Daughter of Ethos: Price of Power Book 3

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Daughter of Ethos: Price of Power Book 3 Page 8

by L M Lacee

  An automated voice told the populace that the message would be repeated until all the Warriors were accounted for. Eddea screamed her rage and fled toward her home with her sisters slowly following. It was best they knew to stay out of Eddea’s reach until she had calmed down. The announcement was played on and off throughout the following days and nights.


  Later that day Peyton walked into the medical unit on the Warbird where several of the Warriors from Oraintarre were still at varying stages of treatment. She saw two Warriors were in the regen units and as she watched, she could see the skin and bones start to knit back together over legs and arms. She turned thankfully to Patty as she approached. In Heather’s absence, she had taken over the position jointly with Dinas as Chief Healer. ‘Greetings Madam Peyton, come to check up on us?’

  Peyton laughed. ‘Greetings Patty and honestly one time.’

  Patty smiled as she looked Peyton over. ‘You look tired, are you sleeping?’

  She shrugged. ‘Yeah, sort of.’

  She hurriedly asked, hoping Patty would not dwell on her lack of sleep. She knew she worried more about her now Heather was not here. But what was there to do, she was suffering from a bout of insomnia. She knew it would pass and there was very little Patty could do about it, other than worry.

  ‘So do you need more staff or any new equipment, anything at all? You only have to ask.’

  Several of the Warriors close by listened to the exchange between the healer and the Star Daughter, Patty grinned knowing what Peyton was doing, she shook her head. ‘Nope, we are good, we have everything we need. Heather made sure every medical unit carried all the latest tech seriously, if one of these males decides to give birth, we would still be okay.’

  They shared a smile when they heard choking noises coming from the Warriors, Patty continued as they walked slowly down the room. ‘In fact Dinas has done several surgeries, and he said it was the first time he had done so with everything on hand. Honestly Peyton, they are getting the best treatment we can give them for not being at home. I swear.’

  ‘Thank you, what about the five?’ Which is what they called the Warriors that had been taken from the throne room.

  ‘They are better, like most of the Warriors they are undernourished and lacking in minerals and vitamins. Helen created an appetizing menu and they have already eaten their first home cooked meal, also each of them have taken showers. Dinas has seen them and treated any wounds they may have had, he prescribed a sedative. The last report I received said they were sleeping. Hawk placed them in their own quarters, Rage has two sentries watching over them. The only troubling thing is none of them have spoken. We are allowing only males near them for now. Dinas thinks they are going to need specialized help.’

  ‘Okay.’ Peyton sighed. ‘The Falears how are they?’

  ‘All good sleeping now.’

  Finally she asked. ‘The three, from the tank?’

  Patty’s eyes went bleak. ‘Yeah, they are going to need even more specialized treatment. We have them in stasis tubes, it was kinder.’ At Peyton’s horrified look, she hurriedly told her. ‘We asked them first, and they agreed, being suddenly thrown back into light, noise and the confusion of so much movement. Well, you can imagine?’

  Peyton shook her head. ‘Not really, but I will take your word on it. Do we have anyone to help them?’

  Patty rubbed her hand around the back of her neck. ‘Truthfully, not here.’

  ‘What kind of person do we need?’ Peyton asked worriedly as Dinas moved up next to Patty and took her in his arms. ‘Madam, she has not taken a break yet.’

  Patty snuggled automatically into his embrace as she told him. ‘I was waiting for you.’

  He sighed. ‘She lies Madam, lies terribly.’

  Peyton laughed. ‘I know, make sure she gets some rest. Dinas, I am sure there are others here who can take over for a while.’

  Dinas assured her there were. ‘Patty, she is sure they will miss something.’

  She pointed at Patty and him. ‘You two, eight hours down time. You will not be any good to us if you drop from exhaustion and are in one of your own beds, Patty…’ She said softly. ‘I know your team is good, I trust you and you need to trust them. Believe in the training you all received. I fear for what we will find when we get our other Warriors back. If these are any indication of what they have had to endure. I know we will need you and Dinas then. So go rest with your mate and send me who we need to help the Warriors in stasis. I will make sure they are at home when we get there. Will they be alright until then?’

  Dinas answered. ‘They will be fine under stasis, they are asleep and will stay that way until we can help them and you know who we need?’

  She rubbed her tired eyes as she said. ‘I know, I just do not want to pressure them. Maybe someone else?’

  ‘Who?’ Patty asked. ‘Tell us and we will ask for them?’

  Dinas smiled at Patty’s passion as he said. ‘This is what they do, Madam. You know they are here for this?’

  ‘No, they are here for Avana.’ Peyton replied with a frown. Patty took Peyton’s hand in hers, once more remembering how young she was, and quietly told her.

  ‘Peyton, they are here for you, as we all are.’

  At Peyton’s grunt of disbelief, she shook her hand saying. ‘You know I am right, but here is something for you to think about, those wonderful males are mind-healers, let them heal. Have you thought that just maybe, this is how they will find their own redemption?’

  Peyton said thoughtfully. ‘No... No I never thought about that.’

  ‘We will leave it with you.’ Dinas said with a slight pressure on Patty’s back letting her know she had said enough and now it was up to Peyton.

  ‘Yes do that, now go rest.’ She waved as she escaped from the medical bay and smiled as her last sight was of Dinas dragging a complaining Patty from the room.


  Peyton’s next stop was the shipteen, otherwise known as Helen’s dining room where several large Warriors sat with Darby of all people, she seemed to be holding class. She could see she was answering questions in between bites of food and it appeared as though the four Warriors were hanging onto her every word. Honor lay beside her as usual. There was no sight of Jean or Willian who she was normally with.

  Peyton started to move into line but was waved to a seat by Helen. ‘Go sit, Madam. I will send something out.’

  ‘Thank you, are you sure?’

  ‘Yes, coffee is over there.’ She pointed to the wall counter that ran along half the room, which held large thermal jugs filled with tea and coffee. There were cups and the condiments that went with making a drink. Helen had decided to trial this idea instead of the dispensers. Peyton did not understand why she was doing it, she liked the dispensers, they were quick and easy to use, but she refrained from mentioning this to Helen.

  When she reached the counter she stared at a container that held her cup. Everywhere she went it turned up, she blessed Helen and whoever else was responsible for making sure it did. She wondered if they knew by having that one small item, it helped make her have a sense of normalcy.

  She would have been surprised to learn it was Melody who first initiated the idea of replicating Peyton’s cup, knowing what it meant to her. Over time, Helen or whoever ran the shipteens made sure there were a plentiful supply.

  For the moment Peyton stood and looked around at the people gathered in the dining room as she sipped her coffee and wondered what other people had that gave them the same amount of comfort that the simple cup gave her and hoped they all had something.

  Melancholy swept over her as she moved to her usual table. Which always seemed to be free no matter when she came in, she had to wonder if anyone ever sat there. Maybe no one did, maybe they knew it was the meeting table and stayed away from it. She shrugged as she thought about that, deciding if they did, it was nice of them to respect the table and what it represented.

  Sipping her coff
ee she looked out into space and could see the planet revolving beneath them and sighed, she was already tired of being annoyed.

  Before her food arrived, she found herself with company. Hawk and Kerol arrived with their plates piled high and with them were Janet and a slightly bemused Ward. Peyton sipped her coffee as she studied the large Warrior. ‘You look better.’

  He nodded his head. ‘Thank you. I showered and your healers are very good, I required very little repair.’

  Janet took his hand. ‘He is really happy to be here Peyton, it is difficult for them all.’

  ‘I know Janet, it will take time.’

  Ward looked at their joined hands and lifted his eyes to the other three. ‘She touches, they all do. This is not normal. I find I like it and that is not normal.’

  Peyton just shrugged her shoulders. ‘It is what we do, how we connect, we touch and we hug. We kiss and we love, you will get used to it, all of you will, just as the others did. If you get frustrated or overwhelmed talk to any Warrior or the healers, they can help.’

  He nodded. ‘They told us that in medical and again in the download, it is still not normal.’

  Janet grinned. ‘Ward honey, we touch, we cannot help it. Just as certain things are wired into your DNA, touching is wired into ours, it is what makes us Terran, I guess.’

  He growled at her and tightened his hold on her hand. ‘You will not touch any but me, we will only touch.’

  Janet slowly smiled as she gently touched his cheek with her free hand. ‘That will not be possible but I swear I will only kiss you.’ She proceeded to do just that. Ward sat absolutely still as her lips coaxed a response from his. A few of the Warriors from Oraintarre watched them with expressions ranging from amazement to longing.

  Hawk looked around at the staring Warriors and stated. ‘Look into your download, it is called a kiss, they have many meanings. When you attend the education classes, kisses and much more will be explained.’

  Kerol added. ‘It is the most amazing experience.’

  Janet let Ward go and said. ‘Only you Ward.’

  He nodded as he asked. ‘Are you sure?’

  Peyton answered for her. ‘She is sure, now let me be the first to offer my congratulations. Warriors Ward Tenne and Janet Mason on your mating. The ceremony will take place when we return home.’

  Ward nodded again, barely able to take his eyes from the smiling Janet.

  Peyton asked her. ‘Which last name will you use?’

  Janet sucked in her lower lip. ‘Can we think on it, my last name is the last link to Earth I have, you know?’

  ‘Yeah,’ Peyton sighed, ‘I do.’

  ‘Maybe combine the two.’ Kerol said and smiled when he spoke of Penny. ‘Like I and my Penny did, we are known as Naltone. It has worked for us, as it has for most of the mated.’

  Peyton’s self-appointed personal assistant Penny like most of the mated females were not on the ship, and as she gazed at Kerol, she saw that his expression was a cross between love and longing. She thought it seemed very unfair that mated Warriors were asked to leave their mates behind when they went on a mission, especially when they had been without them for so long.

  She just stopped the smile from emerging as she remembered Kerol had been so very sure that no female would want a huge, scarred male such as him, and yet before the trip from Earth was over, he and Penny were mated and Kerol had never been happier. She searched her memory and was positive she had already stated that mates were to go on missions and not be separated anymore, or maybe she was going to do that. Sometimes her crowded mind which caused her on occasion to be forgetful was very annoying.

  Maikonia and especially the Warriors had entered a whole new way of life, and it was time everyone started to realize that and adapt. She decided as she sat there, that the time for adjustment was over, it was time to acknowledge and accept they were no longer who they were. The past was done with… well, almost.

  ‘How did I not know this?’ Peyton asked of no one in particular. ‘I am sorry Kerol, I did not know to use your new name. Janet can you get me all the new names for the mated Warriors, if they are combining. I do not want to disrespect them.’

  ‘Yes Madam. I will make sure to send it to your comp, shall I send copies to all the Commanders?’

  ‘Yes, thank you. Again my apologies Kerol.’

  Kerol smiled and dismissed her apology with a wave of his hand. ‘No disrespect taken and I thank you. I do remember a message in the Oracle, sent out by Lady Brenda. Something to the effect that the Warriors were combining names with their mates.’

  Peyton was the one to wave her hand now. ‘So you say.’

  Janet grinned. ‘So Madam, do I still send the notice to the Commanders?’

  ‘Yes, I am sure I was not the only one to have not seen the post.’

  Innocently, Janet said. ‘Maybe I should post it in the Oracle again, just in case.’

  ‘Well, we don’t have to go that far.’ Peyton said hurriedly, thinking of Brenda’s expression when she found out Peyton had issued that request. The others laughed at her worried expression. Ward looked shocked at the easy manner each one spoke and teased Peyton. Janet squeezed his hand. Sensing his confusion and hesitation, she whispered. ‘It takes time, she is not like other rulers. She is just our Madam Peyton.’

  He shook his head. ‘No Janet, she is more. She is the Star Daughter.’

  ‘Our Star Daughter yes, our leader yes, but mostly though, she is our friend. You will see, we love her because of that, she loves us for the same reason.’

  He looked at her with beseeching eyes and lowered his voice more. ‘You say this Janet, but what of the ones from Oraintarre?’

  She smiled softly at him and placed her head nearer to his and whispered. ‘Every one of us and always. She has a heart bigger than any universe, you will see. Just because she has not met all the ones from Oraintarre or the sleepers yet. Does not mean they are not in her heart.’

  Peyton ignored the two talking and shoved the tears from Janet’s words deep in her heart. ‘Hey, I just remembered, did Ward drop or not?’

  ‘Not.’ Janet said as she eyed her innocent expression with suspicion. Like most people she knew, Peyton never asked a question without a reason, and like most people she knew it could just be for mischief.

  ‘Oh okay.’

  ‘You do not have to sound so disappointed.’ Janet admonished her with an annoyed look in her eyes.

  ‘Sheesh! There was no disappointment, just honest interest. I see no tattoos yet either… Oh dearle.’

  ‘What oh dearle? What are you implying, female?’ Janet asked with narrowed eyes, knowing the questions were for mischief now and no other reason.

  ‘Nothing… absolutely nothing.’

  To change Janet’s focus and to stop the evil eye she was turning on her, as well as to stop anymore of the interrogation, seriously new mates were so touchy. Peyton looked over to where Darby sat and asked.

  ‘Can someone tell me what Darby is telling those males?’

  Hawk swung around in his chair and they all heard a thump as he swung back and his elbows hit the table as his head hit his hands. ‘Peyton, my friend, if you have any regard for me. Please… please do not let her tell them how to take over the galaxy via comps. Please my heart cannot survive that.’

  Peyton winked at Ward to ease his alarmed look. Janet, like the rest, were just amused with Hawk’s request. ‘I do not know why you ask me these things. I just asked you what she was talking about, but now you say it. I am a little worried.’

  Hawk groaned as Helen coming over, grinned and asked. ‘Did he just see our Darby talking to her new recruits?’ She placed a plate of delicious looking food in front of Peyton who answered. ‘Yes he did, it seems to have upset him.’

  Hawk’s nose twitched as he raised his head. ‘Is that Cabu steak?’

  Cabu was an animal similar to a cow, except they had six legs and very nasty tempers, they would kill you if they caught you unawa
res, and she had heard that they were a hunter’s ideal target, because they were quick, agile and very clever. They terrified Peyton and thrilled the Warriors, male and female alike. Apparently it was a challenge neither sex could resist and their steaks were delicious.

  Hawk looked accusingly at Helen. ‘I did not see Cabu on the menu?’

  She looked seriously at him as she winked at Peyton, who was digging into the food. ‘Really, you must have missed it, and this was the last one.’

  Hawk was about to prove that it had not been on the menu when she said. ‘So Darby just recruited those Warriors to her team. They are really clever with comp’ systems and technology, apparently. She is really impressed by them, which we all know, is almost impossible to do.’

  They all looked over at the four males, none of them looked like anything other than Warriors. Hawk asked Helen. ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘I am, she told me so herself.’

  Janet said. ‘They are huge, even for you guys, they seem bigger.’

  Janet was right, they were huge males who were able with a thought to make their skin harden to the toughness of granite. Darby had told Peyton and Melody about them when she had first discovered mention of the Warriors in the data files back on Earth. But until now they had not met any. Each of the Warriors were dark haired and had an aloof look in their gray ringed eyes. Not quite a wary stare, it was more an expression which said. If I allow you close, you will hurt me.

  Ward grunted. ‘They were created in the Graynite section, so yes they are bigger, not that you should be looking.’

  Helen raised her eyebrows. ‘Like that is it? Well done, Janet, and to you as well, Warrior Ward. You look out for our little Janet now.’ A misconception as Janet was a well-built female who stood around five- foot-ten inches tall and was a fearsome Warrior.


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