey!” Fahn let out a soft, light-hearted growl as she too got up and gave pursuit. By now even Jozlyn had taken notice. Serra laughed harder as the chase made another circuit around the camp. Voltaire hopped over Vonack. Fahn and Esmie followed as Vonack finally roused himself. Within the next lap, Voltaire’s eyes met the eyes of Serra. Instantly, she knew his intentions as he made his way to her.

  “Oh no. You leave me out of this, Voltaire!” Serra bellowed as Voltaire reached her. Easily picking her up, he then held Serra in front of him to shield himself from the wrath of Fahn and Esmie. “Esmie, Fahn, do something!”

  Esmie and Fahn reached Voltaire quickly enough, Esmie first. “Don’t think that will save you!” Both the pursuers connected with their quarry. Holding Serra in front of him did not impede them in the slightest. They engulfed Voltaire and Serra
equally and all four collapsed upon the ground where a fierce wrestling match ensued. For those that were looking on, it was hard to decipher the chaos amidst the laughter and taunting.

  Finally, Jozlyn had reached her tolerance level. Turning from her horse Surewind, she faced those responsible for the disruption. “If you four are quite finished maybe we should start thinking about–”

  Jozlyn then faced an array of objects handy to the four wrestling. Jozlyn stopped mid-sentence as she was hit with a piece of bread, a spoon, a shoe and a half-eaten piece of fruit. Jozlyn looked down at the points of impact, before wiping off the front of her long jacket. Wordlessly she walked over to the group at play. Looking down, it was obvious that she was not amused at all. “I want you to know that I plan on shooting you. All of you.”

  The four individuals jumbled together on the ground looked at the young gunslinger. It was Serra that reached up and grabbed Jozlyn’s arm, pulling her into the pile. The four instantly turned their attention to Jozlyn, holding her down as they tickled the daylights out of her. Jozlyn expressed her disapproval almost immediately. The color rose to her face as she stared at those above her.

  “That’s enough! I meant it...damns to you all!” That was all that Jozlyn could muster before losing her breath. Unfortunately, her tormentors were far from through.

  Sadly, the entertainment was forced to end by the arrival of Rynsik. “The fun’s over, ladies and gentlemen. Ready yourselves, our work today isn’t finished.” His words were met with a collection of groans. It was only when the Ro'Nihn saw the gravity in Rynsik’s eyes that they ceased all complaints and immediately began to prepare.


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