Walk Off (Double Play Series Book 5)

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Walk Off (Double Play Series Book 5) Page 12

by Nicole Rodrigues

  “Lace,” my mama says softly. “Let me talk to you a sec, okay?” she says motioning for my bedroom door.

  I nod and she kisses my father on the cheek as we move into my room.

  “Can I take a wild guess at what this is?” my mama says motioning to me and my bed.

  I cross my arms over my chest, raising my eyebrow encouraging her to continue.

  “Weston broke your heart, now you just don't give a shit?”

  Damn how the hell did she just do that? I know mamas have that weird intuition thing, but that extends to stepmoms too?

  “That's not entirely it, but yeah,” I say letting out a breath.

  “Come and sit,” she says walking towards my bed. “I'll uh...sit at your desk if you don't mind,” she says scrunching her nose.

  “Whatever,” I mumble.

  “Alright, Lacey Lee, I know we're still new at this whole mama/daughter thing, and I didn't give birth to you, but you bet your ass I love you and care about you as if I did. Don't get all pissy with me because you got caught foolin’ around. You wanna be treated like a woman, then start actin’ like one,” she snaps at me.

  I grit my teeth and get up from the bed.

  “You have no idea what you're talkin’ about! You don't know what's goin’ on with me at all!”

  “Well how the hell am I supposed to know if you don't tell me!” she yells standing.

  “It has nothin’ to do with you!”

  “If it has to do with you, then it has to do with me, dammit! I love you, Lacey. I'm here for you no matter what! Trust me enough to let me be there for you!”

  “It's the letter!” I yell breathing hard. “The letter Kat gave me before she left. I...I tried to ignore it but then Weston...I just don't wanna talk about it.”

  My mama huffs out a breath and opens her arms motioning for me to walk to her. I walk into her embrace, taking the love she's trying to give me. Kat’s words from the letter have haunted me this last year after everything with Weston, but I push them away.

  “I love you Mama, so much, but I just need to figure things out on my own.”

  “I agree, you do, but be careful, Lacey. Sleepin’ around is only gonna end in heartbreak. You may think you're protectin’ yourself but one of these days you're gonna catch some feelings and gonna have to face the demons. I'll always be there for you, just remember that. When you wanna talk about everything, I'll be all ears, okay?”

  “I know, Mama, thank you. I'm...I'm sorry for snappin’ at you.”

  “What's a mama/daughter relationship without the fights, huh?” She smiles. “I'll always be on your side, Lace.”

  “I know.”

  I look at my bed remembering David and shake my head. Feeling connected with someone briefly, brief enough where they can't hurt me like Weston did, where Kat’s words can't rein true. That's the only way to live.


  “Have you done that a lot then, slept with different men only once?” Rose asks.

  “I...yes,” I say dropping my head.

  “How many men?”

  I look up at Nico and see his jaw flex.

  “Do you need to know that?” I ask.

  “If you’re not comfortable, then we can try a different approach,” Rose says.

  “I...it’s not as many as you think,” I say softly to Nico.

  I don’t know why I’m explaining myself. I never apologized for my sex life but for some reason, I don’t want Nico to think any less of me.

  “What were you looking to get out of sleeping with these men?”

  “I guess just using them, giving myself power over them. Sleeping with them and then discarding them because I didn’t need anyone.”

  “You needed the power because Weston took that from you for a brief moment?”

  I nod and Nico grabs my hand, squeezing it.

  “What about with Nicholas? Why was that different?”

  I try and remember when things changed between the two of us and immediately my mind goes back to the charity event for the Second Chances Olympics.

  “We were at an event and we ran into Weston…” I say.

  “Nicholas, did you know about what Weston did to her when you saw him?” Rose asks.

  “I didn’t. We ran into him and she told me later that night.”

  “How did you feel when you saw him face to face?” Rose asks.

  Two years ago...April

  “Mornin’, Blondie,” Nico says as I open the door for him and Damon.

  “Mmm what a nice surprise handsome,” I moan pulling him in for a kiss.

  It's only been a day, but my body pulls him in like it’s been years since we've touched.

  “Bells and Avery are still sleepin’,” I say to Damon pointing to the hallway.

  I take Nico by the loop of his jeans and drag him to the kitchen, plopping him down in a chair and sitting on his lap.

  “The event isn't until tonight, what are you doin’ here?” I say kissing down his neck.

  “I needed this pussy all day. Couldn't wait until tonight,” he groans in my ear.

  His hips buck up and I feel his hard ridge against my center.

  “God, you're so romantic,” I pant.

  “We really should get more chairs and we should give you your own room, oh wait!” Bella snaps walking into the kitchen.

  “Oh, shut up you prude,” I giggle.

  “Avery can come out, stop bein’ a teenager. My God, you won’t die if you sit in a different chair. Don’t you ever come up for air?”

  “Who pissed in your coffee? Nico and I are gonna take Avery home when she wakes up and I’m spendin’ the night at his hotel after the event. Damon needs to pull that stick out of your ass or leave it in there, whatever tickles your taco,” I say laughing.

  “How do you deal with her?” Bella asks Nico.

  “I don’t let her talk very much, I keep her mouth busy,” Nico smirks putting a thumb to my bottom lip.

  I bite his thumb and then smack his hand away, pushing my hips harder into him.

  “Well that answers that question, you’re the same exact person. I commend you for tamin’ this woman or at least tryin’ to,” Bella grumbles.

  We lock eyes and Nico smiles at me. A smile I haven't seen on him before and I look away quickly, clearing my throat.

  “Thank you for havin’ clothes on today, by the way,” Bella says breaking the moment

  “What?” Damon snaps.

  “You can explain that one to him,” Bella says patting me and Nico on the shoulders.

  “Just post activity wardrobe,” Nico smirks. “Don't worry brother, your girl didn't see anything. She'll still be satisfied with your little package.”

  “Fuck off,” Damon snaps.

  Damon walks down the hall and I move to sit in one of the other chairs.

  “No fun, Blondie,” Nico smirks.

  I shake my head and take a sip of my coffee as Bella comes back in the room with Avery.

  “This is Lacey’s boyfriend, Nico,” Bella say smiling.

  I choke on my coffee and cough as Nico laughs, putting his big hand out towards Avery.

  “Hey Avery, it’s nice to meet you,” Nico says in a soft voice.

  I watch the interaction between the two and smile. My heart doing something it hasn't done in such a long time maybe not ever. Making room for love for this incredible man in front of me.

  “Boyfriends and girlfriends kiss. Do y’all kiss each other?” Avery asks making a disgusted face.

  “They kiss each other a lot,” Bella whispers making a disgusted sound too.

  We all eat together, making small talk and I stand from the table followed by Nico and motion for Avery.

  Everyone says their goodbyes and we walk out, Avery grabbing Nico's hand to walk towards my truck.

  “Can you buckle me in, Mr. Hulk?” Avery asks Nico.

  Nico laughs and looks at me and I shrug.

  “Mr. Hulk, huh?”

  “You have super big musc
les like the Hulk. Do you turn green too?”

  He laughs again, his smile taking up his whole face and I want to cry. His sweet side is making me crumble, like an oreo cookie dipped in milk too long, I am breaking apart.

  “Lace?” Nico says breaking me out of my thoughts.

  “Yeah, what?” I say shaking my head.

  “You ready?” he laughs.

  He's staring at me with raised eyebrows and a smile and Avery is giggling in the backseat.

  “Yes, yes, I'm ready.”

  I walk to the other side of the truck and Nico is at my back opening the door for me.

  I look up at him and smile, grabbing his neck and pulling him down to me, our lips molding together like glue to paper.

  “I’m happy I get to spend the day with you,” I whisper against his lips.

  He rubs his nose against mine and winks, pulling away.

  “Me too, Blondie. Me too.”


  “You look absolutely beautiful. My God,” I say my jaw on the floor. “Lacey Lee Turner you are effectively tenting my pants like a goddamn teenager.”

  She is in a floor length red dress, sheer lace up the sides of her ribs and over her chest. Her arms are bare and there is a long slit up the side exposing her sexy leg. Christ, this sight.

  She laughs as I exit the car I had pick me up since she had to be at the event early. She slaps my chest, slipping her arm through mine.

  We walk through the doors of the event Lacey has set up for the Second Chances Olympics next month. She's been working so hard on it lately and I’m really proud of her. As proud as I can be for being someone she fucks, not a boyfriend if her reaction to Bella saying it this morning was any indication.

  She talks to a few people, introducing me to some of the Second Chances staff and I love seeing her in her element. Instructing workers left and right, I stand back in awe.

  “Sorry, just had to make sure everything was perfect. You have my undivided attention now.”

  “I'm enjoying the show,” I smirk reaching for her.

  “And I'm surprised they make suits your size, Hulk,” she smiles wrapping her hand behind my neck giving me a long, seductive kiss.

  Our lips move together, her fingers running through my hair as I drop my hand to her slender hip, the lace of her dress a thin barrier between us.

  “Lacey Turner,” says a voice from behind me.

  Lacey stiffens against me and we turn around to find the source of the voice.

  “Weston,” Lacey says her voice hard.

  “I always knew you would make great arm candy. Swapped sports, huh?” he says walking closer to us.

  Lacey takes a step away and I keep my hand on her back, recognizing him briefly for a second.

  “What the fuck are you doin’ here?” she snaps.

  Her anger towards him puts me on high alert.

  “Contributing of course,” he laughs. “Weston Parker,” he says extending his hand to me.

  Son of a bitch. the asshole that was beating his woman at the club. The one I beat the piss out of. Recognition and a smile flashes across his face.

  Lacey slaps his hand down and steps in front of me.

  “Don't try and shake his hand. What are you really doin’ Weston? The Second Chances Olympics Event is for Double Play clients only. You're not on our list,” she says her voice serious and menacing.

  “Now I am,” he says smirking.

  Lacey laughs a sinister laugh and shakes her head.

  “Don't think I forgot what you said to me, West. I would never make it without you, right? Well here I am, makin’ it. Double Play wouldn't touch you with a fifty-foot pole. I'm runnin’ this event and you ain't on the list.”

  He smirks up at me and nods.

  “He know about us babe? How I taught you everything you know?” he says putting his hand out to try and touch Lacey’s cheek.

  I step up but not before she slaps him right across the face.

  “You taught me nothin’,” she snaps. “Actually, scratch that, you taught me to never take shit from an asshole ever again,” she seethes.

  “Cute,” he smirks putting his hand on his cheek. “This is familiar, huh babe? Except you were the one on the receiving end of that slap and I think I had my dick down your throat,” he says through gritted teeth.

  I ball my fist as Lacey lunges for him and I hold her back behind my strong arm.

  “Fuck you, Weston! You wish that's how it happened you piece of shit. I'll destroy you,” she yells from behind my arm.

  “You have no idea what's comin’ for you babe, no clue.”

  He starts to walk away, and I grab his shoulder turning him around.

  “Hey asshole. You talk about her again, you think about her, if her name ever comes out of your mouth again, I'll personally bash your fucking head in. You know I can.”

  He laughs unaffected.

  “You would, Hulk,” he says menacingly.

  He walks away and I cup Lacey's cheeks.

  “Is that true, he hurt you like that?” I ask with more anger in my tone than I mean to let out. I saw what he did to his girlfriend a few months ago, if he so much as left a scratch on Lacey, I'll lose my damn mind.

  She pushes my hands off her face and turns on her heels. I follow after her, walking past the crowds to the street.

  “Lacey, talk to me!” I say grabbing her arm and turning her around.

  “Just let it be, Nicholas. It's none of your fuckin’ business anyway. I'm headin’ home.”

  She reaches into her purse and presses a couple of buttons on her phone and I stand there, seething with frustration.

  “This is your event, Lacey. You can't just leave.”

  “Yes I can. That's why there are assistants. I had to make sure things were runnin’ smoothly and I thought it would be great exposure for you. Stay and mingle, I'll be fine.”

  The Uber pulls up to the curb and she gets in without a look back.

  I run a defeated hand through my hair and walk back inside, running right into Savannah Turner.

  “Where's Lacey?” she asks quickly.

  “She just bailed. She ran into that fucking dickhead, Weston Parker,” I snap. I realize too late what I've said and retreat. “I'm sorry ma'am, I didn't mean to curse-”

  “Dammit, that little twat. How the hell did he get in here?” she says with frustration.

  I try and hide my smile at her language, and she looks up at me with wide eyes.

  “I know this may he oversteppin’ but can you go check on her? He...she's a stubborn little thing but he hurt her, Nicholas. She's been through a lot, more than you know. She's gonna kick you out on your ass again I know, but...she needs someone tonight. It's probably you.”

  I see the desperation in her eyes, the hurt. The truth was I already made up my mind the second I saw her getting into that Uber. I was spending the night with her tonight whether she liked it or not.


  I open the door to the apartment and turn, locking it behind me. I drop my purse on the floor and slam my hand into the side wall.

  “Fuck him!” I yell.

  Why does he still have that power over me, the power to bring out my anger, to lash out at people I care about?

  I walk to my room, stripping off my dress and lay on top of my bed. I feel the tears trying to escape but I squeeze my eyes tight and stop them. No more for him, never again.

  I didn't care for Weston like I do Nico, but Weston took something from me. The part of me that should be able to trust a man to love me without hurting me. The part that should allow Nico into my heart and not just my bed.

  I hear the front door open and bolt upright on bed. Bella shouldn’t be home yet. I hear thumping footsteps come down the hall and I scramble to the side of my bed and reach for my wooden Louisville as Nico stands in my doorway.

  What I must look like, holding a bat in only a thong, but I don't care. I drop the bat and hop off the bed, grabbing him by his tie as I smash our l
ips together, pulling him back towards the bed with me. I work the buttons on his shirt efficiently, his dress pants and briefs are down and my thong is discarded on the floor. He's sliding inside me in seconds, and I let out a sigh.


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