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Intertwined Page 15

by Jerilee Kaye

  He smirked. “You’re crazy if you think I would allow you to get that far!” he said under his breath.

  I laughed. “I know you won’t,” I said and rested my head on his shoulder again. “But, Travis, I have to survive on my own, you know.”

  I felt him shake his head. “No, you don’t,” he said. “Your fate is tied to mine, remember? So that means you never have to be alone for as long as you live.”

  “For as long as you live,” I corrected him.

  “No,” he said. “I’ll find a way to take care of you even in the afterlife.” He chuckled.

  I felt a heavy lump in my throat. Suddenly, hearing him say that broke my heart. I couldn’t…and I mean couldn’t…imagine living my life without Travis in it. No. Just thinking about Travis dying was just too painful for me.

  I didn’t know it, but I was crying silently. Suddenly, Travis pulled away from me and tilted my chin up so he could look at my face.

  “Why are you crying?” he asked.

  I shook my head. I wiped the tears from my cheeks. I pulled away from him and looked at the view of the city in front of us.

  “Brianne,” he insisted. “What did I say wrong?”

  I stared at him. How could Travis say it like that, as if he didn’t think he meant a lot to me?

  “That I would lose you one day,” I murmured.

  His expression softened. He reached out and pulled me into his arms again. I felt him kiss the top of my head. “I’m sorry,” he said. I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him to me while I continued crying on his chest. “But there are things beyond our control, cherie. I’m just saying that even if I’m gone, I’ll make sure you live a comfortable life.”

  “I don’t need a comfortable life, Travis,” I said. “I need you to be in it…always. And promise me you will be!”

  “Ssshhh…” He took a deep breath. “I promise, princess. You won’t lose me.”

  “I love you, Travis,” I whispered and I felt him kiss the top of my head.

  He took a deep breath. “I love you, too, Brianne. Promise me I won’t lose you, too.”

  I smiled. “I promise.”

  Chris hadn’t met Travis yet. Chris knew that my parents and I weren’t close. He knew that I had an old friend whom I constantly kept in touch with, the only other person who reminded me of the happy family I used to have. And somehow, Chris never seemed interested with my “oldest friend.” I tried to tell him about Travis, but he seemed so uninterested and he usually changed the topic. So I just stopped trying over the years. Whenever I disappeared for a day, I would tell him that I was catching up with an old friend, and he’d tell me to go ahead and knock myself out, just don’t do anything silly.

  It’s good that he trusted me, not that I intended to do anything silly with Travis. Travis and I were no longer teenagers with raging hormones who couldn’t get their emotions under control.

  “Why don’t you ask your old friends to come with you?” Chris said whenever I asked him to come to my family reunions with me.

  Well, Travis was always invited to our reunions anyway. But I wanted Chris to meet him and my family. But somehow, he was always busy impressing his bosses and his clients. I got how ambitious he was. I just wished that he would pause for a moment to come to my dances or my family reunions.

  He couldn’t really blame me for being disappointed. The most important male figure in my life had set the bar really high for my future boyfriends. Travis probably earned about a hundred times more than Chris, and he still had time to come to my family reunions.

  My first Christmas with Chris was a disappointment. I was so looking forward to it, but, unfortunately, he told me that he had to go to work. The CEO of one of the companies they were working on to hire their legal services held a major Christmas Eve party and his boss nominated him to attend for their firm. He was eager to impress and ditched our holiday plans of renting a cabin in the woods.

  Since Chris waited until the day before Christmas to tell me that he’s bailing on me, it was too late to fly out to where either of my parents were to spend Christmas Eve with them. So when Sarah told me she was having a ‘singles Christmas Eve’ party at her place, I decided to go. I could tell she truly felt sorry for me. But I tried to smile as much as I could, and pretended I was having the time of my life.

  “Give me a real smile.” Sarah teased as she handed me a cocktail.

  “I’m okay,” I said to her, taking a sip of my drink.

  “No, you’re not,” she said. “You’re disappointed. I know you’d rather be spending this evening cuddling up with a guy who would envelop you in warmth… and comfort and love.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Shut up, Sarah.” But I know she was right. Christmas Eve is a pretty good time of the year to spend with someone you love.

  My phone rang.

  “Cherie,” Travis greeted me cheerfully on the other line and for the first time since Chris told me he was cancelling our holiday plans, I smiled for real.

  “Hey you!” I greeted back. “So, how does a business mogul like Travis Cross spend Christmas Eve? Are you at some VIP Christmas party in Manhattan or some VIP club that only allows entry to the rich and the famous?”

  It took a while for him to answer. Then he said, “Actually, I’m standing in a snowy street in front of a line of apartments that has a coffee shop on the corner and an old bookshop that only sells travel books.”

  For a moment, I couldn’t understand what he was saying. And then it occurred to me that Sarah’s apartment has a coffee shop in the corner street and a travel bookshop.

  “In Connecticut?” I asked.

  “George Street, to be exact,” he replied.

  I couldn’t believe what he said. I didn’t know what to say, but I felt like tons of frustration and sadness were lifted off my chest. I actually ended up laughing. Sarah looked at me like I was out of mind.

  “Okay. I don’t know why you find that amusing, but I would appreciate it if could come out of your friend’s apartment.”

  When I finally stopped giggling, I hung up the phone and stared at Sarah.

  “What is going on with you?”

  I gave her a big smile and then I hugged her. “Merry Christmas, Sarah. Thanks for inviting me and trying to cheer me up.”

  “Where are you going? Is Chris outside? Did he cancel his plans?”

  I shook my head. “Not Chris. Travis.”

  She gave me a teasing look.

  “Stop that. Travis is family. Anyway, catch you later.”

  When I came out of Sarah’s apartment, I found Travis standing across the street. I didn’t hesitate. I ran to his arms and he caught me. When I pulled away, he looked at me and smiled.

  “How did you know where I was?”

  “I was in town. I got an invite to this party. I got bored after thirty minutes and excused myself. I went to your place, but nobody seemed to be home so I tried Sarah’s.”

  “I could be at Chris’s.”

  “You could be. Except that I think I saw him at this lame party without you. I did the math.”

  “You haven’t met Chris. How could you know how he looked like?” I asked.

  He just raised a brow at me but didn’t answer.

  I rolled my eyes. Immediately, I knew he had him checked out when he found out I was dating him seriously.

  He smiled at me apologetically. “Sorry, cherie. I can’t help it.”

  “I’m sure,” I said dryly.

  “You asked me how a busy businessman like me spends Christmas Eve. Well, there you go. Attending a prestigious VIP event, talking and laughing with a lot of people I don’t really know or care about. Talking about politics or Wallstreet. Listening to a bunch of phony people talk about their latest shiny cars or luxurious yachts. You could say I should be a hero for lasting thirty minutes.” He grinned. Then he pulled away from me and intertwined our fingers. “Now, let me show you how I really want to spend my Christmas Eve.”

  We walked
for a couple of blocks until we reached the park. The trees were covered in Christmas lights and we can hear faint sounds of music from afar. There was a skating rink in the center.

  “Ice skating?” I asked him, laughing.

  “It’s been a while.” He grinned at me boyishly. “You up for it?”

  I smiled at him widely. “You bet.”

  We spent an hour skating. It had been months since I last saw him and it was a good time to catch up with each other. We teased each other, chased each other around the park in skates. For a while, it felt like we were kids again and we didn’t have a worry in the world. And when the snow started falling, I laughed like I did that one time when I was eleven, when Tom, Travis, and I had a snow fight in our front yard.

  I stayed in Travis’s suite that night. He gave me a pair of earrings with diamonds and colored precious stones. We stayed up almost all night talking. And just when I thought my day would suck, in the end, I got to spend Christmas Eve cuddled up with a guy who enveloped me with comfort and love.

  The following Christmas, Chris came through. We did rent a cabin in the woods. By twelve midnight, I sent Travis a text message that says, “Merry Christmas, Travis. I hope you’re having a great time wherever you are. Miss yah. Lots of love.”

  After a minute he replied, “Merry Christmas, cherie. I’m having a nice time, but nothing beats last year’s Christmas. Miss you too. I’ll see you soon.”

  After our little trip to the cabin, Chris finally agreed to come with me in our family reunions. He wasn’t available the last time we had one and this year, he said he will definitely make an appearance. My Aunt Victoria would be having an anniversary celebration. Chris filed his leave in advance and made sure he was all mine that day.

  The day before we were set out to take a road trip to my aunt’s place, I found Chris in my apartment after I came home from the studio.

  “Hey,” I greeted him, giving him a peck on the lips. “Not busy with a case today?”

  He shook his head. “Finished all my work yesterday. Remember, we have your family reunion tomorrow?”

  “What did your boss say about you being on leave for a day?”

  He shrugged. “He’s fine with it. I work overtime all the time. I was hoping to make partner in three years.”

  I smiled at him. “And I’m sure you will. You’re great!” And I knew that with all the hard work he put in, it wouldn’t be long before he achieved his goal. Chris was two years older than me. Being a partner at his age would be a great achievement. I knew it would make him really happy.

  I noticed a package sitting on top of my table. “What is this?”

  “Oh, delivery came for you,” Chris replied.

  I looked at the box.

  “Who is Travis Cross?” Chris asked.

  My face brightened at the mention of his name. I excitedly opened the box. Inside it, there were two smaller boxes. There were cards on top of them.

  I read one.

  Please send Aunt Victoria and Uncle Boons my apologies. I won’t be able to make it to their wedding anniversary. But please send them my love with this present.

  I opened the box for Aunt Victoria. I was surprised to see a matching pair of his and hers gold and diamond bracelets. One for her and another for Uncle Boons. “Wow!” I breathed. The gift looked expensive.

  “Cousin?” Chris asked as he read Travis’s note for my aunt and uncle. He looked at the box with the bracelets. “Rich cousin?”

  I shook my head. “No,” I said. “A dear friend. Family friend.”

  I picked up the note on top of the other box.


  I saw this and thought of you. I may not be with you all the time, but know that you’re always in my thoughts.



  I opened the box and found a gleaming diamond tennis bracelet inside it. My breath caught in my throat. The bracelet was absolutely beautiful.

  “Please tell me this family friend of yours is as old as your Aunt Victoria!” Christian muttered under his breath after reading Travis’s note and seeing the bracelet he gave me.

  I giggled. “Don’t be silly!” I said to him.

  I took the bracelet from the box and put it on. The fit was perfect—no need to be resized, and it looked amazing on my wrist.

  When I looked up at Christian, he was reading the guarantee card that came with the bracelet, certifying the clarity and carats of my diamond bracelet.

  “How old is this guy?” Christian asked again.

  I didn’t figure Christian to be a jealous guy, but I answered him wearily. “Does he have to be old?”

  “To afford to give jewelry as expensive as this?”

  I sighed and put the jewelry back in the box. “He’s twenty-nine.”

  “Twenty-nine!?” Christian looked back at me disbelievingly. “How…do you know this guy?”

  “We grew up together, Chris. Remember the ‘old friend’ that I always catch up with?”

  “Your old friend is a guy?”

  Oh, shit!

  “He was my brother’s best friend,” I replied. “He’s family to me. In fact, when my parents decided they didn’t want to be a family anymore after my brother died, Travis was the only family I had left.”

  “But his message in the card is too mushy, too cheesy to be just friends!” Chris muttered.

  I laughed. “You can’t seriously be jealous, can you?”

  He sighed and then he pulled me into his arms. “I guess I am,” he said. “I love you. And I want to stick around for a very long time. I want to be the only guy in your thoughts!”

  I smiled at him. “And you are,” I said. “Travis is a dear, dear friend. He sort of took my brother’s place in my life when Tom died.”

  Chris smiled. “Okay. But next time you go out with this guy, I want to go with you.”

  I smiled widely. “Sure. I’ve been wanting to introduce you to him for years,” I said. “He’s like a brother to me, Chris. It would mean a lot to me if you would be on good terms.”

  Chris leaned forward and gave me a passionate kiss on the lips.

  I was in Chris’s arms that night. His touch comforted me, made me feel warm. I know this man, I thought. I longed for the comfort of his arms…to know that he would be there in my future. He might not always hit the spot, but it was the cuddling after that I looked forward to most of the time. After all, that’s what intimacy is all about.

  The next day, I introduced Chris to all my relatives. I sincerely hoped this would not be the last time Chris would come with me.

  “Tell Travis Cross I won’t be able to forgive him!” my aunt Victoria said. “His presence is much more wanted than his present.”

  I laughed. “But that is a lovely present, Aunt Vicki!” I argued.

  She beamed. “Oh, it is! Look at the cut of these diamonds! Leave it to Travis Cross to gift in style!”

  “Comes with the money!” I giggled. “Travis has tons!”

  “I cannot believe this is your aunt’s twenty-fifth anniversary. She seems…so young,” Chris said after my aunt left us alone.

  I laughed. “We have a tradition in the family,” I told Chris. “All women should marry before they turn thirty-one, or earlier. But definitely not after.”

  “And what happens if you don’t get married by that time?”

  “We turn into frogs,” I replied.

  “What?” He looked at me seriously.

  I forgot that Chris almost didn’t have a sense of humor. He was a person who was serious about life, and nothing about that was a laughing matter.

  “Just kidding. I think we’re…‘cursed’ and are a disgrace to the family. I don’t know if it’s true. But somehow, some of my cousins and aunts have gotten bad luck in love and relationships after they disregarded the tradition.”

  Chris fell silent for a moment.

  “Something wrong?” I asked.

  He shook his head. Then he looked at me and gave me a smack on th
e lips.

  My mother made a late appearance.

  “I’m sorry I’m late, sweetheart.” She kissed me on the cheek. “Where’s Travis? Did you come together?”

  I shook my head. And then I took Chris’s arm. “I came with Chris, Mom,” I said. “Remember, I told you about him.”

  “Oh, yes. I’m sorry.” She shook Christian’s hand. “I forgot you had a boyfriend now. I guess it was just force of habit for me. I was so used to you and Travis being together all the time, and you always come to these gatherings with each other. Where is he?”

  I shook my head. “If I had to guess, I’d say he was somewhere in Europe, buying out one of his dad’s companies. Or in a bedroom with a woman. You know him. Business and women are all he cares about.”

  My mother narrowed her eyes. “I beg to disagree,” she said. “I think there’s nothing he cares about in this world more than you. He almost raised you when your father and I weren’t there for you, remember?”

  “I’m a big girl now, Mom,” I said to her. “But yeah, Travis did great doing your job!” I knew there were pain and anger in my voice. But I couldn’t help it.

  My mother bit her lip, but instead of saying something back, she just nodded and then stepped back and joined my other aunts.

  “That was…rude,” Chris said behind me.

  I sighed. “I know. Disrespectful. But I couldn’t help it. I’m harboring all these bad feelings toward my parents. When I lost Tom, I lost them, too. They chose to mourn in their own worlds and left me behind.”

  “And this Travis character didn’t leave you behind?”

  I shook my head. “He promised my brother he would look out for me. For a while, he was the only family I had left.”

  “Sounds like a real hero,” he muttered.

  I looked back at him. “Chris, please. Don’t! I can’t let you antagonize Travis. He’s too dear to me…he’s like the brother I found when I lost Tom.”

  “We’ve been dating for two years and that name never came up,” he said. “And now, he’s all over the place.”

  “I always told you about him,” I said.

  “Yeah. Formerly known as ‘old friend.’” Chris rolled his eyes.


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