Galactic War

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Galactic War Page 6

by Gerry A Saunders

  ‘Yes. And it’s about time you used your extra-brain cells,’ came Cindy’s reply.

  He was surprised that he’d succeeded and that he was able to sense genuine pleasure in Cindy’s mind. So, had a bond already formed between the two of them?

  “What are your orders, Captain,” Ronin asked interrupting Gerry’s thoughts.

  “I’ll come to you in a minute,” he snapped. Then turned his attention back to Cindy.

  “I suppose your Time-ship had to stretch time to dump you on me?”

  “Back to speech already, are we?” Cindy asked.” Well, OK then. But I wouldn’t say I was dumped on you. I can already see the benefits from being this close, Captain,” she added.

  Gerry blushed, sensing Cindy’s implication. Then Cindy randomly spun around on the spot, and her skirt swirled out and up leaving a silhouette of her body on the holo-screen.

  Gerry couldn’t help being mesmerized by the sight of her visible form, and his body involuntarily reacted. But he quickly managed to control himself.

  “You’re going to be trouble for me,” he warned.

  “Maybe. But I can see we are meant to be together,” Cindy softly replied.

  Gerry felt embarrassed at first. Then, realizing that his ex-girlfriend Abby was finally out of his system, decided to give in.

  “Okay,” he replied. “Now that we’re stuck with each other, why are you really here Cindy?”

  “My Delta chamber concluded that you needed more help than they first envisaged.”

  “Thanks a lot,” Gerry muttered, disappointed with her answer.

  Gerry fancied Cindy like hell. And, as their minds touched again, he knew she felt the same. But just then, for a split second, he sensed something else that sent a shiver down his spine.

  “Okay…. Right, Ronin. You are a temporal extraction from 2620, I believe,” Gerry said trying to cover up his feeling of foreboding.

  “We already know that Captain,” Ronin answered.

  “Yes, but Cindy’s mind tells me that you are unstable. And apparently, your location and condition are fluctuating within something called a temporal overlay.”

  Cindy went to say something, but Gerry put his hand up to stop her.

  “Just a minute Cindy. Ronin why risk the human’s timeline by bringing an unstable ship into this time-period in the first place?”

  “I cannot answer that.”

  “Can’t, or won't?”

  “Can’t. I have no data on that.”

  “Okay. But, you must have been given orders, because I haven’t a clue about what we are expected to do next.”

  Gerry turned and looked at Cindy. “Or, maybe you know?”

  Cindy didn’t reply.

  “So, Cindy. Were you just using your body to control me?”

  “No. I was as surprised as you to find I really like you. You are different.”

  “H’m, perhaps you’ve been through Delta’s rejuvenation units too many times. And, like Charlotte, you just need a random male to mate with to provide you with offspring,” he snapped.

  On seeing Cindy’s hurt expression, however, Gerry realized what he had just said, and felt ashamed at how it must have sounded. Sure enough, he would like to have sex with her, but only for the right reasons.

  “You are wrong, Gerry,” Cindy finally said. “You are wrong to hurt me.”

  “If I am, then I apologize. But see it from my point of view. You drop in unannounced. Sexy as hell. Why? None of it makes sense. Take Ronin, he doesn’t know why his vessel has been yanked into this time period. His entropy is all wrong for him to be stable, or to remain here long-term.”

  “That is true, Captain,” Ronin agreed.

  “See, it doesn’t make sense. Unless Ronin’s temporal transition has removed any orders, he was given,” Gerry added.

  Gerry studied the sphere for a while. “Ronin, you must have been given orders, or information, at some point in time. Maybe an unclear program? Something, anything?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Why the hell didn’t you say so?”

  “You never let me finish, Captain Stevens.”

  “Grief. A ship with attitude. Well, what next?”

  “We will be rendezvousing with one of the Varon’s ships, to meet with one of their High Seer’s,” Ronin informed Gerry. “And, as I understand it, he will tell you what your role will be.”

  “Tamar’s ship, I assume. When?”

  “In five days, jump time.”

  “So, if this ship can jump faster and further than any ships in this time-period can. How far can you jump, in my terms?”

  “1043.7 light years.”

  “In one jump?”

  “Yes, if necessary,” Ronin stated.

  “Well, I hope your exit targeting is better than your attempt at underground camouflage?”

  Ronin didn’t answer.

  “Wait a minute, Ronin. You said if necessary?”

  “Yes,” Ronin enigmatically replied.

  “Captain, a new update shows that we will be rendezvousing with a different ship, in fourteen hours,” Ronin then informed Gerry.

  “Who’s giving you updates, Ronin? And, what ship?”

  Ronin paused before replying. “My, my, Captain. At least you are finally thinking and asserting your authority,” he said.

  “Don’t worry. The two humans onboard this ship won’t be disturbing you, they are well above your mental level,” the ship’s AI added.

  “Geeze,” Gerry exclaimed.

  Gerry ignored the fact that Ronin hadn’t told him where the updates were coming from when he’d asked. But he didn’t like Ronin’s inference about his poor mental ability. However, he decided to ignore the statement as Ronin was definitely mentally superior to him and could even converse with him without the use of transceiver devices.

  “Ronin. One question…. How did Tamar mentally warn me off when my Runabout was coming into land close to the two derelicts?”

  “An automatic warning system is still active inside one of the Varon hulls.”

  “That makes sense. But, it was a mental instruction.”

  “You are not the only ones to have some degree of mental competence,” Ronin cautioned.

  “Then, things could get very interesting. Prepare to jump, Ronin. The sooner we meet this other ship, the sooner we can meet these supposedly extinct Varons.”

  Gerry then saw Ronin merging with his ship’s primary control AI.

  Just for an instant, he saw a wall of flickering lights that appeared to engulf Ronin, then the interface sphere vanished. But that glimpse of Ronan merging, made Gerry finally realize that Ronin really was as it had said, just an interface between them and the massive ship’s AI.

  He turned to Cindy. “Well, this means we’ll have plenty of time to get to know what this ship is capable of.”

  Cindy didn’t reply. She was waiting for Gerry to apologize for his rejuvenation comment, and for saying she just wanted someone she could mate with, to provide her with offspring, like Charlotte had.

  Gerry sensed Cindy’s mental impatience at his lack of an apology. He also knew that he needed to be careful. Knowing that if Cindy decided to be difficult, his mental ability would be no match for her mental powers.

  “Maybe I was too hasty in judging you,” he said.

  “You were… Are we still good?”

  “I guess so. Let’s start again,” Gerry urged.

  Then Gerry felt Cindy touch his mind, and he sensed a warmness that stirred him.

  He couldn’t believe it, he’d made Cindy blush.

  Chapter 12

  A Friend from the past

  Stardate, 2330.035.

  Location: Mars. Area 7. Level 10, Restricted zone.

  Even though Frank and Susanna were concerned at the risky strategy their children Alex and Carina had already set in motion, to hopefully thwart Charlotte’s attempt at Galactic control, they were confident that their children could look after themselves.

/>   However, they were relieved that Carina’s twin, Helen, had opted to stay on Earth with Susanna’s Aunt and Uncle until Alex needed her, even though Helen was making mental progress, courtesy of the extra brain-cell treatment, she was having.

  Now, Frank and Susanna were about to board the Starship Andromeda once again, to travel to the Jupiter shipyard complex. Where they would carry-out the specific checks that were essential in determining any mental anomalies with the crews who were controlling the Robotic mining operations still taking place in the Asteroid belt.

  These checks would also be carried out on the mining crews controlling the Robotic operations on the Galilean Moons, IO, Ganymede, and Europa, whose resources had proved to be vital in the construction and maintenance of the Jupiter shipyard.

  Even though these facilities were being used to obtain the necessary materials, Earth and Mars shipbuilding resources were still needed and were just a few days flight time from Jupiter’s yards.

  Frank and Susanna’s automated shuttle swung onto an intercept course with Andromeda, which was already waiting in Area 7’s restricted zone, one million kilometers out from Mars.

  Through the shuttle’s forward window, Frank could see Andromeda, gleaming like a reddish gold colored cigar in Mars’s reflected light. Although Andromeda was over a kilometer long, she was small in comparison to the new Heavy-Cruisers coming out of the Mars and Jupiter construction yards.

  There had initially been thirty crew cabins on the Andromeda, with fifteen on each side of a central corridor. However, some had been turned into executive suites for the dignitaries that Andromeda had to transport between the Tri-Axis hierarchy’s worlds.

  The Captain’s cabin had also been enlarged by including an adjacent cabin to provide suitable accommodation for Frank and Susanna, with some of the executive suites having been redesigned over the years to accommodate their growing family.

  Two short corridors, off the central one, linked the habitation section with the ships technical departments. Including Quantum Engineering, Weapons, Astro, and Data Analysis. Together with a Medical Department, and other services that were crucial to the operation of the vessel. With the Space Marines accommodation behind this and opposite the Recycling plant.

  Frank could see Andromeda growing larger by the second. And, as the shuttle drew closer to the ship, both Frank and Susanna could feel an increase in Andromeda’s anticipation of seeing them again.

  Just beyond Andromeda, Frank saw two of the many upgraded weapon’s platform structures that protected the Mars complex. And, even at this distance, he was sure that he could just make out the Starship Construction Domes on the surface of Mars. And, the five StarShip assembly space-docks in high orbit around the planet.

  As the Shuttle slid to a halt one meter from Andromeda’s forward airlock, both Frank and Susanna sensed her welcoming presence encompassing them. Andromeda was in effect alive. So, being cut off from her usual crew members transceivers had made her feel alone and deserted. But, now that Frank and Susanna were boarding, she knew things were about to get exciting again.

  A few moments later, after the force transfer tube had established, then pressurized to match Andromeda’s internal pressure, Andromeda sanctioned the lock’s activation code, and the outer airlock door slid open.

  Frank and Susanna then stepped through the transfer tube into the lock. The outer door closed behind them, as the inner door opened, and they walked through a short passageway into an open area that they could see led into what appeared to be the central corridor. Frank mentally noted several armed marines standing guard at strategic points along this central corridor, and saw that all were in full battle armor, with heavy-duty blasters at the ready.

  Just then, Frank felt the Shuttle disengage from Andromeda, readying itself for its homeward journey.

  Two fully armed Marines, dressed in the newly designed lightweight battle armor, came down the corridor to check them over. As they drew closer, Frank saw that one of them was a Captain.

  “Welcome aboard,” Marine Captain Thomas Reece, greeted.

  “T-Rex. Thought you’d retired long ago,” Frank exclaimed, using the Marine’s nickname.

  “Thought you had too, Captain,” Thomas replied, with a big smile on his face, relieved that Frank hadn’t forgotten him.

  “Well, Thomas, all three of us must be nuts or just over-enthusiastic,” Frank joked.

  Thomas was pleased that Frank was using first names.

  “Good to see you, Susanna,” he said to her.

  “You too, Thomas.”

  Thomas was a timely reminder of the close link there had been between all of them, especially with Jenny.

  Frank recalled the events as if it was yesterday. At the time, Thomas had been like family to Frank and Susanna. And all three of them had shared a hatred for Cazer, the Crillon scientist who had injected an experimental drug into Jenny’s hand. Which had ultimately caused her to take her own life.

  “Still hurts doesn’t it Frank, even after all these years?”

  Frank didn’t answer, but his face reddened.

  “It certainly does Thomas,” Susanna agreed, noting Frank’s discomfort.

  Although Frank could have quickly scanned for other lifeforms on the Andromeda, he nevertheless asked Thomas for a headcount.

  “Can I assume there are only Marines onboard, Thomas?”

  “Yes. Myself. Sargent Masson, and eight more marines.”

  ‘So, apart from him and Susanna, the only other lifeforms on board were the ten marines,’ Frank thought to himself.

  “Excellent. We’re going to settle in and prepare for tomorrow,” Frank stated as both he and Susanna turned to enter the main corridor.

  “Of course, Captain.”

  “Oh, and Thomas. Keep your men sharp. I feel…, something…. imminent,” Frank cautioned.

  “We’ll be ready.”

  “Good,” Frank replied, as he headed for the captain’s quarters with Susanna.

  ‘Frank, why did you insist that these Marines had two doses of cell-injections, instead of one?’ Susanna mentally queried as they walked down the corridor.

  ‘That’s simple. Andromeda felt vulnerable because of her brain-cell enhancing production facility, and her replication of the Cryopreservation injectors.’

  ‘That makes sense.’ Susanna agreed.

  ‘Frank, the Shuttle has departed,’ Andromeda mentally informed. ‘We are clear to proceed.’

  ‘Prepare our micro-jump protocols and send them to the Jupiter Ship construction yard’s central command,’ Frank ordered.

  ‘Gaudian Weapons platform control has given flight path clearance, and Jupiter central has provided exit coordinates, Frank. But, authority to proceed has been delayed for one Standard hour to allow local traffic clearance,’ Andromeda returned.

  “Fine. That’ll give us more time to settle in,” Frank voiced out loud.

  “Susanna. You asked if I could improve the bullets for your antique pistol,” Andromeda said, following Franks lead once again in using speech to communicate.

  “Well, I have, and my Droids have manufactured a quantity of these, plus a new fast-draw belt. The new ammunition is already with your weapons.”

  “Thanks, Andromeda.”

  “Do not use them inside, Susanna,” Andromeda cautioned.

  “Of course not. I’ll be careful.”

  Once inside the Captain’s cabin, it seemed sparsely furnished to them both as they looked around. There was an automatic food vending unit. Next to that was a holographic entertainment projector, plus a small table and sofa. While, at the far end, Susanna’s twin pistols hung on the wall in their fast-draw holsters, next to a door into Frank and Susanna’s sleeping quarters.

  Susanna went straight over to look at the modified pistols.

  “Are you still messing around with those playthings?” Frank asked.

  “You have your playthings, Frank. Besides, my pistols aren’t playthings,” Susanna muttered, smelling
the leather.

  “If you remember, they were very effective in that short battle against the Crillons at the industrial compound on Delta Pavonis,” she added.

  Frank just shrugged his shoulders.

  “They look really genuine, Andromeda,” Susanna then said.

  “Yes. The pistols are exact copies. So, logically, they are as authentic as they can be.”

  Susanna didn’t bother to reply to that. She was just pleased that the pistols looked and felt authentic.

  Meanwhile, Frank was thinking about Susanna’s ‘plaything’ remark. He knew she was just teasing him. But, she was right he didn’t really have any playthings. All that mattered to him was his family’s survival. And, of course, humanity.

  Just then, Andromeda sent out a distress call, warning that a ship had just de-cloaked, 200 meters off her port bow.

  Chapter 13

  Fight for survival

  Andromeda’s battle-warning alarm rang throughout the ship, but only the Marines and Andromeda’s own security droids responded.

  The Marines jumped into action, each energizing their body armor force-field protection system. Then, quickly activated the portable multi-layer intruder defense-fields across the warp generator access point, Andromeda’s processing and memory banks, and the access lock-down for all cabins along the main corridor.

  “What do we have?” Frank asked.

  “A ship that is similar to a Garoden Pathfinder,” Andromeda stated, as the intruder ship’s image appeared on Frank’s display console. “But it’s not, the ship’s too small,” she stated.

  Frank agreed with Andromeda that this ship looked different and was much smaller than a Pathfinder. He also knew the limitations of a Garoden Pathfinder ship, in that its forcefield and weapons systems were no match for the Tri-Axis fleet’s heavy cruisers, or for the fleet’s larger vessels. And as far as he knew, the Garoden ship could only support a maximum of two crew members during its thousand-light year voyage. Frank was also sure that it could only just about jump 100 light-years at a time.


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