Mated (Fated Mates Book 2)

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Mated (Fated Mates Book 2) Page 3

by Tami Payton

  I sit at the small table and Drake joins me, I’m glad he bought my lie and decided to stay. Bruno doesn’t join me, that asshole would rather have his teeth pulled then stay in here with me. “So, Drake how long have you been working for the jackass that runs this place?” He stares at me, like he can’t believe I just jumped into the serious stuff right away. “I mean I know Bruno has been here forever and is mostly the muscle behind everything. I’m thinking that’s not the case with you. I mean don’t get me wrong, you’re well built and all but you don’t give me the muscle man vibe. If anything, I would say you’re more the brains over bronze type.” Drake laughs and shakes his head. “Damn, you’re pretty good. It’s a shame they have you locked up down here, you’d be a great edition to the team. You’re right, I’m not the bronze type, I’m more brains. Micah figured I could handle bringing you food and what not since you’re on the electronic device. I mean it is fool proof and all.” I smile, bingo. My instinct was spot on, Drake here is the brains behind this pesky device. “So, you’re not only cute you’re smart. You’ve got to be a genius in order to come up with a device like this one. I mean something that conforms from human to wolf form? It’s fucking brilliant. The fact that the shock waves can conform to both the human body and the wolf body by weight without to adjust the device, it’s just automatic. That’s genius. Micah’s hit a gold mind with you. I hope he pays you well.” Drake looks at me and I see a flicker of pain in his eyes before he looks away. “’Yeah, I get paid well. You almost done? I have things I need to do.” I nod and he grabs my plate and heads to the door. “Thanks for sitting with me Drake, I enjoyed talking to you.” He nods and walks out. There’s more to his story, now I just have to get it out of him. He may be my way out of here.


  We haven’t heard anything from anyone and everyone is getting anxious. Is Cammie ok? Has he hurt her? I’m going insane. Jenny has been crowding me, I know she said she’s here to help but her presence is driving me crazy. I headed to my cabin to shower this morning I’ve been staying with Sam, being in the cabin has been hard with Cammie’s scent everywhere. The first time I walked in there my wolf went crazy and they had to restrain me, so Sam had me stay with him. I get out of the shower and hear someone in the kitchen, thinking it’s Cam or Sam I ignore it and get dressed. “’Man, I just came to shower. I can handle being here for that long, I swear I’m not gonna go crazy. Or did you miss me that much you just had to come and see me?” I ask as I walk into the kitchen expecting to see Cameron or Sam and stop dead when I see Jenny. She’s standing at the stove, wearing Cammie’s apron, cooking eggs and smiling at me. “’Of course, I missed you, I always miss you when you’re not with me. Now, I made you some breakfast, so let’s eat.” I see red and my fists ball at my side, my wolf is struggling against me and it takes everything I have not to let him loose. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing? Who the hell gave you permission to come in here? Get the fuck out NOW!” She looks taken back by my outburst. “Mason, sweetheart calm down.” She tries to touch my arm and yank my arm out of her reach, growling at her. She flinches and has a look of shock on her face, shaking her head. “I don’t understand, I thought this would make you happy. I mean, come on Mason.” I growl again. “Make me happy? Are you fucking crazy? You think you can walk in here and pretend to be her? Wear her stuff and everything will be ok? I’ve told you before, I have a mate. There’s no you and me Jenny!” Her face turns red. “She’s not your mate! She refused the mating bond between you! She’s gone Mason, you have to acknowledge that and accept that.” We’re both yelling and I know that everyone can hear us and I’m proven right when the front door slams open.

  “What the hell is...” Cameron stops mid-sentence when he sees Jenny standing in the kitchen wearing Cammie’s apron. He looks from her to me and the look on my face must explain that I am ready to explode. “Jenny, what the hell are you doing here and why the hell are you wearing Cammie’s apron?” Jenny sighs. “I came to see Mason and made him some breakfast. I grabbed the first one I saw. I didn’t realize it was hers.” I shake my head, pissed because I know she’s lying. “That’s bullshit. Cammie keeps her apron tucked away in the drawers, the rest of them are hanging there on the wall.” I point behind her and she turns red, knowing she’s been caught. She huffs and throws her hands in the air. “This is ridiculous, it’s a damn apron. I don’t see the big fucking deal. I just came to check on you and to make you some damn breakfast.” I shake my head and before I can say anything Cameron does. “No Jenny, you’re doing more then that. You’re trying to move in on Mason and I’m here to tell you that’s not gonna happen. He’s my sister’s Fated Mate and I will be damned if you get anywhere near him. We will find Cammie and we will bring her home. Her and Mason belong together, not you and Mason and if I find you back in here you will pay for it.” Her eyes flash and for a minute I think she’s gonna argue with Cameron but she lowers her head and surrenders. “I understand. I’m sorry Mason, I guess I just got ahead of myself and let myself get my hopes up.” I nod. “I’m sorry Jenny but it will never happen. I love Cammie. You’re here to help get her back and I appreciate all your help.” She nods. “Well I guess I better go and work on that then. The samples are supposed to be back today.” She walks out and Cameron watches her. He looks at me. “I don’t trust her.” I look at him and shake my head. “Neither do I man.” I’ve got a bad feeling about her being on our team and now the kitchen smells like her instead of Cammie. My wolf frowns.


  Bruno has been away for two days now and Drake has been with me, he’s a pretty decent guy I don’t see why he’s here. I have a feeling that he’s not here by choice and that makes me hate Micah even more. “Drake, can you tell me how long I’ve been here? I mean, I wasn’t sure how long I was out at first so I’m unsure of the exact time frame.” We’re playing cards and making small talk. He sighs. You’ve been here a week now; Micah has spoken to both your father and to Gage about you. I mean, Gage was here with you and you did the video that was sent to your family. I’m not sure what his final plan is.” He looks away and I flinch. “I do. He plans on putting me up for auction, selling me to the highest bidder. The sick fuck.” Drake shakes his head. “No, he wouldn’t do that. Micah isn’t that type of person. I mean yeah, he’s done some fucked up things before but he wouldn’t sell someone. That’s just taking it too far.” I look at Drake. “Drake, what does he have on you? Why are you working for him?” Drake’s head snaps up and he looks at me. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m here to help Micah, he’s a good man and can help others.” I smirk. “Oh yeah? Who exactly is he helping by kidnapping me? Tell me Drake? What’s the outcome when I’m sold to some asshole that will get pleasure out of trying to break me? If you let me, I can help you. Help me get out of here and my dad and brother can help you with whatever Micah has over you.” He shakes his head and gets up to leave. “I will be back at lunch; you can go and have a shower if you want.” He turns and leaves. Damn it, I may have pushed him too far.

  I pace my room back and forth for the remaining two hours, waiting for Drake to return. When the door opens it’s a female and she’s not very welcoming. “If you want to shower, let’s go.” I nod and follow her out. She’s built like a fighter and has a face like stone, I have no doubt that I can take her but this damn bracelet makes me think twice. I’m paying attention to the hallways and doors as we walk to the showers and don’t notice that we’ve stopped. I run into the woman’s back and she growls. “Oh shit. I’m so sorry. I was so busy looking at the braids in your hair that I didn’t notice that you stopped. The detail and way they’re done is amazing, I wish I could get my hair to do something like that.” I’m hoping that complementing her will soften her up some. She actually smiles and doesn’t look have bad when she does. “Thank you, it’s one of the only styles that I can manage to do. If you like I can do to yours after your shower?” I smile and nod. “Yes, I would like that.” She nods and po
ints to the door for the shower. I smile to myself. Ok, so that’s two enemies getting closer and hopefully one step closer to getting the hell out of here.

  I’m sitting in my room and Elda, the woman who escorted me to the shower has braided my hair into what she refers to fairy braids. It’s rather cute, my hair is entwined into small braids all over and they crisscross each other. It’s almost dinner time and I don’t know who’s gonna show up. I’m hoping it will be Drake, I feel bad for rushing him earlier and want to apologize to him. I feel like he’s in trouble and really want to help. The door opens and my heart skips when I see it’s Drake, he doesn’t look happy as he sets my tray on the table. “I’ve brought your dinner and a few items that I thought you may need.” He’s cold and business like, my stomach drops. I feel like I’ve lost all progress I’ve made with him. He doesn’t sit with me while I eat, he leans up against the door and waits. I finish and give him a look and before I can say anything, he jumps in. “Please check the supplies I’ve left and see if there’s anything else you may need. There won’t be another supply run for a couple of weeks so we need to know now.” I nod and head to the bathroom and almost scream at what I see. Sitting on the sink on top of some towels is a note.

  I don’t know if what you’ve told me is true or not but if it is then my family is in trouble as well. I will do what I can to help you. You’ve probably already figured out that I’m not here by choice, he has my family, my sister and my mother. I will get in touch with your father and brother and do what I can to help you. Keep this with you and hidden, use it when you feel the time is right. Tear this up and flush it.

  I do exactly as the letter says and rip it into small pieces and flush it. I take the small hook key and place it into the toilet tank inside the small loop that’s inside. I head back into the room and nod at Drake. “I don’t think I will need anything else. Thank you.” He nods and turns to go, with his hand on the door I hear him whisper. “Be careful Cammie.” I swallow and whisper back. “Thank you.” I wait until the lights go out until I head back to the bathroom. I’m anxious to see if that hook key is what I need to get this damn bracelet off. I grab it and insert it into the small slot and gasp in joy as it unlocks. Fuck yeah! Now I just need to plan my escape, if Drake can get word to Cameron and Sam, I can get the hell out of here and be back home sooner then I thought. I head back to the bed and sit there thinking about ways that I can get out of here. It won’t be easy but when has anything in my life ever been? If I can survive what living through what I did with my mother, learning that I’m a freaking werewolf, then I can figure out a way out of here. My mind wanders back to what I saw on the video that Micah showed me. I may not have showed it but my heart is breaking, I really did think that Mason was starting to re-think this whole bond thing. I guess I was wrong. I shake my head, that doesn’t matter, all that matters is getting back to my family, back to Sam and Cameron. I know that they’re waiting for me. I know that no matter what they’re fighting to get me home.


  It’s been too long since she’s been gone, I’m walking the perimeter of the woods checking if there’s any new scents nearby. I stop and look up and notice there’s only a little over a week until the next full moon. My heart pulls, if we don’t get her back soon, I risk losing her forever. Our mating bond needs to be complete by the full moon or she risks everything. I refuse to have that everything, if I have to rip apart everything and everyone I will. I hear someone approach and stop, I turn as I realize it’s Cameron. “Hey, we need to get back to the compound.” He looks worried and refuses to look me in the eyes, my stomach clenches at the look on his face. “What’s going on? What happened?” He shakes his head. “Dad said there’s another message. He won’t open it or watch it until you’re there. Come on Mason, we need to go.” I swallow, fear running through my entire body and haul ass to the compound.

  We walk though the door of the meeting room and Sam is standing with Zander and Eric. I sigh with relief when I don’t see Jenny, I really don’t want to deal with her right now. I nod at Zander. “Sam, how long ago did it come in?” Sam sighs. “About ten minutes, I sent Cameron for you as soon as I got it. I’m sure she’s still fine, Mason. She’s strong.” I nod, she’s gonna make it through this and she’s gonna come home. Eric takes Sam’s phone and hooks it up to a laptop and the screen lights up. Micah’s face pops up and my blood boils, I want to punch the damn screen. “Hey boys, long time no see. I figured it was time for an update on our Princess. I’ve kept her as comfortable as possible. I mean it’s no Ritz, but it will do considering the circumstances. I’ve had a lot of interest in our girl, turns out that an Alpha female is a rare thing. Who knew? Now I figured I’d let you see her for a little bit, I’m gonna give you the same footage that everyone else got to see. Fair is fair, right? Well, Mason I have a special clip, just for you. I think I will save that one for last.” I growl and my fists clench as the screen changes to images of Cammie in the same room that she was in the last time we saw her. She’s sitting on a bed, her head resting against the wall. Then it changes and she jumps up when the door opens and a huge guy enters with a tray of food. She argues with guy and he tosses her across the room, that doesn’t stop her from coming back. She tries again and then falls to the ground in pain. Fuck! I’m guessing he shocked her, fucking asshole. The next scene shows her changing and my wolf loses it, I throw a chair across the room. It just gets worse after that; she’s being escorted down a hall and into a shower. They don’t show the whole shower but it’s enough that I have to turn or I’m gonna break the computer. Sam and Cameron are cussing as well as Zander and Eric. Micah comes back on the screen. “Yeah, she’s a real beauty, that one. Real feisty as well, she hides her emotions well. She took this very well Mason. This one is for you.” He winks at me and I grind my teeth and wait to see what he has in store next. Pictures of me and Jenny pop up, running in our wolf form next to each other. They make us look intimate, standing so close to each other there’s no way you wouldn’t think we weren’t. Fuck! Cammie saw this? None of this happened! He fucking fixed all of this!

  Sam looks at me. “Mason, please tell me that this isn’t true?” I shake my head as I grind my teeth even more. “This is all fixed. I’ve never been that close to her. Yes, I’ve ran next to her but that was when we were running and following the scents and it wasn’t that fucking close.” Cameron shakes his head. “This is bullshit! Where the fuck is Jenny?” He looks at Zander. Before Zander can answer Micah’s, voice fills the room. “Well guys, I hope you enjoyed your visit. The countdown begins in two days and I’ve already gotten a few offers. So, bring you’re a game.” The screen goes black and I roar, another chair goes flying across the room. “MASON!” Sam yells my name and I snap my attention to him. “You need to control your temper. This is not gonna help us find her. We need you to get your head together, we’re running out of time and I need you here with me.” I take a deep breath and nod. He looks at Zander. “Do you know where Jenny is? I haven’t seen here since yesterday and we need if she has any updates on what she found.” Zander shakes his head. “I haven’t been able to reach her. I hope nothing has happened to her.” Cameron snorts. “Yeah, something happened alright. She tried to seduce Mason yesterday, broke into his cabin while he was in the shower. Cooked him breakfast and was wearing Cammie’s apron and everything. Told him he needed to move on, she wasn’t coming back. We haven’t seen her since I told her to get the fuck out and get her shit together. I know she’s part of your pack and all Zander, but I don’t trust her.” Cameron shakes his head and Zander does the same. “No, you had every right to do so. I’m sorry Mason, I had no idea she was so hung up on you. If I see her, I will make sure she is held responsible for her actions.” I nod. “Thank you.”

  Sam sighs. “Ok, so where does this leave us with what she was working on?” He looks at all of us with a worried look. Eric clears his throat. “I was working with her and no offense Zander, but I really didn’t trust her all that
much. She kept sneaking off to make phone calls, so I took small samples of everything and did my own testing. The thing is, that my results and her results didn’t match.” I look at him and am confused. “What do you mean?” Eric looks at all of us and shakes his head. “I mean that Jenny was going to lead you to a place that Cammie wasn’t. I’m sorry Zander, but Jenny was leading us in the wrong direction.” Zander shakes his head. “I can’t believe she would do that. She’s always been loyal to the pack, to go against the pack like this is treason. We’ve sworn an alliance with you and have sworn to help you get Cammie back. Jenny doing this has broken her word with doing this and has made her an enemy. Eric can you use what you have to help find Cammie, fix what Jenny screwed up?” Eric nodded. “Yes, I can. I also think I can use this video to help pin point the location. Micah might not have realized it but there’s marks that show where his location is. I just need to study it some more.” My heart speeds up, this is great news! “Eric, you don’t know how happy you’ve just made me. Get to work. Sam, we have a little more than a week to get here back. The full moon is approaching, we have to complete the bond.” I give him a look and I see his face fall. “Fuck! With everything else going on that slopped my mind. Eric, get on that, pronto. We need to find her. NOW!” I HEAD BACK TO THE WOODS, HOPING TO FIND SOMETHING. We’re gonna bring my girl back.


  He kicked me out, like I was nothing. After everything I’ve done for him, he just treated me like I was nothing to him. Well, guess what? He’s gonna regret ever treating me like this. I press my phone to my ear and wait for him to answer. “Hey, it’s me. It didn’t work. I tried everything I could and he wouldn’t even give me the time of day. Cameron barged in and fucking threatened me.” He growled at me. “Well, what do you plan on doing now Jenny? This whole plan was set on you making Mason yours. Getting rid of that Bitch was just stage 1. That’s been completed, well almost. So, what do you suggest?” I laugh at the thought of my plan; it is one hell of a way to get revenge. “Well, why not give him exactly what he wants?” He coughs. “What the hell do you mean? He wants Cammie! That would just undo everything we just did. You really are fucking crazy.” I laugh and roll my eyes. “No, I’m just a woman who’s been scorned and revenge is what we do best.” I laugh again as I hang up. Mason, you fucked with the wrong bitch. You fucked with my heart and now I’m gonna sit back and watch as yours get torn out of your chest. Hell, I might even have a bag of popcorn as I watch.


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