Venom’s Revenge: Ruthless Rejects MC, 1

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Venom’s Revenge: Ruthless Rejects MC, 1 Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  Maybe that made me a better man, I didn’t know. I never claimed to be good. I just had a few rules and I wasn’t willing to break them for revenge. There were more ways to get to her father, and I intended to be the better man. He was the one who deserved to see the monster I kept at bay, not Rebekah.

  Pressing a kiss to her lips, I took her hand and led her out of the bedroom.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, tugging on my hand.

  “We’re going to join in and have some fun.”

  I was going to make sure she realized that she was wanted by someone.


  Chapter Sixteen


  I was nervous as I followed Venom out the back door and headed toward the large garage, which held the party. The music was loud and bumping, the walls practically vibrating from the sound. Venom had a hold of my hand as he led me inside.

  The scene before me was like how I’d expect an MC party to go, even though I’d seen plenty of debauchery within the club walls. This was just like that but more … wild, if that was even possible.

  Scantily clad women grinding on members, alcohol guzzling, pretty much fucking in the corners. It was just as hardcore as I’d expected, but even so, I felt free being here.

  But there were several buffet tables filled with food set up on the sides, a couple kegs beside that, men hanging around it as they filled their glasses and spoke crudely about pussy and fucking.

  “Come on,” Venom said softly and took me over to where the drinks were. He got each of us a red plastic cup filed with beer, the foam reaching the rim. He handed me mine and smiled. It was genuine though, one I hadn’t seen before.

  “Thank you,” I said even though I knew he couldn’t hear me over the rush of music.

  I turned and faced everyone else, feeling out of place yet still not wanting to leave. Given the fact of how I was even here, how I’d come to be here, kidnapped and chained up, then in Venom’s bed, I actually felt … normal.

  A few guys I’d recognized during my stay at the clubhouse came up to us and started speaking with Venom. They didn’t talk club business, and instead talked about pretty mundane things, things that had to do with legitimate businesses, contracting, dry walling, things that were very not MC-ish.

  I don’t know how long I stood there, but before I knew it my cup was nearly empty. Venom had it from my hands and refilled before I could even say a word.

  I smiled at him and took it when he offered and faced the party once more.

  “So, she’s a permanent fixture at the club now?” The slurred voice was loud, close, and I turned and looked at the man who’d spoken.

  Rooney, I thought his name was, looked rough around the edges, with a scar on the side of his neck and eyes as blue and cold as the ocean. He had his focus trained right on me, as if he were pissed I was here.

  I saw the way Venom tensed, how the other guys who’d been speaking with him cleared their throats and walked away.

  “She like, an old lady now or what?” Rooney’s voice was rough like sandpaper, and filled with annoyance.

  “Watch yourself, Rooney.”

  Rooney didn’t respond, just drank more of his beer and glared at me.

  “And if she was … is? Would that be a fucking problem, Rooney?”

  I didn’t know what an old lady was, but from the sound of it this wasn’t something said lightly.

  Then Venom took a step toward the biker, both of them nose to nose now, the air around us thickening and heating. I felt the hairs on my arms stand on end as I watched these two men about to go toe-to-toe. My heart raced and I looked around, noticing that no one else seemed to care, that although a few of the other bikers glanced our way, they paid no attention to the almost fight that could be happening.

  “Go on, Rooney. You want to challenge me and my decisions?” Venom’s voice was deadly calm.

  “Maybe, Venom,” he said. “Seems like she went from someone who was tied up and a captive for revenge, to sleeping in your bed and then you fucking her.”

  “Watch yourself, Rooney.” Venom’s voice was so low, so deadly intense I felt chills race up my spine. “You’re drunk and I’m giving you a pass, but only this once.”

  “Fuck you—”

  And then Venom reared his arm back and slammed his fist into the other man’s face. I gasped and covered my mouth with a hand. Rooney stumbled back into a banquet table, knocking over cups so they crashed to the floor, beer splattering along the cement.

  I thought the other man would hit Venom, but instead he straightened, turned his head to spit out a mouthful of saliva and blood, and growled low before looking back at Venom.

  “I just hope you know what you’re doing.” And then he turned and stalked out of the garage, leaving me confused as hell.

  I looked back to see Venom had his eyes narrowed and his focus on where the man had gone.

  This wasn’t the kind of life I ever saw myself in, wasn’t the kind of world I thought I’d be immersed in. And despite all of that I still wanted Venom, still wanted to be by his side.

  And how fucked-up was that?

  I needed to talk to him, to tell him that I had to go, that I couldn’t stay here. Although I wanted to be with him, the strong connection I felt we had, even knowing that it would only grow, was not everything that I needed in life.

  I wanted to grow, to go to school. I wanted all of that and more, and I wanted Venom by my side.

  So, the best thing I could do was be honest with him, talk to him, and hope he was understanding.

  The best I could hope for was that he wouldn’t refuse to let me go.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I shut the door to my room at the clubhouse and curled my fingers into my palms, my hands in tight fists as I tried to calm down. I thought about the altercation in the garage with Venom. I’d overstepped my bounds, crossed lines, but then again, Venom wasn’t thinking clearly, not when it came to Rebekah.

  I didn’t give two shits who he was with or who he fucked. I’d challenged him and his decisions because the girl he’d brought into our world, into this compound, would always be in danger now. I didn’t care about why she was here, or that Venom initially wanted to use her as a revenge tactic.

  One that he clearly wasn’t going to follow through with.

  I didn’t give a shit about any of that. I was thinking about the here and now.

  He cared for her, that much was clear. But taking on an old lady, given the fact we were outlaws, had plenty of enemies, and sure as fuck didn’t follow any rules or laws, meant she would always be put in harm’s way.

  I pushed away from the door and headed over to the dresser. I took off my cut and set it on the scarred wood. For a moment I just stood there, thinking about my past life, how I came to be where I was, what I was doing to move forward.

  This club was my life, always had been and always would be. I bled for them, would kill and die for them. But I had my own agenda, my own end result as well.

  I reached out and opened up the drawer, pushing the stack of T-shirts away and pulling out an old and weathered lockbox. Reaching up and grabbing the thin chain around my neck that held an old brass key, I pulled it over my head and unlocked the box.

  Inside was an old, worn Polaroid, one that was my most precious possession.


  The girl I’d grown up with. The girl I’d been in love with for longer than I even wanted to admit.

  I stared down at that picture I had of her, the edge peeling away, the picture itself faded with age. She stared back at me smiling, her long strawberry blond hair glowing in the early morning sun. I loved her like I’d never loved anything or anyone—my club included—in my godforsaken fucking life.

  And maybe that’s why I despised Venom’s decision so much. Maybe that’s why I needed to have his old lady out of the clubhouse. If he wanted to keep her safe he’d be smarter.

  Because I couldn’t have Brynl
eigh here.

  I couldn’t have her in my life the way I wanted to. Keeping her at arm’s length, not even admitting to her that I was in an MC, was one of the worst fucking feelings I’d ever had.

  She wasn’t stupid. She knew something was up, knew I wasn’t a good guy. But she stuck by me through everything. I’d been a delinquent teenager, a bad boy through and through. I wasn’t a good guy, but for her I’d fucking give up my life. I’d give her the world on a silver platter if it made her smile.

  But this life we lived, the outlaw MC life, was too dangerous to have her part of it. So I saw her rarely, made sure it was in secrecy so my enemies didn’t find out. It was safer that way.

  If I wasn’t such a selfish bastard, I would cut ties with her for good, the only way to truly keep her safe. But I couldn’t even stomach the thought of not having her in my life.

  I stared at the image of her for so long my vision started to grow blurry.

  Clenching my jaw, I put the picture away, locked it up, and shoved the box in the back of my drawer. I could hear the music from the garage as if I were still in there.

  My fucking jaw ached from the punch to the face. I deserved getting slugged by Venom. He was my Prez and I shouldn’t have overstepped bounds like that, but he was blinded by his need for that woman.

  Aside from the club pussy that hung around the MC, none of the members had old ladies. Sure, there might the occasional kid thrown in the mix, ones the Patches might or might not even know about, but a significant other? Nah, we tended to fuck on demand and leave it at that.

  But shit, Venom was breaking the mold with that chick, rocking the fucking boat, so to speak. He was thinking with his dick and that was always a bad thing. If she was smart she’d leave, run far and fast from everything the Ruthless Rejects stood for.

  But hell, I’d seen the look in her eyes, the one that said she was already neck deep with Venom.

  Stupid. So fucking stupid.

  Well, it was their problem. God forbid something happen to her, but if so then Venom would realize why we did the shit we did ... and didn’t do.

  I thought about Brynleigh again and my need for her, my unwavering, unconditional love. That girl had me so wrapped up I was a fucking crazed man because of her. But I channeled that restless energy into this club, into being one bad motherfucker without remorse.

  I lifted my hand and ran a finger over the scar on my neck.

  Although years old, I’d gotten the scar protecting Brynleigh. Nearly bled out because I was defending her honor. And I’d do it all over again.

  Because she was my silver lining, the light that could pierce my darkness. Maybe one day I could be honest with her. Maybe one day I could tell her all the depraved shit I was actually into, how I was part of an outlaw MC and deep in some nightmarish shit.

  Maybe one day I’d finally tell her that I loved her.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I shouldn’t have hit Rooney.

  Even as I knew I shouldn’t have, the bastard deserved it. What right did he have to question me?

  Glancing over at Rebekah, I saw her huddled in the corner. Most of the club whores were already naked and some were fucking or sucking the brothers off. Rubbing the back of my neck, I wondered what she was thinking. She stared into the fire that one of the guys had lit a few hours ago.

  Swallowing my beer, I couldn’t help but watch her.

  She wasn’t begging for attention.

  I was used to women flaunting their bodies, pleading for me to fuck them.

  Rebekah wasn’t like that.

  I suddenly needed to have her in my arms.

  Finishing my beer, I tossed the cup into the trashcan and went to her. I was aware of the club watching me but I didn’t give a fuck.

  “Come on.”

  Her gaze flitted to the exit but she had no idea that I wasn’t going to let her go. Keeping hold of her hand, I led her back into the main house, going straight for my bedroom.

  Closing and locking the door behind me, I pulled her into my arms, sinking my fingers into her hair.

  I didn’t like this feeling that was overwhelming me.

  The moment my lips were on hers and I felt her relent and melt against me, everything settled within me. My cock hardened and I wanted inside her.

  To have her forget about running away.

  She wasn’t going anywhere.

  I was keeping her all to myself.

  Moving her back against the bed, I started to work her shirt over her head. Breaking away from the kiss long enough, I removed all of her clothes until she was completely naked.

  Next, with her standing there staring at me so innocently, I took my clothes off. Piece by piece. Seeing the anticipation in her eyes, I took my sweet time, not wanting to rush this.

  “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” I said.

  She smiled but again, didn’t say anything.

  I wondered if something had happened to her when she was with her parents. She didn’t seem to believe me when I told her these things.

  Don’t forget, you fucking kidnapped her.

  Now you’re fucking her and saying nice things about her.

  She probably feels like she’s going crazy.

  When I was completely naked, I reached out for her, wrapping my arms around her body, running my hands down her back to grip her plump ass. I loved how curvy her ass was. Spreading the cheeks, I slammed my lips down on hers and relished her little moan of submission.

  All it took was a few seconds for her to be gripping me, holding me tighter. Refusing to let go. I loved it when she did this. I didn’t want her to let go. I wanted to totally fucking consume her.

  Without breaking the kiss, I dropped her to the bed, making her slide back. I needed her so fucking much. My cock was already leaking copious amounts of pre-cum. Sliding my hand between her spread thighs, I cupped her pussy. With one finger, I teased her clit, feeling how wet she was.

  Plunging inside her, I added a second finger and then a third, stretching her. She was so tight. Pulling my fingers out, I stroked up her slit to her clit.

  She cried out.

  Her head falling back.

  Her mouth opening.

  The pleasure echoed around the room as I watched her, stroking her clit, seeing the pleasure building within her.

  Part of me just wanted to ram my cock inside her and fuck her until she couldn’t remember anything but me.

  Instead, I kissed her neck, sucking on her pulse, trailing my tongue down to tease one nipple, then the other. I took my time, not rushing, wanting her to experience a mindless kind of pleasure at my hands.

  I hadn’t hurt her.

  Not yet.

  Nor would I ever.

  It had been my plan, but something about her had stopped me. I couldn’t bring myself to hurt her. She was too precious and I didn’t want to lose her.

  Even as I stared into her eyes, I knew this was not the life she wanted. She’d been in the garage with my club, her gaze never on me or the patches. It was on the fire or on anything else. When she didn’t even know I was looking, her gaze would turn to the exit, always looking longingly.

  I didn’t want her to run.

  She was mine and I wanted to keep her all to myself.

  Sucking hard on her nipple, I relished her cries and felt the sudden change in her body. She started to wriggle against my hand. Her orgasm was so near.

  Sliding my fingers in and out of her, then up to her clit, I watched her shatter apart on my hand. She was the most beautiful, most natural woman I’d ever seen.

  When it was over, I gripped my cock, wiping her cream against my stiff flesh. Running the tip against her slit, I got myself nice and slick with her cum.

  I held myself at her entrance, and inch by inch, slowly started to sink inside her.

  I’d never had a woman to call my own before.

  I didn’t know what it was about her, why she was so different to me, but I
felt it deep into my soul. I felt consumed by her.

  Never in all my years had I taken a woman to be my own. I’d used the women in the club and not cared when other brothers had taken them right afterwards.

  With Rebekah, she belonged to me. Only me.

  She was mine.

  Plain and fucking simple.

  I didn’t share.

  Sliding in and out of her, I felt her tight cunt hold me, grip me. It was the only place I wanted to be. She was the only woman I wanted to fuck. This feeling, it didn’t go away. I expected it to but with Rebekah, it only seemed to get stronger.

  I took hold of her hands, pressing them above her head as I kissed her harder, deeper. She moaned my name, and no matter what, I knew I couldn’t lose her.

  Chapter Nineteen


  There were times I told myself that it was forced, that sleeping with Venom was not a choice. He was my kidnapper. I couldn’t be held responsible for what I did with him because he ultimately made all the decisions. He was in charge, not me.

  Only I couldn’t think like that.

  Every single time he touched my body, I lost my mind. Not because of him being my captor, but because I loved his touch. The moment he touched me, I didn’t want him to stop.

  As I lay on his bed, legs spread open as he made me watch him slide his fingers through my pussy … all I wanted was more.

  “You have such a pretty cunt, Rebekah.”

  Two fingers worked inside me, stretching me as I moaned. There was nowhere else I wanted to be. I loved this too much. He set me on fire and as he added another finger, I knew I’d never be able to get this feeling from anyone else. He completely consumed me.

  He pulled his fingers out of my pussy and I saw how wet they were.

  Suddenly, he moved, and he was at the base of the bed. He wrapped his fingers around his cock, the same ones that had been inside me were now smearing all of my cream over his length.


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