Evolving Brains, Emerging Gods

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Evolving Brains, Emerging Gods Page 33

by E Fuller Torrey

  Anterior insula, 47–49, 63; introspective self and, 84, 85, 86

  Anterior temporal pole, 256n30

  Anthropomorphism, 83, 197, 213–14; of Mesopotamian gods, 172, 175–76

  Aphrodite, 200

  Archaic Homo Sapiens, 68. See also Neandertals

  Archeology of Death and Burial, The (Pearson), 23, 147–48

  Arcuate fasciculus, 14, 15, 62

  Armstrong, Karen, 199, 202

  Arts, 19, 71; children related to, 105; of modern Homo sapiens, 95–101, 102–3; by Neandertals, 95. See also Cave art

  Aryans, 196

  Asclepius, 160

  Association areas, 32–33

  Association cortex, 33, 62

  Assyria, 196

  Astronomy, 188

  Atkinson, Quentin, 81

  Atran, Scott, 220

  Aurochs (cattle), 144

  Australia, 18, 73, 119, 123

  Australopithecus, 25–26, 242n6

  Austria, 93, 97

  Autism, 60; belief in God and, 66

  Autobiographical memory (episodic memory), 204, 205, 259n34; animals and, 108; of children, 104–5; future related to, 106–8, 128–29; grave goods and, 124–25; of Homo sapiens, 3–4, 16, 19; human revolution and, 120–21; hunting with, 108–10; language and, 110; of modern Homo sapiens, 104–9, 125–29, 126; Neandertals and, 108–9; uncinate fasciculus and, 128; understanding of death and, 110–13; visual arts and, 120–22; without agriculture, 161–64

  Avebury, xiii–xiv, 187–90

  Axial age, 198–202

  Ba, 179

  BA 6. See Premotor cortex

  BA 7. See Superior parietal

  BA 8. See Frontal cortex

  BA 9. See Lateral prefrontal cortex

  BA 10. See Frontal pole

  BA 22. See Posterior superior temporal area

  BA 23. See Posterior cingulate

  BA 24. See Anterior cingulate

  BA 32. See Anterior cingulate

  BA 35. See Parahippocampal gyrus

  BA 36. See Parahippocampal gyrus

  BA 38. See Temporal pole

  BA 39. See Inferior parietal lobe

  BA 40. See Inferior parietal lobe

  BA 46. See Lateral prefrontal cortex

  BA 47. See Orbital frontal cortex; Orbitofrontal region

  Baboons, 24–25, 42, 58, 115

  Babylon, 169, 196, 199, 201, 269n11, 272n72

  Baldwin, James, 133

  Balter, Michael, 36, 152

  Barama River Caribs, 234

  Baron-Cohen, Simon, 60, 80

  Basedow, Herbert, 156

  Batek, 237–38

  Baudelaire, Charles, 113–14

  Bauman, Zygmunt, 76

  Becker, Ernest, 116, 202

  Beer, 141–43, 168–69

  Belief in Gods, 1–2, 65–67

  Belief Instinct, The (Bering), 65

  Bella Coola Indians, 233

  Bellah, Robert, 200

  Bellwood, Peter, 146

  Bering, Jesse, 65

  Bicameral mind, 218

  Bickerton, Derek, 53, 79, 84

  Birds, 27

  Bismarck, Otto von, 200

  Bison, 99–100

  Blackfoot Indians, 139

  Boars (pigs), 144

  Bolivia, 119, 139, 235

  Bone tools, 70, 88, 102

  Bonobos, 28

  Book of the Dead, The, 182

  Bow and arrow, 89, 103

  Boyer, Pascal, 212, 214, 220

  Brain abnormalities, 43, 49–50, 127; semantic memory and, 107–8

  Brain evolution theory, 225–26. See also specific topics

  Brains: of children, 13–14; of chimpanzees, 12–13, 30, 33, 163, 226–27; mammalian, 18, 23–24; of monkeys, 18–19; postmortem, 12–13; of primates, 33. See also Autobiographical memory; Human brain

  Brain size, 10, 12–13, 243n12; of Hominins, 25–26; of Homo erectus, 38, 40, 45–46; of Homo habilis, 26–27, 29–30, 37–38; of Homo sapiens, 29, 84; of Neandertals, 52, 68–69, 84

  Brazil, 119, 235

  Breaking the Spell (Dennett), 214

  Breuil, Henri, 122–23, 262n65

  British Guiana, 234

  Brodgar, Scotland, 187–88

  Brodmann, Korbinian, 7, 8, 240n9, 245n20

  Brooks, Alison, 101

  Buddhism, 196, 198–200

  Burger, Richard, 197

  Burial, xiv, 171–72; agriculture related to, 147, 149; beneath houses, 149, 152; in Egypt, 178–79; of Neandertals, 54–55, 92, 94–95; place for, 151–52; stones for, 186–87. See also Grave goods

  Burial mounds, 223

  Burl, Aubrey, 189–90

  Buttermore, Nicole, 20

  Cairns, 186–87

  California, 231

  Canada, 139, 232–34

  Canela Indians, 235

  Cannibalism, 115

  Caral, Peru, 193

  Carroll, Lewis, 107

  Carved human figures, 134–36, 138

  Carver, George Washington, 80

  Çatalhöyük , Turkey, 152–53, 159–60

  Cattle (aurochs), 144

  Cauvin, Jacques, 149, 153, 159–60

  Cave art, 96–97, 102–3, 110; animals in, 98–99, 121, 124; geometric figures in, 100–1; handprints in, 100, 121; human figures in, 99–100; religion related to, 121–24; shamans in, 122

  Çayönü, Turkey, 136–37

  Cereals, 140–42

  Cerebellum, 126, 128

  Ceremonial buildings, 135–37

  Ceremonies, 135–36, 139

  Ceylon, 138–39

  Chauvet cave art, 96–98, 100, 102, 121–23

  Children, 15–16; autobiographical memory of, 104–5; brains of, 13–14; lateral prefrontal cortex of, 163; self-awareness of, 40–41; temples and, 173; theory of mind and, 56–57, 74–75, 82; understanding of death related to, 114–15

  Chimpanzee brains, 12–13, 30, 33, 163, 226–27

  Chimpanzee-hominin split, 11, 25

  Chimpanzees, 28, 108; monkeys compared to, 43–44, 49; parallel evolution and, 25; self-awareness of, 43–44; understanding of death related to, 115

  China, xiii–xiv, 190, 197; alcohol in, 145–46, 154; grave goods in, 191–92

  Chipewyan Indians, 234

  Christianity, 77, 201, 234, 255n16

  Cingulate. See Anterior cingulate; Posterior cingulate

  Cingulum, 14, 15, 128

  City-states, 174–75

  Climate, 39–40, 161, 263n2; agriculture and, 133–34

  Clothing, fitted, 71, 89

  Clottes, Jean, 121

  Clutton-Brock, Juliet, 144

  Cognitive domains, 8–9

  Collins, Francis, 2

  Colorado, 230

  Comanche Indians, 230

  Comfort theories, 211–13

  Communication, 139

  Conscription, 35

  Convergent evolution, 242n18

  Cooking, 39

  Cooperative hunting, 109–10, 134

  Corpus callosum, 34

  Cosquer cave art, 98, 123

  Cox, James, 138

  Craig, Bud, 41–42

  Cree Indians, 232–33

  Creek Indians, 229

  Crete, 197

  Crick, Francis, 1

  Critchley, Macdonald, 6–7

  Croucher, Karina, 137–38, 144, 147, 149–50

  Czech Republic, 93

  d’Aquili, Eugene, 216

  Darwin, Charles, 4–6, 43, 203–4, 240n7; Tylor and, 110–11, 206

  Darwin’s Cathedral (Wilson), 208

  Dating, 11, 88

  Dawkins, Richard, 220

  Dawn of Human Culture, The (Klein and Edgar), 95

  Deacon, Terrence, 79

  Death, 139, 195, 199, 202; decomposition after, 111–12; Egypt and, 178–82; fear of, 113–14; Hominins and, 111–12; human brain after, 9; land of, 119–20; Mesopotamian gods and, 169–70; in wars, 174–75. See also Ancestor worship; Burial; Dreams; Understanding, of death

  “Defence of Poetry, A” (Shelley), 51

  Deification, 156, 165

  DeLoache, Judy, 105

  Dementia, 43, 49–50, 127

  Denial of Death, The (Becker), 202

  Denisovans, 52

  Dennett, Daniel, 214

  Depersonalization, 42–43, 48

  Descartes, 42

  Descent of Man, The (Darwin), 5

  Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), 13–14

  Dinosaurs, 24

  DNA, 11; of Homo sapiens, 72–73

  Dobzhansky, Theodosius, 77, 113, 213

  Dogs, 143, 148

  Dolmen, 186

  Dolphins, 44, 49

  Domesticated Animals from Early Times (Clutton-Brock), 144

  Domestication, 133; animal, 143–44; plant, 20, 140–42

  Donald, Merlin, 40

  Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 221

  Dreams, 205; HRAF on, 119, 229–38; religion related to, 117–19

  DTI. See Diffusion tensor imaging

  Dumuzi, 168–69

  Dunbar, Robin, 78–79, 81, 97, 201–2; on social brain hypothesis, 35–36

  Durkheim, Émile, 123, 195–96, 206–7

  Early Homo sapiens. See Neandertals

  Eastern Apache Indians, 230–31

  Eccles, John, 14, 77, 90, 106

  Economics, 172–73

  Edgar, Blake, 95

  Egypt, 155, 196; death and, 178–82; grave goods in, 180–82; pyramids in, 179, 194–95; temple of, 177; writing of, 176–77

  Egyptian gods, 177–78, 182

  Einstein, Albert, 14, 34

  Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, The (Durkheim), 207

  Elephants, 44, 49, 115, 225–26

  Eliot, T. S., 87, 107, 114

  Empathy, 55–56, 60–61

  End of Faith, The (Harris), 204

  Engineering, 183

  England: Silbury Hill, xiii–xiv, 188; Stonehenge, 134, 189, 190, 195, 222–23. See also Avebury

  Enki, 166–68, 194, 208

  Epic of Gilgamesh, The, 169–70

  Epilepsy, 215

  Episodic memory. See Autobiographical memory

  Eskimos, Chugach, 139

  Ethics, 169

  Euhemeros of Macedonia, 156

  Evidence: children as, 14–16; DTI in, 13–14; fMRI in, 13; hominin skulls as, 9–11; postmortem brains as, 12–13; tools as, 10; white matter connecting tracts in, 13–14, 15

  Evolution, 35, 59, 242n18, 245n1; of human brain, 225–28; terminology about, xiv–xv. See also Parallel evolution; specific topics

  Evolutionary theory, 3–6

  Evolution of the Brain: Creation of the Self (Eccles), 90

  Evolving God (King), 207

  Executive functions, 162–63

  Faces in the Clouds: A New Theory of Religion (S. Guthrie), 213–14

  Fagan, Brian, 53, 55, 89

  Faith Instinct, The (Wade), 207–8

  Fear, 113–14

  Feasting, 135–36, 143

  Feder, Kenneth, 28, 38

  Fertile Crescent, 140–44

  Fertility, 160, 167–68

  Figurines, 102, 184, 192–93; high gods related to, 159–60; Venus, 93, 97, 100

  Fire, 39–40

  First-order theory of mind, 56, 75

  Fishing, 89, 102

  Flechsig, Paul Emil, 7, 32, 163, 227, 276n5

  fMRI. See Functional MRI

  Food, 169, 180–81; cannibalism, 115; cereals, 140–42; cooking, 39; feasting, 135–36, 143; meat eating, 27. See also Domestication

  Forebrain, 24, 242n1

  Foresight, 259n35

  Four Quartets (Eliot), 87, 107

  France, 96–97, 100

  France, Anatole, 30

  Frazer, James, 222

  Freud, Sigmund, 211

  Frith, Chris, 56

  Fromm, Erich, 116

  Frontal cortex (BA 8), 61, 63, 64

  Frontal lobe, 33, 127, 216; of Homo habilis, 30–31; theory of mind and, 63–64

  Frontal pole (BA 10), 63, 64, 84, 85, 225; autobiographical memory and, 126, 127; intelligence and, 31–33, 32

  Frontotemporal dementia, 49–50, 127

  Functional MRI (fMRI), 13

  Future, 106–8, 128–29

  Gage, Phineas, 60–61

  Gallup, Gordon, 42–43

  Gargas cave art, 100, 102

  Genetic theories, 217–18

  Geography, 51–52

  Geometric figures, 100–1

  Germany, 97

  Gervais, Will, 66

  Ghosts, 230–31, 234–35

  Gilgamesh, 169–70, 269n11

  Gillings, Mark, 188–90

  Gimbutas, Marija, 184

  Glial cells, 6, 225–26, 276n1

  Goats, 143–44

  Göbekli Tepe, Turkey, 137–40, 143, 158; carved human figures in, 134–35; as ceremonial center, 135–36

  God contests, 220–21, 275n38

  God Delusion, The (Dawkins), 220

  God Gene, The (Hamer), 217–18

  “God gene,” 217–19

  Gods, xiii, 6, 23, 191, 240n3; adaptionists on, 218–20; anthropomorphism of, 83, 197; as by-products, 220–21; governments and, 170–72, 195–96, 200, 204–5, 205; introspective self and, 82–83; monotheism, 2, 196, 201; Neandertals and, 67; need for, 221–22; pattern-seeking theories and, 83; second-order theory of mind and, 82; from spirits, 156–58, 165; term use of, xv, 123; writing and, 160–61. See also specific topics

  God’s Brain (Tiger and McGuire), 212

  Gold, 184–85

  Goodall, Jane, 115

  Gorillas, 43, 58

  Gould, Stephen Jan, 24, 37

  Governments, 4, 198; gods and, 170–72, 195–96, 200, 204–5, 205. See also Mesopotamian gods

  Grave goods, 102–3, 148, 189, 194, 229; afterlife and, 125, 152; autobiographical memory and, 124–25; in China, 191–92; definition of, 94–95; in Egypt, 180–82; food as, 169, 180–81; of modern Homo sapiens, 92–95, 102–3; in Pakistan, 183–84; of royalty, 171–72; from Southeastern Europe, 184–85; Tylor on, 124–25; wealth in, 92–93; in Western Europe, 185–86

  Great Plains, 230

  Great Spirit, 230, 232, 240n3

  Greeks, 156, 176, 178, 197, 200

  Grids of connectivity, 8–9

  Guthrie, Dale, 88, 124, 143, 161

  Guthrie, Stewart, 212–14

  Gyri, 10, 227, 277n6

  Gyrification, 227–28, 277n6

  Hallowell, A. Irving, 118

  Hallucinations, 122, 218, 236

  Hamer, Dean, 217–19

  Hamilton, Edith, 178

  Hamlet (fictitious character), 113

  Handprints, 100, 121

  Harappans, 182–84

  Harris, Sam, 204, 221

  Hawkes, Jacquetta, 150, 153

  Hayden, Brian, 122, 142–43

  Herodotus, 178, 201

  Hick, John, 199

  High gods, xv, 20, 138; population and, 158–59, 166; statues related to, 159–60

  Hindbrain, 242n1

  Hinde, Robert, 211–13

  Hinduism, 196

  Hippocampus, 126, 127–28, 216

  History of God, A (Armstrong), 199

  Hittites, 196

  Hobbes, Thomas, 116

  Hodder, Ian, 153, 160

  Homer, 2

  Hominids, xiv–xv

  Hominins, xiv–xv, 9–11, 67; brain size of, 25–26; cognitive skill of, 3–4; death and, 111–12; Neandertals and, 69, 87

  Homo erectus, 50–51, 255n16; brain size of, 38, 40, 45–46; fire and, 39–40; Homo habilis compared to, 37–38; migration of, 39–40; modern human and, 46–48, 47; self-awareness of, 42, 45–46, 129; tools of, 38–40, 245n3

  Homo habilis, 10, 129, 245n3; brain size of, 26–27, 29–30, 37–38; Homo erectus compared to, 37–38; parietal lobe of, 30–31; tools of, 27–28, 37

  Homo sapiens, xiv–xv; autobiographical memory of, 3–4, 16, 19; brain size of, 29, 84; DNA of, 72–73; human brain of, 29, 84–86; introspective self o
f, 84–86, 85, 129; migration of, 11–12, 71–73, 87; self-ornamentation of, 10, 70–71, 74; in Siberia, 73. See also Modern Homo sapiens

  Horses, 98–99

  Houses, 136–37, 149, 152

  How We Believe (Shermer), 214

  HRAF. See Human Relations Area Files

  Human-animal composites, 100

  Human brain, 5, 204, 240n9, 241n16, 243n12; after death, 9; chimpanzee brains compared to, 12–13, 30, 33, 163, 226–27; conscription within, 35; description of, 6–7, 7, 8; divisions of, 7, 7, 8; evolution of, 225–28; growth of, 205–6, 245n20; gyrification in, 227–28, 277n6; gyri of, 10, 227, 277n6; of Homo sapiens, 29, 84–86; language related to, 9, 80–81, 241n10; maturation within, 12; of modern Homo sapiens, 125–29, 126; myelin in, 226–27; natural selection and, 16–17; of Neandertals, 84–86, 85, 129; network of, 8–9; neurons of, 6, 24, 30, 33, 48–50, 64–65, 225–26, 240n8, 241n12; occipital area of, 7, 7, 10, 14, 30; opportunistic evolution and, 35; social brain hypothesis related to, 35–36; terminal zones of, 7, 32, 163, 227; tissues and, 12–13, 241n12. See also Brain size; White matter connecting tracts

  Human Connectome Project, 241n16

  Human figures, 134–36, 138; in cave art, 99–100; statues, 151, 159–60, 172, 181. See also Figurines

  Human Relations Area Files (HRAF), 119, 236–38; on Indians, 229–35

  Human revolution, 101; autobiographical memory and, 120–21

  Human sacrifices, 171–72

  Humphrey, Nicholas, 28–29, 56, 76

  Hunter-gatherers, 110, 119, 124, 134, 158; ancestor worship by, 138–40. See also Human Relations Area Files

  Hunting, 38–39, 53, 70, 134; with autobiographical memory, 108–10

  Ikram, Salma, 178

  Immortality, 170, 204, 205

  Indians: Bella Coola, 233; Blackfoot, 139; Canela, 235; Chipewyan, 234; Comanche, 230; Cree, 232–33; Creek, 229; Eastern Apache, 230–31; Inuit, 234; Mataco, 235; Nootkan, 233; Ojibwa, 118, 139, 232; Pawnee, 119; Pomo, 231; Stoney, 232; Tlingit, 231–32; Ute, 230; Yoruk, 231

  Indonesia, 96

  Inferior parietal cortex, 126

  Inferior parietal lobe (BA 39 and 40), 46, 47, 48, 228, 248n23; intelligence and, 31–32, 32, 34–35; theory of mind and, 63, 126, 126

  In Gods We Trust (Atran), 220

  Insula, 84, 86; self-awareness and, 46–47, 47; theory of mind and, 60, 62–64. See also Anterior insula

  Intelligence, 46; BA 9 and 46 related to, 31–32, 32; BA 24 and 32 and, 31–32, 32; BA 39 and 40 and, 31–32, 32, 34–35; corpus callosum and, 34

  Intentional burials: debates about, 94–95; of Neandertals, 54–55. See also Grave goods

  Intentional cultivation, 141

  Introspective self, 205, 255n16; animals without, 77; cognition of, 76–77; gods and, 82–83; of Homo sapiens, 84–86, 85, 129; language and, 78–82; neuroimaging studies on, 84–86, 85; white matter connecting tracts and, 86


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