Mated (Fated Mates Book 2)

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Mated (Fated Mates Book 2) Page 15

by Tami Payton

  After we enjoy breakfast and each other, we both head out. I have a meeting with a neighboring pack and she needs to get to the warehouse to over see the deliveries for today. It’s gonna be a long day and one I’m not looking forward to. I know Cammie mentioned that Izzy is coming to visit tomorrow and staying this weekend and I’m hoping that will slow her down. I enter the board room and get started on the meeting, it’s just a follow up on a treaty that we have with the Blackwell pack. I nod to Jacob and he nods back. “Good morning Mason.” Greg, the Alpha of the Blackwell pack stands and shakes my hand, I nod back at him as I shake his hand. “Morning Greg. How are you?” He nods. “Very well. I’m looking forward to things progressing with our packs. By the way congrats on your recent mating. I hear she’s one hell of a female.” I smile and nod my head. “Thank you and yes, she is.” He laughs. “Well, any woman who can stir up a pack the way I’ve heard she has is one unique woman.” I cock my eyebrow at him, confused. “What do you mean?” He looks at me. “From my understanding and word around is that she’s caused quit a stir among some of your pack members. Some of them aren’t to happy about the changes she has planned for your pack.” I contemplate what he’s said. Yes, Cammie has plans for some changes but it’s not anything I haven’t thought of myself. I shake it off, I will come back to it later. “It’s nothing, they will come around. Just men being men.” He laughs. “Well, we are stubborn creatures.”

  I finally get home and hear music blasting; I smile at the thought of Cammie being here before me. I walk in to the sound of laughing and the sight of her and Izzy dancing in the kitchen. They’re dancing around with wine glasses in their hands, bobbing back and forth singing all the wrong words to the song. I can’t help but laugh at the sight in front of me. “Mason! You’re home!” Cammie runs to me and I have to open my arms to catch her as she launches herself in my arms. I laugh at how drunk she already is. “Hey sweetheart, I see ya’ll started the party already. Hey Izzy, it’s great to see you.” I look over at Izzy and smile. “Hi ya, Mason.” Her face is flushed from the wine and I can’t help but shake my head and laugh. “Have you ladies eaten anything yet?” Cammie sways as she shakes her head. “Um, we were gonna try to make us some pasta but I couldn’t get the water to work with me.” She hiccups and leans into me and I laugh. “Well, why don’t you ladies go and relax in the living room and I will make us something?” They both grin and get comfortable. I whip us up some pasta with garlic sauce and bread and scoop onto some plates. They need some food in them and fast.

  I walk in with the food and the girls are talking about Johnson and Izzy is laughing. “What about him?” I ask, confused. Cammie laughs so hard she’s holding her stomach. “Oh my god, it was so funny. Izzy got here at the end of my lesson and met me at the gym. I introduced her to Johnson and I swear his eyes bugged out of his head, it was love at first sight!” Izzy smacked her. “It was not! Cammie, just stop. He was a complete ass!” Cammie laughs even harder. “What did he do?” Cammie shakes her head. “The first thing he asked Izzy was if she could cook and if she was any good at cleaning. I just about pissed myself laughing! The look on Izzy’s face was priceless!” I look at Izzy and she’s fuming. “Yeah, but what was even more priceless was the look on his face when I put him flat on his back. I told him to fuck off. I don’t care how sexy that man is. How dare he come at me like that?” I laugh and shake my head. “Well, some of the guys here still live in the old days. You know, the whole women belong in the kitchen, thing?” I give her a look that says I’m sorry and she waves her hand at me. “I know, Cammie explained it to me and I know ya’ll are working on changing that. But he’s got another thing coming if he thinks I’m that kinda girl.” I laugh. “Oh, I know, you’re the complete opposite of that. He’d have his hands full.” She smirks. “He definitely would.”

  A couple of hours later after they’ve amused me to no end, they’ve passed out. I carry Izzy to our guest room and then grab Cammie and take her to our room. I undress her and lay her in our bed, I take in her flushed cheeks and plump lips from the wine. It was so good to see her let lose tonight with her friend, I know she’s missed her. Her and Izzy became close when she moved into the Hallow pack and moving here was hard on her. I told Izzy she was welcome here anytime she wanted to come and Sam told here she was free to come whenever as well. It’s great that our packs are so close and friendly. Cammie stirs and reaches for me in her sleep and it makes me smile, I undress and pull her to me. It’s times like this that I love the most. Curling up with the love of my life, nothing else matters, just her.

  When the girls finally get up the next morning, I have coffee and breakfast ready. I laugh at the way they look, both of them look like the walking dead. “Well, look what the cat drug in. You two don’t look so hot this morning. Can I interest you ladies in any coffee?” I smile at them, trying to hold in my laugh at their looks. Izzy mumbles something along the lines of a thank you and omg as she walks pass me and grabs the cup of coffee, I have already poured for her. I hand Cammie her cup and she takes a sip like it’s her life line. I laugh and shake my head. “I guess it was needed, huh?” She gives me a look that could kill and I laugh even harder. I hold my hands up in front of me. “Hey, it was your idea to finish off four bottles of wine last night.” Izzy groans from the table and I hear her head hit the table. “Ugh, four bottles? Cammie, next time we’re drinking whiskey. Wine leaves to much of an after party that I am not happy to attend.” I laugh at her words. “Well, you ladies know what wine does to ya’ll, it’s not the first time this has happened.” Cammie narrows her eyes at me and I take that as my cue to exit the room but am still laughing as I head out. Women.

  I shower and get ready for the day; I have no idea what Cammie and Izzy have planned so I head to the kitchen to find them. Izzy showed up early so I don’t know if Cammie is gonna take the day off from everything or not. “Oh, you are not canceling your training today. I am coming with you to watch so I can see that asshole and to maybe take a couple more shots at him.” I hear Izzy laugh. I shake my head at her words. I can just see Johnson now getting all worked up over Izzy. He’s never been the type to get worked up over a woman so he must be really into her. This will be interesting. “So, what are your plans for today?” I ask as I walk in and give Cammie a kiss on the top off her head. She sighs as she leans into me. “Well, I’m gonna skip the office this morning and we’re gonna just hang out. Izzy is insisting that I make my training today so she can see Johnson.” She makes a face at Izzy and I laugh. “Although I don’t think it’s for my benefit, I think it’s for hers. I believe she has a little bit of a crush.” She winks at Izzy and Izzy smacks her. “I do not! He’s just an ass and I would love to get him all worked up again. It was fun.” She shrugs her shoulders. But I don’t miss the smile she tries to hide behind her cup as she takes a sip of her coffee. I nod. “Well, that sounds good, I think taking the morning off from the office is a great idea. You’ve spent so much time there you need to take a break.” She smiles at me knowing I’ve wanted her to take some time away. “How about we have dinner tonight? Cameron and Sarah can join us.” Izzy nods. “That sounds good. How have they been? I know Sam is so excited about the baby. It’s all he can talk about.” She smiles. Cammie smiles. “They’ve been good. Sarah is so excited and is progressing well, I mean she’s not that far along but doing great so far. Cameron of course, is being is overprotective self.” She rolls her eyes and I laugh. “It’s in our DNA, sweetheart.” She shakes her head. “I know, I’d hate to image if it were me.” I laugh. “Oh, you have no idea, sweetheart, no idea at all. You wouldn’t be able to leave the house.” She looks at me with her mouth open like I’m crazy and I shrug my shoulders. “What?” I ask, all innocent. She just shakes her head and laughs. “Ok, well I’m headed out to meet Cameron. We’re gonna hang out for a while and go over the pack lines.” I kiss her good-bye and head out.

  I meet Cameron on the edge of my packs territory and he’s walking the lines with a l
ook on his face that has me on edge. “Hey, what’s up?” He shakes his head. “I’m not sure. Do you smell that? It smells familiar but I can’t seem to place where I’ve smelled it before and it’s throwing me off.” He shakes his head and I know it’s bothering him. I inhale deep and realize he’s right, it’s familiar but not one of my pack. It’s alarming because that means that someone has been close to pack lines that doesn’t belong. “Let’s shift and see where it goes and how far.” He nods and we shift and start searching. I open up my Alpha link so I can communicate with Cameron just in case while we’re in wolf form. As I walk the line of my territory, I realize that the scent crosses into my territory and my fur rises. It’s not pack and it’s also not from the visiting pack from yesterday. Someone unwelcomed has been on my land. “Cameron, they’ve crossed onto pack land on this side. Have you sensed anything over there?” I hear him grunt as he’s walking. “Yeah, it’s all over here but stops about a hundred yards in. Someone’s been here Mason and it’s not good.” I shake my head and a small growl escapes me. Fuck. After everything that we went through with Cammie being taken this is the last thing I want to risk. I hear Cameron growl and race over. “I remember where I’ve smelt that scent.” I cock my head at him and wait for him to answer. He shifts back and has his fists balled at his side and the look on his face is pure murder. “Cameron. Dude, what is it?” He takes a deep breath. “Mason, they’re back. The scent belongs to Micah’s lackeys. The ones that were there the night we got Cammie back.” My stomach drops and my heart is in my throat. Fuck. That means Micah is back and he’s coming for my mate. Oh Hell No.


  She got away from me. The biggest chance I had, my biggest money maker. At first she was just a paycheck, then she became a challenge, then after I started to get offers when people learned about her I figured I would use it to my advantage. I mean, why not? It’s what I do. She was worth fucking millions and they fucking took her away. No one takes what is mine and gets away with it. Now I have this asshole Jacob and his little Bitch Jenny hounding me to finish the job. They’re such pussies. He wants to have control of Mason’s pack but is to much of a weak pussy to challenge the Alpha, not considered a man in my eyes. All well, not my problem as long as I get paid whatever happens after that is their problem. This Bitch Jenny is a fucking pain in my ass, she just wants revenge now. At first it was to snag Mason, get rid of the Bitch in the way so she can get the man. Now she wants revenge, some type of a woman scorned type of thing. I shake my head, that’s why I don’t get involved with Bitches to messy. “You scan the area? I want to make sure everything is covered.” My second in command nods. “Yeah, Boss. We did, made sure that my scent was left at least a hundred yards in so they would catch it. I smile at the thought of Mason and Cameron freaking out at that. My plan has been set and put into action.

  I sit down with Bruno; we’ve taken up residence in a nice little house South of Mason’s territory. “So, what have you found out about the pack?” Bruno snorts. “According to Jacob they’re very laid back. Mason has security but they’re not very tight. They walk the boundaries nightly and are set up on rounds but there’s a break between shifts. I don’t think it will be a problem. Cammie is usually in the office every morning and then in training in the afternoon, at home in the evenings. Her and Mason spend that time together, although here lately they’ve spent little time together due to their schedules.” I nod and smile to myself. Is there already trouble in paradise? The freshly mated couple shouldn’t be spending that much time apart. “Well, that should give us an opening to grab her. The plan is to have them watching the area we’ve marked, keep placing our scent in that same entrance way. They will think that’s the side we will be coming from and place heavier guards there. Then when we come from another entrance, they won’t be expecting it, so it will be perfect. According to that asshole Jacob, her trainer is in on his plan so if we have to grab her from there it should work to our advantage. Although, we should always be prepared for the unexpected.” Bruno nods, understanding.

  Everything is set and Bruno heads off to talk things over with the other guys. He’s just as invested in this as I am, he wants revenge on the little Bitch for what she did to him. I walk over to the spare room and smile as I look in. “Ah, don’t worry you will play your part soon. I’m sure Cammie will be glad to see you, although it will only be for a short time. That’s if I leave you alive when I drop your body off. Traitors aren’t my favorite people, Drake.” I smile as I watch him struggle against his ropes. Another smile comes to my face as I think about Cammie. This time it’s not about money, she will be mine. I will take pleasure, wither it’s in her body or death. Decisions, decisions.


  When Izzy showed up early yesterday, I was so excited, I’ve been looking forward to seeing her. She was the first friend that I made when I got to the Hallow pack, the first real ‘girlfriend’ I’ve ever really had. We just sort of clicked. I couldn’t get over the way that her and Johnson reacted to each other, it was hilarious. I mean I know Johnson has the same opinion of woman as some of the other men in the pack but the way he just came straight out and spoke to Izzy was priceless. He doesn’t really talk like that to me, I guess it’s because I’m Mason’s mate and you know, the whole Alpha Female thing. I mean, I can whoop his ass and take him down easy. So, yeah, he doesn’t talk to me or treat me that way. Izzy though, yeah, she went off on him and it was a show to be seen. It made my day.

  We got back to the house and decided that we were gonna start our parting early. I thought I had our usual whiskey but then remembered that I hadn’t made it to the store yet. Izzy being Izzy just grabbed all the wine I had and said “Fuck it! This will work, anything that gets us drunk.” I laugh and we started drinking, blasting music and singing all the wrong words. By the time Mason had made it home we were so drunk, dancing in the kitchen and attempting to cook some food, I’m sure we were a sight. Mason ended up taking care of us for the rest of the night, cooking us dinner and putting both of us to bed when we finally passed out. I swear I have the best man in the world.

  “So, how’s being a mated woman treating you? I mean I know you’ve told me it’s been great and everything over the phone but I want you to tell me everything face to face.” She looks at me with that don’t give me no shit look. I laugh at her. “It’s been great, really. Mason is the greatest. He takes care of me and does everything he can to make me happy. There are times that I think I don’t do enough but he doesn’t show it.” I look at her and she can see that there’s something that I’m holding back. “Ok, spill it. There’s something that you’re not telling me.” She crosses her arms and stares at me. I sigh and frown at the way she can read me. She’s better at it then the wat Gage was. “I think somethings up with his Beta, Jacob. Cameron and I have been looking into the pack’s past records and stuff and have found evidence that he’s been stealing from the pack. I’ve also seen that he’s been gathering with some of the pack members that aren’t to happy with some of the changes that we’re putting into place. Cameron and I think that he’s trying to plan something against Mason, we just don’t know what yet.”

  She let’s a gasp. “Have you said anything to Mason yet? This isn’t good Cammie. I mean what if Jacob tries to challenge him for Alpha? You guys are fated mated, that could end bad!” Izzy is one of the few that know of Mason and me being Fated. I shake my head. “I asked Cameron about that and he said that Jacob is to weak to do something like that. We decided to try to get more evidence before we said anything to Mason. He’s so fond of that asshole, I mean he’s been here since before Mason’s parents passed away. Mason sees him like an Uncle. It’s just all so confusing and troubling.” Izzy shakes her head. “This is all fucked up. I mean to be betrayed by your Beta. What a mess. So, other than that how is everything going? How are those projects that you’ve set up for the women that have been stuck in the 1920’s?” She rolls her eyes at that and I laugh. When I first told her about how th
e mated females were treated, she flipped. Screaming about how the men were cavemen and needed to have some sense beat into them. “It’s going great. A couple of them have opened a bakery and it’s going great. They’ve gotten involved with the charities and helped me so much with all of that. They are really happy.” I smile at how much they have changed.


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