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Invaded Page 32

by Jennifer M. Eaton

  In a flash of movement, Sean reached behind his back.

  John rushed toward him. A hum filled his mind, nearly drowning out the bang of a gun.

  Burning, stabbing heat riddled John’s upper arm as he hit the floor.

  “John!” Tracy cried.

  Sean’s shoes tapped across the tiles. “Oh, I’m sorry, John. It looks like I shot you. How inhospitable of me.”

  John tried to get up, but Sean kicked his wounded arm. John’s world swirled with blinding colors and pain. Dammit! Deep within, tremors of emotion roared that were not his own. Dak’s voice bounced between his ears but the pain blotted out the words. He shook his head. Tracy. He needed to…

  Agony exploded anew as his arms were hauled over his head. This wasn’t going down this way. He needed to get control.

  John twisted and kicked as Sean dragged him across the floor and attached him to a hook on the opposite side of the door from Tracy.

  “There we go,” Sean said. “A matched set.” He turned to Tracy. “See, he’s not all that. What kind of man lets a little bullet hurt him?”

  Little bullet.


  John tried to unhook himself, tried to ignore the pain, but his vision blurred again.

  *Hold on, John. I think I can push the bullet out.*

  Thanks, buddy.

  *Don’t you die on me, John. Don’t you dare die on me!*

  Working on it.

  The Southern scumbag sauntered back toward Tracy. She leaned in John’s direction as Sean whispered something in her ear. Hope left her eyes. Stay with me, baby. I’ll figure this out.

  Sean clapped his hands and kicked Green’s body before he strolled back to John. “For a big, strong, strapping cop, I’m a little disappointed. I guess you aren’t the man Tracy thought you were.”

  *The bullet is moving. Just another minute.*

  “I’m a thousand times the man you’ll ever be.”

  Sean laughed. “Oh, you could have been, if you took advantage of your situation. But you didn’t, did you?”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Your little alien friend, Inspector. You see, as soon as Tracy clued me in to what was inside me, I started working at controlling it.”

  The cuffs clanged as John tugged against them. “You can’t control an entity. They are beings, individuals.”

  Sean nodded. “And, like human beings, you can make slaves out of them.”

  “Impossible. They are too strong.”

  *Almost there.*

  “Not if you take away what they need.” Sean pressed closer, assaulting John with the stench of beer and stale ashtrays. “It took all of fifteen minutes of me smoking before it begged for mercy.”

  *That would be torture, like having acid poured into your lungs.*

  I doubt that’s a problem for him. How’s that bullet coming?

  “Now all I need to do is pick up a pack of menthols and this thing does whatever I want.”

  “Like, what? Helping you mutilate innocent women?”

  Sean chuckled deep within his throat. “No. My alien enhanced me, made me stronger, faster—all the things your entity is racing to do for you now, while exhausting itself trying to heal you. But it’s a little too late for that, Inspector.”

  It’s detective, you stupid shit. And at least I didn’t have to torture him to get help.

  Sean’s eyes darkened. “Anyway, now I have a chance to try out my new toy.”

  New toy? Wonderful. As Sean walked to the back of the house, John glimpsed a butcher knife laying on a serving tray on the couch. Dark crimson still stained the blade.

  His gaze shot to Tracy. The long gash along her upper abdomen drizzled with five lines of blood that joined into one before streaming down her leg. Her life drained from her, dripping onto a plastic tarp at her feet. She panted; her eyes glazed and fixed on nothing. Sean had cut her like a piece of meat. And now the bastard was getting something new to torture them with.

  *You’re half-healed. See if you can get free.*

  John yanked. Agony blazed through his shoulder. He cried out, more out of frustration than pain.

  *Sorry. I’ll try again.*

  Dak spun around the wound. Quickly, at first, but his speed began to dwindle. Dak was getting tired. John and Tracy were running out of time.

  Sean called from down the hallway. “Now don’t go hurting yourself, Inspector. You’ll spoil my fun.”

  Bite me, bastard. John yanked, clenching his teeth. The metal hook above him bent.

  Dak, it’s working!

  *Just another minute. I almost have it.*

  Pressure from within pierced his shoulder. A stabbing pain broke through his skin before smoothing over. Something metal bounced on the tiled flooring.

  *The bullet is out. Pull free, John. Pull free!*

  John yanked, but the bent tip of the hook wouldn’t budge. He pushed up on his toes, trying to scoot the handcuffs over the edge. The pain in his shoulder seared like he’d lifted weights and forgot to stretch.

  A blur appeared before him and a fist smashed into John’s gut. John gasped for air.

  Dak went limp inside him for a second before shooting his healing essence down to John’s stomach.

  Sean shook his hand. “You know, punching you isn’t as much fun as hitting a girl. You hurt.”

  “Sorry to disappoint you.”

  A smile burst across Sean’s lips. “No worries. I have other ideas for you.” He propped himself against the door beside John. “You know what the best part of this is?”

  “The best part of what?”

  He waved his hand in the air. “All of this. I mean, hearing people scream, knowing I have the power to do that… What a rush! But the best part is always when they give themselves to me, when they admit that I am worthy, that I’m good enough to give the ultimate gift.”

  Dak darted back to John’s injured shoulder. *Keep him talking.*

  “And what exactly is that?” John shook his handcuffs. They came a touch closer to the edge.

  Sean tilted his head. “Why, their lives, of course. They give their lives to me because I am worthy.” He eased closer. “Because they want to please me. Because I am better than them.”

  John grimaced. “You’re not better.” You’re just your average, everyday sicko.

  Sean pressed closer. “You’re going to give me a gift now, John. The biggest gift of all.”

  “I’m not giving you anything, asshole.”

  Dak shimmered around John’s biceps. John could almost feel them getting larger, stronger.

  *Buy me some more time.*

  “Do you smell that, Inspector?” Sean inhaled. “That’s fear. That’s a gift in itself. It means you are ready to give me what I want.”

  “Why don’t you tell me about it? Tell me what you’re going to do to me. Make me good and scared.”

  “I don’t need to tell you. You already know.” Sean drew a silver rod out from behind his back.

  The missing extractor. Shit. He wasn’t after John. He wanted Dak.

  Sean chuckled. “I wish you could see the look on your face. It’s priceless.”

  Dak, can he force two entities inside himself?

  *No. He’d have to be dead, and the second he died, his entity would leave to find another host.*

  Unless he found a way. Keep trying to free us!

  John kept his voice steady. His gaze traveled over the horrific cylinder. “You have no idea how to use that thing.”

  “Oh, but I do. The first agent refused to teach me, but the second agent got chatty after he watched me rip his partner’s head off.”


  Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

  Sean turned the lower dial. “It’s over, John. Give me your alien. I want it.”

  John scrunched his eyes shut, turning his face away. The rod hummed. Sean’s rancid breath warmed John’s face. He gritted his teeth. Dak?

  The Ambient sparkled in John’s chest
. *You’re as strong as I can get you. Free us!*

  John yanked against his handcuffs. The sheetrock gave. Dust fell on his face and the hook tumbled to the floor. John rolled away.

  Sean pushed the extractor under his arm and clapped his hands. “Exciting stuff, Inspector. But now what?”

  John toiled with the cuffs. No key.

  Sean looked toward Tracy. “Johnny needs a bobby pin, darlin’. Do you have one?”

  She looked up before her head fell limp. The blood beneath her had begun to pool.

  If John had only figured this out sooner, she’d be home, safe.

  “Dang those modern haircuts.” Sean turned back to John. “I guess you’re on your own.”

  *Keep trying! You should be strong enough to break the cuffs!*

  John yanked. The restraints squeaked but didn’t give. Sean inched in his direction, extractor in hand. Out of time, John thrust upward, kicking Sean between the legs.

  The cylinder rolled across the floor, landing beside Agent Green’s arm. Sean grunted and doubled over, buying John a second. He tried to get to his feet.

  “Watch out!” Tracy screamed.

  Face red and eyes blazing white, Sean lifted the coffee table with one hand and smashed the wooden surface onto John’s legs. Pain shot from John’s knees into his spine as he slammed back to the floor.

  Sean picked up the extractor and cleared his throat. “Well, you made this more interesting, but I’m ready to be done.”

  A white light emanated from the instrument’s tip. John closed his eyes. Buddy, we’re in trouble. How bad am I hurt?

  *Bad. I don’t know what to do.* Dak bounded between John’s chest and stomach. *Don’t let him take me!*

  John’s head spun. He took in deep breaths, trying to stay conscious. He could sense Sean crouching next to him, but he couldn’t do more than shift his weight.

  “Eyes or ears, Johnny-Boy? Your choice. I hear pulling it out through your ears hurts more, so I’m fine with that.”

  Tracy’s voice shot through the darkness. “Why are you all about him, now? I thought you wanted me. I’m waiting for you.”

  “You’ll have your turn,” Sean said.

  “I’ll have my turn now.” Tracy’s voice boomed like a parent scolding a child. “You made me a promise. I want to scream. I want you to make me scream.”

  Sean backed away.

  *What is she doing?*

  Buying us time. I can’t move my legs. Fix whatever you can. Help me fight him.

  Dak’s heat spiraled through John’s limbs. The pain deepened but John bit down the desire to whimper like a child. Sensing Sean was no longer near, he opened his eyes. Sean pressed against Tracy, kissing her deeply.

  But where was the goddamn extractor?

  Tracy leaned her head back as Sean kissed her neck. “Yes, I want you. Please, Sean.” Her gaze flicked to John. Her brow furrowed as her lips twisted in disgust. She must have been in agony, but he loved her for it.

  A surge of energy coursed through John’s body.

  *That’s it—that’s all I can give you.*

  It would have to be enough. John sprang to his feet and propelled himself toward Sean. Tracy cried out as the shithole pushed away from her.

  John and Sean crashed and rolled to the floor, bunching up the plastic beneath Tracy. Twisting, John tried to use the handcuffs as a weapon, but Sean rolled and pinned him to the ground.

  “Stupid move, Inspector. You should have seen this coming.” The extractor appeared in Sean’s hand. The light turned orange before John could force his eyes shut. The glow pierced his retina, latching on to something deep within him.


  John’s senses deadened. His limbs became weighted, useless masses. He stared into the light, helpless.


  “Let them go!” Tracy screamed.

  Dak lurched in his chest, not the soothing, gentle roll John had become accustomed to, but a shuddering, staccato tug. John’s lungs burned as if Dak clung to the fragile tissue with claws. The entity shook. A scream echoed within John’s ears.

  Hold on, Dak, hold on.

  Sean dropped close to John’s ear. “Give in, Inspector. Give in to me. Give me everything.”

  “Stop it,” Tracy cried. “You’re hurting them!”

  Something inside John’s chest popped.

  Dak tightened. *Can’t breathe.*

  Don’t you let go, Dak. Don’t you dare!


  The essence inside him relaxed, almost as if Dak had passed out.

  Come on, Dak! Snap out of it. Fight this!

  John’s retinas burned. He willed himself to cover his eyes in a last futile attempt to hold his friend inside, but his arms only jerked in response. Pressure built behind his sinus cavity and then abated with a whoosh. The air between his face and the extractor blurred as if he was looking through gas vapor or heat coming off a blacktop on a hot day.


  It couldn’t be.

  A sense of dread replaced the intense life that had become a part of him.




  Sean laughed as he stood. “Yes. Yes, it’s mine!”

  Dak was gone, ripped from the body he’d called home, and now a prisoner, just like John and Tracy.

  But what would Sean do? How would he get Dak inside him?

  John’s arms jerked again. He bent his leg and tried to push himself up. He didn’t know if he could get Dak back, but he could still keep his friend out of Sean.

  The psycho held the extractor in front of him. Dak’s nearly clear, swirling energy yanked and pulled, as if trying to get away from the cylinder. If Dak got free, would he know how to get back inside John? Or would he have to shoot for another host?

  John clenched his jaw. It didn’t matter, as long as Dak wasn’t forced inside that laughing maniac. Pushing up to his knees, John cursed the handcuffs, the dizziness, blurred vision, and the pain lancing his legs. He straightened as much as he could. “Let him go.”

  With a ruthless kick of Sean’s heel, John fell back. His entire body tingled, engulfed by pins and needles. Somewhere distant to his senses, Tracy sobbed. Numbness overtook him. His limbs failed to respond. Was this what life was like before Dak? So empty? So weak?

  Sean eased the cylinder closer to his face. His chin blurred behind the struggling entity. “It’s magnificent, isn’t it? They’re eternal, you know. They can live forever.” He took in a deep breath and stood taller. “So much power. So much knowledge. And it’s mine. Mine to do with as I please.”

  Dak’s color darkened to a pale, ghostly green. His movements slowed.

  “Let him go,” John pleaded. “He can’t breathe.”

  Sean’s eyes widened as if marveling as the entity solidified before his eyes. “No, he can’t. Because I control everything. Its life is in my hands.” His gaze flicked to John. “You gave it to me, John. You gave me this power.”

  Oh, God, no. Sean didn’t want Dak inside him. He wanted to watch him die, just like the women he cut to pieces. “Let him go! Don’t do it!”

  “Let him go!” Tracy echoed.

  Dak changed to the color of smoked glass. His essence took shape, shook, and reached for John.

  John stretched his cuffed hands toward his friend. “Dak, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” The shape formed a mouth that opened in a silent scream. “Fight him, Dak! Get away! Run!”

  A crevice gouged through John’s soul as Dak’s shaking ceased. The form solidified to a shiny black-smoked cloud and stopped moving.


  This couldn’t be real. It had to be a dream.

  No, a nightmare.


  Not just an entity. Not just a thing. John’s friend.

  The only one who ever completely understood him.

  The only one to stand beside him no matter what.

  With him when John needed him, easing to the background when he wanted to be alone.
  Annoying him like a brother.

  Loving him like a best friend.



  For nothing more than some maniac’s amusement.

  The emptiness inside John burst into a scream of agony. His ears drummed, overshadowing the sound of Sean’s laughter.

  “Did you see that?” Sean cooed. “Did you see it give me its life?” He ran his fingers under the tendril that had reached for John. “I can still feel the power. Eternal life, given to me. To me!”

  John gritted his teeth. Tears blurred his vision. “I’m going to gut you, I swear. You killed him. You killed him for nothing!”

  Sean turned to John, his eyes wide. Soulless. “Not for nothing, John. I killed him because I could.”

  He tilted the extractor and Dak’s body slipped free. The glass-like form glistened in the lamp light. It spun twice as if floating, then crashed onto the tiles and shattered.

  Erased. Riddled to dust.

  John slipped to the floor, shaking. The void in his chest widened. There was nothing left. Nothing. Dak had saved his life, shared his dreams, lived his world. How could he be gone?

  Sean stepped on the dust, grinding the pebbles into the grout framing the floor tiles. “You will never know the rush of this kind of power, Inspector. I can have anything.” He turned to Tracy. “Anything I want.”


  Tracy barely noticed Sean walking toward her. Dak had been alive, spoken to her through John. He was an entity, a person, a friend.

  The dust splayed across the tiles as Sean walked through Dak’s remains—the final assault on what was left of someone that didn’t deserve to die.

  A groan sounded through the room. Agent Green’s hand moved.

  *He’s alive, dammit!*

  Tracy blinked at the sudden sound of Adonna’s voice. “What?”

  A pressure built within Tracy’s chest, as if her heart had inflated like a balloon. The entity inside her pressed to the surface, consumed. The fabric of Tracy’s will began to unravel. “Adonna, what are you—”

  Tracy stretched her neck. She stared at Sean and licked her lips, but she wasn’t the one moving her body. A cage formed around her, pushing Tracy deeper into her mind than ever before.

  Her eyes settled on Agent Green’s twitching fingers. He’d lived. Imbecile. Why couldn’t he have stayed dead?


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