Daughter of Ethos: Price of Power Book 3

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Daughter of Ethos: Price of Power Book 3 Page 23

by L M Lacee

  Peyton’s eyes widened with feigned shock as she told her. ‘Maikonia where all Star Daughters and Sons come from, are you telling me the sisters of the house of Oraintarre have not read their histories?’

  There was no outward sign of laughter, but Sennha and her sisters could easily see that the female and the others in her party were amused. Sennha ignored her comment about the histories, Peyton was right, they had not read them. In fact, she did not know what histories the female was referring to and said instead.

  ‘My dearle sisters mentioned that you had said Maikonia, where is this mythical place. In what star system does it belong? No one I asked at the Capital seemed to know where it was, nor could they find it on any star chart.’

  Peyton blinked twice, that she knew was a lie, Sennha had been half-way back by the time Eddea had comm’d her. Harm assured Peyton, Sennha would never have told anyone at the Capital her home world had been invaded for fear they would do the same.

  ‘Isn’t that amazing Commander Roeah, it seems our solar system is unknown?’

  ‘Amazing Star Daughter. I wonder if Sennha would like to tell us who it was she asked?’ Hawk knew a lie when he heard one as well.

  ‘No, Commander Roeah. I would not. I was unaware you were allowed off Jenersar. Please remember your place and address me by my title.’

  ‘Would that be bitchre?’ Darby drawled, annoyed by how she spoke to Hawk.

  Sennha’s instinct was to snatch the hair from the little females head, then stomp on her face, but she did not give into the impulse. As First Sister she had far more fortitude, and she did not want to give the game away. Although it was very hard to remain calm, especially when she saw the female’s eyes laughing at her and knew she like the others were waiting for her to lose her composure, but again she did not. First Sisters were above all those baser instincts, they remained alert and focused at all times. What a First Sister can do is sneer down an opposition, which is what she tried now.

  ‘Remain silent servant, while your betters talk. I did not give you permission to address me.’

  Hawk tensed at the slight to Darby, he should not have worried. Darby turned her head toward Sennha and stared expressionlessly, Sennha let her eyes rove over the small female and zeroed in on the hair band she wore, which she could plainly see was Adee. Golden Adee, how was that possible? Who were these people that they could have such blessings? Her eyes flew to Darby’s face, dearle stars had she actually been wrong.

  What Sennha saw in Darby’s eyes was enough for her to move slightly in discomfort and lower her eyes. Honor stood next to Darby, her fur sleeked and body enlarged in combat mode. A soft growl hummed in the air. Darby looked away, placing a calming hand on Honor.

  Hawk said softly, anger in his voice. ‘Tread warily Sennha. You do not know who you have invited into your home. So do not presume we will react as you expect.’

  Hawk like Harm knew the Matriarch would assume incorrectly that he and Harm were there for their own ends and to add to Peyton’s illusion of being the Star Daughter. Harm was sure she would think the Solverea family were there to steal her world and Hawk and his Warriors were paid to help him.

  Fear gripped Sennha’s heart, to be delivered a warning by the deadly Commander caused her body to tense. She refused to acknowledge the trickle of sweat that ran down her spine at his words. She turned her attention away from Hawk and Darby and addressed Harm. ‘Harmara Solverea and the infamous Waseo Solverea. What brings two Assaens to my planet in the light of day?’

  Harm smiled. ‘The Star Daughter.’

  Sennha twittered a giggle, a sound that was ridiculous for a female of her age, and made Darby and Honor’s lips curl in distaste. Sennha caught the look out of the corner of her eye but ignored them. Only the tightening of the skin around her eyes an indication she was annoyed. She really did like Harmara Solverea, he was like a golden chalice. She wondered, as she slipped her eyes toward the so far silent female Commander, if she was amusing him as a bed partner. Maybe it was the watchful one called Star Daughter. Of course it was possible the little servant was his partner. Would he bed with one of these pale creatures, surely not, although one never knew? Maybe if she offered him a tasty treat as in herself and any one of her sisters or all of them, he would align himself with her house. It would be a triumph to take him from this bitchre, if indeed he was warming her bed. She just stopped herself from smirking as she imagined what she would do once she had the male under her control, of course she would have to promise to share her world with his family. Well, maybe a moon, perhaps KarSar.

  Firstly; she would have him remove these pale people from her universe starting with this interloper and her people, then she would have the Jenersar Emperor beholden to her when she returned his Warriors. Finally she would become the Governor of the Capital and then the Governors of the Coalition would dance to her tune.

  Rave moved silently into the room and stopped as he listened into the overly scented female’s thoughts. When he realized she spoke of the Assaen, who was mated to Sister Heather, whom he liked very much and had missed when she was gone, his senses became inflamed. His fur sleeked out as he walked to stand next to the Assaen. He mind-sent her thoughts to Harm and Peyton, who mind-sent a yawn back and told him she was an olesho. Harm sent back laughter, which made him smile.

  ‘Well Harmara you call her the Star Daughter but that has not yet been proven.’ Sennha arched a manicured brow at him playfully and said suggestively. ‘After this, maybe you and I could get together and discuss work for you and your family.’

  Rave growled deep in his chest causing Harm to instinctively brush his hand down his back to calm him, while sending him waves of comfort. In that instant something happened that Rave thought was impossible. He mind-sent to Harm, before he could stop himself.

  I am for you as you are for me.

  Harm’s voice when he replied was filled with wonder. I am for you as you are for me, Heather is going to be pleased.

  Rave stood quivering as feelings swamped him, and he called out to Rage. It has happened, I have bonded to the Assaen Harm. How is this possible?

  Brother, I am happy for you. We have loosened the noose of the old ways from our instincts, and this is the result. The histories were right, we are what we are meant to be. We are now Maikonian Prowlers.

  Yes. Rave answered, still a little dazed. We are Prowlers, and I am bonded. Amazing!

  Fanharr sent. I am happy for you brother. I have explained the histories we learned of to the members of our Pride on board and have discussed bonding. They are very excited. We are Maikonia Prowlers. They heard the voices of all the Prowlers on the planet and off echoing the same cry.

  ‘It has been proven to me that she is the Star Daughter.’ Harm disagreed with her statement and then he said with pleasure flooding his heart. ‘Meeting with you would not be possible, my mate awaits my return. We do not take assignments anymore without the consent of our new Leader.’

  Sheena took a min to digest his admission, seeing all her dreams crumble before her eyes. Finally she asked. ‘I find that amusing, are you saying the great Harmara Solverea has been caught, and his family is at the mercy of another leader, I find that hard to believe?’

  ‘What part?’ Melody asked, irritated with the idiotic female who tried to poach her sister’s mate. ‘The fact he is mated or that the family has another leader.’

  Sennha’s eyes narrowed in anger at the interruption, but she did not let it show. Knowing the female who sat and stared at her, the Star Daughter watched her every move and expression.

  ‘Commander Melody, was it?’

  Melody smirked as she answered. ‘It is.’

  My Melody, a most wondous fing has happnd?

  Bacon my love, not now. I will be there soon.



  ‘I am surprised at the notion of a leader. Everyone knows the Assaens are ruled by tradition. So Harmara securing a mate to produce an heir is of no surprise.
Now to be taken over by another family, that is truly astounding, they must have been very well trained if everything I have heard regarding the Assaens is to be believed.’ She turned her attention back to Harmara and asked. ‘Did you lose many of your people and ships in the take over?’

  Waseo mind-sent to Peyton. This female only sees what she wants, Harm told her who we are?

  Peyton sent. Now this is bat shit crazy.

  Harmara, trying not to laugh, raised a brow at Sennha ‘Not a one, no people, no ships.’

  ‘Amazing, what did they offer for you to just hand your family over to them?’

  Harm felt Melody and Darby tense at the implied insult. He looked over at Hawk and saw the anger in his eyes and wanted to laugh and rejoice at his new family’s defense of his honor. He looked at Peyton and saw a small smile playing around her lips and almost smiled at the wink she sent him.

  Melody growled, and her hand found purchase on her knife. Harm placed his hand on her arm and smiled as he said softly. ‘Calm sister.’

  She subsided, but only because she saw the female’s eyes sharpen when she spied her Adee. Sennha almost swallowed her tongue when she saw a spiraling set of bands on the Commander’s arms, another golden Adee. How, she asked herself, how is this possible, who are these people?

  Suddenly doubts crowded into her mind, perhaps Eddea was not as foolish as she believed her to be, mayhap all the stories spoken about at the Capital were not as ridiculous as she thought. She ruthlessly pushed aside all her doubts. She had decided on her course of action and she would not change her direction now. To do so would look weak, which she would never do.

  Heather growled from her visual on board the ship. ‘Cow… How dare she? I’ll give her a suggestion.’

  Helen laughed. ‘You go girl.’

  Harm replied. ‘Well as to that Sennha. I am mated to one of the Star Daughter’s sisters and she graciously offered a home for my family, which I accepted.’

  ‘You bet he did. Take that, bitchre.’ Heather crowed as Netta grinned at her.

  Shocked, Sennha let mins of stunned silence tick by before she raised her eyes from Harm’s amused ones, to Peyton’s and forgetting she had the same idea or that this was not the Star Daughter she demanded to know.

  ‘You allowed your sister to join with him and align his family with yours… Do you have any idea who they are, and what type of people they are, how they earned their reputation?’

  Peyton grinned and leaned back in her chair. She let her eyes move over Sennha’s sisters, lingering on the ones she knew and finally coming to rest on Eddea who found she could not look away from those green pools of knowledge. ‘Thank you Sennha for acknowledging my title as Star Daughter.’

  ‘I did no such thing.’

  ‘I think you did.’

  Helen jumped to her feet. ‘Got her finally.’ She fist pumped the air. ‘There you go girl, you have her on the ropes now.’ The other Terrans all crowed with delight. The non-terrains just sat and shook their heads, not understanding the reference.

  Peyton did not even try to hide her astonishment when she asked Sennha. ‘You are seriously warning me about family, with the family you have. As for my family, I am very proud to be associated with such honorable people as the Solverea’s. If I was you Sennha, I would remember, when you insult one part of the family. You insult all the family and we are a very, very, big family.’ With a slight edge to her voice, she explained. ‘I would be more careful with your words in the future.’

  Sennha’s eyes gleamed with pleasure as she missed the warning in the tone of Peyton’s voice. Now was the time. This was the moment she had been waiting for. She tapped the table and sweetly said. ‘Let us bring our attention back to the reason for your presence on my world. It seems that you are quite concerned about the Warriors assigned here. My sisters were themselves concerned that you would be annoyed. You see, I have returned with eighty- five Warriors who escorted me on my trip to the Capital. It seems you rushed to the assumption they were missing or had fallen foul of some dastardly deed. Unfortunately a mistake was made in the form of a miscount. It was thought I had taken only forty-five Warriors with me, instead of the eighty-five. So there you are, we had a slight miscalculation no harm done.’

  ‘I see, when did you realize this?’ Peyton asked politely.

  ‘As I am sure you know, I left several luneras ago for the Capital, so when second sister Eddea told me of your demand. We the sisters of Oraintarre were suitably abashed when we realized what had happened. Eddea was hesitant to tell you, which is why we waited until I returned to explain.’

  ‘Eddea should have just said, then this would have become unnecessary don’t you think?’

  No one replied. Peyton watched Sennha, who smiled in what she knew was her charming political persona. It was one she had practiced since she became First Sister. Peyton, like everyone with her, was unmoved and unimpressed.

  Sennha barely kept the laughter from her voice when she said. ‘With this new development, I have decided that we need to change the way things have been done so far. I will give you maybe half of the Warriors that you have demanded. What was the number?’ She tapped a long finger nail on her chin. ‘Oh yes eighty- five. Well, I will look at giving you forty-five of those males, when you return my world to me. The rest we can negotiate before you leave.’ Smirking, she leaned back in her seat, waiting to see what the pale creature would say now. She did not expect Peyton to laugh.

  Helen said quietly. ‘Well that did it, she’s really pissed now.’

  Heather observed for them all. ‘Dearle stars they are really, really dumb.’

  Peyton brought her mirth under control and stared at the astonished looking female. Obviously that was not the reaction she was expecting and asked. ‘You really think you are in a position of power here. Don’t you?’

  Sennha sighed as she shrugged one shoulder in what she hoped was a careless manner, her eyes however told another story. ‘Yes... Yes I do.’


  Sennha looked down and smiled, looking at Peyton from under her lashes. ‘I have something you want. In politics it means dearle Star Daughter, I have leverage.’

  Peyton said. ‘See, I do not see it like that, in fact I think you are full of tuap.’

  Sennha laughed at her and then sneered. ‘It did not take long for the persona to fall, now did it? Truly it was a good try, you may not like it, but your gamble did not pay off. You need to stop playing games and give up now. I have won. I always win, it is my nature.’

  Peyton started to glow as she said, and her voice sent chills over Sennha and her sisters. ‘It amazes me that you would think so.’

  ‘I do not see why, you have been out classed and out witted. It all comes down to experience and intelligence.’

  ‘What of the Warriors on the moon?’

  Senna felt her heart stutter a beat, then she brushed an imaginary hair from her cheek as she asked nonchalantly. ‘What Warriors?’

  Peyton sighed and tapped a tattoo with her fingers on the table. It was the only sound in the otherwise silent room. Sennha’s could not help herself as her eyes followed the movement of those tapping fingers. When they stopped moving, she raised her eyes to the female sitting at the end of her table. It appeared as though she had come to a decision, evidenced second later by the words she spoke.

  ‘You know I originally came here today, to demand the return of my Warriors, and in truth after meeting your sisters. I was curious as to what kind of person you would be. Now I have satisfied my curiosity and I realize I don’t want to play this game anymore. You are reprehensible, and nothing I say or do today will change that, or have any impact on what is to happen.’

  Sennha looked bored as she said. ‘Leave my world, I tire of you and your censure. There is no room for you and your people here.’

  Hawk smiled as he told her. ‘You are misinformed Sennha, we are not here to invade your world. If we wanted to do so, it would be done by now.’

/>   Sennha heard the sincerity of his words and doubts crowded her mind, so again she went on the attack as part of her mind grappled with the idea, this was indeed the mythical Star Daughter.

  ‘If you say so. Although, I do not understand why you seem so determined to place myself and my house in a bad light. I run my world, I have the Salistred mined and rule my people, who are given a good life.’

  Melody stated. ‘As long as there is no dissent and they do as you order.’

  Sennha laughed. ‘You are so naïve, I am the First Sister. This is my world.’

  ‘It amuses me you would still think so?’ Peyton told her.

  Sennha demanded. ‘What does that mean?’

  Peyton eyed her and her sisters. ‘That you think you own this world and are in control of it or will regain control again. Those days Sennha are over, gone, dead, extinguished by your greed and abhorrent treatment of honorable males. I want to be that person who finds it sad that you have not realized this, but I cannot lie that well.’

  Sennha swallowed the spurt of fear those softly delivered words invoked. She hardened her spine and her voice as she said. ‘I do not think you are the one to understand. I can and will make you return my world to me.’

  Peyton shook her head as she said. ‘You are delusional, Sennha. I know what you did.’

  Sennha tossed her head as she asked. ‘What do you think you know?’

  ‘I know that six and half luneras ago, forty- five Warriors arrived back after supervising cargo shipments to other planets. Either they already knew, or found out when they arrived, what you and your family were doing to the Warriors on your world. Using them as your personal retainers, instead of doing what they were trained to do.’

  Not one person, including Sennha, missed the fact she had started to glow as she spoke. ‘Oh shoot.’ Whispered Netta. Marlo and his squad brothers watched the people on the screen. Jarrod watched them and Peyton as she continued speaking.


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