Venom’s Revenge: Ruthless Rejects MC, 1

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Venom’s Revenge: Ruthless Rejects MC, 1 Page 10

by Sam Crescent

I watched him leave before closing the door and locking it securely behind me. I turned to the bed and there she was. Curled up in the center, looking so innocent, sweet, precious, and completely passed out.

  Removing my leather cut, I put it on the chair, and went into the bathroom to take a shower. The place was a shithole but still, I didn’t want to touch her after what I’d just done. She might be happy I killed her father, but I didn’t want her seeing his blood on my hands.

  Once I was done with the shower, I wrapped an equally shitty towel over my hips and breathed out, feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders right in that moment.

  Heading back to the bed, I climbed in next to her and the movement made her moan softly. She opened her eyes and I saw relief.

  She didn’t pull away, but I saw her eyes fill with tears, her sadness cutting me to the core right now as I watched her.

  “I love you,” I said.

  The tears fell and still she didn’t say anything.

  I didn’t know if I could handle that kind of silence. Not now.

  “He had to go,” I said.

  “I know.” Her words surprised me. “I know he had to go. I didn’t expect him to turn up at the trailer. I rarely saw him when I did live there.”

  “He hurt you,” I said darkly and looked at the bruising and swelling on the side of her face.

  “It’s fine. I’m fine.”

  “Rooney said you lost it for a bit there.”

  “A little, but I’m fine now.” She reached out, her hand going to my chest. “I think everything just crashed in around me all at once. I feel much better now.”


  She traced the pattern of my ink.

  “I still need to have some time,” she said.

  I smiled. “I’m not going to drag your ass back to the clubhouse, Rebekah. I know what you need and I agreed to let you go.”

  “You’re going to let me leave, even after all of this?”

  “I’m going to let you have your time. I do have some conditions though.” I saw her tense so I cupped her cheek. “Don’t panic. It’s not going to be anything kinky or dirty. Although, if you’re up for it…”

  “Stop, Venom. Tell me what they are.”

  “You’re mine, even if I’m not with you. No other men. You belong to me. I will still come and see you, but I’ll give you the space you need. I mean it, any guy I see sniffing around you, I’m going to fucking kill.” I wiped another tear away. “You don’t need to worry about getting a job. I’ve got some money for you and I’m going to keep on bringing it so you focus on your education.”

  “That’s all?”

  I shook my head.

  “I’m the one who gets to pick where you live.”

  “This is a lot of control you’re taking.”

  “I love you, Rebekah.” I took her hand and placed it right over my heart. “You own this. I don’t want you to go. I’d rather you come back to the clubhouse with me where we can be happy, where I can keep you safe. I know I can make you happy.”

  I saw the sadness in her eyes.

  “I also know you need this,” I said. “So, I’m not going to be selfish here. I’m going to allow you to go. I don’t want to let you but I will.” I took her hand, locking our fingers together. “I’ll support you in whatever you need.”

  “I love you, Venom. I do. I tried not to fall for you. I figured at first it was some kind of weird Stockholm syndrome but it’s not. What I feel for you, it’s real. It’s raw and I need to find myself. To be ready to do this.”

  Gripping her neck, I pulled her in close and kissed her.

  I knew she was going to find herself.

  I knew without a shadow of a doubt she was going to come right back to me.

  “I’ll always be with you, Rebekah. You’re not alone anymore. I’ll come to you anytime, day or night.”

  “Make love to me, Venom.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  “Kiss me,” I said on a whispered moan.

  And he did just that … possessively, wildly, and like a man who knew what he wanted.


  Only me.

  We were already both naked, his cock pushed deep in my body, his big, muscular form covering mine, pressing me into the mattress. I couldn’t think straight, couldn’t even breathe as my arousal claimed me, took totally over.

  I couldn’t help that my inner muscles clenched around his cock, but it felt so good. I wanted him impossibly deeper, so deep that we were one.

  “Fuck, baby. Your tight little cunt squeezing my cock is fucking heaven.” He started really moving then. In and out.

  Slow and steady.

  Driving me to a fever pitch.

  “Venom,” I whispered and he grunted in pleasure. The bed rocked back and forth, hitting the wall behind me, sounding out our passion.

  “Fuck. Yeah.” He pulled out of me so that only the broad head was now lodged in my pussy. Looking into my eyes, I could see he was fighting with himself, and I placed a hand on his hard, sweaty chest.

  “Fuck me,” I said, ordered. Maybe making love hadn’t been in the plans in the beginning, but right now I needed to feel alive.

  He thrust back into me, harder, with determination.

  I gasped, loving every second of it.

  “Damn, you feel so fucking good, baby girl.” He thrust deep in me again, pushing me up on the mattress.

  Stars danced in front of my vision.

  He leaned in and kissed me, his breathing harsh, his motions almost frantic.

  “Venom,” I said again on a strangled voice.

  “I fucking love you.” He roared out those words. He pulled back and looked into my eyes. “You’re mine. Always will be. You always will be fucking mine, Rebekah.” He thrust in deep again and I gasped. “You understand me?”

  I nodded, feeling the truth behind what he said.

  With every inch he sank into me, I felt claimed … owned.

  “Mine,” he groaned. He pushed up slightly so he could lean back and look down between my thighs, where he was lodged deep in my body.

  “I’m going to watch as I fuck you, as I thrust my cock deep in this perfect pussy of yours, making you take all of my inches, making you take all of my cum.”

  He felt huge, his thick dick plunging in and out of me, stretching me.

  He shifted a little more so he was on his knees, grabbed my hips, and pulled me down just a little so he was deep in me. He used his thumbs to pull apart my pussy lips.

  Then Venom slammed into me again and again. “But every part of you belongs to me.” He continued to slam in again and again, and I arched my chest, a gasp leaving me.

  We were both so sweaty, but God, it was the good kind, the kind I wanted to have all over my body because it meant we were so passionate.

  “Yes,” I moaned and arched my back, my breasts thrust out.

  The sound of his cock moving in and out of my pussy filled the room.

  “Rebekah, baby girl, God, I’m so close.”

  He placed his thumb on my clit and started rubbing it back and forth.

  I cried out in pleasure.

  “Come for me.”

  He groaned harshly again.

  “Fuck. I love you so much.” He thrust in deep.

  “I’m coming again,” I said and cried out as the pleasure crashed through me. My inner muscles clamped down hard, and we both moaned. I arched my back and let that sensation consume me.

  “Fuck, milk me, suck the cum from me.”

  His huge body went rigid then, and this deep sound left him when he buried himself deep inside me.

  It was long seconds before his body finally relaxed, and he rested his full weight on me. We were both sweaty, our skin pressed together, and all I wanted to do was stay like this, but I knew what I had to do, that I had to experience what it was like being free, having a life.

  Venom understood that. He was giving me that freedom.

  He roll
ed off me and pulled me in close. My back was to his chest, and he wrapped a muscular arm around my waist. Venom placed his hand between my legs, his fingers pressed to my pussy. He pushed the cum starting to slip out of me back in.

  “My seed belongs in here. Always, Rebekah.”


  He removed his hand, and I turned in his arms so we were face-to-face. I leaned up to kiss him, wanting to be as close as I could because of the intimacy we’d just shared. I knew I’d never get enough.

  “You’ll come back to me,” he whispered against my mouth. “You’ll live your life then come back to me.”

  I knew I would.

  “I love you,” I said and pulled him in closer. “I love you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Three months later


  Part of me never expected Venom to fully leave me alone. He was such a force to be reckoned with and yet, there I was, three months later, having finally graduated high school with my GED, and working on getting everything ready for when I started college in the spring.

  He was giving me the space I needed, the room to spread my wings, so to speak. Although he was always close. He refused to have me work, and instead made me focus on my studies. He set me up in an apartment, made sure I was safe … protected me.

  He was here but then again, he wasn’t.

  For these three months he stayed away, true to his word. Although I felt him near, and that alone brought me comfort. I knew I didn’t want him out of my life. I couldn’t stand the thought of that.

  Pulling my hair up into a ponytail, I walked to my front door, needing a walk, needing some fresh air to clear my head. Life was stressful with all the things I had going on, but I had always wanted this. I had always desperately desired the freedom to make my own decisions, to have a plate full of tasks and accomplishments.

  I stepped outside, the smile already on my face. I wore a pair of running pants and a long shirt, my tennis shoes laced up and ready to eat pavement.

  My body felt as restless as my mind.

  With my keys now tucked into my pocket, and the coolness of the fall biting at my flesh, I started running. I wanted to rid myself of this feeling from my mind, and sitting at home wasn’t helping me.

  Starting down the street, I ignored the people that passed me and headed straight toward the park. I didn’t live in the center of the city but on the outskirts, at least an hour from where I’d grown up.

  It was refreshing not seeing the drug addicts, homeless, and police squad cars patrolling day in and day out.

  The silence wasn’t something I was used to, but I embraced it, welcomed it.

  I was on my own now and I was happy with that.

  I didn’t think about my parents, didn’t think about how my father was gone and my mother was on the same drunken, downward spiral she’d always been on. Trying to reconcile with her was a dead-end, and I didn’t want to get trapped in the past.

  This was about me and my future.

  The moment I got to the park, I released a breath before starting down the run path. I ran here several times a week, just a short time for me to feel the wind in my face and try and clear my thoughts.

  Thinking about Venom and how much I missed him intensified my regret that I’d pushed him away. I loved him and wanted to be with him no matter where he was. But if I hadn’t done this it would have been the biggest regret of my life, I knew that.

  But I couldn’t deny that going three months without having Venom in every way had been hell. Even now just thinking about him, I was wet. And when I pictured us together, how he’d pushed his cum inside me, declaring where it was supposed to go, had the air sawing in and out of my lungs.

  I missed his kisses.

  I missed his hands.

  I missed his cock.

  And above all else, I missed that feeling I got when he held me, like it didn’t matter what was going on in the world, so long as he kept on holding me. I was safe with him. I was happy.

  The run didn’t help those feelings, wouldn’t extinguish them.

  I knew that.

  What I wanted was Venom.

  There was no denying that.

  Being alone was not all it was cracked up to be. I wanted to go to college, to have my education, but I also wanted Venom.

  Was I being selfish for wanting all of this?

  Stopping by a tree, I leaned against it and caught my breath, something that had nothing to do with the fact I was running. I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself. I hated this. I hated missing Venom because I loved him so much.

  “God, you’re gorgeous.”

  I jumped at the deep voice. Opening my eyes, I saw Venom standing right in front of me.

  “You know it’s not good for a woman to run in a park without a cell phone, pepper spray or even a gun,” he said, winking, but I knew he was serious.

  “God,” I whispered and threw my arms around him. “You’re here.” I didn’t bother admitting I’d been thinking about all the filthy things he did to me, how he made me wet without even being here. “I miss you,” I admitted.

  “God, baby,” he groaned and used his body to press me up against the tree. “I miss you too, but you have to know I was always near?”

  I nodded. I knew.

  I rose on my toes and kissed him, not able to stop myself. His lips. I groaned when his tongue traced across my lips. My desire and need picked right up. I wanted him naked and deep inside me.

  He pulled away from my lips. One of his hands cupped my ass and the other cupped my face. “You miss me?”

  “Yes. What are you doing here?” I asked. My heart was racing but I didn’t care. I was so damn happy to see him. The only reason I was running was to try and get rid of my need for him, but it had failed miserably. It had backfired.

  I was lying to myself that I could live without him.

  With each passing month, it was driving me even more crazy.

  “Three months was three months too long,” I admitted.

  He rested his forehead on mine and groaned softly. “Tell me about it. It’s been hell for me.”

  Glad I wasn’t the only one going through withdrawals.

  “I love you, Rebekah. You’re not getting rid of me. You’re mine.”

  Hearing him say that filled me with so much happiness.

  Wrapping my arms around him, I held him close. “I love you too, Venom. So much. I don’t want to live without you anymore. I don’t want to. I need you. I can juggle the life I’ve always wanted and being with you. I have to, because the alternative is too much like having a piece of myself missing.”

  He lowered his face to my neck and I moaned, loving the slight stubble he had from not shaving.

  “I want to come back to the clubhouse with you,” I said.

  “You’re going to finish your college education. We’ll make it work. I promise.”

  I wanted to argue with him but I knew he was right.

  “I think I know what you need and I can show you how to take care of it,” he said and I shivered.

  He pressed his cock against me and I knew I’d do just about anything so long as he never stopped touching me.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I sat behind the wheel of my SUV and stared at the small coffee shop with the outdoor patio. She came here a lot, a book in front of her, a tall glass of ice cold lemonade. Did she know she was the only woman I’d ever loved, the only person I’d ever seen myself with?

  But I couldn’t have her, not with the life I led, the club putting her in too much danger.

  Even knowing all of that I still couldn’t fully stay away, couldn’t drag myself out of her life. Because a life without her was just too damn painful.

  I curled my hands on the steering wheel even tighter, wanting nothing more than to go to her. Even though I knew it wasn’t safe to be seen with her, I still made it a habit of seeing her every couple of months. I had to for my own sanity.
br />   But she never asked questions, never approached me for more information. She accepted what I said, even if what I said was the bare minimum. She wasn’t stupid. Brynleigh knew that I was involved in some heavy shit. But even knowing that, she stayed, still wanted to see me.

  God, I wanted desperately to go to her right in that moment.

  I found myself more times than not about to open the door and head over, pull her into an embrace. But I forced myself to stay in the car.

  And just watch.

  Stalk her.

  She leaned back and reached for her lemonade, taking a long sip from it as she held her book in the other hand. It was breezy out today, her long strawberry blond hair blowing around her shoulders. How many times had I thought about curling those strands around my hand, pulling her head back, and devouring her mouth with mine? How many times had I forced myself to stay quiet, to not frighten her with the intensity with which I needed her?

  I closed my eyes and rested my head back, my hand still wrapped around the steering wheel, the leather creaking from my hold, from the force. My cell phone vibrated and I opened my eyes, reaching across of the passenger side seat and grabbing it. My heart started racing when I saw it was a text message from Brynleigh.

  It’s been a while, stranger. When are we going to get lunch?

  I looked up at where she sat, oblivious of the fact I was parked across the street watching her like a stalker, like a creep. She was biting her bottom lip as she stared down at her phone.

  Anytime. All the time.

  I shouldn’t have added that last part. Fuck, I shouldn’t have texted back at all. I should have just exited out of her life, taken my own damn advice to keep her safe.

  But I’m a selfish bastard.

  Well, I’m free. And I miss you.

  I closed my eyes and breathed out. Fuck, I missed her too. Every damn day I thought about her, wanted her in my life as more than what we were.

  Let’s get together, okay? Soon?

  I looked at her again and saw her speaking with the waiter.


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