Hollywood Princess

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Hollywood Princess Page 14

by Madison, Natasha

  “Babe,” I say, grabbing a forkful of chicken fried steak, “relax.” She looks up at me, grabbing a piece of waffle. “For the rest of the tour, my team and I are going to handle where we’ll be staying, and it’s on a need to know basis.”

  She looks at me. “And who is on a need to know basis?” she asks me while I chew.

  “Me,” I tell her honestly, “and maybe Cori but so far just me.”

  She throws her fork down on the plate, and it clatters with a clank. “What do you mean maybe Cori?” Leaning back in her chair, she says, “She has been with me since the beginning. If there is anyone out there who can be trusted, it’s Cori.”

  “I’ll have a chat with Cori,” I tell her and then look at her, pointing at her plate with my fork. “Eat.”

  She glares at me but picks up her fork and cuts a piece of chicken fried steak. “Where I go, she goes,” she says, “so you need to tell her. She has to organize things for me.” I get up, grab a bottle of water, and then go back to the table. “Now that we’ve settled that, how about we talk about this?” she says, gesturing between us.

  “What about it?” I ask her. Now it’s my turn to throw down my fork.

  “Well, it’s no secret I’ve wanted you for a long time.” She starts talking, and her eyes lower when she does this, so I push back from the table, sliding my chair across the terracotta tiles. Her eyes fly up, looking at me, and then she watches me round the table and pull her chair out. “Brian?” she asks me on a whisper, and her eyes widen when I pick her up out of her chair. Her arm goes around my shoulders, and she holds on while I carry her to the couch. Sitting down in the middle of the couch, I look at her.

  “If we are going to have a conversation about us, I want to do it while I touch you,” I tell her as my heart speeds up a bit, and my mouth gets suddenly dry.

  “Okay,” she murmurs and then looks down again. I put my finger under her chin and lift her face so I can see her eyes. “Now, where were we?” I ask the silly question because I know exactly where we were. “You were saying something about wanting me?” I smile and then lean in to touch her lips with mine.

  She rolls her eyes at me. “Oh, God,” she mumbles and then starts again, “as I said, it’s no surprise that I have wanted you for a long time.” She stops. “I have discussions better when I can walk and talk with my hands.”

  “Fine.” I give in, knowing she must be nervous. “But kiss me first,” I tell her. She smiles and then leans in and kisses me. Not soft like before, but with a nip on my bottom lip and then her tongue sliding in with mine. She turns in my lap, giving my cock a notion that it’s time to play. When her knees go on either side of my hips and she grinds her pussy on me, a groan roars through me. My hand grabs her face, and then slide into her long, lush hair where I grab a fist full of it and then press into her. Now it’s her turn to moan as she grinds up and down against me. I push her away from me. “If we continue this, I’m going to embarrass myself and then have to go get cleaned up.”

  She laughs at me, her green eyes bright with a twinkle. She pushes off me, and I swear to God I hear my cock moan out its disappointment. “Okay.” She stands in front of me with her hands folded together in front of her. “So I’ve wanted you for a long time.”

  I smile at her and lean back on the couch. “I know.”

  She shakes her head. “Can you try to be a little less modest?”

  “Baby, you were dating someone else when you came on to me,” I point out.

  “Technically,” she starts, and now she paces in front of me left and right. “So”—her hands go to the sides of her—“I wasn’t really dating him.”

  I sit up straight. “What are you talking about? I drove you to his house.” I stare at her, and she smiles a bit.

  “Well, the first time you drove me there, we were dating. Sort of.” She starts walking again. “I mean, it was our third date.” Her head moves side to side as she looks over at me to make sure I’m listening. “Well, then I saw you, and I broke up with him that first night.”

  I stand now. “You came back five times,” I point out, thinking about all the times I had to drive her there with her coming on to me. I was irritated and pissed each time she got out of the truck. “Five, Kellie.” My voice goes up a notch, and she holds out her hand to stop me from talking.

  “Yeah, well, in case you don’t remember, I pushed it so far and made you drive me around, hoping you would show a smidgen of anything.”

  “You were there to see another man,” I emphasize.

  “Well, not really, but yeah,” she says, and then she stops moving. “But well, the other times, I just sat in the hallway of his apartment building biding my time until I came out.”

  I rub my hands over my face, thinking back on those times how the visits went from three hours to twenty minutes, and the last time, it was seven minutes. I didn’t even turn off the truck. I look over at her. “You played me.”

  “Not really.” She smiles. “But I wanted to see you, and all the hints I dropped didn’t work, so I had to improvise.”

  “Baby,” I say, shaking my head, “I don’t date people who I work for or protect.”

  I think she stops breathing. She definitely stops smiling. “What?” she whispers. “What does that mean?”

  “It means I’ve never crossed that line before. I’ve always stuck by what I said, but then you just …” I sit back down on the couch. “You just pushed me until I couldn’t take another breath without kissing you.”

  “Well,” she says softly, “does this mean we can’t kiss anymore?”

  I shake my head. “Even if I wanted to, I can’t stop when it comes to you.” She starts to walk to me. “But.” She stops halfway there. “I can’t sleep with you until after the tour. I need to focus, and I know that I won’t be able to if it’s at that level.”

  “Brian, there are another two months.” She puts her hands on her hips. “That’s sixty days.”

  “Trust me, Kellie, I know,” I hiss out. “I can pretty much count down the hours at this point.”

  “So no sex until after the tour?” she asks. “What about other stuff?” I look at her, seeing that her eyes have gone dark. Her cheeks a bit pink.

  “Like?” I ask her, not sure I want her to answer this question.

  “Like what if I wanted to touch you?” she asks, her cheeks getting pinker. “What if I wanted you to touch me?”

  “I’m listening,” I say, but I don’t think I can hear her words because my heart starts to beat so loud it’s echoing in my ears.

  “What if I want to go down on you, or you go down on me?” she says, and that is enough for me to snap. I get up. “What if I need you to make me come?” It takes two strides to get to her. I pick her up, and her legs wrap around my waist, her arms around my neck, and she kisses me. Her tongue slides with mine, dancing, slowly turning around and around. She lets go of my lips while I turn around and head for the stairs. “Foreplay,” she whispers, kissing my cheek softly, then going to my ear. Nipping my earlobe, she sucks it in her mouth, making my cock rise in a nanosecond. Full-on hard-on, my constricting jeans make it hurt a touch. But I walk up the stairs and finally reach a bedroom. I have no idea if this is the master bedroom or not; the only thing I see is the king-size bed in the middle of the room. I throw her on the bed, and she bounces once, her hair all over her, and she props herself on her elbows to look at me. “Does this mean we are okay with foreplay?” she asks and then sits up in the middle of the bed. Her hands reach for the hem of her shirt, and she pulls it off. Now she sits in the middle wearing her white lacy bra. Little bow in the middle of her chest. The bra goes to her mid stomach, all lace. I can see her pink nipples straining to come out.

  I watch her, trying to get my breathing and my willpower under control. It’s right here, this minute, watching her with her hair all around her, that makes me want to cross that line. I want to toss all the rules out the window and give into this, but I can’t. “Jesus, you’re kill
ing me, baby,” I say to her, running one hand through my hair.

  “Take your shirt off, Brian,” she tells me, getting on her knees in the middle of the bed. “This is going to be the longest sixty days of my life, but”—she crawls closer to the edge and to me—“we are going to get fairly well-acquainted with each other in that time.”

  “Baby,” I whisper, leaning down to kiss her when I hear my phone ringing from downstairs. Her eyes go to slits. “It could be Cori.”

  She huffs and falls back on the bed, groaning. I turn to run down the stairs, cursing all the saints in the world who brought me to this place right here. It’s like waving a fly in front of a cat. I get to my phone, and I see it’s Cori. “Hello.”

  “I’m here,” she says, “but I can’t get in.” I walk to the front door, turning the lock and opening it to find her standing there with the man who brought her. “Thank you.” I nod to him.

  “Holy shit, look at this place,” Cori says, walking in and dropping her bag at the front door. “Now what in the world happened?” she asks, turning to look at me.

  “It’s a long story.” I hear Kellie say, coming down the stairs with her shirt on again. “We can fill you in while we eat.” She smiles at her and comes to me, wrapping her arm around my waist. My eyes never leave Cori, who just stares with huge eyes and a big grin on her face. My arms automatically go around her shoulder, and I pull her closer to me. “I’m hungry.”

  “Okay, baby,” I whisper to her and lean down to kiss her. The sound of Cori laughing in the background makes me think this just might be okay. We walk back into the kitchen and heat our plates and then fill Cori in.

  “I keep telling you never go to the door,” Cori tells Kellie, who just rolls her eyes. “You never learn.”

  “Well, I did now,” she tells her. “Thanks.”

  “I think you changing things will be good,” Cori says. “No one will know.”

  “That is what I think, too,” I tell her. “Also, no more long bus rides.” I expect Kellie to say something or protest. “If it’s eight hours or less, we can do it, but after that, we get a plane.”

  “Finally,” Cori says. “There is only so much I can take, and the nineteen hours together was my breaking point.” She grabs her water bottle. “So are we telling people about you two dating?”

  “No,” Kellie says. “It’s the three of us, and that’s it.”

  “So does that mean no more dates for you?” Cori teases. I get up, grab the plates, and walk over to the sink, rinsing them off and then putting them in the dishwasher. Ignoring Cori’s laughter. I leave them at the table while I make sure all the arrangements are ready for the rest of the tour.

  “That bed has to be the most comfortable bed of my life,” Cori says from the back seat. “I swear I felt I was floating on a cloud.” I look over at Kellie, who just looks at me and smiles. We went to bed together last night, but we didn’t spend much of it sleeping. Now we are on our way to the venue. “I’m sending half your shit home,” Cori continues talking. “If you need an outfit, we can improvise.”

  “Thank fuck,” I say to them. “It’s about time.”

  “You always have to be prepared,” Kellie says. “You never know when you’re going to need a sparkly ball gown.” She laughs. “We really did overpack.”

  “We?” Cori interrupts from the back. “Don’t put a we in this. You, your stylist overpacked.” She turns to me. “I tried to talk her out of it.”

  I hear Kellie gasp. “Liar.”

  We pull up to the venue, and I park the car where I was instructed to, leaving the keys inside for the guy to get it once the concert is over. “Here we go,” Kellie says, getting out, and we walk side by side into the venue. Our fingers graze softly when she leaves to do the sound check. I sit in the front row, looking around. To think, in six hours this place will be full of screaming fans.

  We hit the gym as soon as she comes off the stage. She’s with her trainer, and I’m on my own but always have her in my sight. She walks out while I’m finishing up, and I grab a water bottle ready to follow her when Stacey comes in. Her hair is tied high on her head, her eyes going bright when she sees me. “Well, well, if it isn’t the man I’ve been looking for,” she purrs.

  I just look at her, my blood boiling when I look over her shoulder and spot Kellie standing there leaning on the doorjamb. “Not sure why you are looking for me.”

  “Well,” she says, coming close to me, “I was hoping you could maybe spot me.” I shake my head.

  “No can do,” I tell her, “but I’m sure someone else would be more than happy to.” A fake smile fills her face as she tries to recover. I start to walk to the door and then turn around. “Oh, and I’m not sure you heard or not, but someone is going around saying I fucked you in the hotel gym.”

  I watch her eyes go from pissed to a deer in a headlight, her mouth gaping but no sound coming out. “Now, you and I know that shit didn’t happen, right?” She nods. “I put a squash to it the minute I heard the rumor. I would hate for it to be done in a public announcement.”

  I don’t bother saying anything else as I head for the door and see Kellie turning to walk away. Once I get to her side, I say, “Did you come back to spy on me?”

  “No.” She tries to lie. “I forgot my water bottle.”

  “Did you?” I tell her, stopping in the middle of the hallway. “And I guess you forgot it again?” I look at her empty hands.

  “You just went from super hot to super annoying in a split second,” she says and storms away as my laughter fills the halls.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  “Can one get blue vagina?” I ask Cori at the breakfast table two weeks later, making her almost choke on her cereal.

  “What the fuck?” She coughs as she tries to swallow. “Holy shit.”

  “What’s going on?” I look up and spot Brian there in his shorts and nothing else. Leaning down to kiss me, he says, “Morning.”

  “Morning.” I smile at him, kissing him twice more. He walks over to the coffee machine and makes himself a cup, then comes back to the table and sits down between us.

  “So what are you guys talking about?” he asks, and even though I go to bed with him every night, and I’ve kissed him over a thousand times, he still gets my heart pounding. It’s been three weeks since we first kissed, and although our hands are well traveled over each other, it’s remained PG-13.

  “Oh, I’m happy to say Kellie, here, was wondering if one can get blue vagina,” Cori says, and Brian literally sprays coffee all over the table in a coughing fit. “That was my reaction,” Cori says, getting up and going over to the sink and coming back with disinfectant and a rag. “So, Brian, you seem like a resourceful person. Is it possible?”

  He looks at Cori and then turns to glare at me. “Private,” he hisses.

  I shrug my shoulders, getting up and bringing my plate to the sink, then washing off my hands. “It’s an honest question.” I walk over to my phone and press the home button twice. “Siri, is there such a thing as blue vagina?” I wait for her, well him, since I have the British guy.

  “Here’s what I found on the web for ‘is there such a thing as blue vagina.’”

  “Nothing, but there is something called blue waffle,” I tell them and click on the link and then drop my phone. “Oh my God. That’s so gross.”

  “It’s a hoax,” Cori says from beside me, and we both look at her. “It’s a fake story. There is no such thing as blue waffle.”

  “How the hell did you know that?” Brian asks her, and she shrugs her shoulders. “It’s just useless stuff I know.”

  “Jesus,” I say, and then she looks at me, then Brian. “Is it not working?” she asks, pointing at his penis, and I have to throw my hand in front of my mouth to keep from laughing. “I mean, it’s okay if it’s not.”

  “It’s working fine,” he grits out, then turns to me, “tell her.”

  “They have pills for that nowadays, and you
won’t feel inadequate about it,” she goes on, and Brian puts his hands on his hips.

  “We can’t sleep together until after the tour,” I tell her, “and well”—I look at Brian—“I want to change that.”

  Cori puts her hands up. “Okay, this is really TMI. I’m out.” She turns and walks out of the room, and then he turns to me.

  “Baby,” he says, and I shake my head.

  “No, Brian,” I tell him, my hands going to my hips. “I get it, I do.”

  He just looks at me, and I continue talking, not giving him a chance to say anything. “But I’m a normal woman who wants to take it to the next step, and I want to take it to the top of the stairs with you.” I walk to him, slipping my hands around his waist, then get on my tippy toes. “I would like to have an orgasm that my boyfriend gives me rather than one I give myself while thinking about him.”

  His eyes flare and turn a dark blue. “Jesus, have you been doing that?” He doesn’t say anything, his voice going lower and lower. “In the past three weeks?”

  “Well, yeah,” I tell him, “haven’t you?”

  “Where?” he asks me softly, and I feel his cock hard against my stomach. Definitely nothing wrong there.

  “In the shower,” I tell him. “Sometimes in bed.”

  “With me next to you?” He picks me up and starts walking back toward the stairs to our house where we are staying.

  I hug him with my lips close to his ear and whisper, “No, it’s usually when you leave me high and dry and go shower,” I tell him. “I need more.”

  “I won’t fuck you with people in the house,” he sighs. “I can’t fuck you.”

  I groan. “Brian, I get it, I do, and I think you have the highest honor, but, honey, I need you to touch me.” I trail kisses down his neck, sucking in. “I need to come with you.” I continue my assault on his neck. “I need you to make me come.”


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