Witch Charm (A Mackenzie Coven Mystery Book 4)

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Witch Charm (A Mackenzie Coven Mystery Book 4) Page 14

by Sonia Parin

  Just as Luna took off running, the orb expanded and turned green.

  Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Luna hesitate.

  What are you doing? Run.

  You need to head for the cottage.

  Was Luna kidding? Why would she head toward...

  Actually, that made sense.

  Lexie took off running. The fake Mirabelle orb followed fast on her heels. Looking over her shoulder she saw it expand even more as if it was gathering momentum... or power.

  Could an orb power up?

  And do what?


  Okay. Ask a silly question, get a stinging answer.

  She was being zapped.

  Lexie picked up speed, putting everything she had into getting her legs pumping faster. She caught a glimpse of Luna running along the wall. They were almost parallel now.

  As they reached the cottage, Luna caught up with her.

  “Catch me,” Luna called out.


  Catch me.

  Luna took a giant leap. Her legs spread. She looked like a flying squirrel. Lexie twisted and stretched her arms out in time to catch her.

  Now aim.

  Twisting again, she aimed Luna toward the orb.

  And that’s when she remembered.

  She had Luna. And she was powered up.

  Chapter Fourteen

  They’d hit their target but a blast from the rogue witches’ orb sent Lexie and Luna flying backward. They landed against the pile of logs.

  “Whatever you do, do not move,” Lexie warned.

  “Why?” Luna looked up. “Oh, I see.” She sprung out of Lexie’s arm just as a log fell and hit Lexie on the head.

  “I told you not to move. Ouch! That hurt.” Squinting and rubbing her head, she watched Luna saunter over to the orb.

  “It’s out for the count,” Luna said and sniffed it just as it began to disappear.

  Taking care not to dislodge any more logs, Lexie pushed herself to her feet.

  “What’s been happening?” Mirabelle asked rushing toward her.

  “Mirabelle? Is that really you?”

  “Of course it is. Who else would it be?”

  “A trio of wicked witches?” She strode around the side of the cottage and peered through the window.

  All three witches were lying flat on the floor. Yes, they’d managed to zap Lexie, but she had a secret weapon of her own. One she’d actually forgotten about.

  Luna could pack quite a punch. She had only recently discovered that when Luna had been used as a weapon against her. The experience had been a shock to them both and so they hadn’t really talked about it.

  “We were attacked by an orb pretending to be you.”

  “A what? How dare anyone try to impersonate me?”

  “By the way, I’m fine and so is Luna. I thought I’d let you know... In case you were interested. My head hurts. A log fell on it. Again... I’m only telling you in case you were interested.”

  “I’m more interested to know why this happened. Did you antagonize them?”

  “Hey. They came after us. And, I’m thinking they must have realized I’m onto them. I’ve been suspicious of the cooks from the start.” She just didn’t quite know how all the loose ends tied in together.

  “You’re not making sense. Did you say a log fell on your head? It must have done some damage.”

  “Where’s Jake?” Lexie asked.

  “I... I assume he’s where I left him. In your room.”

  “Still? I sent Luna to call you ages ago. You need to get him and bring him here. These three inside,” she pointed at the window, “Are as guilty as hell. Of what, I’m not sure, but he’ll get to the bottom of it.”

  Mirabelle’s orb didn’t move.

  “Oh, did I forget the magic word? Please? Would you kindly let Jake O’Rourke know it’s safe to come out of my bathroom?”

  “Much better,” Mirabelle murmured.

  As the orb rushed toward the house, Lexie considered what to do with the witches to make sure they didn’t suddenly disappear or... regrouped.

  “What are you doing?” Luna asked as she scampered over.

  “We need to secure the scene. Make sure they don’t cause any more havoc before Jake gets here.”

  Three witches to contend with.

  How had they managed to go undetected? She assumed Eloise and Penny didn’t know about them. She hoped that was the case. Both the headmistress and elocution tutor had been too concerned about attracting scandal to have allowed any witches to have the run of the place unchecked.

  Lexie looked around the grounds and then back at the cottage. Could she really give them the benefit of the doubt?

  Three rogue witches at their doorstep. Had the senior staff been duped or were they in on it?

  Lexie rushed inside the cottage.

  The maid stirred but she wasn’t fully conscious. Grabbing her ankles, Lexie dragged her out and pulled her well away from the cottage. Just to be on the safe side, she called Mirabelle. She didn’t get an answer so she assumed she was within the academy’s grounds where all magic had been bound... Except for Mirabelle’s, of course. But she operated from a distance.

  Luna scrunched up her little face. “What are you doing now?”

  “Separating them. There’s power in three. And it all seems to come together in that cottage and within the immediate grounds surrounding it.”

  Luna sniffed the maid and gave her a light prod with her paw. “They don’t strike me as powerful witches. In fact, I’d say they’re your ordinary garden variety type.”

  “Still, it doesn’t hurt to play it safe and... you didn’t get zapped by them. That really stung, so they do have some power.” She looked around. “Where’s Mirabelle.”

  “I see Jake O’Rourke coming. I think that’s Mirabelle hovering behind him. It looks like they’re arguing.”

  Lexie turned in time to see Jake swatting his hand at Mirabelle. “Oh, dear. I think he’s a bit annoyed with her.”

  “Look, we have an audience. The pupils all have their noses pressed against the windows. Now they’re all waving. Wave back to them.”

  Lexie rolled her eyes.

  “Well, if you’re not going to get into the spirit of it and since our work here is done, can we go home now?”

  “Not yet. We haven’t caught the killer.” Lexie saw Penny and the headmistress rushing toward them.

  Okay, time to roll up her sleeves and come up with a credible theory.

  “Ms Penelope and Ms Eloise are coming. You should make yourself presentable. Your sleeves have lost some of their puff,” Luna said as she gave her paw a lick.

  “I see you’re back to your old self again. Brace yourself. I’m going to rattle them and do a bit of finger pointing. I warn you, do not bite me.”

  Jake reached them first. “Is everyone all right?” He shifted his attention to the maid. “Who’s she?”

  “The maid and one of three rogue witches. They set an orb onto me. The other two are inside the cottage.” She filled Jake in on the family tree she’d found in the headmistress’ office. His expression shifted from surprised to concerned as a torrent or words tripped out of her.

  “You need to slow down and take a deep breath,” Jake suggested.

  Lexie nodded. “Eloise is Cynthia Lauriston’s descendant and Lillian was Gertrude’s. I think... I’m not sure. I’m guessing these three are responsible for killing Lillian because they thought she stood to gain from the will, which I didn’t find. Hang on...” Lexie held up a finger and closed her eyes. Luna stopped sniffing the maid and came to sit beside her.

  What are you doing?

  I’m thinking. There is something odd about that family tree I saw in Eloise’s office. One half has been hidden, but I saw it reflected on the mirror opposite.

  You better come up with an explanation. Everyone is rushing toward you, including the pupils and their feline companions.

  Lexie turned and saw t
he pupils only a few steps behind Penny and Eloise. Lexie could hear them hollering. The closer they got, the louder they became.

  Everyone expected answers from her.

  Lexie took a step back.

  “Well?” Jake asked.

  She swung toward him.

  “What’s happened here,” Eloise demanded. Penny echoed her demand.

  “Yes, please explain this,” Mirabelle ordered in a tone that suggested she was about to send Lexie to the naughty corner to ponder her misdeeds.

  Lexie took another step back.

  She raked her fingers through her hair.

  The pupils’ voices formed a backdrop to everyone’s demands. This was as bad as hearing one hundred O’Rourke voices.

  She’d never put her hand up for this gig and suddenly she was expected to provide answers.

  If only everyone would just stop for a minute and give her some time to think.

  Lexie planted her feet firmly and raised both hands. “Everyone stop!” She held her breath and to her surprise, watched as everyone stopped and fell silent. “Umm...” She turned to Jake who appeared to be frozen in place. “Not you. You can move,” she said tentatively.

  Jake stumbled back and looked around him. “What just happened?”

  That’s what she’d like to know. She looked down at Luna who was watching her intently.


  I’m... I’m awestruck.


  You’re all sparkly.

  Lexie patted herself and swung around.

  There are sparkles all around you.

  Luna stepped forward and sniffed her.

  You even smell sparkly.

  What did I do?

  You froze everyone.

  Looking around, she realized she stood within the grounds of the cottage. “I guess that answers one question. I can use my powers now.” She took a couple of steps forward. “And now I can’t.” She stepped back inside the grounds of the cottage. “Okay. This seems to be the edge. I’m staying right here.” She smiled. “Hey, I can freeze people.”

  Jake cleared his throat. “You might want to unfreeze Mirabelle. Even frozen, her orb doesn’t look too happy.”

  “Um... Do you think everyone’s okay? I wouldn’t want them to melt or crack.”

  “What were you thinking when you demanded everyone stop?”

  “My mind was a blank and then... then I thought I wanted everyone to stop.”

  “So long as you didn’t entertain any evil intentions, they should be fine. You don’t strike me as evil.”

  She gave him a brisk smile. “I’m sure I’m blushing.”

  “So... are you going to unfreeze Mirabelle?”

  “Must I?” She stepped up to the frozen orb. “Mirabelle. I’m going to unfreeze you but you have to promise you won’t holler.” Lexie thought she saw a flash of red. “On the count of three.” The flash intensified. “All right. Unfreeze.” Nothing happened.

  She walked backward toward the cottage. “Do I do something with my hands?”

  “I think you held your hands palm up before,” Jake said, “But I’m not sure. That moment feels sort of hazy.”

  “Here’s hoping Mirabelle is in a haze.” She drew in a deep breath. “Unfreeze now, Mirabelle.”

  The orb swept up to her and stopped within a hairsbreadth.

  “That was uncalled for.”

  Do you realize what you did?

  I’d rather not think about it. Just in case there are consequences.

  You froze a High Chair and then you unfroze her. Mirabelle is not going to like that.

  Hey, I didn’t do it intentionally.

  Good luck trying to explain collateral damage to her.

  Lexie stood her ground. “This is no time to argue. Jake and Mirabelle, follow me to Eloise’s office.”

  As they trudged their way to the office, Lexie said, “I’ve suspected those cooks from the start, but I can’t figure out what role they played.”

  “Even though you haven’t found the will, the letter was very clear about the conditions of the inheritance,” Jake said.

  “Cynthia’s children. That has to be the key. What if the three witches are here to make sure the conditions are adhered to? And... and then Lillian appeared on the scene. She must be connected to the Lauristons. What if... what if she made waves. The witches solved the problem by getting rid of Lillian.”

  “Are you suggesting Ms Lillian Somers belonged to the Lauriston family?”

  “Yep.” They entered the office and Lexie pointed to the mirror. “There. See how it reflects the part you can’t see if you look at the cross-stitched family tree directly?”

  Jake tilted his head and moved from side to side. “I can only see the front part reflected.”

  “Perhaps this is a newly awakened gift, Alexandra.”

  Wow. Two in one day. She’d hit the jackpot. “Earlier I saw the cooks in their real form.”

  “That’s unusual... The ability is restricted to those belonging to the same coven. With a few exceptions, of course. The O’Rourke Group, in their capacity as law makers and peace keepers, have the gift of extraordinary insight.”

  Jake agreed. “And yet... I didn’t see them.”

  And he’d even used his O’Rourke Group voice.

  Mirabelle hovered around her as if studying her for flaws.

  She’d said seeing the witches in their real form was unusual...

  Lexie realized there had been something odd in Mirabelle’s tone. Disbelief, Lexie thought. She also had the distinct impression Mirabelle had left something out.

  She thinks you’ve acquired more power than you should have.

  How do you know?

  Because that’s what she’s thinking and Venus can hear her thoughts.

  And your sister just communicated that to you? Isn’t that being disloyal?

  Yes, but I am not my sister’s keeper.

  Hey. Are you going around divulging my inner thoughts?

  We’ll discuss this further. This isn’t the time.

  Lexie took a closer look at the cross-stitching. “Hey, look at this. The area around Cynthia’s name looks odd.”

  “Yes, almost as if the name has been reworked,” Mirabelle agreed. “It would be interesting to see the other side.”

  Without being asked, Jake took the heavy frame down, turned it and leaned it against a chair. “This side’s been reworked too.”

  “Do you think someone changed the names?” Lexie asked, “Cynthia for Gertrude.”

  “That’s what it looks like,” Jake agreed, “But why?”

  “So that Gertrude’s heirs actually inherited instead of Cynthia’s.” Lexie crossed her arms. “A jovial personality. That’s how everyone described Lillian. Look at the portraits of Gertrude and Cynthia.”

  “Cynthia is the one with the happy disposition,” Mirabelle mused. “There is madness in her method but I think Lexie is onto something.”

  “Lillian came to work at the academy a few months ago. Do you think Penny and Eloise knew...” Lexie pressed her hand against her mouth.

  “You really must stop doing that.”

  “Sorry. It’s just that things crop up in my mind and I have to make the connection before I blurt anything out. When I asked Penny if she’d vetted Lillian, she hesitated. I’m thinking that suggests she might have missed something.”

  “This must be a mistake,” Mirabelle said, “I cannot believe Eloise Hamilton would knowingly take part in such a deceit. Think of the scandal.”

  “Exactly. Eloise is all about avoiding scandal. Just look at Cynthia. From the start I thought she reminded me of Lydia, the flighty Bennett sister from Pride and Prejudice who elopes. I’m thinking the Gertrude Lauriston heirs did all they could to avoid letting the Cynthia heirs get their hands on the Lauriston inheritance because they knew the academy would all go to wrack and ruin.”

  “Yes, but. We’re all forgetting something,” Jake said.

  “The spell cast on the
Leonard heiress,” Lexie and Mirabelle said in unison.

  They all turned toward the window and looked out at the cottage. It stood within sight of the office. Almost as if someone had been intent on keeping a close eye on...


  “What?” Jake and Mirabelle asked.

  “I’m wondering if the witches are keeping close tabs on Eloise or the other way around. One or the other knows about Gertrude and Cynthia’s names being inverted.” If she had to guess, she’d say... “My bets on the witches. And... I’m thinking Eloise knows something about it.” Only one way to find out. “Follow me.”

  Along the way, she found Luna strutting around the frozen pupils and their feline companions. Lexie hurried over to the cottage and when she got there, she clapped her hands. “All right. Eloise. Penelope. Wake up.”

  They both teetered slightly and looked around as if wondering what had just happened.

  Penny and Eloise were quick to react. “Would you mind explaining what all this is about?”

  “I thought you might offer a few explanations yourself.” Lexie pointed to the maid. “This one here and her two accomplices ambushed me. How is it that you have witches all powered up within the grounds? I thought there was an embargo on the use of powers.”

  Penny lifted her chin while Eloise did nothing to hide her guilt.


  “Not in front of the pupils, please.”

  “By all means, let’s reconvene in your office. After all, that is where the evidence hangs.”

  This time, Eloise’s cheeks flashed a deep crimson.

  Before you go inside, I think you should do something about the witches. They’re beginning to stir.

  What do you propose I do?

  I don’t know. You’re the one displaying all the power at the moment. Although... you might want to delegate to Mirabelle. She might be feeling somewhat superfluous what with you acquiring so much power so soon.

  “Mirabelle, would you mind doing something about the cottage witches? I doubt I’d know what to do.”


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