Cassie's Dream
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stepped into a different world.
Adorning the path that led up the side of the mountain were layers of soft dark green moss that covered the ground like a huge blanket. With each step Cassie took it felt like her footsteps were bouncing on top of the plush green mounds.
The view was gorgeous. It looked like a page from a storybook that was unfolding right before Cassie’s eyes.
As she approached the knoll at the top of Ranson’s Creek, the rolling mountains nestled themselves all around the mansion where they were accented by white fluffy clouds that seemed to be suspended in fixed positions. They glistened with the glow of the golden sun-floating overhead beneath a rich blue sky.
This hastened Cassie’s excitement and encouraged each step she took as she moved forward.
With curiosity swelling inside, Cassie knew she must get to the mansion for even a more closer look.
After walking the curvy path that made its way up the hillside leading to the mansion, Cassie found herself standing in the midst of a lovely, colorful flower garden.
The awesome view was captivating and more beautiful than she could have ever imagined. It was beyond her belief. She wanted to pick a handful of flowers for her mom, but didn’t dare to intrude on someone else’s beautiful and bountiful bouquet.
Cassie’s mom, Sandra, had a lovely flower garden on the south side of their house that overlooked a nearby apple orchard, but nothing compared to this.
There were vibrant red and pink roses, golden daffodils, and lilies of all sizes and colors. Also, there were white, yellow and orange daisies and behind the flowers were more fruit trees than Cassie had ever seen in one place.
Every flower that Cassie could imagine was there and according to Grandpa, white lilies and pink roses were among Grandma Annie’s favorite flowers.
Grandpa had told Cassie that those were the flowers that Ms. Annie had carried when they had gotten married.
So easily enough, Cassie had decided to make these her favorites as well.
The ground looked like a magnificent rainbow, just waiting for the arrival of their new guest.
Cassie could feel her eyes watering because it was so breath-taking and wondrous, but the mere thought of a tear falling in such a beautiful place as this, surely, could not be allowed.
Cassie kept looking back as if looking for Grandpa. She wondered if he had seen her making her way to the top of the knoll.
The huge mansion had stonewalls that could be seen from all directions afar off. Cascades of red roses climbed up and down the trellises all around the gardens.
It looked as if sprays of light were being cast down from heaven as the sun danced on their pedals. A gentle breeze blew them back and forth in a soft, waving motion.
Cassie knew that this had to be someplace very special and could hardly wait to find out.
As Cassie approached the front door, she looked at the magnificent white marble pillars that stood extremely tall; just past the entrance.
She quickly thought of the marble bed table in Grandpa’s room where he kept his picture of Ms. Annie. He had her perched there where he could see her before going to bed.
The table had belonged to her Grandmother, Casandra.
Huge crystal chandeliers hung in the entrance outside the front Fourier. Cassie had seen many outside lights before, but nothing compared to their size. They were elegant! The crystal gems that hung down glistened like diamonds, while various colors were cast all about from the sun’s radiant beams.
Large plants adorned the steps with green foliage cascading over the edges of huge pots while the shiny tiled floors sparkled like glass. They were as clear as the spring water that ran down the hillside flowing into Ranson’s Creek.
Cassie’s thoughts were racing as her eyes went to and fro, trying to retain all that she saw.
Everything was whirling around in her head as she skipped from pillar to pillar along the front of the mansion’s entry. She did not want to miss a thing!
Cassie knocked on the front door of the mansion but when no one answered, she decided to peek inside.
She looked beside her as she stood at the entrance and there was a vase of white lilies that were in perfect bloom. She picked one because she thought surly no one would miss just one. She then placed it behind her right ear; smiling with pleasure as she thought of Grandma Annie’s photo; the one with the white lily in her hair behind her right ear.
Cassie peeked through an oval stained glass window which was right above one of the pots. But, the glass was very thick and with its abundance of multi-colors glowing through the prisms, it made it more difficult for her to see inside.
Cassie knocked again, but still no answer.
“This place is so close to home”, she thought, “but yet, it’s so far away”.
She knew that if it belonged to anyone for miles around, she and Grandpa would have known about it long before now.
Cassie knew people throughout Jackson County, but at Ranson’s Creek!
It just didn’t make sense to her.
Something strange was going on and Cassie was determined to find out.
While Cassie’s eyes were moving faster than she could turn her head, she again looked back to see if she could see Grandpa. The tall pines and huge oak trees blocked her view and made it difficult for her to see down the mountain.
Now, as Cassie stood at the front door, ---, “I must go in…I really must,” she told herself.
Cassie knocked again as she took hold of the large brass door handle, then the door seemed to open effortlessly by its self as if to say, “Welcome Cassie.”
Slowly she walked inside and called out, “Hello is anyone here?” “Hello-o-o, is anyone here?” There was no answer.
Once inside, the marvel of it all kept overwhelming Cassie. The beauty was so intense that from time to time it seemed to take her breath. She was still having a difficult time trying to grasp all that she saw, but she kept walking onward in anticipation of what would be next.
Cassie walked about inside the mansion. She had no fear because everything was so calm and peaceful once inside.
The magnificent beauty all around her was so captivating. She had never seen so much beauty in one place.
Cassie found herself in the center of a huge room made of stone. The arched Cathedral ceilings high above had magnificent etched carvings of cherubim’s in all four corners.
The sunlight gave an amber glow as it bounced through the stained glass windows high above the arches. Then, it pierced downward to the marbled floors below, as they bounced back, casting a golden hue in all directions.
Huge marble pillars stood tall before her. They appeared endless in their height as she looked upward.
A tall gold and bronze statue stood erect off to one side of the room. It was a lovely woman holding a small child draped in a flowing garment.
Cassie studied the statue for a few moments then walked on.
The tall open window in the back over-looked an elegant pond where ducks had flocked and were frolicking in a warm, summer bath.
Frogs chirped with a soothing lullaby as they rode atop the white lily pads that scanned across the pond while ducks floated gracefully across the ripples of water as they dipped their heads happily in and out.
Birds were singing a sweet melody as they softly glided over the pond in front of a massive burgundy rose bush, landing on the tall tree branches near the open window. Bright green ivy crept upward and back down again clinging tightly to the rock walls.
“The birds sang wonderfully,” she thought.
“The beauty never ends,” Cassie said out loud, as if talking to someone nearby. But she knew she was alone in this strange and lovely, but unique place.
Thick silver wallpaper with raised coral leaf designs tracked up and down the walls that led to the upstairs. Cassie knew she must see what lies ahead. It was as if something was pulling her forward and she had no resistance.
As Cassie approach
ed the staircase, she chuckled when she looked up to see what appeared to be a thousand steps. Maybe even a thousand and one!
“I wonder where this leads?” her thoughts rang silently in her ears.
As she started up the circular staircase, she looked at pictures hanging snugly onto the walls.
She was startled that one of the paintings looked like her; the one Grandpa has in his wallet.
She was four at the time.
“Is that me?” she asked herself.
The portrait had been sketched with rich vibrant oils on a thick woven canvas. Cassie noticed that the eyes in the painting followed her every move and felt as if she was watching herself as she ascended toward the top.
The staircase was made of cherry wood and had an elegant lovely oriental rug that looked as if it flowed on top of each step as it went upward.
Still, all this was so comforting and warm to Cassie. Everything was so tastefully in place!
Cassie’s heart was pounding heavily by now, but with each step, she energetically wanted to take one more. She had to see where this was going to lead her.
By the time Cassie was nearing the top of the second floor, she could hear soft gentle music playing although she could not detect its direction. It seemed to be flowing from all the rooms. Cassie felt a lump in her throat because no one had answered when she knocked at the front door and no one answered when she had called out upon entering the mansion. B
But now it seemed though someone was home and Cassie found herself realizing that she was not alone.
As she thought how strange all this seemed to be, she noticed that some items