Dawn of Fire

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Dawn of Fire Page 7

by Anna LaVerne

  “How many times did you have to try before you did it?”

  “I did it on my first try like with everything else. It isn’t a big deal.”

  “Isn’t a big deal? Did you not see what everyone else was doing?”

  “I didn’t attend class with other mystics. All I have ever known is I am the sixth daughter and to not have high hopes, so I didn’t. My dreams were of being a warrior, not a mystic.”

  “That is insane. I took over a hundred tries to scry alone. Well, I can not teach you anything about enchanting, nor can anyone here. You will have to learn that from an enchantress. So, we will shelve it and continue with the basics.” Ayla pauses before she continues again. This is going to be the longest afternoon. I look to Bee to come up with an excuse to get me out of here. “I was told to start with why a harem is so important.”

  “Of course, you were,” I reply while toying with a small brown blade of grass.

  “Mystics take energy from things to create their power. For instance, you took from the node. Little things are easy, you don’t need a node or a harem. You can borrow from those living things around you. That tree over in the distance. This grass when it was alive, or even the earth. You don’t realize it at the moment because what you are borrowing is so small.

  To work greater magics, you need a node or you need to create your own energy. It is a double-edged sword because mystics cannot tap into the node unless they already have built up enough of their own energy to control it. Sex builds energy. You are not taking it from your partners instead you are creating it. You will see a huge influx of your gifts after the first time.

  The reason harems form is because the more you can partake the more energy you store. The problem comes when your body becomes accustomed to the power and the energy. It is then you need to maintain. Men are only men. They cannot satisfy us endlessly. The more power you need, the more often you need to couple with one or more of your men or women. Although, more energy can be garnered from a male and female coupling. If you had a partner, touching the node wouldn't have affected you in the way it did. You would have been able to borrow bits of energy. Always remember you can borrow too much. Well, I can’t, but I suspect you could. Nodes can and have burned out.”

  Well, that gives me more to think about. It is a good thing I have already chosen Trey. The moment just hasn't arrived. I always have people with me. What would I say? Hey, Trey, you want to, you know? Yeah, that sounds as stupid as the rest of my decision-making capabilities. He is not even training me anymore, and then Rhett is the only one free to be around me. Trey is busy with Cal. I was grateful for Cal in the beginning. now I am angry because he is taking Trey’s time away from me. I am selfish, I'm a princess after all.

  Taking a deep breath, I stand up, stretching out my long legs. I'm done, and now I need to find the most private way back to my room. There is no way I'm in the mood for people to stare, especially after I leave where it all began and none dare tread. Whatever.

  Chapter Nine

  I stand and walk away without saying a word. I hear Bee apologize for my behavior. Ayla won’t follow me back to my room. The room I will get lost trying to find. Ever faithful, Bee is following me, and she won't steer me wrong. I head away from my original bunk with Cal because I am certain my tower is in the corner of Cargil. I only have to navigate these halls to the marketplace again, and then I can find it.

  “Wrong hall, Dina!” Bee yells from behind me. I’m not sure why I can’t be happy that people care about me. Being kidnapped has put a damper on my life. I won’t allow it to happen again. But then, how would I even be able to stop them without drawing on the node again?

  I hate when everyone around me is right. It is true I need a partner, but I don’t like the idea. Is it so bad to want that dream idea of love? The kind of love I've never seen exist in a harem. I like Trey, but do I love him? And I don’t even know Rhett beyond the fact he has bright-red hair, is not much older than myself, and makes me laugh. Rogue. He told me to call him Rogue.

  I keep following the hallway I am in because Bee hasn’t told me to turn yet. There is a door at the end of the hall I am certain takes me outside, and then I need to weave between buildings. Before I can get to the door, it opens and a red-headed warrior walked through. Rhett smiles at me, “Just the girl I was looking for!”

  “Bee and I were heading back to my room. I uh...I had to study with Ayla.” Rhett leans forward and looks down the hall.

  “Why is she all the way back there?” I turn to look behind me. True enough, she is at least fifty feet behind me.

  “She is trying to give me space while making sure I don’t get lost.” At least, I am honest.

  “I got her from here, Bee!” Rhett shouts down the hall. Bee waves her hand in the air and goes the other way; that traitor of a friend. I scowl at Rhett and then push myself past him outside.

  “Geez, Princess, relax.”

  “Don’t call me ‘Princess’ please.” I was polite because I added please at the end of my sentence. That is how it works, isn’t it? I keep walking ahead of Rhett when he yells from behind, “Wrong way!”–forcing me to stop and wait for him.

  “Which way then? My tall handsome carrot.”

  He chuckles, “Like I haven’t heard the ‘handsome’ part before.” I roll my eyes at him. “This way, Dina.”

  I resign myself to walk at his side, perplexed why he wants to be around me, anyway. “So, I guess you dream of being in a mystic’s harem, huh?”

  "Me, no, I am fine with the free warrior women. I never wanted to be in a harem until I set my eyes on you. In the beginning, part of me was interested because of how protective Trey was. I thought you were okay sometimes," He flashes me a mischievous grin. "And then, I wanted to be in a harem."

  “So, I am a chess piece in a friendly competition with Trey.” I recognize where I am now, so I walk faster.

  “No. I was intrigued by how possessive Trey was with you. I get it now. Dina, can you slow down? We are almost running.”

  “Are we?” I ask as I take off in a sprint across the last small courtyard and through the door at the base of my tower. I take the stairs two at a time with Rhett on my heels. A smile appears on my face as I come to the top floor and run to my door opening it. I almost close it, too, but Rhett sticks his foot in the doorway, stopping me. Damn, so close. I keep the door shoved closed as he wiggles his big frame into my bedroom. I relent and back away collapsing on my bed.

  “Why do you have to be so persistent?” I half whine and half ask.

  He laughs and returns, “Why do you have to be so damn fast?”

  We both laugh like kids. I guess I am not that far into womanhood, and he looks every bit as young as me, “How old are you?”


  “Wow, how did you become a trainer so young?”

  “My parents died when I was a very large ten-year-old. We were from Cavet. The farmer who lived down the road told me I probably had the same plague that killed my parents. He said there was a place that took strong kids like me, and that no one ever dies of the plague there. He brought me to the walls of Cargil. They accepted me right away, and I went into training as soon as the healers made me healthy again. I was stationed by the time I was sixteen years old.” His story hit me in the gut. I never hesitate to feel sorry for myself. Sometimes I need the reminder that there are people who have it worse.

  “I am sorry about your parents. Did you not have any siblings?” Rhett shakes his head no.

  "I do, but you're aware of that. Celeste was the only one who ever gave me the time of day. I am twelve years younger than her. There is also the time where she tried to kill me." I chuckle trying to make light of my dismal situation.

  “Yeah, I met Simon once. He is your brother, right?”

  “Simon is the third child overall. As the baby of the family, I’ve only met him a few times. All of them were almost adults or already adults by the time I entered the world.”

bsp; Rhett sits down in the chair by the bed. I continue to contemplate why he is interested. His sudden interest is not adding up. It may be my anxiety is not allowing me to accept Rhett's attention for what it is? Trey said he changed his mind about me right after seeing me, so it isn't unheard of. Yet, a ball of uncertainty remains stuck in my gut.

  “How do you expect Aster will deal with Celeste?”

  Rhett leans back in his chair to show he is thinking, “Aster will prepare. We will not seek her out, the danger is that she is out there. I do not think there is a danger if she comes here.”

  “You don’t expect she could take Aster?”

  “Ha, no not on her own.”

  "How do we know that there are not more mystics unhappy with their station and life and lack of husbands? She may have recruited hundreds."

  “I am sure Vex, Hoda, and the Queen are prepared for that possibility.”

  “I am not, I tried to tell them everything I heard before I... um, escaped, and no one listened. It was all about what I had to do to stay safe and how they are going against Queen’s orders to keep me here.”

  “I will ask them.” The dinner bell rang.

  “If you promise to stay here, I will bring you something to eat.”

  I think about it for a moment. I need to scry my Mother, but I am also dreading what she will say. She will want me to travel to Lorcan, and I want to stay in Cargil. If I want to reach her, this is the best time to do it. “Okay, bring me whatever looks freshest. Thank you, Rhett.”

  I send him an appreciative smile, and after he exits the room, I gather a metal bowl full of water. I don't have all the tools with me needed to scry someone. My mystic tools are still in my old bunk room with Cal. It is okay, the one thing I learned was that magic is all about intent, and I intend on calling my mother. At least, this room had the right bowl already in it. Crystals and a general enchantment spell are required, but if it is all about intent, I can try without it. If it doesn’t work I can always do it the traditional way later, right?

  I place the basin on the floor and sit on my knees in front of it waiting for the water to calm. I take a small knife and run it along the edge of the bowl, causing it to sing. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and think of my mother, hoping she will heed my call. Nothing happens. Reaching for my magic, I try again. I run the knife along the edge of the bowl until it sings again. This time, I allow my magic to lead the way as unplanned words flowed from my lips. “Queen of Aster, my mother by blood, I call for you to speak with me. Queen of Aster, my mother by blood, I call for you to speak with me. Queen of Aster, my mother by blood, I call for you to speak with me. Quee–”

  “Child, please open your eyes, I am here.”

  I startle at the interruption. My beautiful mother is looking up from the water within the bowl. Her raven hair is down around her face, and her dark eyes are sunken and tired.

  “Sorry, Mother, I wasn’t sure it would work. My tools are still in my old bunk room.”

  “You left your tools in a bunk room?”

  “Um, they are with Cal and Bee. I will retrieve them tonight.” She nods at me in response.

  “I am glad you called. I have been waiting. When will you leave for Lorcan?” I guess that means no one has told her I plan on staying. This will be tough.

  “I have made many mistakes, Mother, and I understand it has been hard for you with Celeste’s betrayal and Claire’s death; but I want to stay in Cargil. I want to train with Vex.” I cringe while I wait for an onslaught of words that never come. My Mother appears tired and weak.

  “You are not safe.” There is a long pause, and so I debate what she expects me to say. Then she speaks again, “What I am trying to say is that you are now my heir.”

  “No, no, no, I am not. There are other sisters.”

  “None are even close to what Claire was. You may not have her diplomatic skills, but your magical potential is greater. I had hopes of you being the High Mystic someday, but those are squashed. Celeste's aware of that. That girl is sharp, and she wants you dead. Celeste can’t get you in Lorcan.”

  “She wasn’t able to get me here.”

  “She wasn’t able to get you at the time, because you were a walking, talking, node bomb. I am certain she still has agents. You can’t trust the other mystics. All you can trust are the warriors.”

  “Why can I trust the warriors and not the mystics?”

  “Think, child! Many of the warriors come to Aster from failing nations or kingdoms. They realize they can have more here. Mystics are born here, and what did you want to do? You wanted to leave. They do not understand the dangers to our kind outside the safety of Aster. Some may feel trapped and expect Celeste to free them. It may be my fault for trying too hard to protect our kind. Perhaps it was the one flaw in my Grandmother’s plan when she established Aster.” She looks off behind her and then back. “You won't go to Lorcan, will you?”

  I shake my head no, “I am a fire starter and an enchantress. I should stay and train; if anyone can stop Celeste, it should be me.”

  “She is manipulative and will never attack you directly. She knows her strengths. I can bet it will be another sideways attack. You need to watch those close to you and remember they may not hate you. They may not wish you harm, so you cannot sense them with your empathy. Instead, she may have something over them, or they might be bespelled. She is not an enchantress, but she spent her time growing up obsessing over spells. She is as good as any at that.”

  “Isn’t there a way to sort through them all?.”

  “Only way to do that is if you take a partner and you haven’t.”

  “I haven’t, it is true. But I am going to, I’ve made my choice.”

  “Oh? Will it be the young brash redhead or the stoic trainer?”

  I rolled my eyes, “Trey. You win. I picked Trey, are you happy?”

  “About time you made a good decision. Now train. Keep in touch with me. I want updates. I am taking your sisters to Lorcan. Simon and Al will travel to Cargil to help advise. Simon will bring in Ambassadors from our allies. I expect you to sit in on the meetings and act as my voice. You need to learn diplomacy. Scry me regularly, dress appropriately, and you look good with short hair. Watch your back, daughter. I will speak with you soon.”

  With that, our connection ends. I lean back onto the floor and stretch out my legs before me. This sucks so bad. Diplomacy? I have to meet ambassadors? I have to sit in meetings, and I have to train? All because Celeste killed Claire.

  I will kill Celeste! She ruined my life. I am not a person who does well with responsibility. I spent my entire life skirting any responsibility they put on me. Oh, and let’s not forget that I told my mother I am taking Trey as a partner. Ugh. I throw my hands in the air and kick the floor with my feet. I knock over the water, soaking my entire pant leg. Instead of getting, up I lie there in self-pity. There is a knock on the door before it opens. Rhett is back with my food.

  “Did you get into a fight with yourself and lose?” He takes me in. I must appear pathetic.

  “No, I spoke with my mother, and it was enlightening.”

  “Did the scrying bowl attack you at some point?”


  “Then why are you on the floor in a pool of water, looking like the bowl kicked your ass?”

  I pull myself up into a sitting position, pick up the bowl, and throw it at him. Rhett laughs as he dodges it without a problem. He also manages to not drop a single morsel of food. Impressive.

  “Give me a second to go change.” I grab a nightdress with a robe and head to the bathroom. I don’t know what to do with Rhett. I am having trust issues. It makes little sense he is so interested. I guess I am new to being around men who even give me a second look. At least, I will never be lonely, and Rhett makes me laugh. Trey has a good sense of humor as well, but he is more serious and tougher to crack.

  I need to commit to a decision, I told her I would choose Trey, but am I certain? Time is being wasted.
Once the deed’s done, I want to interrogate every mystic in Cargil, but that is not possible. My mother is right, I can’t trust anyone. Maybe I can interrogate those who are closest to me, or maybe I can feign interrogating everyone and catch a few trying to escape first. I leave the bathroom suffering worse than before.

  “Do you know where Bee is?”

  “I saw her in the hall. She said she would be up later. She plans on staying in here with you again tonight, but you would be safer with me, Vex, or I guess even Trey.”

  “Yeah, that is a solid point.”

  “The Queen got to you didn’t she?”

  “Yeah, she did. Where has Trey been? I think he is avoiding me.”

  "He is working Cal, I haven’t ever seen someone so clumsy. I am not sure why he is sticking it out with him."

  “For me, I am sure, Cal is my friend. One of the few I can trust.”

  I expect for Rhett to say I could trust him, but he doesn’t. He sits there and chomps into his food. I am hungry, but I also am having a hard time bringing myself to eat. Life kinda sucks. Any other girl might be excited about all the new challenges and power, but not me. I am annoyed.

  “So, would you like me to stay the night?” Rhett asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.

  “Now is the time you invite yourself to my bed?”

  “Wait, a minute, Princess. I am asking for safety, and I would only get in your bed if you invited me.”

  I flush in embarrassment. "I've no idea what I am doing. To be honest, I'm not even sure what I want. I'm being forced to decide, but nothing seems right. I like you, and I don't want you to go anywhere. But I need more time, because I came to Cargil to be a warrior not to start a harem."

  "Well, you are getting to do that." He walks over and pats me on the shoulder. "Lock the door, and I will go hunt down Bee. Don’t leave unless someone is with you. Take your time deciding, and I will spend all of my spare time getting to know you more. I never wanted to be in a harem until now." I follow Rhett to the door locking it behind him.


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