Dawn of Fire

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Dawn of Fire Page 12

by Anna LaVerne

  “Hoda is handling that. I was told to get you ready for training.”

  “Fine, where are we going?”

  “A private chamber Vex told me about. It is not far, we only have to go around one more corner,” Bee points ahead. I gesture her to go then because I am done with arguing. I am back to the life where everyone tells me what to do. Dina is only a symbol to the people now, the heir of Aster.

  We round the corner and Bee stops at a small inconspicuous wooden door. I would have walked right by never noticing it. The door opens to a dark damp stairway leading underground. I want to say ‘eww, no way,’ but my new penchant for responsibility stops me. Bee insists it isn't a trap, and since I trust her, I follow her down one step at a time. The only light emanates from the bottom of the stairs. One… Two… Three… forty steps in all.

  The stairwell opens into a wide well-lit hallway. On the walls, hang tapestries of battles fought long ago. Weapons hang ceremoniously between them, “Why is this place here?”

  “I don’t know, Vex only showed me to the stairwell before I was told to go get you ready.”

  We continue down the hall to a single door at the end. We open it to find a wide room that has one corner with a training mat. Along the walls are weapons hung with care for safe-keeping. Vex is sitting in the corner waiting with Trey. “The good news is we discovered Rhett and Cal before we showed them this room,” Vex said.

  I looked at the dark rugged man, “What is so special about this room? Don’t want it to get overrun with young trainees looking for some fun?”

  “Look around. See if you can figure it out. You need to learn to be observant, Dina. Al arrives this afternoon, and reports have it he has brought ambassadors from Luhl.”

  “What does Al have to do with me being observant?” Al is my sheepish brother. He is smaller than me by half a foot. Like my other siblings, he has never acknowledged my existence until now. Now he is forced to admit he has a baby sister that will one day be his Queen. I honestly don't look forward to seeing him.

  “Think, child! You don’t know where his allegiance lies. You need to pay attention to everything and everyone around you!” I am caught up with Vex scolding me, when Trey slaps mystic cuffs on one of my wrists.

  “Trey! What's going on here?” I demand answers. I only have one metal cuff around my wrist, but I can already sense the magic draining from me. “Get this off now!”

  Trey doesn’t hesitate, he unlocks the cuff as soon as I demand it. I rub my wrist and shoot daggers at each of them with my eyes, “I want answers!”

  “We are training, Dina. Vex wants you to learn to sense those around you and to pay attention to every detail in a room.”

  Vex nods and steps forward, “You didn’t even notice Trey before he cuffed your wrist. You need to always be prepared. They will need to put a pair of these on,” he held up the cuffs, “or they will need to drug you. You can bet they will attempt something on your life, and you can't trust Al.”

  “Al? Why can’t I feel him out like the others?”

  “If it was that easy, don’t you think the Queen would have done it?” Vex countered.

  “She didn’t because she can’t bear the possibility that more of her own children betrayed her.”

  “She can’t because they are blood, Dina. They may be only half-siblings, but you will find you can't get a clear read. One minute you detect lies, and then the next, you detect love. Your mother contacted me last night and explained that you must be prepared. You won’t be ready by the time you meet him, but at least, now you know to stay aware. Now close your eyes.”

  I do as he says. “Tell me what is in the left corner of the room.”

  “I, um… I don’t remember. Maybe a small round table with a pitcher of water on it?”

  “Close, open your eyes.” I look to the corner he spoke of. There is no table. It is a servant’s cart with a pitcher of water upon it. How did they get a servant’s cart down here anyway? A table would have been more practical.

  “So close, see this won’t be too hard for me.”

  I was wrong. The training exercises went on for another hour working my mind and my senses. No combat training, no learning to fight, only learning to be aware. There was a short time they blindfolded me, forcing me to sense where Trey was and then Bee. I was good at it, due to my empathy. We now know if I am stranded in the dark, I will sense where my attacker is. I was over the lessons, when Vex asked me to do one more thing, find what is off about the room we are in.

  I try to study every little minute detail. I force myself to inspect the tiles on the floor, checking if they were square as they should be. I work my way up the walls and see nothing. Finally, I move on to the tapestries hanging on the walls, one is a picture of my great-grandmother holding a key. I've never seen a picture of her like that before, “What does the key mean? Why haven’t I seen it before?”

  “I am so glad you asked! I will show you!” Vex approaches the tapestry and gestures for me, “Place your hand over the key. Now picture the key in your hand and say ‘clauditis’.”

  Clauditis, didn’t roll off my tongue well. I played with it a few times before placing my hand over the key, “Clauditis.” I feel a tingle before a golden key materializes in my hand. Ha! First try! I open my palm to inspect it, “What do I do with this? It was warded in a tapestry, in a remote room in Cargil. Why? What does it open?”

  “I am not sure. Your mother told me to bring you here and train you. She said to keep the key safe and with you at all times.”

  “What does it go to, though?”

  Vex frowned, “She wasn't exactly clear. You should scry her about it later. She said it's a tool to escape, but you can only use it once. Magic is a fickle thing. I think it will create a door to Lorcan. At least, I think that's what she was trying to explain.”

  “Ugh! Why doesn’t she tell me these things directly? What is with all the riddles? And where do I go now that I have this key?”

  “We should go get something to eat, mid-day bell rang over an hour ago,” Trey answers. Bee has already left, so I guess that just leaves me, Trey, and dear old dad.

  I walk toward the door as Trey and Vex are discussing the night plans behind me. I am not interested in listening because I'll be forced to go and do whatever they said anyway. Am I freer than I was at Yardel? Yes, but am I still a prisoner of my birth? Absolutely.

  “Dina, did you hear Vex?”

  “I, um… no, I didn’t,” I am already halfway up the second flight of stairs.

  “He says we are to go to dinner tonight with the ambassador from Luhl, and the High Mystic will be there.”

  I pause at the top of the stairs when he mentions my aunt. I haven’t seen her since I was a child! She spends most of her time in Lorcan, delegating the council and advising my mother. I loved her! She always made me feel so special. Unlike with my mother, her children always traveled with her. When I was a little girl, they would play with me and do my hair. Then they grew up and had adult duties. She has so many boys, most of which are now stationed with the naval forces. Only three of her kids were born mystics. It is a shame since she has over fourteen children. There is a rumor that the girls are strong talented mystics. If something were to happen, one of them would be next on the throne.

  I am walking with a lightness in my step after that and Trey takes notice, “What has gotten into you?”

  “I am excited to see Gayla! She was always my favorite, but I rarely visit her. Have you ever met her? She is the most interesting person. She always wears long flowing dresses with lots of small beaded crystals that hang from her neck. Her hair is always falling down from whatever she uses to pin it up with. Oh, and she wears glasses. Whoever saw a mystic that needs glasses? No one, because we don’t, she just likes them. High Mystic Gayla, the most interesting woman alive.” I smile at Trey.

  He grabs me and pulls me into a hug, "Never stop being you, Dina. Things will get rough with your sister, but promise me you will alwa
ys be like this, please."

  “I don’t think I could change even if I wanted to.” I push out of his arms and dash down the hall to my room. Unlike Trey, I know Bee had lunch sent to our room, but my door is sealed. That means the food is in the hall, unattended, waiting for us. I pause mid-step and turn towards Trey, “Bee sent food to my room, but I'm not there to let her in. So, it's no longer safe to eat because it has been left unattended in the hall, right?”

  “Yes, good job. That is exactly what Vex wants to see you do. Be alert. During times like these, it is okay to be paranoid. We are near the main mess hall, we can swing by there and pick up some food before meeting with Tig.”

  “Tig? Why would I be training with Tig?”

  “You need water to cool down sometimes, but you can’t swim. You need to learn because your sister will know you are unable to, and she will use it against you.”

  “Fine,” he has a solid point, but I wasn’t about to be happy about it.

  Once we eat our food, we head to the pool. No one is there. Trey suggests I get dressed. I haven’t been in the pool house since my first day in Cargil; oh how things have changed since then. I walk around a corner to see a tall, beautiful, strong woman stepping into her suit. The muscles on her shoulders are as big as Trey’s and as well defined. Her skin is torched into a deep tan by the sun and her shaggy blonde hair hangs to her shoulders longer than most other warrior women I have seen. She looks at me from blue eyes much like my own, “Hey, you must be the princess. I am Tig, your trainer.” She straightens and walks towards me.

  Like a bumbling baboon, I am still staring. Other than Hoda, Tig is the first warrior woman I have interacted with. I spent a lifetime admiring these women, but was disconnected from them in Cargil. “Hello, yes, I am Dina. It's nice to meet you. For the record, I can’t swim.”

  “I know, that is why you are here.” She pats me on my shoulder as she leaves the pool house. I grab one of the dark-blue clean suits hanging on the rack. Never have I put on a suit that showed as much skin as these do. Stripping off my clothes, I try to wiggle into it. I groan in frustration as it becomes stuck mid-thigh.

  How did Tig make this look so easy? I continue to pull and wiggle until it finally makes it over my hips. I put my arms through, still feeling naked. Sleek, cool, but naked. I look down to find my long legs bared and marvel at how big my feet look. Oh well, I can't change my body.

  We spend three long hours in the pool. By the end of it, Tig is annoyed with me, and Trey has erupted in laughter countless times. I did manage to float on my belly and on my back. I also learned how to kick and propel myself forward. Tig is so graceful in the water. I mostly look like a drowned rat. My arms flail in moments of panic. It took the first hour in the water, for me to relax.

  Alas, I did, at least, learn how to keep my head above water, and how to float. Tomorrow, I will work on moving in the water and different strokes to get out of bad situations. Most importantly, I will learn how not to panic if I am thrown in. One thing the first hour of swim training taught me, is that I must not panic. Today has been exhausting and all about surviving.

  I have been trying not to think about it, but truth be told, I'm scared. It's obvious to me now that they are worried for my life and, in return, all of Aster. I look into my boot before putting it on and see the glint from the gold key I had placed there for safe keeping.

  I leave the pool house completely exhausted. I don’t need more power, my magic is still full from Trey and I. I barely tapped into it all day. I am tired from the physical and mental drain the day has been in whole. The day isn't even over yet, “Do I have time for a short nap before dinner?”

  “No, you don’t. The High Mystic has arrived and has requested to meet with you before dinner. I think I may have an idea that will give you the energy boost you need.” Trey winks at me and pulls me in for an intoxicating kiss. He is right, I sense the energy in the kiss feeding my tired body. I want to squeeze every drop out of him. I am not sure if we can make it to my room quick enough.

  Pulling free, I dart across the lawn. I am learning Cargil and had a good idea where I need to go this time. Trey is fast, faster than me. He pulls me to a stop and then sweeps me off of my feet and into his arms. One arm under my knees and the other under my back. He carries me all the way to my room. I can’t stop staring at his handsome face the entire way.

  "Stop staring," he says, and, of course, I don't. I picked the right man to be my husband. I know we have not had the ceremony yet, but we will. It is only a matter of time. Once in my room, he tosses me on the bed. Sweat glistens across his brow as Trey jerks his shirt over his head and dives on me as if I was a pool of water ready to envelope him. He unbuttons my tunic kissing me down around the edges of my breasts. The energy is electric between us. I can’t wait a moment longer.

  I push him off and swiftly removed my pants. Not that I don’t want all the energy building and lovemaking, it is that we do not have much time. In an instant, he is on me, thrusting deep. Every thrust, the energy builds, and my body siphons it down as if it is dying of thirst. Trey is on the edge of the abyss. I want to meet him there, but I know I am not ready.

  Instead of trying to prolong it for my own need, I encourage him on with a swirl of my hips. When he loses himself in me, the energy sparks around us. I reach for it, pulling it into my core, my inner fire, my reservoirs as he collapses upon me. “I am so sorry, Dina, you feel so good.”

  I reach up running my hands through his short hair and down his back, “It is okay, that was perfect. I enjoyed every second of it. You were right, it was what I needed.”

  Trey rolls off of me and takes a deep breath, “Bee will be here soon. We need to get you bathed first.”

  “I wish I didn't have to put on one of those silly dresses. Do you think there is any way I can wear pants?”

  “I think it would be frowned upon. Bee went to the seamstress today while you trained. The Queen has ordered you a dozen dresses and gowns in your measurements.”

  “Well, here is hoping for something in black. I don’t even remember if Luhl is a kingdom, or a nation ruled by a council.”

  Trey laughs as he gets out of bed and runs my bath, “Luhl is an island nation ruled by chieftains. Each island has its own chieftain. Aster works with Luhl’s navy. In exchange for their extra protections off our coasts, we allow them access to our ports and healers.”

  I nod, “Oh yeah, I think I remember now. It is a fair trade for the health of their people. They also are one of the few nations we trade technology with, correct?”

  “Yes! I have trained with many Luhl warriors. They are as tall as I am, but twice as wide and tough. If they will send men to our walls to help us against Celeste, then it would be foolish to turn any arrangement like that down. Whatever the cost.”

  I get out of bed and climb into the bath Trey has prepared. “You will be there with me, right?”

  “I believe so, no one has mentioned that I won't be there.”

  Trey puts his clothing back on, and no sooner than he did, there was a loud knock on the door. Before we can open it, though, Bee pushes through followed by a slew of servants. “Lay all the dresses on the bed please, and get out.”

  It takes five servants to carry all of the dresses, my mother has ordered, into the room. My bed has become a tower of opulence. Rich fabrics of every color are piled on top of each other. I see hints of lace poking out. Those dresses will have to go, I will not wear lace. Not today, not tomorrow, never. I watch as Bee ushers the wide-eyed servants out of my room and slams the door closed with a loud bang.

  “Never order dresses again!” Bee snapped.

  “I didn’t, my mother did.”

  “Well, what color would you like to wear tonight?”

  “I was thinking black.”

  “Something to represent your dismal attitude? Good choice.” Bee pulls dresses from the pile and stuffs them into my wardrobes. She and Ayla must have removed all of my mother’s clothing this mo
rning when I rushed out to training with Vex. Bee only has four dresses left on the bed, three are black and one is a midnight blue. “Which one do you want to wear?” Bee asks as she holds each dress up one at a time.

  “Which one does not require a corset?”

  “None of them, suck it up, buttercup,” Bee bursts into laughter at herself. “Literally, you will have to suck it up.” I can’t resist laughing with her. So much has happened today, I have forgotten all she is dealing with in losing Cal. I remember the moment her laugh becomes manic, and tears burst forth from her eyes. My heart aches for her, as I ran forward and scoop my little friend up into my arms, hugging her tight. “I am so sorry, Bee,” I whisper into her hair.

  She allows me to cradle her for a few brief seconds before pulling it together. Wiping the tears away from her face, she stands tall. “It's okay, there are so many more important things happening right now. Never mind me, I will move on. I need to get you dressed for a fine dinner with the High Mystic and your impish brother.”


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