Mated (Fated Mates Book 2)

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Mated (Fated Mates Book 2) Page 12

by Tami Payton

  Sitting inside I finally see why Cameron and Sam have never been fond of the parties. The single females or Gypsies as they are called by most of the mated females, are walking around trying to hang off of anyone they can. It smells like sex and booze in here and all I can think of is getting back to Cammie. The guys are all over the place, drinking, playing pool or cards. They’ve got girls in their laps and I notice that even a few mated males have a few girls as well. It never occurred to me to notice any of this before I was mated. I mean was I that blinded? I shake my head. “Don’t beat yourself up, Mason. You were an unmated male; it was something that you were interested in. What you did before you were mated was different. What you do now is what matters.” Sam pats my shoulder, making me feel a little better about myself.

  I’m sitting at the bar with Cameron when one of my pack members sits next to me and strikes up a conversation. “I’m glad to see that things haven’t changed since you’ve become a mated male, Alpha. I know the guys would have missed this.” Bruce states. I look at him with a frown and have to hold the look of disgust back as Cameron snorts. Well, Bruce I wouldn’t exactly say that there won’t be any changes yet. I mean I haven’t really had a chance to sit down with Cammie yet and go over everything and she hasn’t really had a chance to officially meet everyone. I’m sure that there will be some changes, we just will have to wait and see how things go.” He nods as if he understands, yet at the same time he stares at me as if he’s giving me a warning. “I guess that’s fair. I mean, I just worry about what kind of changes your woman would want to come in and make. We have had things the same way around here for some time now. Your family put these rules and traditions in place for a reason, I wouldn’t want some female to come and off set all of it.” I hear Cameron laugh. “Oh, don’t you worry about that Brucey boy. My sister isn’t just some female, and she just won’t off set some shit. She will fucking blow it up.” Cameron bust out laughing and I can’t help but laugh with him. He’s got a point, no one here knows that Cammie is an Alpha Female, just that she’s an Alpha’s daughter. Man, when that’s discovered shit is bond to hit the fan.

  Jacob joins us and pats Bruce on the shoulder. “Calm down Bruce, I’m sure Cammie is gonna fit in just fine. She’s a laid-back girl and easy to get along with. I’ve met her and she loves Mason and gives him a run for his money. She will be a great asset for the pack.” He winks at me and I smile at my Beta. Jacob has always been there for me. Bruce grunts. “Well, we will see. The way she just got up in the middle of the funeral and broke tradition and went and sat with the Morgan’s doesn’t seem like she is off to a great start.” I shake my head and sigh. “You can’t judge my mate for having a big heart Bruce. She was feeling sympathy for them. She didn’t like seeing them grieve by themselves and wanted to comfort them. She isn’t aware of our ways and did what she thought was right.” He just shakes his head and walks off; Jacob watches him for a minute before he turns towards me. “I wouldn’t worry about him; you know he’s stuck in his ways. I think what Cammie did was great. It showed that she cares about the pack members.” I nod, knowing he’s right. “Yeah, Bruce is set in his ways, there’s a few that are and that’s what I’m worried about.” I watch Jacob walk off and Cameron and I continue drinking our beers as Sam walks towards us, shaking his head.

  “Mason, I have to tell you I don’t think my daughter is gonna approve of some of the stuff you have going on around here.” He frowns as he sits down next to me. I sigh as I look around and as much as I hate to admit it, I agree with him. “I know Sam, I don’t know why I never saw how things have been ran before. I mean, looking at this it’s like a brothel. How have I let it go on like this?” I run my hands over my face and sigh. Sam pats my back and sighs. “Mason, this isn’t on you. Your greats set this up decades and decades ago, then before your parents even had a chance to make any changes they were killed. You were to young when you took over and it’s never crossed your mind to make the changes, you were living the bachelor life. Mason, you are a mated male and you are mated to my daughter. This has got to stop. Because I will tell you one thing. I know damn well Cammie will not put up with this.” He laughs and shakes his head. “Ain’t no way in Hell.” I laugh and shake my head, knowing he’s right. “I know and I don’t expect her too. Hell, I don’t want her too. I don’t want any of the mated females too, this is wrong and I feel sick sitting here.” Cameron sighs beside me and I know he feels the same way. “Well, we will help anyway we can. I know you are gonna get some backlash from some of your pack members for the clean up you’re gonna do. So, whatever you need, I got your back.” I smile. “Thanks man.” He frowns and I look at him. “Uh, speaking of back up. You’re gonna need it but I don’t think I’m gonna be able to help you with this one. You may be on your own with this one. Good Luck because she looks pissed as fuck.” I turn towards the door and Cammie is standing there with the rest of the mated females and they are pissed. She meets my eyes and Cameron is right. She is pissed as fuck.


  I walk into the building in hope of finding Macy to see how she’s doing and am greeted by a dozen or so females that don’t look so happy to see me. “Well, I guess things won’t change all that much even though you’re, here will they?” Some red head snorts at me. Shocked I cock my eyebrow at her and stop in my tracks. “Excuse me?” She laughs and crosses her arms across her chest. “I guess just because our Alpha finally found his mate, we all believed that things would finally change. But it looks like things are gonna stay the same and today is proving it. We are still sitting over here by ourselves and they are over there doing everything they always do. Fucking assholes.” Confused, I look around the room at all the females and try to figure out what the Hell is going on. I spot Macy in the corner and she’s crying. I shake my head. “Ok, I have no fucking idea what you’re talking about. So, does someone want to fucking clue me in? and who the fuck are you? If you’re gonna jump down my throat as soon as I walk into the fucking room at least tell me who the fuck you are.” I narrow my eyes at her and she cowards a bit. She bites her lip before she answers. “I’m sorry. My name is Olivia and all of us in this room are mated females. Our mates are in the other building attending the other party. We thought now that our Alpha has found you and you two have completed the mating bond that all this bullshit would have ended.” I shake my head again. “Ok, Olivia. You are gonna have to be more specific. I’m not clear on what bullshit?” She looks at me like I have two heads. “You really don’t know anything about the pack traditions?” This time it’s me who bites my lip. “No, I don’t. Look I will be honest with you. If everyone wants to take a seat, I will tell you everything about me so you know what you need to know. Then you can let me in on the pack’s traditions.” We all sat down and I filled them in.

  I told them about how I grew up and how Cameron and Saw tracked me down. I told them about how I met Mason and how we found out we were mated and then fated. I then explained being kidnapped and all that. It was a long story, the only thing I left out was that I was an Alpha Female. I’m really not ready to have many people know that information yet. “Wow. That’s a lot to take in. I understand now how you don’t know much about our pack.” Olivia’s eyes are wide. I nod and sigh. “Yeah, it’s been a rough couple of months and I’m sure it’s gonna get tougher since I just became an Alpha’s mate. Now, fill me in on what I need to know here.” Olivia sighs. “Ok, so pretty much since the Gentry Pack was formed, they’ve been an old-fashioned pack. I mean they were formed back in the day so that’s how it was back then so I understand it but they never caught up with the times. The men believe that women should be seen and not heard. Women are to be pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen and only those who get special permission can have jobs.” She pauses to make sure I’m understanding and I’m shocked. My brain is trying to process this and it can’t. I mean, what the fuck? What the hell was Mason thinking bringing me here? She sighs and continues. “The whole thing I jumped on you for w
hen you walked in for is the separate parties. All mated females are not allowed to attend.” I stop her right there. “Why? Mason mentioned something about parties being separate.” She nodded. “Well, that’s because it’s basically a brothel. The single whores or Gypsies as we’ve come to call them hang out at the parties with the guys. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what’s going on at the parties, our men come home smelling like sex and booze.” I’ve stood up and I’m pacing back and forth by now, my anger has climbed through the roof. She lowers her eyes and I know she feels bad for the way she spoke to me earlier. “We just hoped that things were gonna change.”

  I laugh and they all stare at me like I’m crazy. “Oh, it’s gonna change alright. You see ladies, they may want a female to be seen and not heard. Well that doesn’t work for me. I like to be seen and heard, very loud. I also don’t do the whole kitchen thing so that don’t work for me.” Macy bust out laughing and I wink at her. “But first thing first. I need to change.” Olivia looks confused. “Um, why do you need to change?” I give her the sweetest smile. “I can’t go and kick some ass in this. I need my shit kickers. Oh, and ladies? Tonight, I am giving a free pass to anyone who wants to go and kick some Gypsies ass. There will be no consequences. At all from anyone. So, if you want your shot, I suggest you go and change and meet me back out front in ten minutes.” I wink and head back home. When I get there Sarah is laying on the couch and looks like death and as much as I shouldn’t I smile. “Oh, sweetie. Are you still feeling bad?” I reach over and feel her forehead even though I know she’s not running a fever. “Ugh, I really think I’ve caught some nasty bug.” She groans and squeezes her eyes shut. I laugh at her and walk into the bathroom where I grab the bag from the cabinet. I toss it to her and smile as she opens it. She stares at me with her mouth wide open. “Go on, take it. You don’t have a bug Sarah, you’re pregnant.” She shakes her head. “No, I can’t be. I mean.” She stops as she thinks about it and her eyes go wide. I reach over and hug her, excited. “I’m gonna be an Aunt!” I pull her up and push her towards the bathroom and as she’s in there I change.

  When she comes out, she’s white as a ghost but has a smile on her face. I jump up and down. “I was right! I’m gonna be an Aunt!” She nods. “Yeah, I’m pregnant.” She plops down on the couch. “Oh My God, what is Cameron gonna say? How did you know?” I laugh. “Girl, if you grew up with my mom and my life you see the signs, and don’t worry and Cam. He’s gonna be thrilled. I promise.” She smiles and then frowns. “Why are you wearing your shit kickers? What’s going on Cammie?” I laugh and then fill her in on everything. Her anger shows on her face and she jumps up. “Oh, hell no, let’s go kick some ass.” I laugh. “Hold on mamma wolf. You can’t go in guns blaring. You have a little one to worry about now. I will take care of it for you, I promise you that. I will send Cam straight here.” She nods as she realizes that she has to be more careful now. “Ok, you’re right but promise if one of those Bitches are hanging on Cameron you will break whatever part of her is touching him.” I smile. “Oh, that’s a promise I will be glad to keep.” I hug her and then head out to meet the rest of the ladies and am shocked to see that all of them are waiting for me. I smile as I picture the looks on our guys faces when we walk in. “Ok ladies, let’s roll. I believe we have some fellows to see and some Gypsies to beat.”

  We’re standing outside the bar that the guys are having their party in and I can hear the music blaring from outside. My anger has risen above a level that I would consider healthy and Mason better hope to God that there isn’t any female around him. I turn towards the girls. “Ok, if anyone wants to turn around now is the time.” I cock my eyebrows at them. I told them that no one would be held responsible for their actions tonight and I will hold my word for that. If anyone tries to punish them they will have to go through me first. I get a chorus of “No’s” and smile and head inside. The first thing that hits me is a cloud of smoke that makes me want to gag. The smell of booze and sex is clear in the air and my wolf is pissed beyond words. My eyes narrow in on Mason and I see that he’s at the bar with Cameron and Sam. He’s got a hint of fear in his eyes. Good. He walks towards me and I stand where I am, let him come to me. “Cammie, I can.” I hold up my hand, cutting him off. “We will talk later, right now some things need to be taken care of before I take care of you. And you better believe that it will be taken care of.” I look towards Cameron. “You need to get home to Sarah.” He nods and smiles, like he knows what I’m gonna do here.

  I walk towards the jukebox and unplug it and suddenly a female starts bitching. “What the fuck? That’s my jam!” I laugh. “Oh, I’m sorry did I interrupt your lap dance? Well guess what? I don’t give a fuck!” I turn towards the girls. “Ladies, it’s a free for all. Have fun.” I smile as I watch them walk towards the Gypsies that are attached to their men. I can’t help but laugh as the Gypsies are yanked up by their hair and suddenly fights break out everywhere. It’s a sight to be seen. “Um, Cammie I don’t think this is a good idea.” I glare at Mason and he winces. “Oh really? Well, these women have had to sit back and deal with these bitches handling their men for years. I think this is a great idea. They get to have this one night of payback and it’s on me.” I smile and turn back to watch. I see one of the guys get up and try to grab his mate off of one of the Gypsies and I see red. I walk over towards him and grab his arm. “Don’t fucking touch her. This Bitch deserves to get her ass kicked and that’s exactly what is gonna happen.” I jump up onto a table so everyone can see and hear me. “In fact, no one is to interfere with any of these ladies. When they feel they are done it will be finished. If you interfere you will deal with me!” I jump down and calmly walk to the bar and grab a shot of Jack Daniels and watch as the girls continue. After about ten minutes it ends with the Gypsies on the ground and the mated females sitting at the bar with me. I order a round of shots for them as the celebrate. Cameron joins us as he’s laughing. “Well, that was entertaining sis. Got anything else planned?” I narrow my eyes at him. “That depends. Were you apart of that whore fest?” He holds up his hands and shakes his head. “Hell no, me, Mason and dad sat here and talked about how to change things. Honest. You know I wouldn’t do that to Sarah and Mason wouldn’t do that to you, Cammie.” I swallow and nod. Deep down I was hoping that he would say that.

  I feel Mason walk up behind me and turn before he reaches me. The look in his eyes tells me that he feels horrible for what I walked in on. I shake my head at him, letting him know that I don’t want to get into it right now. He starts to say something but is interrupted by someone that starts yelling from across the room. “I KNEW SOMETHING LIKE THIS WAS GONNA HAPPEN! She hasn’t even been here for a day and things have been fucked up. Look at this mess, the girls are all messed up and our mates have caused a riot.” He turns towards Olivia and I see Olivia shrink into her seat. “Olivia! Get your ass home. NOW! You are in so much trouble, you’re not gonna be able to be outside for weeks!” I ball my fists at my side. Oh, hell no. I stand up and Mason goes to grab my hand. I narrow my eyes at him and he releases me. I walk to Olivia and grab her hand; she looks at me. “No consequences, remember?” I whisper to her and she nods. I turn towards the guy that’s screaming and smile the sweetest smile I can give him. “I’m sorry, I didn’t get a chance to catch your name?” He scowls at me. “My name is Bruce and you’ve corrupted my mate and caused a mess in here.” I laugh and shake my head. “I’m sorry, Bruce but I don’t think I’ve done anything wrong. I think you and all of the other guys are in the wrong and I will not have you taking it out on Olivia. If you want to take it out on anyone it will be me and me alone. Do you understand me?” I stare at him straight in the eyes and my wolf comes to the surface and I can feel Mason’s protectiveness from behind me kicking in. “Well, since you’re the Alpha’s mate I can’t do that but I can take it out on him.” I laugh and shake my head. “Oh Bruce, see that’s where you’re wrong. You see if you or any other of you asshole’s think of touc
hing your mates as punishment for tonight I will see it as a challenge against me. And trust me, you don’t want to challenge me, I don’t lose.” I give all the men my most innocent smile.


  Fuck! God damn it, Cammie. I walk towards her so I’m somewhat behind her just in case I need to jump in. I know she can handle herself and she wouldn’t want me to get in the middle but she’s really getting in deep. She’s basically just issued an open challenge to the entire fucking pack. I know some of these guys are gonna go home and punish their mates, it’s how things are done. Cammie has taken responsibility for the women, for what they have done tonight and don’t get me wrong I’m proud of her but now she’s basically taken their punishment. Usually an Alpha’s female can’t be touched and that’s what Bruce was talking about when he mentioned that he could come after me but he doesn’t know that Cammie is an Alpha Female. She just informed him and everyone lese by issuing the open challenge, although it hasn’t registered yet. Cameron laughs and it breaks my train of thought. “I told you Brucey boy. My sister wasn’t gonna set shit off, she was gonna blow shit up!” I shake my head yeah; she just blew it up all right. Bruce grunts. “All this Bitch is doing is signing her own death certificate. What damn female would issue an open challenge to a pack of males? Sure, she’s an Alpha’s daughter and an Alpha’s mate but that doesn’t give her any advantage, you are nothing but a little girl in a man’s world.” He grins at Cammie and she smiles back at him. I shake my head and sigh.

  Cammie walks back to the bar and hops onto it as she slams back another shot she smiles. “Yeah, I may be a little girl in a man’s world Bruce but without us little girls you wouldn’t exist. Remember that. So, that challenge still remains and I will find out if any of my girls were touched, harmed, threatened or punished in any way.” Bruce’s face is getting red and I can’t help the smile that is creeping across my face. “No! I will not lower myself to fighting a female. I will take the proper path and go after your mate.” Cameron laughs. “Oh, but my sister doesn’t need a man to fight her battles. You see, Cammie is an Alpha herself. You want to fight an Alpha her open challenge is what you get. You get a battle with an Alpha female, Brucey boy.” Everyone stops and stares at me and I smile, proud of my girl at this moment. I nod. “Yes, Cammie my mate is in fact an Alpha Female. She is one of the far and few that exist. She has issued an open challenge that if any of the females are punished in any way for tonight’s actions that those who did the punishing will take it up with her. That challenge stands here and I stand witness to this.” I look to Cameron and he nods. “I stand as a second witness to this.” He then winks at Cammie and she shakes her head as she tries to hide her laugh.


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