His Carnal Need (Xylon Warriors 2)

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His Carnal Need (Xylon Warriors 2) Page 10

by Ruth D. Kerce

  Erik flipped off the dildo and removed the thin vibrator from her ass. “She’s protected from rear penetration poisons and illnesses now. Are you all right, Leila?”

  Lying on her stomach and breathing hard, she wiped her eyes. “That was the best ever. I never thought so much pleasure possible, especially from giving over control.”

  “That’s exactly why you came so incredibly hard,” Erik spoke in a low voice, so as not to break the sensual mood. “But never agree to that kind of submission because someone intimidates you, only if you have complete trust in your partner should you allow something like that to happen.”

  Lightly, he caressed her pink ass. When Torque had begun spanking her, he’d almost pushed the man back. But he’d kept the slaps light, like Braden. Maybe Torque understood more than he let on.

  Too bad that once the major sexual appetite hit Leila, she might not remember most of what happened here tonight. Some women did, some didn’t. They’d know in the morning. He’d question her when he got the chance. Even if she forgot the actual events, her apprehension about sex should remain gone.

  After an emotional wall broke down, a Xylon’s psyche remained stable, in most cases anyway.

  Hopefully, he’d get more chances than just tonight to touch her intimately, to show her how he felt about her, and not in a group setting. He wanted one-on-one time. He wanted her to clearly remember everything he did to her body, and know he was the one giving her that pleasure.

  She glanced up at him. “I trust you, Erik. All of you. And, um…”

  “Yes?” he asked when she hesitated and blushed.

  “I wouldn’t even mind…doing it again.”

  At her admission, he gulped, but then his muscles tensed. When the others issued no comments, he relaxed and felt grateful. She’d exposed herself, and none of them said or did anything to lessen that.

  They were good men.

  No more sexual barriers existed for her. She was now completely free. “Are you ready for the final step?”

  He stroked her hair and leaned down to kiss her. Their lips touched. Their tongues touched. And, at that moment, a new connection of trust and understanding formed between them.

  Chapter Four

  In a military stance, Halah stood alertly before Rave, who leisurely stretched out on a long, green lounger in her quarters. No matter how relaxed Rave appeared, Halah had learned long ago never to let down her guard around this woman.

  As expected, Rave didn’t invite her to sit. Her superior attitude always grated on Halah’s nerves, more so recently, as her own frustration with life in The Dome increased. The woman gave the word “bitch”

  new, intergalactic meaning.

  Rave pulled open the black robe she wore, revealing her naked body. She smiled slightly at Halah, and her eyes held a challenge.

  Yeah, so?was Halah’s first thought. The woman’s breasts sagged down to her waist. Was she supposed to be impressed by their heft? She held her tongue. Halah didn’t want trouble. She needed something from Rave, although she hated to admit that fact.

  Rave slid apart her thighs and bent one knee along the back of the lounger, intimately exposing herself.

  She snapped her fingers, and a female slave immediately rushed over and knelt between her legs. The girl lapped at her pussy, like an obedient pet. Rave stroked her head gently, almost lovingly. “What do you want, Halah?”

  If she didn’t have business that couldn’t be ignored, she’d have turned and left. Halah couldn’t wait to get off this rock and away from these people. She was no innocent herself, but even she couldn’t stomach the former Warriors who now enslaved others and enabled the Egesa to do the same, especially since the majority of those enslaved ended up used for sexual pleasure, torture play, or horrific medical experiments.

  Her thoughts briefly flickered to the male Warrior she wanted to tie up and fuck until he couldn’t walk.

  Perhaps she wasn’t so different from those she despised. Pushing aside the unappetizing thought, she concentrated on her reasons for coming to Rave’s quarters. “Leila Abdera will be captured on Marid tomorrow.”

  Rave laughed. “What nonsense are you speaking?”

  “Not nonsense. I made a deal with Braden Koll to capture Leila, plus whoever accompanies her to Marid, then help them find the sterilization formula, along with important information about Daegal and The Dome. Afterward, I’m to aid in their escape.”

  Rave’s eyes narrowed. “In exchange for?”

  “Information on my sister’s whereabouts. Braden says he knows where she is.”

  “He’s lying. That knowledge isn’t even in The Dome databases. I’ve looked. Her tracking chip is not operational, according to the intelligence. There’s no way he’s located her.”

  “Maybe the intelligence is wrong.”

  Rave frowned. “The girl disappeared, and no one knows where she is, Halah. Don’t become that man’s fool.”

  The fact that Rave sought out the whereabouts of her sister made her shudder. No telling what Rave would do, if she got her hands on anyone who held Halah’s heart. “Braden is a man of honor. I have to take the chance he’s not lying.”

  “Honor.” Rave snorted. Her fingers tightened in the girl’s hair. “What’s your angle with this, Halah? I assume you have one, and you’re telling me everything because…”

  “I know you, Dare, and Shear, as well as Daegal’s Top Commander would like to possess Leila.

  Maybe even Daegal himself, for all I know. Why everyone is so obsessed with her, I’ll never understand.

  But I can give her to you, to do with as you please.”

  “Our obsession, as you call it, is personal and, frankly, none of your business.”

  Like she really wanted to know. They could pass the woman around or have a team fuck for all she cared. “I will need clear transport off this moon, once I find out the information. You can arrange that for me. My other problem is that Leila’s a breeder, as the ones with her will most likely be. Now that all breeders are being rounded up and killed, I won’t be able to clear them through processing.” Halah had learned of Leila’s status from Rave herself. The woman bragged to her endlessly about how she, Dare, and Shear had initiated the Healer some years ago.

  “The breeder sterilization formula isn’t permanent.” Rave twirled her fingers in the slave’s hair. “Does Braden know that?”

  “No, I don’t think so. The rumors are true, then?”

  “From what I hear.”

  “I don’t intend to mention it. Let him find out for himself. I need my sister’s information from him.

  However, the new directive will make getting it nearly impossible without help. The Warriors will be executed once we enter The Dome, and I’ll never find my sister. Braden may even have her killed in retaliation.”

  “That I doubt, not his style.” She held up a hand. “Hold on, while I come.” She pushed her pelvis forward. “Get with it, girl. Cunt-lick me better, or I’ll whip your pasty skin right off your back. Yes!

  There, that’s the spot. Now, faster. Oh, oh, ahhhhh!” She sighed and relaxed against the lounger. With a grunt, she shoved the girl away. “Bring a wet cloth.”

  “Can we continue now?” Halah asked, disgusted with Rave’s display.

  Rave’s attention switched back to her, and she chuckled. “You need a personal slave, Halah. I think it’s been too long since you’ve received a good lick and a hard fuck.”

  “And I think you’re a bitch-whore with a power complex. Can we focus this talk on the situation at hand?” Perhaps her words weren’t wise, but she couldn’t hold back.

  “It takes a bitch-whore to recognize one, my dear. Besides, I take that as a compliment.”

  “You would.”

  Waving her hand in a dismissive gesture, Rave shook her head. “I don’t have time to swap words with you tonight. I’m expected elsewhere. If I clear Leila and company as slaves into your keeping, they’ll think you’re helping them, and give you the
information, then you’ll betray them and give Leila to me, right?”

  “That’s the plan.”

  “Why should I agree? Now that I know, I can just take her. I don’t care what happens to your sister.”

  Rave looked up at the girl who’d returned with the cloth. “Clean me.”

  Halah tried hard not to lunge forward and punch Rave out…or worse. Her hands fisted at her sides.

  Rave grinned up at her, and she spread her legs wider for the girl. Halah knew Rave had only had sex in front of her, and ordered the slave girl to wash her, to try and put her off balance. Rave always wanted the upper hand, and she didn’t know how else to get it. Sad, because Halah wasn’t impressed.

  After everything she’d been through, not much rattled her anymore. She’d attended many Lair Joining Parties in her day. Public sex and voyeuristic sex didn’t faze most Warriors. Rave’s attitude was what grated on her nerves. “I know your secrets, Rave, and I might let something slip if I don’t get the help I need—from the stress, you understand.” She shrugged. “So, it’s to your advantage to help me.”

  A look very close to a pout formed on Rave’s face. Halah almost laughed.

  “And if I still refuse or seek my own agenda?”

  “I go straight to Daegal. Your association, business and personal, with Gabriella, will be revealed.”

  Halah simply stated the obvious. Rave was only buying time by asking what she already knew the answer to. Halah glanced around the room. She wouldn’t be surprised if Gabriella, Daegal’s mate, was watching this entire scene from some hidden surveillance.

  “Nobody sees Daegal, except Gabriella and the Top Commander. Ever. Unless you have a death wish.”

  “I’m sure if I try hard enough, I can get safe passage and an audience. Or at least attract his attention, considering this whole complex is monitored on video.”

  With Rave’s help, Gabriella was slowly poisoning Daegal. They’d found a way around many of the healing elements. Or maybe the chemicals just weren’t as effective on Daegal for some reason. Halah wasn’t sure which, nor did she care.

  Whatever the case, the two women were causing havoc a little at a time, behind the scenes. The two were also having an affair, though she suspected Daegal wouldn’t much care about the latter. He often shared Gabriella with others, even the Egesa. Halah’s stomach churned at the thought of allowing the smelly, lizard-like creatures access to her body. They were nasty fuckers. Literally.

  Totally by accident, she’d found out about Rave and Gabriella’s alliance. One day, as she’d covertly looked for information on her sister, she had overheard the women plotting to take over The Dome.

  Halah had decided that it might be in her best interest to record their meetings.

  With the help of a few loyal friends she’d made on Marid, she had placed some listening devices in strategic locations. A couple of the placements had paid off. The existence of those recordings now kept her alive, safe, and the recipient of certain perks. She didn’t intend to lose the advantage she’d gained.

  Rave’s upper lip curled. “I should have you killed. Gabriella wants you dead. And Daegal doesn’t care, according to her. Supposedly, he’s said you’re too trivial for him to deal with, and he’s left your fate up to her. So at best, your time is limited, Halah.”

  Yes, she was certain of that truth. Still, she needed to remain strong and confident, and not allow Rave to think any of her threats hit home. “Don’t try to intimidate me. You won’t have me killed. Neither of you will. We’ve been through all this before. Whether you choose to believe me or not, Rave, I am more powerful than you and Gabriella know. I have many more followers here than you realize.” A small lie, but effective, given the wary look that crossed Rave’s face.

  “You’re dreaming if you think you can overpower us.”

  “Really? I’m never unprotected as you allow yourself to be, like now. I could easily electrocute you, right here.” She almost always remained wired with power. Halah was smart enough to know that she needed to be ready to defend herself at all times.

  Her training as a Class 1 Warrior in electrical warfare came in handy. In a one-on-one fight, Rave wouldn’t stand a chance. Neither would Gabriella. If they combined forces or sent a team to destroy her, Halah didn’t know her chances of survival. But she wouldn’t go down or give up easily.

  The slave girl scurried to her feet.

  Halah caught her arm. “You stay quiet about this. Or you will die.” If the girl ran to the Top Commander, Halah would lose her advantage.

  “Leave us!” Rave ordered, then waited until the girl disappeared around the corner before continuing.

  “Do not threaten my servants. Blackmail is so unbecoming.”

  “But effective. Once I’m gone from Marid, you won’t have to worry about your secrets or me any longer, Rave. This will work out best for everyone involved.”

  Rave whipped her robe closed and surged to her feet. “We will do this your way, for now. But if I don’t get Leila out of this, I will watch you die. You are little more than a slave yourself, Halah. Don’t fool yourself into thinking otherwise. This knowledge you have is powerful, but not complete.”

  At Rave’s acquiescence, Halah relaxed slightly. If she thought Daegal would release her from The Dome, she’d have already bypassed Rave and told him of the women’s deception. But she’d been double-crossed by Daegal in the past. She couldn’t trust him. This time, she needed to play her advantage smarter.

  The thought of actually locating her sister, alive and well, kept her determination strong. “All I want is to find Josella and leave this life far behind. After that, I don’t care what happens to Xylon or Marid or any of the moons, for that matter. You can destroy them all, if that’s what suits you.”

  * * * * *

  Erik stared down at Leila, resting on the bed. Such an incredible woman. No other compared in his eyes. Sexually, she made him hot and hard. Emotionally, she kept him calm and centered. Around her, he became a better man. Two of the three Initiation steps were now complete. The third and, in his opinion, most important step, remained. Leila had skipped the third step last time. Not that he blamed her. But she wouldn’t have the option of refusal this time. She’d already agreed. And he’d make certain the thought of refusal never entered her mind. “Let’s get her ready for the final step.” He stripped off his shirt.

  “Too tired,” Leila said.

  “Too bad. We are finishing you off,” Torque answered. “Don’t worry. We’ll get you going again. Your sexual appetite will be kicking in, too. So, don’t get too comfortable. You’re going to be begging for it soon.”

  Kam tossed a pillow on the floor. “Whose dick will she be sucking?”

  “Mine first.” Erik dropped his shirt, then with Braden’s help, carefully eased Leila off the bed. She looked worn out. “Are you sore?” Trying to assess her physical and mental state, he looked deeply into her eyes. “Tell me the truth.”

  “I’m all right, just a bit tired.”

  “We need to continue.” He wished they could let her rest, but the timing tonight was essential for everything to work correctly in her system. He caressed her hair and back.

  Meeting his gaze, she nodded. She touched his bare chest, and her fingers skimmed his flesh, trailing slowly down to his belt. “I know.”

  His stomach tightened. He loved the feel of her touch. He leaned down and brushed her lips with his.

  “Soon, you can sleep. Just a little while longer, and we’ll be done.” He helped her onto her knees atop the pillow. “Try to relax.”

  “You have plans for her to multiple suck?” Braden asked.

  “With her scars as they are, while her body is in the correct state, if she sucks the healing elements from more than one of our cocks, maybe she’ll be able to heal better. I don’t think it’s been scientifically tested before, as far as I know. But the theory seems valid.”

  Her ability to self-heal meant more to him than worrying about t
he sexual participation of the others. The elements only absorbed properly while the Initiation chemicals still coursed through one’s system. Tonight was their last shot at transference. According to Braden, and Laszlo’s once sealed records, re-initiation was the end of the line. The rite couldn’t be performed a third time. So far, the Initiation had gone well as far as getting her protected and breaking down her sexual barriers. He hoped for that success to continue.

  “I’ll volunteer for number two,” Torque said.

  “I think Leila should choose,” Kam offered. “She might prefer me.”

  “I will choose.” Erik knew what needed doing, and Leila’s judgment might not be the best while the chemicals controlled her system. Her safekeeping was his foremost responsibility, and he took that responsibility seriously.

  “Leila, does that sound reasonable?” Braden asked. “About the multiple sucking.”

  “Yes.” She nodded, her head hanging in exhaustion, her hair covering her face. “It’s a plausible theory.”

  Erik stroked the back of her head. So silky soft. He wasn’t certain about her sucking Kam yet, but he’d let her suck Torque. Unless she objected. The man spewed cum like an erupting volcano. He’d watched Torque fuck at Joining Parties. The man was practically legendary. Between the two of them, she’d receive plenty of self-healing elements.

  After tonight, though, she belonged only to him .

  Leila felt the chemicals stimulating her system, slowly changing her exhaustion once more to sexual desire. She raised her head and tugged at Erik’s belt. She needed his cock in her mouth, wanted to experience the taste of him on her tongue. The healing elements she required seemed secondary to her at this point. Right now, she simply wanted him.

  She glanced up at his face. He was breathing deeply, his eyes heavy-lidded with passion. Because of her. Even on her knees, a sense of power filled her, more so than any dominant position she’d ever assumed during sex. She took her time unhooking his pants, tormenting him, making him wait.

  When she finally reached inside, he sucked in a sharp breath.


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