Mated (Fated Mates Book 2)

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Mated (Fated Mates Book 2) Page 19

by Tami Payton

  A growl escapes me before I can hold it in and this makes Micah laugh. “What’s wrong Princess? Let me guess, you see someone you never thought you would see with me?” He cocks his head at me and smiles. I stare at him and then turn my head towards the traitor among his group. I knew he was betraying Mason; I just didn’t think it was this bad. “So, have you been working with him this whole time or is this just a new thing? Did you have anything to do with the first time this Bastard took me? I knew you were up to something but I never thought you would stoop this low, Jacob.” I spit the words at him and growl. A smile comes across his face and I want nothing more than to wipe it off. “Oh, I helped with the plans to have you taken the first time but that Bitch Jenny fucked it all up. She never was one to follow through with anything. That’s ok, see I knew that when Micah’s plans got ruined, he would want a second chance. Sure, it cost me more but getting rid of you and Mason is worth every damn penny.” I’m shocked. Jenny was in on it as well? What the fuck? Did everyone want me dead? I shake my head to clear my thoughts, I need to concentrate so we can get out of here alive. “I’m gonna rip your fucking head off, Jacob. You’re a worthless asshole and don’t deserve to live.” I growl out and start to lunge at him but get restrained by Eric. “Calm down Cammie, we need to figure out his end game and wait for everyone else.” He whispers in my ear. I stop struggling but my wolf is still on edge, she wants to rip all of them to shreds. Micah and Bruno are laughing. “Oh, it’s so cute how you think that someone is coming to your rescue. Don’t you think that we would have taken care of that? Princess, no one is coming to your aid.” He shakes his head. “In fact, these guys are gonna take care of the people that are protecting you right now. I don’t really see of any use for them anymore.” He smiles as Jacob and the other guys start to move towards us. Fuck, here we go again. We all go into defense mode; I refuse to lose anyone and lash out at the first person that gets close to me. Eric has shifted and taken one guy down by ripping out his throat. Quinn is right behind him as is Izzy, I’m contemplating shifting when someone grabs me from behind. “I would enjoy killing you slowly if Micah didn’t want you alive. Then again you would probably wish I had killed you by the time he’s done with you. It’s a sham you can’t join your dad, brother and your wonderful mate. I’m sure their deaths were slow and painful.” I growl at the sound of Jacob’s voice and bang my head into his, it causes him to loosen his grip just enough for me to wiggle free. I turn and slam into him and we both fall to the ground, rolling around in a tangle of fists flying. I’ve got a little bit of an upper hand since I landed on top of him and am able to slam punch after punch on his face.

  My blood is pumping, and adrenaline is flowing as I lay into Jacob. The fact that he said they were dead has me going. They can’t be. The sound of my friend’s growls flow around me and I can only pray that they are holding their own. I pour everything I have into trying to take Jacob down. My hands shift into claws and without me even knowing and I feel blood coating my arms. I blink and suddenly feel Jacob go still beneath me, when I look, I notice that I’ve ripped his neck out. I flinch at the sight but then think at the betrayal that he has caused his pack and Mason and have no regrets. I stand and head towards Micah, he’s next on my list. My anger reaches full blast when I see the Bastard smiling but then I stop when Bruno steps in front of me. “Oh, you want to play do you little wolf. Well, let’s play.” The big asshole steps towards me and I grin, I’ve been waiting a long time for this. “Well, let’s go big boy. I’m gonna enjoy ripping out your fucking throat.” He lunges at me and I sidestep him, and he almost falls to the ground. I laugh and just as I’m about to shift to attack the back door opens and I’m caught off guard.


  “This better work, I can’t sit around much longer.” I’m pacing back and forth. I don’t know what’s going on inside the gym and I don’t know how Cammie is doing. My wolf is going absolutely fucking crazy. “Hey, she’s gonna be ok, we’re gonna get her out of there and she’s gonna be fine. We just have to wait. Johnson is gonna come through.” Cameron is trying to comfort me but it’s not helping, my wolf is ready to claw is way out. I stand at the edge of the building and hear Johnson talking to Jacob and hear him relay the message we told him to. ‘Why are you so damn happy?’ Jacob snaps at Johnson. ‘Well boss, it looks like I’m about to make your day even better, not only did they guys when they hit up his house, they took out the Alpha of the Hallow pack and his son take out Mason.’ I cringe as I hear Jacob laugh, that Bastard. ‘Johnson, that has definitely made my fucking day. Well boys, it looks like our pack just got a whole lot bigger.’ Well fuck me. If that Bastard thinks he’s getting both mine and Sam’s pack he’s got another thing coming. I hear Sam growl behind me and smile. “That Mother Fucker really thought he could take over my pack? They would tear him to fucking pieces.” Sam growls out and I laugh. “Well boys, shall we raise from the dead? I think it’s almost time to rescue our girl.” I smile as I turn towards them. Cameron nods and smiles. “That’s if she even needs rescuing. You know how she is.” He shrugs and laughs, I can’t help but laugh with him. I watch as Johnson, Jacob and the couple of other guys head into the gym. I know Micah and his guy Bruno are already in there, so that makes at least seven guys in there. Then there’s Eric, Quinn, Izzy and Cammie, that’s if all of them are still alive. I have to have faith that all of them are still alive and fighting.

  We head towards the back doors of the gym and are caught off guard by a couple of wolves that were standing guard. I don’t know how we didn’t see them, but it takes us about five minutes to take them out. Where the fuck is Micah getting these wolves from? It’s like they’re fucking pumped full of fucking steroids. “Fuck man! These Bastards are tough. I mean that fucker wouldn’t go down.” Cameron leans over and tries to catch his breath. I pat his back and take a deep breath. “Yeah, they’re pumped up on something that’s for sure.” I go to head for the door and freeze when I hear growling and a scream from inside. Fuck! That’s Cammie. We all take off and slam inside and I freeze at the sight before me. There are bodies everywhere, both in human and wolf form. To the left I see Jacob and his neck is ripped out, it’s a gruesome sight and I flinch but it’s no more than he deserves. I wish I had been the one who ended his life but at least it was done. I turn and see Eric and he’s facing off against one of my former pack members and they’re in wolf form, Eric has him by the neck. I take the scene in and it looks like everyone is holding their own. I search for Cammie and see her by the front door, my heart stops as I see Micah’s right hand man, Bruno, lunge at her. She sidesteps him and he falls, but then she turns like she senses me and freezes. It distracts her and Bruno goes after her, my heart leaps into my throat. “Cammie, watch out!” I yell and take off towards her. I watch as she moves out of the way just in time and I slam into Bruno with everything I have. We end up tangled on the floor. Cameron and Sam are at our sides and helping me. I let them take over with Bruno when I hear a scream erupt from Cammie. “Get your fucking hands off of me you asshole!” I race towards the sound of her voice and see that Micah has her hands pinned behind her back. “Ah, Princess, don’t fight me. I told you I would come for you and that you would belong to me once again. You really didn’t believe that you’d be able to get away from me, did you?” He laughs and that’s all it takes; my wolf comes forth and I shift. It’s the most brutal shift I’ve ever gone through and I can’t hold back the violence that comes with it. Cammie sees me shift and her eyes go wide. Micah notices me out of the corner of his eyes and shoves Cammie away as he prepares for my attack. “Oh, you want to play, do you? Well, I’ve waited for this wolf boy. Now your precious mate can watch as I shred you to fucking pieces.” He shifts and meets me halfway and I feel the power behind him as we collide.

  I hear Cammie scream my name as Micah bites into my neck and feel blood trickle down my body but the only thing I can think of is the fact that he threatened my mate. This man, this wolf had the nerve to not on
ce but twice try to take my Cammie from me. He has to die. I rip into his fur, taking pieces of it with me and don’t stop until I taste blood. I hear Micah whimper and growl as he struggles beneath me. He manages to escape my grip and grab ahold of my left flank, I let out a howl as the pain rips through my body but it’s nowhere near enough to stop me. I turn quick and leap at him, catching him by his back leg and drop him to his stomach. Jumping to his back I manage to grip his neck again, clamp down and shake with everything I have. I picture Cammie and her being held hostage by him and my anger and rage burn ever higher causing me to shake even more. Suddenly there is no movement below me and the copper taste of blood id flowing through my mouth. The room has gone silent and I roll to my side. Cammie rushes to me and wraps her arms around my wolf. I shift back and hold her tight. “Mason, oh my God. Are you ok?” She whispers in my ear. I squeeze her tight to me and breath in her scent. “Fuck baby, I was so scared. Yeah, I’m fine. Are you ok? You’re not hurt, are you?” I pull back to look her over. She’s bloody but otherwise looks ok. She shakes her head. “No, a little shook up but I’m fine.” I sigh and stand up refusing to let her go. “Let’s go check on everyone.”

  We walk over to the others and she’s snatched away from me, I let out a small growl before I realize it’s Cameron. “Fuck, Cammie. I was so worried. I’m so glad you’re ok. I almost had a heart attack when I heard that asshole was here.” He’s shaking his head and hugging her tight. She laughs. “How do you think I feel? My heart gave out when he walked through the damn door.” Sam walks over. “I’m so glad you’re ok, baby girl. Then again, I knew you would be.” He winks at her and she laughs and shakes her head. She looks over at Bruno and sees that he’s still alive and tied up and cocks an eyebrow at me. “Well, I figured we could get some answers out of him.” I shrug and she nods. I look over towards Jacobs body and frown. She wraps her arms around my waist and sighs. “Yeah, I’m sorry about your Beta. I know how much of a disappointment that much be to realize that you were betrayed like that. It must hurt. I can’t imagine what you must be feeling.” I nod. “I just don’t understand why him and so many of the pack would turn against me like that. They’ve been loyal to me, my parents, Hell some of them were even loyal to my Grandparents. It makes no sense.” I shake my head and sigh. “Well, he got what he deserves. “Who ended it?” I look at her and she looks me in the eyes and shocks me with her answer. “I did and I have no regrets.”


  “Who ended it” Mason asks. I know he expects me to say Eric or Quinn. The shocked look on his face when I answer almost makes my stomach drop. “I did and I have no regrets.” His eyes go wide and he sucks in a sharp breath. “Look Mason, I know he was your Beta, but he was a nasty Son of a Bitch, he was stealing from your pack and he turned against you. He also managed to get other pack members to turn against you as well. He came after me and then told me that you, dad, and Cam were dead. I lost it and ripped out his throat.” I shrug like it’s nothing and have no feeling of regret when I speak of it. He grabs me and wraps me in his arms. “It’s ok, I don’t blame you. I would have done the same thing. I’m just a little upset that he didn’t die by my hands.” I laugh and shove him a little. “Hey, I let you have Micah, so that seems fair.” He growls and leans over to kiss me. “There would have been no way in Hell that anyone but me would have been ending that Bastard. I deserved to take his last breath for everything that he put you through, it’s my job as your mate.” I smile ta him and his protectiveness. I turn and look at Izzy, Eric, Quinn and then notice Johnson standing off in the corner. Mason sees where I’m looking. “He turned on Jacob and the other members. He came and found us and helped get to you.” I nod. “He ran out of here right before we were attacked. I think he was supposed to stay and help them, but he gave us a heads up instead. I guess it gave us a little bit of time to get ready.” I shrug. I feel bad for Izzy, she was kind of starting to like him, but I don’t know what to do about him now. Did I see him as a traitor even though in the end he helped us? Ugh, I don’t know, my brain is to fried right now. Everyone looks to be ok, just worn out. Suddenly a thought rips through me. “Oh my God! Cameron, where is Sarah? Is she ok?” Cameron nods. “Cammie, she’s’ fine. We left her and two guards at the house locked in the safe room. No one can get in or out. We need to get back though, she’s probably freaking out.” He rubs his hand on the back of his neck.

  We head towards the house and I gasp at the carnage that was left behind while we were held up in the gym. I look at Mason and Sam. “How many from the packs did we lose?” Mason shakes his head. “I’m not positive but I think I only lost three that were loyal to me. I’m not gonna count Jacob and his men, they were no longer pack when this started.” His face is set in stone as he speaks and my heart breaks for the pain that he’s feeling. “We lost four, they were good men. They died fighting for a worthy cost and were proud to do so.” Sam nods but my heart breaks again and tears start to pool in my eyes. Those men dies trying to save me, trying to keep a man from killing me. This was all because of me. “

  This was all my fault.” I whisper as I look around at everything. The bodies and the damage of everything. Mason grabs me and pulls me to him. The look on his face is a serious one. “Cammie, you listen to me. The men that fought here today did it because they wanted to. It’s what they were trained to do. You are their Alpha’s mate, their Alpha’s daughter, they would lay their lives down for you. It’s how they are programed. They all died an honorable death and they are proud of that, each and everyone of them. Don’t take that away from them.” He looks me in the eyes, and I nod. Understanding what he’s saying as I continue to the house. As we approach the house I take in the scene and notice that some of our pack members have gathered to clean up the mess out front. I smile at the scene. Mason goes to greet one of the members and goes over what needs to be done and then returns to me. He’s afraid to leave my side, I don’t blame him I don’t want to leave him either. Walking in the house I let out a sigh, I just want to shower and get some sleep, but I need to see Sarah and make sure she’s ok first. Cameron runs downstairs to gather her and I let out a scream when I see her. She runs to me and hugs me when she sees me. “Oh God Cammie, I was so worried about you. I’m so glad that you are safe.” She pulls me into the biggest hug. I laugh and squeeze her tight. “I’m so happy you’re ok as well Sarah. I don’t know what I would have done if anything would have happened to you. You’re ok right? The baby’s ok?” She nods. “Yeah, Cameron and Mason got me into the safe room as soon as they saw the other guys outside, so I was safe.” I nod. “Thank God.” Izzy walks over and pulls Sarah into a hug as well. “I’m glad you’re ok, Mamma. We need you and that baby safe.” She smiles at her and Sarah hugs her back. “You too, Izzy. I can’t have my baby’s Aunt’s hurt. We need you guys around.” Both Izzy and I start smiling and our eyes start filling with tears as we all hug.

  Everyone has settled down for the night, it’s been one Hell of a day. I’m laying in bed, wrapped around Mason and the events of the day are going through my mind. “I can see your mind going a mile a minute sweetheart. Want to talk about it?” He kisses the top of my head and I sigh. “I was actually scared today Mason. I mean like actually scared. When we got ambushed at the gym I didn’t know if we were gonna make it out of there. When the first set of guys came through it was bad, Izzy got hurt and for a second I didn’t know if she was gonna recover. I had to fight dirty and they just kept coming.” I shiver at the memory and he holds me tighter. “It’s ok baby, it’s over. You did what you had to do to get everyone you love out safe.” I nod. “I know but I feel like I should have done something different. I broke the shifter rules, we don’t use weapons, we use our resources, our bodies. I used a knife to kill that wolf, I cheated. I know in a way they probably were as well, but it still feels wrong.” I shake my head at the thought. He grabs my head so I’m looking at him. “Cammie, listen to me. You have nothing to feel guilty or wrong about. You saved Izzy. Tha
t’s all that matters. You were ambushed by a pack of wolves and men that were jacked up on some type of chemicals or steroids that Micah had given them. So, in my book they cheated as well.” I nod, I guess he has a point. He leans down and crashes his lips into mine and I growl at the taste of him. Just a couple of hours ago I didn’t know if I would ever be able to taste him again. As I was facing Micah, I was terrified that I would never see Mason again, afraid that I would never have the pleasure of my mate again. I wrap my body around his as he pulls me on top of him and holds me tight. The feel of his hands as he runs them up and down my body makes my skin break out in goosebumps and a moan escapes me. He trails kisses across my jaw and down my neck, sucking on that sweet spot behind my ear. My hands find his hard length ready for me and I stroke him up and down as a growl escapes him. He flips me over so he’s on top and soon his hands are between my legs and have found the wetness between my legs. I’m so wet that I’m dripping down my thighs. He slips in one finger then two and I cry out as they push in and out. His palm pushes against my clit and as soon as his other hand reaches my breasts I explode, my orgasm ripping through me fast and hard. I’ve barley caught my breath before he slams into me and is thrusting in and out, so hard that the bed is slamming against the wall. My nails are pressed into his back, drawing blood causing him to groan with pleasure. I don’t even recognize the sounds that are coming from the mouth, I just know that the feelings that I’m feeling are something that I never want to let go of. We both release at the same time, him collapsing on top of me and as we snuggle close together, I realize that I never want to be anywhere else. No matter what we go through this is where I belong. “I love you, Mason. With everything I am.”


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