Arkham (Bones MC 5)

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Arkham (Bones MC 5) Page 6

by Marteeka Karland

  “You were very brave today, Rain. I’ve never seen someone fight the way you did.”

  “I lost my head,” she muttered, ashamed he’d witnessed her fear and recognized it for what it was.

  “You won a hard-fought battle inside your mind, one you had no control over. You won.”

  “Only because you and the others were there. You didn’t give me much choice.”

  “Rain, you were the one to lead us into that tunnel. You led us through the whole damned mess. You should have told me before we started. We might have found a better way.”

  She sat up a little, looking back at him over her shoulder. “And leave that little boy down there one second longer than he had to be? No. I couldn’t allow that.”

  He grinned at her as if she’d just proven his point. “Told you you were brave.”

  Rain grunted at him, not feeling the least bit brave but wanting the comfort of his touch. She leaned back, letting him continue to wash and massage her body with those big, rough hands of his. It wasn’t long before she fell into some kind of trance, just closing her eyes and letting him work her body into a puddle of goo.

  For a long time she sat there, completely relaxed against Arkham’s hard chest, his strong arms surrounding her, those wonderfully rough hands molding and shaping her body. The next thing she knew, Rain heard someone crying, then sobbing uncontrollably. She opened her eyes and sat up, looking around her, needing to go to whoever was in such distress. When Arkham pulled her back to him, turning her over so she was lying against him chest to chest, she realized the person in such distress was her. It was like a veil slowly being lifted and the moment solidifying from a murky haze.

  “Shhh,” he whispered. “I’ve got you, and no one will ever hurt you again. I’ll kill anyone even tryin’ to get near you.”

  She clung to Arkham like she’d never done at any time in her life with anyone else. Rain was the strong one, the one everyone else leaned on. She was the one who’d gone back into those tunnels and gotten boys and girls out even after she’d made it out herself. In all that time, she’d never had anyone to lean on. Now, Arkham was there. He was there, and he was hell on wheels. She knew he could back up his words if for no other reason than he had his brothers backing him up. These guys were the real deal. And so was Arkham.

  “I’m sorry.” Rain was deeply embarrassed to lose control like this. Never in her life had she broken down to such a degree. “I’m so sorry.”

  Arkham rubbed her back up and down, kissing her forehead as he continued his gentle massage. “You’ve got nothin’ to be sorry for. You helped us save that kid. Only you could have taken us through that place.”

  “I never would have made it out --”

  “You could have taken us back the way we came in. We’d have probably killed several, but you could have done it. Instead, you chose to take us out a way you knew would have fewer people and raise less attention. You saved more lives than just little Tobie’s. Now, can you tell me about this? I can’t make it go away, but I can be the one you share this with.”

  “There’s not much to tell,” she started. “I got caught. In that same tunnel. Four came from the front. Three from the back. I killed one of them. Fought off two more before the rest overwhelmed me. They kept me chained in those tunnels for three weeks before I was able to escape. During that time…” She swallowed, shuddering uncontrollably before continuing. “That’s when I got most of those scars on my body. But the girls I went in to save got out. I knew the gang was on to us and sent the girls a different way.”

  “So, you deliberately put yourself in harm’s way to save others?”

  She shrugged. “I never thought about it that way. Those girls would’ve never survived down there. They’d been taken from their homes in the city. I was raised there. It was hard on me, but they’d have died.”

  “Looks like you nearly did, if the scars over your body are any indication.”

  It struck Rain then how unappealing she was to look at. Now, she’d taken the one thing she had -- her strength -- and thrown it away.

  She turned over, standing in the tub before climbing out of the oversized thing and grabbing a towel. Somehow, standing there, knowing Arkham was watching her was worse torture than what she’d endured in that stupid tunnel and the weeks following her capture. Rain tried to turn her profile to him so he couldn’t see so much, but she knew he’d never forget the one really good look he’d gotten of her. She was scarred. Ugly.

  Again, tears coursed down her face, even more unforgivable this time because it was over a man. Rain could honestly say she had never even considered wanting a man, even for a temporary fling. Growing up in the environment she had, sex wasn’t even an afterthought. It was a way for men to exert dominance over women. When she’d offered herself before, it was because she felt she owed Arkham for not letting his club harm her and because she’d wanted it to be on her own terms. If it was going to happen, it would be when she chose with the man she chose. Now, she found she honestly wanted the experience with Arkham. But not like this. Not as a pity fuck.

  Without a word, Arkham stood behind her, stepping out of the tub himself. She made two steps toward the door when he grabbed her arm. “Stay, Rain.” His voice was soft, not like the man she knew he could be. This man was gentle. It made matters worse because she knew he was a man who took what he wanted, yet he wasn’t making a move on her.

  “Let me go.”

  “If that’s what you want,” he said, not letting go of her arm. Instead, he pulled her to him, turning her so she had to face him.

  Her gaze landed squarely on his muscled, hair-dusted chest. Of their own accord, her hands landed there, tracing the contours lovingly. He was just as scarred as she was, only from battle. His body was perfectly made, thick muscle and tantalizing sinew dancing with every movement. Tattoos covered places with a piece of what she knew was significant art from his time in the military or his brotherhood with Bones MC. In a word, he was beautiful.

  Again, tears sprang to her eyes though she tried to blink them back. Very gently, Arkham framed her face with his hands, forcing her to look up at him. She saw anything but pity in his eyes. There was a hunger that went bone deep. A need she wasn’t sure she could ever satisfy, mainly because she had no experience in pleasing a man.

  “I know I’m ugly, Arkham,” she began, but he cut her off by lowering his head to hers and taking her mouth in a kiss.

  His kiss started out gentle, coaxing her to kiss him back. Once she did, when she lapped at his tongue, he deepened the kiss. Aggression and a deep, all-consuming lust poured from him. Rain knew she probably matched those same traits with her own kiss. Arkham was like no man she’d ever met in her life. He was dangerous and unpredictable, but he was a man with a fierce protective nature. She knew in her heart he meant it when he said he’d keep her safe. The question was, did he actually want her or was he doing this because he didn’t want to hurt her feelings?

  “Stop,” she whispered. “Arkham, I…”

  “You what? Don’t want me? Because I won’t believe that. You want me or you wouldn’t have initiated sex in the shower.”

  “Not if you don’t want me,” she said. “I’m not any kind of catch. I come with baggage and all these scars.”

  “I have scars of my own. While each and every one of yours pains me, it also shows me your strength. You survived and became this wonderful, compassionate, courageous woman.” He kissed her again, nipping her bottom lip. “I want you, baby. When I told you you were coming with Bones, that was code for you’re coming with me.”

  Rain couldn’t help the smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Arkham was a force she was unable to resist and didn’t want to. She’d take what he gave her and do her best to not let her heart get involved.

  Chapter Seven

  When Arkham wrapped his arms around Rain, he knew he’d come home. She clung to him sweetly, kissing him back with as much passion as he felt for her. He straightened, lift
ing her off the floor, and Rain wrapped her legs around him. Making it to the bed was difficult, but she needed him gentle. He needed to explore her body, learn what she liked and what she loved. Rain wasn’t yet convinced he meant to keep her, but before they left for Kentucky, she’d know he meant business.

  Once they were on the bed, Arkham wedged himself between her thighs, rocking his hips to position his cock over her mound. He intended to tease her like he’d done in the shower before he took her. There was no question she’d had sex before, but Arkham was certain she had never done so because of her own need. It had probably always been in payment for something. He intended to show her another side of sex. One he hoped she’d become addicted to.

  His full weight resting on her, Arkham pressed her into the mattress, kissing her over and over. Rain clutched at his shoulders, shaped them and his arms with her small, delicate hands. He let his fingers tangle in the length of her hair, tugging occasionally just to gain that little gasp from her when the pain bit into her scalp. He knew that little pain would intensify the pleasure. Sure enough, the third time he flexed his fingers she cried out and wrapped her legs around him once again, lifting herself to make contact with her clit over his dick. That was his cue to back off.

  He kissed her face from her forehead over both temples and cheeks to her chin. When she arched her neck to give him better access, Arkham took advantage. Her hands flew to his head, her fingers tunneling through his hair to hang on.

  Arkham used his beard to trail over her skin, trying to stimulate her as much as he could. Soon, he had her writhing beneath him before he even got to her breasts. Once he took the peak of one into his mouth and sucked gently, Rain was a screaming mass of nerves.

  Her responses were so real and raw Arkham was humbled to be the man to unleash all that passion. On the heels of that thought came the ruthless one that he would be the only man to have her passion. Rain was his, and he’d damn well never let her go.

  Rain had a compact body, small and slight but sculpted with fine muscle. Her breasts were small, and Arkham hungrily enveloped one in his mouth, sucking and flicking her nipple as he groaned and growled around it. Before he realized what he was doing, Arkham found himself grinding his cock into the sheets of the bed in time to Rain’s movement against his belly where she pressed her clit against him.

  Control was a tenuous thing. Arkham held on to his by sheer force of will. As Rain squirmed her little body beneath him, Arkham knew she was unable to find her own control, and he didn’t want her to. He wanted her lost in the moment and that was exactly what he got.

  After lavishing attention on her other breast, Arkham moved to her belly, dipping his tongue into her navel and nipping the flesh just below. By now, Rain had her legs spread wide, her knees bent and pulled up so he had free access to her.

  Arkham hovered just over her sex, drawing out the moment. Rain’s eyes were glazed over, wide and wild. She repeatedly thrust her hips up to him, wanting what came next but not voicing what she needed.

  “Talk to me, baby,” he encouraged. Arkham wanted her engaged, an active participant. He wanted her to know who was doing this to her and wanted her to give him direction.

  “Why did you stop?” she gasped out.

  “Tell me what you want me to do.” Arkham hardly recognized his own voice. He was actually shaking, he was so engrossed in Rain. “Tell me, baby.”

  “Arkham, I don’t know what I want! I just… I just want you to keep doing what you’re doing!”

  “Do you want my mouth on your pretty little cunt?”

  “Oh, God!” She whimpered, and her body broke out in a sweat, shuddering under him. “Please do that!”

  With a growl, Arkham latched on to her pussy, licking her clit and lapping up the juice that spilled from her body. Holding her legs open, Arkham lapped and sucked to his heart’s content. For long, long minutes, he lost himself in her cries and the evidence her body provided that she loved what he was doing. No woman had ever tasted sweeter. No woman had ever responded so honestly and unabashedly. The effect was intoxicating to Arkham. It was as if his whole life he’d been waiting for this one woman. She was too young for him, but there was no way he was giving her up.

  Finally, she tugged his hair, pulling him up her body so she could kiss him once again. Her arms wound around him, her legs. She constantly whimpered and cried out. Her body was drenched in sweat. Arkham was in awe of the sight she made, of the feel of her lithe body beneath his.

  Arkham pulled away, reaching for the nightstand, but Rain was having none of it. She wanted him inside her that second. “Arkham,” she gasped.

  “I’ve got you, honey. Just give me a minute.”

  “No! Arkham!” Rain pulled him to her with her legs, crossing her ankles and locking him to her. “Now!”

  “Baby, I’m just trying to protect you. I swear I’m not leaving.”

  “Unh!” She reached between them to find his cock and guided him into her. She and Arkham both cried out.

  “Fuck!” Arkham threw back his head as he sank into her as far as he could go. Rain pulled him to her, clawing at his shoulders until his full weight was on her. She kept his body close, clinging to him, moving with him as he surged into her. The sensations were strange but so fucking good! She was consumed by him and the sensations he effortlessly created within her.

  It wasn’t long before pleasure overwhelmed her. Her body spiraled out of control, building to a weeping crescendo of intensity so profound she knew she’d be forever changed. Never would she be able to think about this act of sex without remembering Arkham and how he’d so generously and wonderfully introduced her to how it could be between a man and a woman.

  She screamed, unable to voice what was happening to her. Tears spilled from her eyes as she came in wave after wave of blistering pleasure. Seconds later, Arkham’s big body shuddered above her. He threw back his head and shouted his completion and came deep inside her. It was then she realized what he’d been trying to do before. He’d wanted to use a condom and she’d refused to let him. For her part, she wasn’t sorry. She honestly didn’t want it any other way. What she’d experienced in his arms was complete with his seed inside her, no matter how irresponsible.

  When he collapsed on top of her, breathing as heavily as she was, she stroked his back over and over, never wanting the moment to pass.

  “Are you OK?” His voice was husky from his shouts. “I tried to protect you, but when you took me inside you…”

  “I’m not sorry,” she said, honestly. “Everything about this was perfect.” She was still crying and tried to pull herself together. “That was the most beautiful thing,” she whispered. “So beautiful.”

  “You’re beautiful,” he said with so much feeling Rain found she believed him. He actually did find her beautiful despite her scars.

  “I’m not very experienced at this,” she confessed. “I don’t know how to please you, but I’m willing to learn if you’ll teach me.”

  Arkham chuckled, rolling them to their sides but still holding her close. “I have no doubt you’ll be a star pupil.”

  With a groan, he pulled out of her and kissed her forehead. “I’ll be right back,” he whispered. He disappeared into the bathroom and brought back a wet washcloth. He cleaned her then tossed the cloth back into the bathroom before climbing back into bed with her and pulling her into his arms.

  One hand stroked her back lazily, lulling her into a kind of catharsis. All the anger and paralyzing fear she’d felt before they’d made love vanished with his gentle caresses. The lovemaking had pushed them away, but in the aftermath, his touch alone kept everything at bay, giving her time to make peace with herself. No matter what happened from here on out, Rain knew she’d never be the same. As she lay there in Arkham’s arms, she realized that this change wasn’t a bad thing.

  * * *

  The ride back to Kentucky and the Bones compound was long. By the halfway point -- three hours in -- Rain was second-guessing herse
lf in a major way. Sure, the sex had been great, and she and Arkham seemed to have bonded, but there were so many dynamics she was unsure about. She hoped that, once they stopped and she could be at his side again, he’d alleviate her fears just by being near her. Rain certainly had no intention of confessing her insecurities to him.

  All the men but Trucker had ridden their bikes. Arkham had put her in the chase vehicle with Trucker, telling her it was too cold for her to ride. Trucker had proved a pleasant companion, but he didn’t talk about anything personal. Like Arkham. Rain got the impression the men had known each other a very long time, but he refused to talk about Arkham in a personal manner except to tell her he’d never allowed a woman to stay with him more than a few nights. If that. It didn’t give her much confidence. In fact, she was starting to rethink the whole situation.

  They didn’t stop the whole six hours, just kept rolling. Several times she looked out one of the side windows of the RV and spotted Arkham. He never looked at her. She supposed he needed to concentrate on the road, especially with as cold as it had to be riding that stupid bike in January, but it still stung. She felt like he was pulling away from her and there was nothing she could do about it. Several times, she watched the men interacting with each other. She was sure they were talking but it was a circle she wasn’t included in.

  “Not long now, girl,” Trucker called to her over his shoulder. “Half an hour.”

  “Good to know.”

  It wasn’t. If things turned out badly, what was she going to do? She had no way to support herself or even to get back home. She was stuck here with a man nearly twice her age with more experience in everything. There was nothing she could contribute to his life. He was the warrior. He was the lover. She was… a body.

  By the time they pulled into the parking lot of the clubhouse, Rain had worked herself up into a fit of nerves. She put on her coat and stepped out of the RV. The men pulled their bikes into a huge garage on the side of the building before shaking hands and slapping each other on the back in congratulations for a job well done.


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