Daughter of Ethos: Price of Power Book 3

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Daughter of Ethos: Price of Power Book 3 Page 18

by L M Lacee

  Netta grinned. ‘There is that, how many would be under my command and who am I answerable to?’


  ‘Wait… wait, I need a tablet?’

  ‘Over on the side table by the coffee dispenser, hint… hint.’

  Netta laughed as she grabbed the tablet and made two cups of coffee. Peyton laid her head back as she tucked her legs under her. ‘So are you in?’

  Netta smiling returned with the coffees as she passed one to Peyton she asked. ‘One question first.’

  ‘Go for it.’

  ‘The Rie?’

  ‘What about it, we have it bound? I know it slips from time to time, but you handle it, you never lost it completely in the shuttle and we will find someone to train you.’

  ‘Then yes Madam Peyton, I will happily accept the position as Commander of your guard and thank you.’

  ‘No, thank you Netta. I have been worried you would say no. I wanted to ask before we left home, but.’ She shrugged. ‘I wasn’t in the right place then to think about this.’

  Netta sat and let that sink in, this was not a spur-of-the-moment decision. Peyton really wanted her, she sipped her coffee, and after a min or two said. ‘So Ward and Janet?’

  ‘Yes, two reasons, they are both highly trained and are mated. They need to stay home as often as possible. Ward needs the security of home but Janet will chaff if she has nothing to do, she likes the training and she is good with people. The Warriors like her and respect her or at least her skills but she will need her own people, Ward comes with his squad. Also you will have Rage and his Turqualls, get with him and work out a permanent squad. Changing all the time gets on my nerves, and your people will learn to work with them. Also, the Falears may be under you. If not, I would still like you to look after them. I don’t trust that they will not do too much. They like and respect you.’

  ‘Or at least my skills?’

  ‘No, they actually like you, they think you will make a formidable leader in time and they wish to stay with me or close, which I promised them they would. So if you can’t work with them say so now, I will make…’

  ‘No Peyton, I get on well with them, Melody and I are teaching them Earth card games and we train well together. Matt is their Commander, he is really good at keeping them safe.’

  ‘Yeah, they are hungry for acceptance and normalization, so we take them in and make them as normal as possible. By the way Heather has a new drug that may stop them fading, talk to her about that. Also several of Harm’s people wish to join my guards and I would like a few of his Assaens and spies, co-ordinate with him as soon as possible, also we need a tech specialist at least one, talk to Darby, she will know who will suit us.’

  ‘You know it will be Willian.’

  ‘Probably, anyway the rest is up to you, the Captains have to give you a list of who they want, request them, not order, you know that and have back-ups in case they decline.’

  Netta grinned as she asked. ‘What are the odds of that?’

  Peyton shrugged. ‘High, who wants to be a guard for me?’

  Netta raised her head and stared at Peyton with serious eyes. ‘I do.’

  ‘Oh yeah, good point.’ She smiled at Netta. ‘Cool, okay then, be careful who you ask, make sure you can work with them and remember you are the Commander. Make every appointment probationary until you are sure of the fit. If it’s not going to work, move on, take your time in choosing. I am not defenseless, I have you and everyone else looking after me. Netta, these positions are going to be permanent eventually, so make sure they know that when you recruit them.’

  She laughed as Netta furiously tapped away at her tablet. ‘I, like you, realize there will be times you cannot be with me due to the Rie, so tap Hawk and Melody for when that occurs, also do not forget Rage. As to who you are answerable to, I want to say only me but there is Hawk to consider, so let us say, me first and we understand Hawk will be my back up.’ She looked Netta in the eye and said. ‘But understand me when I tell you. No one else has the authority to countermand your orders.’

  Netta sipped her coffee with a frown, and Peyton noticing asked. ‘What troubles you, is it answering to Hawk and not Melody?’

  ‘No, and you know I will be answering to her, just not in the same way as Hawk.’

  ‘Yeah… yeah true, so what is it?’

  ‘I just feel that Marlo is going to be more important than a liaison between Warriors and Command. I feel he may end up as important to us as Hawk.’

  ‘There is only one Hawk.’

  ‘True, but you get my point.’

  ‘Perhaps, we can see how that develops.’

  ‘You are not disputing my feelings?’

  ‘No… no I am not.’

  ‘Is that why you have made him and his brother’s part of the family?’

  ‘More him and Larson, although Helen seems to have taken care of Larson. I want to say, that from the very first min I felt his presence brush up against my needar. I knew he was important to me and to us as a family.’ She shrugged as she said. ‘I like you, cannot say why, just that he is important.’

  ‘Is it because he is so grouchy, you think?’

  ‘Maybe,’ she smiled, ‘but I think it is he will bring a balance to us, that I think we are missing. We seemed calmer with him there today.’

  Netta sighed as she said. ‘Yeah, I felt that too. Okay, so we will just let it go for now and see what happens.’

  ‘Yeah, I think what he ends up being to us will happen naturally over time. Right now all the Warrior’s from the moon and Oraintarre need time to find their own balance.’

  ‘Yeah I see that, it will be interesting to see if what we feel will actually happen though?’

  Peyton grinned. ‘That it will. Now to you being my Commander, you will have to remember that most people will think if you issue an order you are doing it on my behalf, so stay aware of that. I have final say obviously on who you want to employ, remember you are not alone, you have resources. Hawk, Melody and Marlo, Larson and the others. If you get bogged down tap Helen or Brenda and especially Esther, they are a font of information on the Warriors. Also you may want to look at the older Warriors, they may turn out to be just what you need.’

  ‘That makes sense, anything else before I go?’

  ‘Yes, at some point I want the five put on duty, what do you think?’

  Netta knew this was a test, so she thought seriously about her answer. ‘I think that is going to take some work, they have been abused and controlled by females, to be under the control of you and me, may be too much for them for the foreseeable future, it will depend on what miracle Jarrod works.’

  ‘I think you are right, we will let it go for now, just wanted you to know that it may be a possibility in the future. Now I will give you a heads-up, I am going to change the structure of the Warriors and the Turqualls, they are holding themselves apart, the Warriors because that is all they know. They have squads because they always have, which is not good enough, we all have to change. We need to be a cohesive armee, and to do that they need to change. I am hoping you will have some ideas of your own about this, obviously we won’t do it all Earth’s way, but there must be a way to mix both ideologies.’

  Netta thought about what she had said. ‘There is, we just have to get a working discussion between both forces and what we want Maikonia’s armee to be.’

  ‘Yes, that is it exactly, so think on it and let me know, ask around see what comes up.’

  Netta looked a little hesitant, causing Peyton to grin as she said. ‘Helen will be a good resource, the Warriors talk to her and in front of her. You can also discuss it with the older Warriors, like you, they know what does and does not work already.’

  ‘I can do that and the Turqualls?’

  ‘That is my department, as I said things have to change, our Turqualls are keeping us at arm’s length, we need unity. It is time for them to decide if they are going to be in or out, no half measures anymore.’

/>   Netta grinned. ‘This is sort of exciting, a new way of doing things, and a new armee and stuff.’

  Peyton nodded her head. ‘Exactly, alright one last thing, you will have to work with Marlo and the others of his squad, can you do that after the... you know?’

  ‘Yes, it is what it is, and as a new Commander, it will be good for everyone to see I will take the discipline as they must, also one does not have anything to do with the other. That Madam Peyton is the military way.’

  ‘If you say so. I do have another question that has nothing to do with what we discussed.’ The look in her eyes spelled trouble, so Netta asked carefully. ‘Oh and what would that be?’

  ‘Why only fifty- one cuts?’

  ‘Fifty wasn’t enough and fifty-two seemed extreme.’

  Peyton sat still as her eyes took in every detail of Netta from her serious expression to her feet in her ships shoes which were dearle stars red.

  ‘Problem?’ Netta asked as she saw where her eyes lingered.

  ‘Nope. So that is all I can think of at the moment, you okay with everything?’

  Netta nodded, closed her tablet as she stood and when she reached the door, she asked. ‘Oh just one thing.’


  Netta narrowed her eyes and asked in her sternest voice. ‘Peyton, is doozy a real word?’

  Peyton was still laughing as she tucked herself into bed, after Netta had left to find her Captains. It was mid- morning, and she had made a herculean effort to stay focused, now it was time to sleep. For the moment everyone was where they were meant to be.


  Peyton arrived just as Darby’s cup went flying through the air, spilling tea in a long arch as it smashed to pieces against the wall. She slept for the better part of the day and it was now early evening. She had just emerged from the shower when she received an urgent comm from Kinn.

  ‘Lady Darby is very upset, Madam, we are in need of your counsel.’

  ‘Where are you Kinn?’

  ‘In the systems unit.’

  ‘I am on my way, Kinn it will be alright.’

  ‘She is very distressed Madam.’

  ‘I am sure she is, I will be there shortly.’

  Unsure what he meant by upset, she had hurried and found Darby throwing cups and cursing badly in several languages The cussing apparently had sent all her new computer techs from the room. Whether it was because she was so bad at it or they could not bear watching their Commander throw a temper tantrum, she could not tell. With one quick look at the four pale faced males, she decided not to ask them. The Graynite Warriors, which is what they were now called, stayed outside the room, watching through the wall of glass as their small Commander stormed around the unit.

  Hawk and Marlo met up with Melody and Netta just as they came upon Peyton, who was watching her small sister stomp around badly cussing up a blue streak. ‘She has got better at the cursing since we got here.’ Melody critiqued her.

  Netta agreed. ‘Yep, she doesn’t get caught up trying to invent new words now.’

  ‘True, she has more of a cadence, a rhythm to it, she never had that before.’ Peyton said thoughtfully.

  ‘She needs more fire in it, waves her arms around too much, it takes away from the point.’ Commented Marlo.

  ‘That’s true, takes away from the stomping.’ Kerol said as he rolled up next to Marlo.

  Hawk sucked his bottom lip in. ‘The cup is a new touch though.’

  ‘It is, but I think that was my cup.’ Whined Peyton.

  Netta observed. ‘Looks like she is winding down.’

  ‘Someone should go talk to her.’ Melody stated with what Peyton considered to be an evil smile.

  ‘So do we know what started her off?’ Marlo asked Kinn when he stepped forward.

  ‘The Matriarch’s ship has stopped at a small planet. Lady Darby believes she is off loading the Warriors, which has annoyed her.’ They heard another cup crash. He cringed and told them. ‘She did not anticipate this maneuver.’

  Peyton said. ‘That cow, Kinn can you comm Lord Harm please and ask him to come here? Commander’s Hawk and Melody, get your team’s together, kit up, fully loaded. Commander Marlo, are you and your brothers, if available, up for a small excursion to get those Warriors?’

  ‘Madam, we are.’

  ‘Good kit up too.’

  Hawk asked before they left. ‘Which ship Madam, I am guessing you wish her not to know we are rescuing the Warriors?’

  ‘I am working on that, I should know when you are ready to board.’

  ‘Thank you, Madam.’ They chorused together as they left her at a run, she said to Netta. ‘Wish me luck, I’m going in.’

  ‘I do... I really do.’

  Peyton took a step and then eyed her. ‘Aren’t you meant to throw yourself in front of me or something?’

  ‘Usually yes, but I have reports to write.’ She shrugged. ‘You know how it is?’ She took another look at the scowling Darby and mock shivered. ‘You are so on your own.’ Then she ran and before Peyton could say anything she was at the corner of the passageway and gone.

  She sighed gustily, then looked down to find Honor looking at her. What I’m going. Sheesh everyone’s a nag.

  Beloved, I said nothing.

  It was implied in the look.

  I see.

  Peyton was sure she heard a few snickers as she walked into the unit. Darby was now standing, hands on her hips staring at a screen. When Peyton stood next to her, she growled. ‘The treacherous cow is off loading them, I just know she is. We have no way of getting them without her sensors picking us up and I am pissed because I never foresaw that the furincowbitchreswoue, would do that.’

  ‘Darby you can’t know everything, it is impossible, tuap I am the Star Daughter and I don’t. Hon, you are too hard on yourself.’

  Darby hunched her shoulders. ‘I know, I really do but our Warriors depend on me and I have to be one step ahead of the enemy. The new tech for the engines failed and the rest of the tech is inadequate to meet our needs. I can’t let them down, I can’t let you down.’

  ‘Darby enough.’ Peyton said sharply. ‘There is only so much you can do with the tech we have, so we will get better tech, better systems, we have the funds to do it. Right now I think I have a solution to our dilemma of sneaking our Warriors off that planet.’

  ‘If that is what she has done.’ Darby muttered. Peyton gave her quick hug. ‘You know it is, that is the kind of thinking they have, the Commanders are assembling teams now, do you want to go or send…’

  Darby spun around, cutting her off. ‘Kinn take the others and find Willian. He will show you how to jam anything she has left behind. I bet it will be proximity sensors, tell him to disable them and to watch for mines and long range sensors. He will show you how to make it look like planet static.’

  ‘As you say, Lady Darby.’

  ‘And be careful.’ She called after them as they ran from the room, passing Harm in the hall, he strode in and asked. ‘We have a problem?’

  ‘Yes, that treacherous bitchre…’

  ‘Alright Darby I can explain.’ Interrupted Peyton.

  Harm looked around at the mess. ‘Someone upset Darby?’

  ‘Yes, it seems that the Matriarch has stopped and is offloading our Warriors on a small planet. I was hoping your ship could slide on in and we could, or at least my Warriors could grab them, without her finding out.’

  Harm smiled. ‘I see you know that our ship has a light shield which can render us invisible for a limited amount of time?’

  Peyton remained silent but grinned at him as they both watched Darby spin in place like a child’s top. Harm said as he reached out and steadied the small female. ‘I think that we can definitely go retrieve the Warriors.’

  Darby ears perked up. She was almost jumping up and down on the spot. ‘Invisible… why did I not know about this? I need this tech. Who designed it? Is the designer available for me to talk to, Harm answer me?’ her voi
ce was reaching toward a screech when he hurriedly said. ‘My Uncle Waseo is Captain of the ship that brought us here. He will be able to answer all your questions. I will ask him to talk to you after he comes back, will that suffice Darby?’

  Peyton asked. ‘Wassoo?’

  He grinned as he told her. ‘No, it is pronounced Way Su.’

  ‘Ahh, got it, thanks, Waysu.’

  Darby growled. ‘Yes, and yes again, we need this?’ She said to Peyton, who nodded her agreement. ‘We will come to an agreement, their tech will be paid for Darby.’

  Harm shook his head as he tapped his link. ‘No Peyton, it will be a gift that is what family does. If I had thought about it, I would have already volunteered it. Ahh Waseo, you are up?’

  ‘I am now, what is so important that I had to be dragged from my warm bed?’

  ‘I like him.’ Whispered Peyton to Darby, who snorted and quietly asked in return. ‘Why is it you like all the grumpy ones?’

  ‘I like you?’


  Harm answered his uncle. ‘It seems the Matriarch is trying to slip one pass us, she is offloading the Warriors.’

  Waseo snorted in disgust as he rumbled. ‘Isn’t that typical of a treacherous anult woue like her? I see some people do not have brains enough to blow their nose with. I will get the crew up and warm the engines.’

  Darby grinned as she said to Peyton. ‘I like him too.’

  ‘Thank you, Waseo. I am sending you the coordinates now, expect Warriors and Turqualls. Take your orders from Commander Hawk.’ He raised an eyebrow at Peyton for confirmation, she nodded yes.

  ‘I will.’

  Harm tapped his link again, then turned his attention back to Darby and Peyton as she asked. ‘Why were the crew not brought over to the ship? They could have met some of the Warriors and had food from Helen’s diner.’

  Harm looked pass her for a moment, softly he said. ‘I just did not think of it, we don’t mix as a rule. It has become a habit to keep ourselves to ourselves. A mistake.’


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